• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근사 엔트로피 검정

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On discernment of plain and cipher text using the entropy test (엔트로피 방법을 이용한 평문.암호문 식별방법에 관한 연구)

  • 차경준;류제선
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institutes of Information Security and Cryptology Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2001
  • 암호 알고리즘 출력문에 대한 난수성 검정들은 평문과 암호문 식별에 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 실제로, 난수열의 생성자는 비밀키의 생성자와 같은 많은 암호체계에서 사용되고 있으며, 이때 사용되고 있는 난수열은 모의 난수라고 한다. 따라서, 이진수열에 대한 난수성을 검정하는 통계적 검정방법이나 다른 이론적 기준이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 모의난수열이 갖고 있는 난수성 판정에 관하여 universal 엔트로피 검정방법과 근사 엔트로피 검정방법을 이용하며, 위의 두 방법에 대한 각각의 이론적인 배경과 모의실험을 통한 판정기준을 제공한다.

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A Test of Fit for Inverse Gaussian Distribution Based on the Probability Integration Transformation (확률적분변환에 기초한 역가우스분포에 대한 적합도 검정)

  • Choi, Byungjin
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.611-622
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    • 2013
  • Mudholkar and Tian (2002) proposed an entropy-based test of fit for the inverse Gaussian distribution; however, the test can be applied to only the composite hypothesis of the inverse Gaussian distribution with an unknown location parameter. In this paper, we propose an entropy-based goodness-of-fit test for an inverse Gaussian distribution that can be applied to the composite hypothesis of the inverse Gaussian distribution as well as the simple hypothesis of the inverse Gaussian distribution with a specified location parameter. The proposed test is based on the probability integration transformation. The critical values of the test statistic estimated by simulations are presented in a tabular form. A simulation study is performed to compare the proposed test under some selected alternatives with Mudholkar and Tian (2002)'s test in terms of power. The results show that the proposed test has better power than the previous entropy-based test.

Use of the estimated critical values adapting a regression equation for the approximate entropy test

  • Cha, Kyung-Joon;Ryu, Je-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2002
  • The statistical testing methods have been widely recognized to determine the plain and cipher texts. In fact, the randomness for a sequence from an encryption algorithm is necessary to guarantee security and reliance of cipher algorithm. Thus, the statistical randomness tests are used to discover cipher text. In this paper, we would provide the critical value for an approximate entropy test by estimating the nonlinear regression equation when the number of sequence and the level of significance are given. Thus, we can discern plan and cipher text for real problem with given number of sequence and the level of significance. Also, we confirm the fitness of the estimated critical values from the rate of success for plain or cipher text.

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An invisible watermarking scheme using the SVD (특이치 분해를 이용한 비가시적 워터마크 기법)

  • 유주연;유지상;김동욱;김대경
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.11C
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    • pp.1118-1122
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a new invisible digital watermarking scheme based on wavelet transform using singular value decomposition. Embedding process is started by decomposing the lowest frequency band image with 3${\times}$3 block among which we define the watermark block chosen by a key set; entropy and condition number of the block. A watermark is embedded in the singular values of each watermark blocks. This provides a robust watermarking in lowest possible time-frequency domain. To detect the watermark, we are locally modeling an attack as 3${\times}$3 matrices on the watermark blocks. Combining with the SVD and the attack matrices, we estimate watermark set corresponding to the watermark blocks. In each watermark block, we determine an optimal watermark which is justified by the T-testing. A numerical experiment shows that the proposed watermarking scheme efficiently detects the watermarks from several JPEG attacks.

Heart Rate Variability and Lipid Profile in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder (주요우울장애 환자에서의 심박변이도와 혈중 지질 농도와의 연관성)

  • Ahn, Eun-Jung;Choi, Jin-Sook;Jang, Yong-Lee;Lee, Hae-Woo;Sim, Hyun-Bo
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a useful non-invasive tool to investigate the autonomic nerve function. Previous studies on the relationship between HRV and depression have been reported controversial results. Similarly, the correlation between the serum lipids and depression is debatable. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between heart rate variability, lipid profile and depression. Methods: A total of 42 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 32 age and sex-matched normal subjects who had no previous history of major medical and mental illnesses were recruited for this study. A structured-interview was used to assess the general characteristics and psychiatric illness. HRV measures were assessed by time-domain and frequency-domain analyses. Psychological symptoms were measured using the Hamilton rating scale for anxiety (HAM-A), Hamilton rating scale for depression (HAM-D). In addition, the evaluation for lipid profile was performed by blood test. Results: In serum lipid profile test, MDD group showed higher cholesterol ($197.68{\pm}42.94$ mg/dL vs. $176.85{\pm}34.68$ mg/dL, p=0.044), TG ($139.45{\pm}92.54$ mg/dL vs. $91.4{\pm}65.68$ mg/dL, p=0.018), LDL ($130.03{\pm}33.18$ vs. $106.62{\pm}27.08$, p=0.004) level than normal control group. In HRV time domain analyses, the standard deviation of the NN interval (SDNN) was decreased in MDD group than normal control group, but was not significant ($32.82{\pm}14.33$ ms vs. $40.36{\pm}21.40$ms, p=0.078). ApEn (Approximate Entrophy) was significantly increased in MDD group than normal control group ($1.13{\pm}0.11$ vs. $0.91{\pm}0.18$, p<0.001). ApEn was correlated with LDL level (r=0.277, p=0.028), HAM-D scores (r=0.534, p<0.001) and HAM-A scores (r=0.470, p<0.001). Conclusions: MDD patients showed increased ApEn, one of the HRV measurement. And this ApEn was correlated with LDL, HAM-D and HAM-A scores. In this study, the analysis of ApEn would be a useful test of MDD.