• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근막 통증 증후군

검색결과 27건 처리시간 0.023초

경견부 근막통증증후군에 대한 침치료 효과와 압통역치의 변화 (Effects of Acupuncture on Upper Back Myofascial Pain and Pain Pressure Threshold)

  • 조성규;서정철;최도영;김용석
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • Objective : This study was performed to confirm the effects of acupuncture on myofascial pain syndrome(MPS) through the change of visual analogue scale(VAS) and pain pressure threshold(PPT) and the usefulness of pressure algometer on the evaluation of pain. Methods : We perfomed this study with 20 outpatients complaining of upper back pain. Before acupuncture therapy(AT), immediately after AT and 2-3 days after AT, we respectively checked visual analogue scale(VAS) and pain pressure threshold(PPT) through pressure algometer, with patients seated and relaxed. The PPT was checked at major trigger point of upper trapezius, levator scapulae, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, rhomboideus minor. and the patients were needled at the same points and maintained for 15 minutes. Results : VAS of immediately after AT was mild higher than that of before AT, but not significantly different. and VAS of 2-3 days after AT was significantly lower than before AT and immediately after AT. PPT of immediately after AT was lower than before PT, but not significantly different. PPT of 2-3 days after AT was significantly higher than that of before AT and immediately after AT. Also PPT was significantly correlated with VAS. Conclusion : PPT of omen was signicantly lower than that of men. and there was no significant difference by age. PPT was increased according to pain duration. Effectiveness of acupuncture on myofascial pain syndrome through PPT and VAS is showed at 2-3 days after AT rather than immediatly after AT. and pressure algometer is useful for the evaluation of Acupuncture therapy on myofascial pain syndrome.

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키네시오 테이핑 요법과 상지 협응 운동이 견관절 근막동통증후군의 통증과 기능에 미치는 효과 (Effects of Kinesio Taping and Upper Coordination Exercises on Pain and Function of Shoulder Myofascial Pain Syndrome)

  • 송현승;김태원;박성두
    • 대한정형도수물리치료학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the effects of kinesio taping and coordination exercise on the myofascial pain syndrome and shoulder function. Methods: The patients with myofascial pain syndrome were participated in this study and divided randomly 2 groups. Control group (n=22) was taken only physical therapy program. Experimental group (n=22) was taken physical therapy with Kinesio taping and coordination exercise. The Kinesio taping in experimental group applied on levator scapulae and supraspinatus. The coordination exercise performed in supine position and sitting position on 15 times during 10 seconds each positions. We measured the pain degree using visual analog scale (VAS), pain rating score (PRS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), myofascial pain subjects symptoms index and shoulder motor function using constant shoulder assessment scale; CSA before and after experiment. Results: The significant test of CSA, myofascial pain subjects symptoms index, VAS, PRS according to applying the Kinesio taping and coordination exercise between groups used ANCOVA. In the result following analysis, there was significance on VAS (F=13.071, p=.031), PRS (F=12.130, p=.014), PPT (F=7.378, p=.016), CSA (F=5.302, p=.026) between control group and experimental group. Conclusion: Then, Kinesio taping and coordination exercise has benefit on the VAS, PRS, PPT, CSA in patients with myofascial pain syndrome. So, it may suggest that Kinesio taping combined with coordination exercise will be helpful of the pain and shoulder function improvement the patients with myofascial pain syndrome.

근막통증증후군의 한의표준임상진료지침 개발 프로토콜 (Development Protocol of Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline for Myofascial Pain Syndrome)

  • 전병현;우현준;하원배;김청수;이정한
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2023
  • Objectives This study aimed to develop a Korean medicine (KM) clinical practice guideline for myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) via the collaboration of clinical and methodological experts. Methods The study will include an initial survey to establish a common understanding of MPS. To develop the clinical guideline, a multidisciplinary development group was formed. The group will finalize the clinical questions based on a preliminary draft. The GRADE methodology is going to be applied to determine the level of evidence and grading of the recommendations. Finally, approval from the relevant medical societies will be obtained. Results A protocol for developing a KM clinical guideline for MPS was presented. Before finalizing the clinical key questions, a literature search was conducted according to the protocol, and a draft of 19 clinical key questions was established. Conclusions An evidence-based KM clinical guideline for MPS is expected to contribute to the management of MPS. This may also serve as a reference for the development of other KM clinical practice guidelines in the future.

비기능적 습관에 의한 전반적인 마모 환자의 고딕아치 기록장치 및 교합안정장치를 통한 완전 구강 회복 증례 (Full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severe tooth wear using a gothic arch tracer and stabilization splint.)

  • 주성우
    • 대한심미치과학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2023
  • 비기능적 습관을 가진 환자는 턱관절 장애, 저작 근육의 근막통증증후군 등과 함께 치아의 광범위한 마모를 유발한다. 지속되는 교모는 수직교합고경의 감소를 동반하게 되며 이는 안모의 변화, 저작 효율 저하, 측두하악 관절 장애 등의 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 이런 수직교합고경 감소 환자의 3차원적인 교합 회복과 재구성을 위해서는 정확한 진단 및 분석과 예지성 있는 치료계획 수립이 필요하며, 생리적인 수직교합고경의 회복 및 정상적인 교합평면 재설정을 동반한 보철치료가 필요하다. 본 증례는 구강 악습관에 의한 전반적인 치아의 마모와 저작근의 불편감, 그리고 수직교합고경 감소로 인한 심미적 불만족을 호소하는 환자의 수직교합고경 증가를 동반한 완전 구강 회복 증례이다. 교합안정장치를 통한 측두하악관절의 안정과 고딕아치 기록장치를 이용한 악간관계 재설정 및 임시 수복물을 통한 경과 관찰을 통해 기능적, 심미적으로 좋은 결과를 보였기에 이를 보고하고자 한다.

잠재적인 무릎넙다리 통증 증후군 환자에게 미세전류를 이용한 IASTM과 플로싱 밴드 적용이 하지 근막의 두께 변화에 미치는 즉각적 효과 (Immediate Effect of the Application of IASTM Using Microcurrent and a Flossing Band and on Changes in the Thickness of the Lower Extremity Fascia in Patients with Intrinsic Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

  • 김세훈;유성훈;김태원;김성환;박세진
    • 대한정형도수물리치료학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study examined the Immediate effects of IASTM using microcurrent and the flossing band on the lower extremity fascia thickness in subjects with Intrinsic patellofemoral pain syndrome. Methods: Sixty-six subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome were randomized into three groups (22 each in the microcurrent IASTM (instrument assisted soft-tissue mobilization) group, and flossing band group, and combined microcurrent IASTM and flossing band group) to evaluate the immediate effects of the lower extremity fascia thickness before and after intervention. The thickness of the lower extremity fascia was measured using an ultrasound machine. Using SPSS Window. 22.0, a Shapiro Wilk was conducted to test the normality of all variables; within-group comparisons were made with a paired-samples t-test, and between-group interventions were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance. Results: Changes in the thickness of the fascia in the thigh area were observed before and after intervention in all three groups. There was a significant decrease, and in the combined group, there was a significant decrease in fascia thickness compared to when the IASTM group and the flossing band group were applied separately (p<.05). Conclusion: Through this study, the effect on fascia thickness was confirmed when IASTM and flossing band intervention were combined, and it is believed that it can be used as basic clinical data for patients with knee-thigh pain syndrome.

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근막통증증후군에 대한 한의 치료의 국내외 연구동향 분석 스코핑 리뷰 (Analysis of Research Trends in Korean Medicine Treatments for Myofascial pain syndrome: A Scoping Review)

  • 신영재;신봉진;이연우;박선영;허인;황만석;황의형;신병철
    • 척추신경추나의학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2024
  • Objectives This study aims to explore the trends of Korean Medicine treatments for Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) using a scoping review. Based on analyzing trends and results, we provide a comprehensive overview and suggest directions for future research in Korean Medicine treatments. Methods The study analyzed the trends in Korean medicine treatments for MPS over the past 20 years by using the scoping review method proposed by Arksey & O'Malley. Researchers searched databases including three international databases(PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Libaray) and three domestic databases(Science ON, KMBASE, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System) using keywords such as "Myofascial Pain Syndrome", "Myofascial pain" and various Korean medicine treatments. Results A total of 30 studies were included in this review. The number of studies has increased over the last decade. Most studies were conducted in Asia, particularly China. Acupuncture was the most frequently studied intervention, used in 43.4% of the studies. The main outcomes of the studies used VAS, NRS, MPQ, ROM and PPT. Although 18 studies showed significant benefits from Korean medicine treatments, there was inconsistency in evaluation methods and treatment protocols. Conclusions This study reviews the current trends in research on Korean medicine treatments for MPS. However, there is a need for more standardized research to establish the efficacy of various Korean medicine treatments. Future studies should focus on standardized evaluation criteria and expanding the range of treatments explored to build a stronger evidence base.

경추근막통증증후군에 대한 초음파 유도하 약침 치료 3례 증례보고 (Case Report on Three Patients with Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome Showing Improvement with Ultrasound-Guided Pharmacopuncture: Proposal of the 'SLS Triangle' Treatment Protocol)

  • 추홍민;박성준;남태광;김광호;권준휘;홍현준;송주환;권상혁;김재효;정혜인;김경한;권오빈
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : Cervical myofascial pain syndrome (C-MPS), a key aspect of Visual Display Terminals (VDT) Syndrome, leads to acute and chronic pain due to muscle shortening, potentially causing headaches and movement disorders. This study examines the effectiveness of Pharmacoacupuncture at the intersection of the Splenius Capitis (SC), Levator Scapulae (LS), and Serratus Posterior Superior(SPS) muscles under ultrasound guidance, known as the "SLS triangle" in treating C-MPS. Methods : Three patients (aged 30 to 37) with acute C-MPS presented at two Korean medicine clinics with severe neck pain and restricted cervical rotation. The evaluation of symptoms before treatment, immediately after treatment, and one day after treatment was conducted using the cervical rotation Range of motion (ROM) and the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) for cervical pain. Treatments included Acupuncture, Cupping therapy, Chuna manipulation, Physical Therapy, and Pharmacopuncture (Jaha-geo extract, 2cc at the SLS triangle). Results : All three patients showed significant improvement post-treatment. Immediately after treatment, Patient 1's NRS improved from 7 to 2, Patient 2's NRS improved from 4 to 1, and Patient 3's NRS improved from 6 to 2. Directly after the procedure, there were no significant adverse reactions except for one patient experiencing temporary dizziness. When the patients were followed up by phone 24 hours later, no adverse reactions were reported. Conclusions : This study demonstrates that ultrasound-guided pharmacopuncture can significantly reduce pain and improve cervical rotation in patients with cervical myofascial pain syndrome. The findings suggest this non-invasive treatment is both safe and effective, warranting further research through larger-scale clinical trials to validate its efficacy and establish standardized protocols.