• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근대시

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PROPESTICIDE란 무엇인가? - 안전성 향상, 약효증진, 사용의 편리성 도모 - 기존농약 결점보완한 신농약

  • 이영득
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • v.11 no.4 s.97
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1990
  • 근대농업에 있어 병해충 및 잡초로부터 작물을 보호하기 위한 화학적 방제법의 이용은 필수적이다. 그러나 이러한 화학적 방제시 사용되는 대부분의 유기농약들은 많건 적건간에 인축에 대한 독작용이나 환경오염과 같은 부작용을 나타낼 가능성이 있어 그 대책으로 고선택성 또는 고효율의 신농약을 개발, 안전성을 향상시키고자 하는 노력이 활발히 이루어져 왔다. 이러한 결과의 하나로 최근 propesticide(前驅的 農藥)란 형태의 신농약들이 실용화되고 있는바, 이를 간략히 소개하고자 한다.

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THE PAPYRUS CODEX -A SURVEY- (파피러스 코덱스에 관한 고찰)

  • Park Young Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.4
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    • pp.72-85
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    • 1975
  • 일반적으로 파피러스(papyrus)는 4세기에 벨럼(vellum)의 사용으로 그 사용이 대체될 때까지 서양에 있어서 책(冊)의 유일한 재료로서 생각되고 있으며, 또한 파피러스는 두루말이(roll)형태의, 양피지(parchment)는 코덱스(codex) 형태의 도서를 의미하였다고 가정되고 있다. 이 보문(報文)은 문헌조사에 의한 개관으로서, 파피러tm와 코덱스에 대해 각각 서술하였고, 위의 가정을 논했으며, 파피러스 코덱스의 외형에 관하여 기술하였다. 코덱스라는 새로운 형태의 책이 양피지에서부터 시작된 것은 사실이나 두루말이에서부터 코덱스로의 변화가 반드시 도서재료의 변화를 뜻하지는 않는다. 그 최초의 사용시기는 알 수 없으나, 파피러스재료가 코덱스 형태에 차용되었음은 확실하다. 파피러스 코덱스에 대한 참조로서, 84-86년에 쓰여진 마샬(Martial)의 시에서 처음 언급하였으며 카시오도로스 (Cassiodorus)의 저서에 나타난 문귀는 6세기에도 사용되었음을 나타낸다. 확실한 것은 2세기초부터 4세기에 벨럼이 도서의 주재료가 될 때까지 기독교문학 특히 성경에 사용되었음이다. 1897년, 그레코${\cdot}$로망시대의 에집트마을인 옥시링쿠스(Oxyrhnchus)답사에서 그렌휄(Grenfell)과 헌트(Hunt)는 파피러스 책을 처음 발굴하였다. 즉, 200년경에 쓰여진 로기아(Logia;예수교훈집)로서 페이지수가 매겨진 근대도서형태의 단편이었다. 체스터 베이티(Chester Beatty)소장 파피러스는 그 전부가 재료는 파피러스이며, 형태는 코덱스이고, 내용은 기독교문학이다. 이는 파피러스 코덱스가 2세기초부터 기독교도에 치매 사용되어 왔음을 확실하게 말해 준다. 진정한 의미의 도서제본은 파피러스로 만든 코덱스에서 시작되었다. 이는 근대도서와 같이 장(sheet )이나 첩(quire)을 묶어서 제본하였다. 이때의 접는 방법, 배열, 크기 및 종행단(縱行段)에 대해서 기술하였다.

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A Study on the Interior Design Method applied to the Commercialization of the Modern Architectures - 'Minami-za' and 'Shinpu-kan' in Kyoto - (근대건축물의 상업용도 활용사례에 나타난 내부공간 디자인 수법에 관한 연구 - 교토(경도)(京都)시의 '미나미좌(남좌)(南座)'와 '신푸우칸(신풍관)(新風館)'의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Tae-Hee
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2006
  • Careful attentions should be paid on the renovation of historical building, not only because it conservations architectural heritages by affording new roles of the present days, but also determine their successive value in the stream of the preservation of cultural properties. Among drastically-increasing interest in the remodeling of the modem architecture in Korea, it is meaningful to research the cases in Japan since there are precedent, accumulative, and ample example of lengthened time. In this paper, two examples with different renovation concept, 'harmony' and 'confrontation' are compared. 'Minami-za' is the typical example to harmonize the present requirement with the original purpose and the memories of the buildings, where the use and the design are preserved. On the contrary, 'Shinpu-kan' is exemplified as confrontation where everything except the facade and the structure was remodeled. It is suggested to understand 'harmony' and 'confrontation' as a way to the coexistence of 'new' and 'old' on the basic of the historical meaning of architectures, not only as a design trend.

A Study on the facade Expression of the Modern Western Style Architecture in Seoul (서울시 근대 양식건축 파사드의 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wan-Geon;Jung, Rye-Hwa
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2009
  • Urban is made over a long period of time. In the process, architecture involves design characteristics of age and place. In the case of modem western style architecture, just depend on the economic logic, they are continuously threatened during urban changes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to recognize modern western style architecture as valuable things, which represents color of urban, and to seek how it can be reused. This is a process in order to find a new method for conservation and reuse of modern western style architecture. The result are as followings. Modern western style architecture must be recognized as resource, which expresses identity of urban, and found a method for conservation and reuse of facade at least. So we need to search design characteristics of facade. It has been analyzed that assigned modem western style architecture in seoul can be divided into 6 groups. Each group has individual characteristics of facade expression, which is 'dormer', 'vent', 'balustrade', 'cornice', 'dome', 'tower', etc in top part, and 'the shape of window and door', 'the element of ornament', 'finish', etc in middle part.

A Study on the Modernity of Korean Architecture appeared in Yi Sang's Early Poems (이상(李箱)의 초기시에 나타난 한국근대 건축의 '근대성'탐구)

  • Jung, In-Ha
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.8 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 1999
  • Poet, Yi-sang, born in 1910, originally studied architecture in Kyeong Sung High Technical School. He also experienced an architectural practice in Chosun Chongdokbu (the Government office of Japanese empire in Korea) during 4 years. After resigned the post of architectural engineer in 1933, he became a man of letters. Until his death in 1937, he published the writings hard to understand, which remind us of the works of western avant-garde. Because of the peculiarity and difficulty of his poem and novels, he becomes the object of studies by many critics and historians of literature. And he is estimated as the representative of Korean modernism. This study tries to related Yi-sang's early poems to architectural discourse for the search of 'modernity' of Korean modern architecture. His early poems, which is published in from 1931 to 1933, are worthy of notice because they contained a acute shock derived from radically changed spacial structure, the absolute emptiness of the individual happened in the 1930's Seoul. They also show a different attitude from the writings of Park Dongjin and Park Kilryong, the architects contemporary with Yi-Sang. Compared with their writings, Yi sang's early poems had an insight into the totality of modern culture like western avant-gardes. Therefore Yi-sang's early poems can give us a good base to understand the characteristics of 'modernity' of Korean architecture.

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A Study on Preservation and Reuse of Modern Architecture in the City (도심지 근대건축의 보존과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Wan-Geon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated modern architectures adjacent to the road, which can be easily destroyed by economic logic. The purpose of this paper is to find the method to preserve and reuse as townscape. The research methods were used the literature survey and field research of modern architecture in Seoul, and compared with the current status. The result are as followings. Firstly, In order to preserve many architectural cultural properties, the policy related to cultural property should be improved. And, awareness of the individual about cultural property should be changed. Secondly, it has been analyzed that modern architecture can be divided into 3 types in the reuse, which is 'Succession Type', 'Change Type', and 'Extinction Type'. Most of the cases has been used for specific use. Therefore, we should be consider the method of the reuse which can accommodate the various contemporary use. Thirdly, the preservation of the appearance and facade, which is the optimal way to preserve at least the historicity of the city, would be suitable for the preservation of modern architecture adjacent to the road. Lastly, it has been analyzed that the cases can be divided into 2 types in the form of appearance, which is 'Modern Type' and 'Hanok Type'. And, common and individual design guidelines have made.

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Designs of Academic Category and Modern Learning in Nishi Amane and Choe Han-gi's Philosophy (니시 아마네와 최한기의 '학역(學域)'과 근대학문의 구상)

  • 김성근
    • Studies in Philosophy East-West
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    • no.95
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    • pp.95-120
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    • 2020
  • This study compares Nishi Amane and Choi Han-gi's designs of modern learning in 19th century. Nishi and Choi had a strong belief that human learning had advanced in history. Nishi had gained such an idea of academic progress through Comte's empirical philosophy and Western natural science, on the other hand Choi Han-gi came to the idea of such academic progress through studying Western natural science which was translated to Chinese. However, Nishi and Choi were very different in their acceptance of Western natural science into their academic systems and in designing new modern learning. Two goals of Nishi's modern learning were the division of academic disciplines, and the design of integrated academics by an interconnection of academic disciplines. Nishi divided all disciplines into three larger frameworks of Intellectual Science, Physical Science, and Common Science, and placed detailed subjects within them. In particular, Intellectual Science and Physical Science correspond to today's Humanities and Natural Science. Nishi could effectively achieve the classification of such learning by dividing ri(principle) of Confucianism to the laws of the human world and the laws of the physical world. Nishi tried to pursuit Philosophy by again linking these divided disciplines together. In Nishi's academic methodology, the influence of Comte's philosophy of revealing sociology through the study of the natural sciences was well represented. Choi Han-gi also paid attention to the establishment of integrated learning through the distinction of academic studies and reunion of such disciplines. Choi was not as elaborate as Nishi in terms of division of studies. Whereas Nishi divided the learning into Intellectual Science and Physical Science by the distinction of the law of the physical world and the law of human world, Choi Han-Gi thought that all subjects shared the so-called law of ki(vital force). Nishi thought that the reunification of all learning could be achieved by reconnecting the law of the physical world and the law of the human world. As a result, howerer, Nishi's academic chain, and his philosophy was not successful. After Nishi's thinking, Japanese academic society was dominated by Dualistic concepts such as natural sciences and humanities, subjectivity and objectivity, and Nature and humans. Choi's view of dividing all disciplines with the universal law of ki was more vague than Nishi's one. However, Choi's ki-science, although lacking concreteness, was able to escape the dual cognitive structure that East Asians had since Nishi. It is worth noting that Choe's philosophy leaves possibilities for new modern study.

A Study on the city marketing strategy -The case of modern architectures in daejeon city- (도시마케팅 전략에 대한 연구 -대전시 근대역사물의 활용을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, yong-mo;Cheon, myung-hwan;Kim, hyung-jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.239-243
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    • 2009
  • A various regional competitions through the introduction and settlement of a local self-government have been important in city marketing. For city developing, a serial activation polices are come and in this process the native history and cultures have recognized as the core tool of cities. For possession of city competition, we have developed the ciies's tangible and/or intangible cultural properties and make full use of a attractive asset. The city identity is estibilished and the opportunity of a special space is made. This city identity has been dependent on spending time. We suggest the strategy for city image through the historical element and the development of program for the promotion of publicity activities. The preservation and application of the modern architectures as the cultural and historical element promote the city image and build the position of city identity. We suggest the city marketing for the implication on the sustainable reproductive city.

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The Romance and Tragedy in Lee Chan's Poetry (이찬 시의 낭만성과 비극성)

  • Yoo, Sung Ho
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.19
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    • pp.127-147
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    • 2010
  • Lee Chan's early poems were defined as the world of romance. His second-term poems were defined as proletarian poetry and poems written in prison when he made the romance as the core point through longing and desire for lost world. Maximizing the romance was proletarian poetry. His third-term poems were feelings of the northern countries called the spirit of Lee Chan's poems. He recognized the emotion of diaspora as the tragedy in these poems. It was remarkable time that the poet's tragedy observing and expressing the reality of colony. Afterward he wrote poems related inside withdrawal and war cooperation, finally he wrote poem after defecting to North Korea. Lee Chan showed the romance of desire in early poems and proletarian poems. Then he indicated acute scenery of the tragedy in the late 1930s' poems. In heavy situation, he moved from pro-Japanese literature to North Korean literature. However he didn't throw introspected self-reflection language to himself each his changing. But through several form of garden, he clearly showed consistent of maximizing his utopia sense. The time Lee Chan experienced was an icon which intensively indicated several features of deformed modern Korean poetic history. He was a unique poet who expressed various traces of modern Korean poetry in short time step by step. His path informed that he was a special poet who stepped the trace of many modern Korean poetry's extremes such as romantic poetry, proletarian poetry, prison poetry, pro-Japanese poetry and North Korean poetry. Likewise we can call his life as a grudge return. Because he left hometown, experienced the light and darkness of modern times and returned his hometown.

The analysis of game outcomes based on UIPM shooting match data in the modern pentathlon (UIPM 세계대회 기록을 통한 근대5종 사격 유형 및 특성 비교)

  • Park, Jong-chul;Lee, Seung-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to collect official world records for a total of five years from 2015 to 2019 from the modern pentathlon world competition database to reveal the impact of shooting types and characteristics on the record. To that end, the entire shooting spree was analyzed for all male and female athletes participating in the UIPM Level 1 World Cup and World Championships. According to the study, the number of round trips and the number of cars increased, the number of shooting accumulation deteriorated, the best record in the first round trip 3rd round, and the worst record in the fourth round trip 5th round. In addition, the deviation values are accumulated according to the fire recording or without success of the first step round trip by 9 percent in accordance with the growing number of the deviation is an increasing trend is, is that over time. Modern pentathlon at the success of the first step is more important and as fire can just hit first step in the event of great effect in reducing record. Based on these studies, the factors and characteristics that affect shooting accuracy are identified, and follow-up research linked to track records is necessary to match the characteristics of the combined competition.