• Title/Summary/Keyword: 극단적 양극화

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Overcoming Over-Politicization and Extreme Polarization of North Korean Issue: The Institutionalization of Conflict Transformation in South Korean Society (북한문제의 과잉정치화와 극단적 양극화 분석: 갈등전환(Conflict Transformation)의 제도화 모색)

  • 이무철
    • Korea and World Politics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.67-97
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to lay the groundwork for overcoming extreme polarization due to over-politization of North Korean issue by applying an approach based on the concept of 'conflict transformation' in order to analyze the North Korea's intervention in 'South-South conflict' and the structure of conflict in South Korean society. First of all, it analyzed how North Korea intervened in the two presidential elections in 2007 and 2012, the 'candlelight protest' in 2008, and the 'candlelight protest' in 2014 that were conducted in South Korean society. To this end, this study analyzed the contents of articles published by North Korea's official media, the Rodong Sinmun. It also analyzed aspects and characteristics of the North Korea's intervention in South-South conflict, also substance and cause of extreme polarization and over-politization of North Korean issue in South Korean society in terms of conflict context, relations, and memories. As a result, not only inter-Korean relations but also relations between the conservative and progressive forces in South Korean society need to be reset to overcome them. And based on these new relationship settings, it is evident that reconstruction of mutual memory and sharing work are required. This study is meaningful in that it has tried to incorporate existing researches while compensating the limitation of existing researches through a conflict transformation approach.

Comparative Analysis of Protective Security Units of Korea, the U.S., and Japan (한·미·일 국가원수 위기관리제도의 분석을 통한 비교 고찰과 시사점)

  • Kwon, Hyuck-Bin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.41
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    • pp.67-96
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    • 2014
  • Today each country in the world goes beyond the narrow concept of national security that was limited to national defense and ideology and are entering multi-dimensional global system mainly based on economic profits. Nevertheless, conflicts between nations due to religious and ideological reasons have brought unprecedentedly intense disputes Security services for head of states have been an important national mission in every era and society. However, they are becoming a main target for assassination and attacks by terrorists. Attacks on the head of state and other VIPs can cause aftermath ranging from war to conflict situation, political crisis, and economic loss. Therefore this study aims to draw insights by comparing protective security units of Korea, the U.S., and Japan which have different legal basis and sociocultural characteristics. Especially in South Korea, which faces difficult diplomatic stance due to the tension with North Korea and relationship with other countries such as the U.S., China, and Russia as well as polarization between classes, generations, regions, and ideologies, cohesion among members of society has weakened and hatred toward the head of state has been brought, which emphasizes the important of national security services. Therefore the study of protective security units and its operation by comparison between neighboring countries will be able to bring insights on the promotion of the security service.

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Christian Education with the Socially Disadvantaged in and after the Covid-19 Pandemic (사회적 약자와 함께 하는 기독교교육)

  • Kim, Doil
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.51-79
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to pursue Christian education with the socially underprivileged in the era of the Corona-19 pandemic. Corona-19 is a disaster which is caused, destroyed and exploited by human being. At the time of the indiscriminately spreading global pendemic, we must work together to overcome our selfish self-centeredness and make an attempt for everyone in need. It is a study on how humans can help each other survive in the era of Corona-19 and its post-corona. The problem is that there is too much discrimination between the state, race, and economic capacity, and in the end, the extreme discrimination of capitalism is appeared in society and across the country. There is no significant difference in the confirmation rate when Corona-19 infiltrates, but there is a big difference between those with and less in mortality. As a result, today's reality is that people who have a hard time living because they have less usually are far more vulnerable to blocking and defeating virus attacks. Unfortunately, this is the current situation. From the standpoint of a large discourse, attention is paid to climate change and ecological environment, and as a micro discourse, a number of societies who live with tremendous discrimination according to the gap between the rich and the poor (it is gender, race, disabled, nationality) that exist in almost all countries on the planet. We need attention to the weak. To this end, discourses on vaccine inequality, discourses on the needs of the disabled, discourses on different racial damages, discourses on polarization and dystopia, and discourses on educational inequality were treated as the reality faced by the socially underprivileged in the Corona 19 pandemic. To explore Christian education with the socially underprivileged, to explore ways of sharing, giving, and solidarity for win-win, discourse on inter-dependence and mutual responsibility of mankind, direct counter-measures for the socially underprivileged, and critical literacy education. He proposed a discourse on Korea, a discourse on Homo sapiens, which must return to being a part of creation, and finally a theology of friendship with the weak. Christian education based on Bible words must go forward in the era of the Corona 19 pandemic, hungry, naked, nowhere to go, sick, but dying because of being unable to get a remedy. He emphasized the need to establish a caring theology of friendship and pursue a life in which thought and practice harmonize. Thus, the paper proposed the spirit of Christian education not only doing something for the socially weak, but with the socially weak in the daily life.