• Title/Summary/Keyword: 균열의 진전

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Finite Element Analysis of RC Structures considering Bond Characteristics (부착특성을 고려한 RC구조물의 유한요소 해석)

  • 한상호
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 1997
  • 일반적으로 콘크리트와 철근간의 경계면을 나타내는 유한요소법에는 균열의 부근에서 발생하는 부착열화 현상을 고려하지 않고 있다. 이것은 균열 부근에서 과도한 부착을 초래하고 , 국소 변형과 균열의 진전에도 영향을 준다. 본 연구에서는 철근콘크리트 구조물의 균열부근에서 일어나는 부착거동의 변화를 고려한 비선형 부착응력-미끄럼 모델을 제안하였다. 철근과 콘크리트간의 경계면에는 링크요소를 이용하였고, 링크의 특성은 철근을 가로지르는 균열의 상태에 따라 변하도록 조정하였다. 균열의 형성상태를 정량화하고, 부착거동을 두 포락선 1) 균열로부터 충분히 떨어진 위치에서의 부착상태를 모델링한 외연포락선, 2)횡균열면에 있어서의 부착상태를 모델링한 내연포락선의 사이에 변이시키기 위하여 비국소적 손상도 개념을 도입하였다. 이 방법의 유효성을 알아보기 위하여 편재하중을 받는 T형 교각의 실험 및 해석결과를 제시하였다. 제안된 모델의 결과를 실험결과와 비교하여 본 모델의 유용성을 검증하였다.

Evaluation of a Back Face Strain Compliance of CT specimen (CT시험편의 Back Face Strain Compliance 평가)

  • Kim, Won Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.686-691
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    • 2016
  • In welded steel structures, there are many stress concentration sites such as weld beads, and welding defects are likely to occur at the welded parts. When a repeated fatigue load acts on a stress concentration site, fatigue crack occurs and propagates, leading to fatigue fracture. Therefore, it is necessary to understand fatigue life, crack initiation life, and crack propagation life in order to prevent fatigue failure. In this study, a compliance method was derived for use in the study of fatigue crack propagation characteristics. This compliance can be used for automated measurement of fatigue cracks. The compliance was calculated using an in-house FEM program for a CT specimen. The results of this calculation are presented in relation to a/W and compared with calculation results using the J integral and a program from a previous study. In addition, the strain distribution in the upward and downward directions was calculated from the center of the back face of the CT specimen. In this distribution, the strain tended to decrease from the center to the top and bottom. The compliance method was achieved from these calculations and can be used for automatic execution of crack propagation tests.

Prediction of Fatigue Life in 2 Ply Rubber/Cord Laminate (2층 고무/코드 적층판의 피로 수명 예측)

  • 임동진;이윤기;윤희석;김민호
    • Composites Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2003
  • In order to simulate the crack connection between cords and the interply crack growth in the belt-layer of real tire, 2 ply rubber/cord laminate specimens with exposed edges were tested in 4~11mm displacement control. Measurement of the crack connection is evaluated when crack reaches the half of the length between 45$^{\circ}$ aligned cords, and the amount of the crack growth is measured by the steel probe method. 2 dimensional analytic modeling was performed to simulate the crack connection between cords at the exposed edges. Also, the theoretical life of the specimens was calculated from the crack connection life between cords(critical value) and from the critical value to the final failure by the use of Tearing energy(T); the strain energy release per unit area of one fracture surface of a crack. Then, theoretical life was compared with those of experiments. The life prediction up to the critical value has about 20% error compared to experimental life, and up to the final failure about 65% error. Therefore, total theoretical life has about 45% error compared to the experimental life, which is conceivable in the case of rubber.

Study on the Fatigue Crack Behavior by the Stress Intensity Factor and AE Parameters (응력확대계수와 음향방출 변수를 이용한 피로균열 거동 연구)

  • Yoon, Dong-Jin;Jeong, Jung-Chae;Park, Phi-Lip;Kim, Ki-Bok;Lee, Seung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.412-423
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    • 2000
  • By using the relation between stress intensity factor and AE parameter, new approach method for assessing the crack length and detectability of crack was proposed. Laboratory experiment was carried out to identify AE characteristics of fatigue cracks for compact tension specimen. The relationship between a stress intensity factor and AE signals activity as well as conventional AE parameter analysis was discussed. As a result, the features of specific parameter such as the length of crack growth the AE energy, the AE peak amplitude, and the cumulative AE hits, showed the almost same trend in their increase as the number of fatigue cycle increased. From the comparisons of peak amplitude and AE energy with stress intensity factor, it was verified that the higher stress intensity factors generated AE signals with higher peak amplitude and a larger number of AE counts. If we can get more reliable database for the relation between AE parameters and stress intensity factor, this approach will provide a good information for evaluating both the existence of crack and the minimum detectable size of crack.

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A Study of Rayleigh Damping Effect on Dynamic Crack Propagation Analysis using MLS Difference Method (MLS 차분법을 활용한 동적 균열전파해석의 Rayleigh 감쇠영향 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Ho;Yoon, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a dynamic crack propagation algorithm with Rayleigh damping effect based on the MLS(Moving Least Squares) Difference Method. Dynamic equilibrium equation and constitutive equation are derived by considering Rayliegh damping and governing equations are discretized by the MLS derivative approximation; the proportional damping, which has not been properly treated in the conventional strong formulations, was implemented in both the equilibrium equation and constitutive equation. Dynamic equilibrium equation including time relevant terms is integrated by the Central Difference Method and the discrete equations are simplified by lagging the velocity one step behind. A geometrical feature of crack is modeled by imposing the traction-free condition onto the nodes placed at crack surfaces and the effect of movement and addition of the nodes at every time step due to crack growth is appropriately reflected on the construction of total system. The robustness of the proposed numerical algorithm was proved by simulating single and multiple crack growth problems and the effect of proportional damping on the dynamic crack propagation analysis was effectively demonstrated.