• Title/Summary/Keyword: 규정준수

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A study on amendment of technical standard for telecommunication facilities (전기통신설비의 기술기준규칙 개정 연구)

  • 조평동;최세하;임두순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 1998
  • 전기통신설비의 기술기준에 관한 규칙은 전기통신사업자가 전기통신설비에 대해 의무적으로 준수해야 하는 규정이다. 현행 전기통신설비 기술기준 규칙은 통신망 독점체제에서 전반적인 골격이 형성되어 복수 통신사업자간 자유 시장경쟁 체제를 반영하지 않고 있다. 이에 본 고에서는 현행 기술기준의 문제점을 분석하고 이를 토대로 국내 기술기준의 개선방향 및 개정내용에 대해 제시하였다.

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Design of an enactment model for business process automation (비즈니스 프로세스 자동화를 위한 실행 모델의 설계)

  • 허원창;배준수;강석호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.764-771
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 비즈니스 프로세스의 자동화된 실행 및 관련 데이터의 관리를 지원하는 BPMS (Busuiess Process Management System)를 위한 프로세스 실행 모델을 제안한다. BPMS의 효과적 개발을 위해서는 프로세스의 내용을 표현하는 프로세스 정의 모델이 필요함과 동시에. 네트워크 상에서 그것이 해석되고 실행되는 방식을 규정하기 위만 프로세스 실행 모델도 필요하다. 이는 프로세스에 관여되는 분산된 개체들간의 협력적 의사 소통을 효과적으로 지원할 수 있고, 이를 통해 시스템간의 상호운용성을 고양하고 프로세스 모델이 갖는 경직성을 극복할 수 있는 BPMS의 효과적 개발의 바탕이 될 수 있다.

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개인정보보호를 위한 관리체계와 거버넌스

  • Kim, Jung-Duk
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2008
  • 개인정보보호가 단순히 개인의 권익에 관한 문제로 국한되지 않고, 기업의 사활을 좌우하는 이슈로 대두되고 있다. 또한 개인정보의 활용과 보호라는 두 가지 상충되는 기업 내 목표와 관련 개인정보보호법이나 규정 준수 등 대내외 요구사항을 만족시켜야 한다. 기업 내 개인정보보호활동의 효과성을 높이기 위해서는 현재 산발적으로 진행되는 개인정보 영향평가 등 단순 기법이나 정보유출방지 솔루션 도입 등의 접근방법으로는 한계가 있으며 새로운 접근방법이 필요하다. 본 고에서는 일상적 관리활동의 하나로서 개인정보보호를 위한 관리체계의 필요성과 관리과정을 소개하며 이를 평가, 지시 및 모니터링 할 수 있는 거버넌스의 목표와 중요성에 대해 기술한다.

국가계약법 시행령 및 시행규칙 개정

  • Korea Mechanical Construction Contractors Association
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • no.11 s.208
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2007
  • 내역입찰제도 개선, 적격심사항목 보완, 적격심사 이행관리계획 미준수 업체 제재사유 추가, 정정공고 근거규정 마련 등을 주요 골자로 하는 국가계약법 시행령 및 시행규칙이 제.개정되어 지난 10월 10부터 시행에 들어갔다. 개정된 시행규칙은 1억원 미만 소규모 공사는 물량내역서가 계약서에 포함되지 않아 발주기관의 물량산정 오류시 설계변경이 불가능해 소규모 공사에서 경제적 피해가 많이 발생되어 민원이 제기됨에 따라 우리협회는 재정경제부에 "1억원 미만 소규모 공사도 계약서에 물량내역서가 포함되도록" 건의한 결과 우리협회의 의견이 반영되었다.

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컨테이너 통합검색정보 표준화 연구

  • 서종희;이준호;박순호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.227-229
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    • 2023
  • 해상을 통해 반출입되는 항만 컨테이너는 선박과 항만에서의 안전사고를 예방하기 위해 국제해상위험물규칙의 규정을 준수하였는지 검사하고 컨테이너의 안전성을 점검한다. 하지만 지금까지의 컨테이너 및 위험화물의 검색은 대부분 사람에 의한 수동 운용으로 이루어지고 있어 향후 자율운항선박의 도래에 따른 자동화 항만을 위해서는 자동화된 검색 기술과 더불어 대상 컨테이너의 무인 자동화 검색이 가능하도록 운영이 될 필요가 있으며, 보다 진보적이고 효과적인 컨테이너 검색기술을 활용하기 위해 컨테이너 검색정보 표준을 개발하여 컨테이너 보안검색의 효율성 및 검색 활동에 대한 업무 비효율적인 문제를 해결하고자 한다.

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Modeling of the Effective Levels of Traffic Violation Fines (교통법규 위반 범칙금의 효율적 수준 설정 모형 개발 (신호와 제한속도 위반 중심))

  • Jang, Il-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2009
  • Factors causing traffic accidents are various and traffic law violations can be among them. The efforts to increase traffic law obedience rates of drivers are common in many other countries to reduce traffic accidents, and one of generally applied methods is to increase the amounts of violation fines. Expensive levels of traffic law violation fines could have drivers choose "obey the law" in their decision-making stages since they are economically better-off by following the law. In this sense, this study has developed an economic model to verify whether the current levels of the traffic violation fines of Korea are effective for drivers to choose "obey-the-law" decisions. Speed violations and traffic signal violations have been selected for the case study to verify the relationships between "expected probabilities of being-caught" and "levels of violations fines".

Meta-analysis of Information Security Policy Compliance Based on Theory of Planned Behavior (정보보안 정책준수에 대한 메타분석: 계획된 행동이론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jongki;Mou, Jian
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2020
  • With widespread use of information technologies the importance of information security has been heightened. Security policies which deal with fundamental direction of information security are critical elements of information security management. Numerous studies have been conducted on users' intention to comply security policies. They were based on various theoretical foundations and the theory of planned behavior(TPB) was the most frequently used. This research employed one of the quantitatively synthesizing meta-analytic techniques called Two-Stage Structural Equation Modeling to investigate factors influencing information security policy compliance behavior based on TPB. Analysis results indicated that all three factors of TPB were significantly influencing the behavioral intention. Moreover, the overall fit indices of structural model exhibited satisfactory level.

Design Verification System Framework of Pressure Vessels Using Korea Industrial Standards (KS 표준을 활용한 압력용기 설계 검증 시스템 프레임워크)

  • Lee, Jaechul;Kim, Ikjune;Lim, Chae Ho;Hwang, Jinsang;Mun, Duhwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2015
  • Product regulations specify requirements or constraints for products that manufacturers must comply with across the entire product lifecycle, from design and manufacture, through operation and maintenance, to recycling and disposal. This paper suggests a system framework and its essential components for the verification of a pressure vessel design using the industrial standards of Korea. The authors also present methods to generate design template data from legacy design systems and to construct a regulation knowledge base. The proposed framework is demonstrated through experiments involving pressure vessel design verification using a prototype system.

A Study on the Laws and Regulations in Korea through the Analysis of Cybersecurity Workforce Developing Laws and Regulations in U.S. (미국 사이버보안 인력 양성 법·규정 분석을 통한 국내 법·규정 개선 방안 연구)

  • Hong, Soonjwa;Kim, Joonsoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2020
  • In 1987, Computer Security Act was enacted, requiring computer security awareness and practical training for federal workforce. This is the beginning of US development of federal cybersecurity workforce. It has been strengthening the development of federal cybersecurity workforce policy by establishing OPM regulations and OMB circulation in cases where it is difficult to define by law. Through GISRA 2000 and FISMA 2002, which has been improved, it played a central role for development of federal cybersecurity workforce for more than 10 years. Since then, FISMA 2014 has been enacted as a necessity for supplementing technology and policy. In 2014, the importance of cyber security personnel in US federal agencies has been increased even more, by enacting a single law on cybersecurity workforce twice. We will review the current state of Korea's development of cybersecurity workforce by reviewing and analyzing the development and federal cybersecurity workforce in the United States.

Legal Review of Heritage Laws and Regulations (문화재 소관 법령에서 '원형유지' 원칙에 대한 법률적 검토)

  • Hwang, Kwon Soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.178-189
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    • 2016
  • This essay explores the ways in which the philosophical concept of "original form" is expressed in relevant laws and regulations, the legal character of respective regulations, the way in which each regulation is applied in practice for heritage management, and the factors required for this concept to serve as a legally binding fundamental principle. The current laws and regulations on heritage maintain a consistent requirement for preserving the original form of heritage, both for the general public and for heritage professionals. However, the principle of preserving original form is expressed as a declaration or imperative without substantive definitions. Consequently, heritage administrators simply follow administrative procedures for heritage conservation, management, and promotion while failing to specify the meaning of "original form." For the practical application of the principle of preserving original form to overall heritage conservation activities as an actual legal principle, further provisions should be added for the purpose of clarifying the principle, with consideration given to the observation of fundamental principles for legal provisions, such as the principles of clarity, equality, and proportion. The principle of preserving original form still functions as the most necessary principle for heritage conservation and therefore should be reestablished as a refined and rational regulatory system.