• Title/Summary/Keyword: 궤적 최적화

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Optimization-Based Determination of Apollo Guidance Law Parameters for Korean Lunar Lander (달착륙 임무를 위한 최적화 기반 아폴로 유도 법칙 파라미터 선정)

  • Jo, Byeong-Un;Ahn, Jaemyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.8
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    • pp.662-670
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes an optimization-based procedure to determine the parameters of the Apollo guidance law for Korean lunar lander mission. A lunar landing mission is formulated as a trajectory optimization problem to minimize the fuel consumption and the reference trajectory for the lander is obtained by solving the problem in the pre-flight phase. Some parameters of the Apollo guidance, which are coefficients of the polynomial used to define the guidance command, are selected based on the reference trajectory obtained in the pre-flight phase. A case study for the landing guidance of Korean lunar lander mission using the proposed procedure is conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Analysis of Optimal Landing Trajectory in Attitude Angular Velocity Influence at Powered Descent Phase of Robotic Lunar Lander (무인 달착륙선의 동력하강단계에서 자세각속도 영향에 따른 최적화 착륙궤적 분석)

  • Park, Jae-ik;Rew, Dong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.402-409
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a lunar landing scenario of a robotic lunar landing mission and implements an optimal landing trajectory at the powered descent phase based on the proposed scenario. The change of attitude of the lunar lander in the power descent phase affects not only the amount of fuel used but also sensor operation of image based navigation. Therefore, the attitude angular velocity is included in the cost function of the optimal control problem to minimize the unnecessary attitude change when the optimal landing trajectory generates at powered descent phase of the lunar landing. The influence of the change of attitude angular velocity on the optimal landing trajectory are analyzed by adjusting the weight of the attitude angular velocity. Based on the results, we suggest the proper weight to generate the optimal landing trajectory in order to minimize the influence of the attitude angular velocity.

Optimal Surveillance Trajectory Planning for Illegal UAV Detection for Group UAV using Particle Swarm Optimization (불법드론 탐지를 위한 PSO 기반 군집드론 최적화 정찰궤적계획)

  • Lim, WonHo;Jeong, HyoungChan;Hu, Teng;Alamgir, Alamgir;Chang, KyungHi
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.382-392
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    • 2020
  • The use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have been regarded as a promising technique in both military and civilian applications. Nevertheless, due to the lack of relevant and regulations and laws, the misuse of illegal drones poses a serious threat to social security. In this paper, aiming at deriving the three-dimension optimal surveillance trajectories for group monitoring drones, we develop a group trajectory planner based on the particle swarm optimization and updating mechanism. Together, to evaluate the trajectories generated by proposed trajectory planner, we propose a group-objectives fitness function in accordance with energy consumption, flight risk. The simulation results validate that the group trajectories generated by proposed trajectory planner can preferentially visit important areas while obtaining low energy consumption and minimum flying risk value in various practical situations.

On-line Motion Synthesis Using Analytically Differentiable System Dynamics (분석적으로 미분 가능한 시스템 동역학을 이용한 온라인 동작 합성 기법)

  • Han, Daseong;Noh, Junyong;Shin, Joseph S.
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2019
  • In physics-based character animation, trajectory optimization has been widely adopted for automatic motion synthesis, through the prediction of an optimal sequence of future states of the character based on its system dynamics model. In general, the system dynamics model is neither in a closed form nor differentiable when it handles the contact dynamics between a character and the environment with rigid body collisions. Employing smoothed contact dynamics, researchers have suggested efficient trajectory optimization techniques based on numerical differentiation of the resulting system dynamics. However, the numerical derivative of the system dynamics model could be inaccurate unlike its analytical counterpart, which may affect the stability of trajectory optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel method to derive the closed-form derivative for the system dynamics by properly approximating the contact model. Based on the resulting derivatives of the system dynamics model, we also present a model predictive control (MPC)-based motion synthesis framework to robustly control the motion of a biped character according to on-line user input without any example motion data.

Trajectory Optimization Method for Portrait Drawing Robot (초상화를 그리는 로봇을 위한 드로잉 경로 최적화 방법)

  • Lee, Geun-Joo;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.1165-1168
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 휴머노이드 로봇 중에서 사람과 같은 방법으로 초상화를 그리는 로봇 암의 이동 궤적 최적화에 대해 기술한다. 이전에도 이러한 사람의 얼굴을 초상화로 그리는 로봇이 존재하였지만 대부분 인간과 유사한 움직임을 보이지 못하고 딱딱하고 단조로운 움직임을 보였다. 이런 단점을 보완하기 위해 가장 짧은 궤적을 찾는 알고리즘을 사용하여 보다 유연한 움직임을 구현하고, 초상화를 그리는 일련의 과정 중에서 입력된 영상을 가공하여 인간과 같이 그릴 수 있는 좌표를 효과적으로 정렬하고, 추출된 좌표를 바탕으로 로봇 암의 가장 빠르고 효율적인 이동궤적을 구한다.

Design of C-shape Sharp Turn Trajectory using Neural Networks for Fish Robot (신경회로망을 사용한 물고기 로봇의 빠른 방향 전환 궤적 설계)

  • Park, Hee-Moon;Park, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.510-518
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    • 2014
  • In this study, in order to improve and optimize the performance of the turning mechanism for a fish robot in the fluid, we propose the tail joint trajectories using neural networks to mimic the CST(C-shape Sharp Turn) patterns of a real fish which is optimized in the natural environment. In order to mimic the CST patterns of a fish, we convert the sequential recording CST patterns into the coordinate data, and change the numerical coordinate data into a functions. We change the motion functions to the relative joint angles which is adapted to suit robot's shape and data. However, these relative joint trajectories obtained by the sequential recording of the carp have low-precision. It is difficult to apply to the control of a fish robot. Therefore, the relative joint trajectories are interpolated using neural networks with superior generalization ability and applied to the fish robot. we have found that the proposed method using neural networks is superior to ones using high-order polynomial equation through the computer simulations.

Trans Lunar Injection (TLI) Maneuver Design and Analysis using Finite Thrust (제한추력을 이용한 달 천이(TLI) 기동의 설계 및 해석)

  • Song, Young-Joo;Park, Sang-Young;Kim, Hae-Dong;Lee, Joo-Hee;Sim, Eun-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.998-1011
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    • 2010
  • For preparing Korean lunar missions, an Earth-Moon transfer trajectory is designed and analyzed using finite thrust. To be a more realistic scenario, kick motor's performance which is used for TLI (Trans Lunar Injection) maneuver is assumed to have a certain maximum capability. Under this assumption, optimal Earth-Moon transfer trajectory analysis is made from the beginning of Earth departure to the final lunar closest approach. As a results, optimal Earth-Moon transfer trajectory solutions with finite thrust are compared to those of designed with impulsive thrust in previous study. It is confirmed that if the trajectory solutions derived with impulsive burn is directly applied to estimate the finite burn trajectory solutions, careful consideration for finite burn losses must be paid as for TLI maneuver. Presented algorithm and various results will give numerous insights into the future Korea's Lunar missions using finite thrust engines.

A Study on Synthetic Flight Vehicle Trajectory Data Generation Using Time-series Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application to Trajectory Prediction of Flight Vehicles (시계열 생성적 적대 신경망을 이용한 비행체 궤적 합성 데이터 생성 및 비행체 궤적 예측에서의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, In Hee;Lee, Chang Jin;Jung, Chanho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.766-769
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    • 2021
  • In order to perform tasks such as design, control, optimization, and prediction of flight vehicle trajectories based on machine learning techniques including deep learning, a certain amount of flight vehicle trajectory data is required. However, there are cases in which it is difficult to secure more than a certain amount of flight vehicle trajectory data for various reasons. In such cases, synthetic data generation could be one way to make machine learning possible. In this paper, to explore this possibility, we generated and evaluated synthetic flight vehicle trajectory data using time-series generative adversarial neural network. In addition, various ablation studies (comparative experiments) were performed to explore the possibility of using synthetic data in the aircraft trajectory prediction task. The experimental results presented in this paper are expected to be of practical help to researchers who want to conduct research on the possibility of using synthetic data in the generation of synthetic flight vehicle trajectory data and the work related to flight vehicle trajectories.

Optimal Path Planning for UAVs under Multiple Ground Threats (다수 위협에 대한 무인항공기 최적 경로 계획)

  • Kim, Bu-Seong;Bang, Hyo-Chung;Yu, Chang-Gyeong;Jeong, Eul-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2006
  • This paper addresses the trajectory optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs) under multiple ground threats like enemy's anti-air radar sites. The power of radar signal reflected by the vehicle and the flight time are considered in the performance cost to be minimized. The bank angle is regarded as control input for a 1st-order lag vehicle, and input parameter optimization method based on Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) is used for trajectory optimization. The proposed path planning method provides more practical trajectories with enhanced survivability than those of Voronoi diagram method.