• Title/Summary/Keyword: 군사안보

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21세기 국방과학기술의 발전방안(2)

  • Yu, Jung-Seok
    • Defense and Technology
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    • no.4 s.242
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 1999
  • 군사규격의 국산화와 규격완화검토를 보다 활성화하기 위해서는 '규격검토 연구팀'을 상설하고, 상용제품의 경우에도 시장성과 상용성이 뛰어난 제품을 군수품으로 폭넓게 활용할 수 있도록 군수품관리법을 개정하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 기술개발사업시 기술정보 및 기술개발 자원교류 체제의 미흠으로 발생되는 중복투자 등 자원의 낭비를 방지하기 위해서 기술정보 교류 및 안보기술개발 네트워크를 구축해야 한다

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자율적 방위산업기술보호를 위한 보호체계 구축 방안

  • Lee, Seung Hun
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.20-24
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    • 2018
  • 2018년부터 방위사업청 주관으로 방위산업기술을 보유한 대상기관에 대한 방위산업기술보호 실태조사가 처음으로 진행되었습니다. 하지만, 대상기관이 방위산업기술보호를 위한 보호체계 구축에 대한 핵심을 이해하지 못하고 있습니다. 그래서, 본 고에서는 대상기관이 자율적 방위산업기술보호를 위한 보호체계를 빨리 구축하여 기술 유출예방에 기여하도록 방안을 제시하고자 합니다.

A Study on the Patterns of New Terrorism through the Comparative Analysis with Conventional Terrorism (고전적 테러리즘과의 비교 분석을 통한 뉴 테러리즘 양상에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Jae-Hyeong
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.1
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    • pp.113-154
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    • 2003
  • We can feel the fear through the reports of outbreaking centers of terror. Also, we noticed through "the 9.11 terror" that there exists no safety zone from terrorism. However, we should question ourselves whether we are relaxing attention or ceasing anxiety too much in the perimeter, as in the peninsula of Korea. Through "the 9.11 terror", the vulnerability of the United State's homeland security has been exposed, giving a serious damage to the national pride. President Bush started the war against terror to strengthen global joints of anti-terrorism, identify terrorists and contribute to the global peace, adopting offensive realism including preemptive attack concept which means to remove the threat preemptively. In today's reality of international politics, where the inhuman, indiscriminate, and anti-civilizational international terror became greater, extending to the stage of war, the international societies' agony and focus lies on how to banish it. The 9.11 terrorism, which is a new form of terrorism, is being distinguished from conventional terrorism into new terrorism. New terrorism is a new form of terrorism meaning that you do not know the enemy, the goal does not exist and they conscientiously use the weapons of mass destruction. This paper is a work meant to help understanding new terrorism, the new form, by a comparative analysis with the conventional terrorism. Therefore the origin, concept and general characteristics new terrorism is picked out and the representative forms of it, which are suicide bombing, cyber, biochemical and nuclear terrorism, are analyzed in detail in theoretical manner.

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A Participation Scheme of the Central Region Research Institute related to National Defense Information Security Industry (국방정보보호산업 관련 중부권 연구기관 활용방안)

  • Eom, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.9
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    • pp.191-206
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    • 2011
  • This study is presented a scheme that information security research institutions located within the central area can be participated actively m national defense information security industry. The many of information security company are located in the central region(Daejeon) and there are many research institutes. However, the participation rate of the Defense Information Security Industry is not high compared to other provinces. Although a variety of reasons, there are no the Defense Privacy Office that could have a role in protocol and the information about the industry. In addition, the Department of Defense related to national defense information security industry have not information about research institutions in the central region and are not well to identify the characteristics of institutional technology and research. So in this paper we presented some of the alternatives. 1) Building Pool involved in information security research according to the characteristics of each agency 2) Constitute the research community between Research institutions and the company 3) Build the technology cooperation between research institutions and the defense research institutes 4) Utilization of industry/university/research institutes related to Information Security Industry 5) Make strategic alliances among research institutes based on technical expertise.

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Epilogue to the unabridged Korean translation of On War ("전쟁론" 완역 후기)

  • Kim, Man-Su
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.7
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    • pp.305-331
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    • 2009
  • This year I published a Korean translation of On War in three volumes, written by Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz. I believe it is the first unabridged Korean translation from the original German text, Vom Kriege. It is true that the work has been translated into Korean several times, but some translations have been done from English or Japanese versions, while others are abridged ones. It is not easy to make a good translation of On War, partly because the book is actually an unfinished work, and partly because it contains almost all academic subjects in social sciences. Moreover, two aspects of the dialectical logic in the book make it more difficult to understand. One is inductive reasoning, the other is deductive explanation. The former is to 'ascend' to draw principles and generalizations from empirical experience, the latter is to 'descend' to describe and explain given principles, often by concrete examples. Considering these difficulties, if we want to have better translations than existing ones, there should be substantial commentaries which contain not only history of wars, but also biographies and geographies concerned. I hope that On War can be taught and studied in many universities, for it will make it easier to produce reliable commentaries.

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Research on development of organization analysis system in accordance with the defense environment changes (국방환경변화에 따른 군 조직진단체계 발전방향 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Hyun
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.13
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    • pp.43-81
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    • 2016
  • Security environment we face in the Korean Peninsula is unexpectable. Tensions between Seoul and Pyeongyang and its threats are continuously evolving. Kim Jung Un will keep on conducting provocations and DPRK's isolation will result uncertainty to their objective and intention. KPA is centered on ground forces with conventional weapons but they possess modernized missiles and nuclear capabilities. What's more concerning is that North Korea continuously pursue and develop nuclear weapons and missile capabilities. Pursuing defense reform is inevitable for the ROK to deal adequately against the security threats posed by the North and to prepare for the environment of future warfare. If we are satisfied with the current capabilities then our military capabilities and security status will retrogress. We have to reorganize our units to make a small but FMC, smart military organization. Organization analysis is an urgent issue for reorganizing units. However, it isn't an easy task to reform an organization. There are vague parts for analysis and strong resistance from the people within the organization. Therefore should not focus on the reduction of people and the organization. Organization reform should be done with the acknowledgement of most of the personnel and should focus on the task and its method. These should be reflected to the organization analysis.

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Trends of Joint Operational Environment and their Implications (합동작전환경의 추세와 적용방안)

  • Jo, Gyu-Pil
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.3
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    • pp.73-120
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    • 2005
  • Today's world is generation of Transformation. The Term "Transformation" is widely used in many nations and international organizations such as U.S. and NATO to describe the course of change undertaken by militaries to respond to the new and emerging security environment. Transformation involves all elements of the defense enterprise including Operational Environment, Operational Concepts, Doctrine, Structure and Technologies, within a supportive Cultures context. An Operational Environment is defined as "a composite of conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of military forces and bear on the decisions of the unit commander." The context for developing future military concept and capability lies essentially within the anticipated boundaries of the operational environment in a collective sense. The joint operational environment is essential to the nation's defense. It describes volatile, complex, and dangerous environment in which the military personnel. organizations, and material will operate. Implications coming forth from joint Operational Environment are but a starting point - many others exist. More and better Implications will come forth as people think about massages of Operational Environment, experiment its characteristics, learn to deal with its threats and scenarios, apply their experience and judgement, and then consider what is required of Korean military doctrine, organizations, training and education, material development, and leadership for operations in the joint Operational Environment.

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A Study on Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy of North Korea (부시행정부의 대북정책에 관한 소고)

  • Lee, Gang-Eon;Jang, Myeong-Sun
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.3
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    • pp.169-196
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    • 2005
  • The point of Bush administraion’s foreign policy is to support the promotion and stability of Democracy in Iraq and counter terrorism and spread of WMD with his strong propulsive force caused by his reelection. In such an environment, there are his leadership, his team, himself, Kim Jung Il, and a new understanding of North Korea after September 11 as the effective factors of Bush administration’s policy toward Pyongyang. Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea also shows the process of North Korea’s nuclear weapon program and the future scenario of the Korean Peninsula with "the persistence of solving North Korea’s nuclear weapon program such as the method having done in Lybia", "the holding unconditional talks with Pyongyang, and "the continual concerns with human rights in North Korea." The purpose of Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea is to make North Korea do not support terrorism rather than remove the nuclear weapon in North Korea. The process of outlining South Korea’s policy toward North Korea must be considered for "national interest" with reasonable analyses not just hopes For this, South Korea must access systematically human rights of North Korea, prepare projects for a daring approach on North Korea, and strengthen South Korea’s defense ability toward North Korea with deep alliance with U.S and systematize the mutual understanding channel between U.S and South Korea. In conclusion, South Korea must try to get specific methods and practices about Bush administration’s foreign policy of North Korea with national wisdom

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An Effective Implementation Method for Dual Use of Web-based Multidimensional Interactive Digital Contents (웹기반 다차원 민군겸용 인터액티브 디지털 콘텐츠의 효과적인 구현 방안)

  • Gang, Seok-Hun;Kim, Dae-Cheong
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.3
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    • pp.197-242
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    • 2005
  • Active catalog is a kind of digital content that enables consumers to test the functions and features of products from their PCs as if they were using it in real life, by simulating the actions and responses of the product. This new type of interactive digital content can be used extensively to make sales personnel training manuals, sales tools, user manuals and user trouble shooting documents. With active catalogs, companies will be able to compare different designs, show actions according to different functions, and evaluate user reaction to new products without having to produce a single physical prototype or mock-up. At the same time, consumers will be able to understand and 'operate' the product and make well-informed purchase decisions. In this paper, we present a visual event-driven modeling tool, PlayMo, for creating active catalogs, analyze the advantages of using PlayMo, describe the event-driven method used by PlayMo and also introduce two enhanced characteristics of the Event Flow Chart with which the events in PlayMo are structured. Interactive digital content by using the PlayMo3D makes easy, simple and effective design for e-learning, e-catalogue, e-marketing/sales, e-prototyping, customer support, etc. Through its application-ready 3D function visualization solution, engineers and designers can rapidly turn a CAD design model into a 3D interactive virtual product, and the effective function prototyping job can be also completed within a minute.

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Understanding Modern Warfare-A focus on the most recent wars led by the United States (현대전쟁에 대한 이해-최근 미국이 주도한 전쟁을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Jeong
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.2
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    • pp.165-200
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    • 2004
  • A look back at the history of war reveals that leaders/nations which were able to recognize beforehand the change in weaponary or the concept of implementing war achieved victory in war(battle) while those that were not able to do so lost. Along with the development of civilization, so too did the characteristics of war : from the first wave of war (ancient, Napoleon's war)$\rightarrow$ the second wave of war (The first and second World War) $\rightarrow$ to the third wave of war (The Gulf War, and the War in Iraq). Especially notable was the American led victory earned in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars which applied the Rapid Decisive Operations(RDO) concept according to the Effects Based Operations(EBO) following the Gulf War and 9.11. This is the time when methods of warfare is changing through development in military science technology and military innovation and when the change of the defense paradigm including those of the Korea - U.S. alliance is required. We should therefore prepare for the future by delving into the analysis of American Modern warfare and learn from it.

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