• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국가문화 차원

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The Effect of Local Residents' Recognition Factors on Drone Capability on Industry Revitalization - On the basis of demand satisfaction - (지역주민의 드론 역량 강화요인 인식이 산업 활성화에 미치는 영향 - 수요만족도를 매개로 -)

  • Han, Gab-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2019
  • The utilization and value of drones are increasing throughout society. However, there was a lack of government support and investment such as lack of technology of domestic drone companies, regulation of loans and lack of technology evaluation items. Therefore, this paper conducts statistical analysis to derive what drone capacity should be strengthened for the drone industry activation in Daegu. As a result, the demand satisfaction(price, quality, service) of drones leads to revitalization of drone industry when the physical, social, and policy factors among drones are strengthened. In conclusion, drone capacity to be strengthened in order to revitalize the drone industry in Korea is based on physical factors(drone demand, development, number of registrations, number of businesses and workers), social factors(national level public relations, establishment of public education institutes, correct understanding of drone occupation, preception), policy factors(privacy measures, government funding, legislation and system easing). As for the three factors, the government, industry, and drone operators are expected to have a bright future when the trinity is improved and complemented.

The Factors Accociated with Needs of Tooth Extraction in Elderly Drinkers (노년기 음주자의 치아발거 필요와 관련된 요인)

  • Lee, Ji-yeoun;Kang, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted on 1,865 drunk elderly people who had teeth that were over 65 years old. As a result of analysis of factors related to tooth extraction, the higher the income, the lower the income, the higher the risk of having to remove teeth from smokers, poorer oral health status, and no oral hygiene products. The difference was statistically significant. In order to identify the risk factors of tooth extraction for the elderly and prevent tooth loss early and to extend the life of residual teeth as much as possible, it is necessary to improve the drinking culture and seek oral health care strategies in the previous life cycle, not the present, Oral health policy should be pursued.

Relationship Between Dance Accomplishment Effort and Intervention, Dance Socialization Agent Dance Major College Student (무용전공대학생의 무용사회화 주관자와 무용개입 및 무용성취노력의 관계)

  • Baek, Soon-Gi;Kim, Hyun-Tae
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze and clarify the relationship among dance socialization organizers, dance intervention, and dance effort variables of dance majors. The subjects of this study were college students majoring in dance located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, and the purposive sampling was used. The results of the study are as follows. First, the agent of dance socialization influences the dance intervention. Second, the agent of dance socialization influences the effort to achieve dance. Third, dance intervention affects dance achievement efforts. Therefore, it is thought that, through the active efforts of the dancers, various programs that can link industry and academia as well as support at the national level should follow for the cultural heritage that can be passed on to future generations.

Characteristics and Implications of Marseille's Euromméditerranée as an Integrated Urban Regeneration Project (통합형 도시재생사업으로서 마르세유 유로메디테라네의 특성과 시사점)

  • Wonseok Park
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to investigate Marseille's Euromméditerranée project and provide policy implications for revitalizing domestic urban regeneration projects. First, we identify Euroméditerranée as a pivotal urban regeneration effort, executed by EPAEM-an organization fostering governance-driven project advancement through collaboration and investment from both central and local governments. This endeavor has significantly contributed to revitalizing Marseille, enriching the quality of life for its residents. Second, this urban regeneration project has the following notable features: consolidated approach with combination of full redevelopment and rehabilitation, integrated regeneration covering hardware-like physical regeneration and software-like economic, cultural, and environmental regeneration; government-type urban regeneration project structure. Finally, we suggest that policymakers should consider the economic scale in urban regeneration projects, national-level government organizations, and efficient public-private partnerships.

The Direction of Job Policy Development for Korean Golf Professionals (한국 골프전문인력의 일자리 정책 발전방안)

  • Cho, Jung-Soon;Suh, Ah-Ram
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide adequate datas on number of people who are in golf related field and also further expend that number for golf industry. The main stream of this study is to map out present golf related jobs and how this study can help golf industry in general. To make a greater improvements on golf industry with more job opportunity following ideas were presented. First, improving education on "hand on experiences on the field of golf industry" Better educating potential employees for golf industry for the right positions can enhance overall work environment. To do so, the society and the schools must come to agreement to provide adequate curriculum for people. Second, implementing "a golf club division program." The support from Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism Department, which are govern by Republic of Korea, are aggressively working to expend the golf business and also recruit elite personnel like former tour players to work on the field to better operate the whole system. Third, performing a thorough research on current golf related jobs and numbers and diversity on the field. Fourth, developing a specific and a differentiated golf job fields for better future for people and students who majored in golf industry. So that they cam feel secured and have a sense of dignity. Finally, strengthening the golf industry's competitiveness. The golf related companies have to step up to higher gear. With working in harmony between golf industry and government can assure of brighter future for our next generation.

A Study on the Improvement of Flexible Working Hours (유연근로시간제 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-man;Seo, Ei-seok
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2021
  • Labor contracts appear in form as an exchange relationship between labor products and wages, but since they transcend the level of simple barter, they can be economically identified as "trading" and can be identified as "rental." From a legal point of view, a legal device that legally supports and imposes binding force on commodity exchange relations is a contract. Such a labor contract led to a relationship in which wages were received and a certain amount of time was placed under the direction and supervision of the employer as a counter benefit to the receipt of wages. Since working hours are subordinate hours with one's labor under the disposition authority of the employer, long hours of work can be done for the health and safety of workers and furthermore, it can be an act that violates the value to enjoy as a human being. The reduction of working hours needs to be shortened in terms of productivity and enjoyment of workers' culture so that they can expand and reproduce, but users' corporate management labor and production activities should also be compatible compared to those pursued by capitalist countries. Working hours can be seen as individual time and time in society as a whole, and long hours of work at the individual level are reduced, which is undesirable at the individual level, but an increase in products due to an increase in production time at the social level can help social development. It is necessary to consider working hours in terms of finding the balance between these individual and social levels. If the regulation method of working hours was to regulate the total amount of working hours, flexibility and elasticity of working hours are a qualitative regulation method that allows companies to flexibly allocate and organize working hours within a certain range of up to 52 hours per week. Accordingly, it is necessary to shorten working hours, but expand and implement the flexible working hours system according to the situation of the company. To this end, it is necessary to flexibly operate the flexible working hours system, which is currently limited to six months, handle the selective working hours by agreement between employers and workers, and expand the target work of discretionary working hours according to the development of information and communication technology and new types based on the 4th industrial revolution.

Reframing the National Art Museum: the Trajectory and Controversy towards the Operational Autonomy: the Case of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (국립미술관의 재구성: 운영의 자율성을 향한 궤적 그리고 논란 - 국립현대미술관의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yon Jai
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.53
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    • pp.71-99
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    • 2020
  • This study focuses on the case of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (hereafter MMCA) that has faced the issue of securing autonomy as an art institution in association with the neoliberal logic of economy as part of globalization. The MMCA was opened with limited operational autonomy due to the government's development-driven national system and bureaucratic perspective. Since being selected as an institution subject to a range of restructuring consequent to the IMF crisis in 1997, the MMCA is being assessed for its operational autonomy since then. This paper examines the socio-cultural background of the implementation of the Korean type of 'Executive Agency' and 'Non-Departmental Public Body'. Furthermore, regardless of the result of either implementation or withdrawal after the projects, this paper explains how these administrative reforms lead the conflicts between stakeholders, which would promote the MMCA's autonomy. As a result, the institutional restructuring process based on the neoliberal perspective might result in the operational dilemma that must simultaneously fulfil the publicness in a different context. Moreover, unlike the original intent to establish a performance-based system based on the principle of competition while minimizing government intervention, this study illuminates that the influence of the nation(or government) as the actual agent of the projects may become permanent. It implies that since the establishment and development project of MMCA has initialized the concept of statism based on legal authority, the operational autonomy of the MMCA which is premised on the reinforcement of expertise and publicness cannot be prioritized over the direction and control of the government.

With Corona Era, exploring policy measures to prevent non-face-to-face lonely deaths - Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City's AI and IOT cases of lonely death prevention (With 코로나 시대 비대면 고독사 예방정책 방안 모색 - 대구광역시 AI, IOT 고독사 예방 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ha-Yoon Kim;Tai-Hyun Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2023
  • Due to social and cultural changes and the growth of aging people living as a single because of aging, lonely deaths are steadily increasing, and each local government has begun to define them as a social problem. The legal basis began to be established. In order to explore policy measures to prevent lonely deaths, this study examined cases of lonely death prevention policies using smart digital information technology (AI, IOT), which is being promoted by Daegu Metropolitan City to promote non-face-to-face policies to prevent lonely deaths. Policies related to lonely deaths are divided into two axes: lonely death prevention projects and post-excavation support projects. In order to operate these businesses efficiently, the provision of non-face-to-face services through artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things is recognized as a new service delivery system, so the importance and necessity of non-face-to-face services is increasing. It is time that multifaceted changes and preparations are needed, such as establishing a system to expand the non-face-to-face industry at the national level. In order to respond to another national disaster situation in the future, the non-face-to-face smart care system is being expanded in various welfare policies such as preventing lonely deaths. It will have to be activated.

History and Archives : Colleagues or Strangers? (역사학과 기록학 학문의 인연, 학제의 괴리)

  • OH, Hang-Nyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.54
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    • pp.179-210
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    • 2017
  • By redefining the concept of history, my colleagues and I have reformed our department in terms of curriculum and faculty members. This paper is a report of some of the conclusions that we have obtained from this procedure. Despite a long relationship, two disciplines do not seem to match or complement each other in the Korean education system. We believe that this is due to the fact that the Department of Korean History has focused on "national history (NH)." By conferring a privilege on NH, persons, families, societies, regions, and others were removed from NH. To make matters worse, a biased view that history is just an interpretation has prevailed, and the empiricism of history was weakened, which brought about an indifference in keeping records and archives. In East Asia, "history" means both modern history and archives. The concern about the authenticity of records did not come from H. Jenkinson or L. Duranti, and not even from the electronic environment or the Public Records Act of 1998. Key concepts such as records, documents-archives, manuscripts, authenticity, compilation-appraisal, arrangement, and description are different from their signifiant but are same or similar to their $signifi{\acute{e}}$. In case of "provenance" and "original order," they are used in education and practice in the traditional archives. History includes the recording, archiving, and the story or historiography of an event. In this context, the Department of Korean History should contain a more archives-oriented curriculum and select an archival-trained faculty. On the other hand, the department has accumulated long-term experience with appraisal and description of records; thus, archival science should absorb the criticism of the material. History will be shaken without the help of archives, while archives will lose their root without history. We are at the point in which we need to be reminded why we want to be a historian or an archivist, and for this, the more colleagues, the better.

The Effects of Consumer Value Cognition on Benefits and Attributes of Culture-Art Products (문화예술상품 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Eun Joo;Rhee, Young Sun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2012
  • Today's consumers perceive consumption as a representation of themselves. It is not simply an act that fulfills a consumer's physical and practical needs. Even in terms of life quality, consumers increasingly want to achieve an emotional and sensible experience through consumption. Consumers now make decisions based on their need to express their position in relation to other people, pursue emotional satisfaction, and try to improve the quality of life. Culture-art products that meet such internal and external demands of consumers have made significant improvements in both quantity and quality, because of the social interest and policy support. The recognition of personal and social values of culture and arts has brought about interest in and need for culture-art products. Businesses have agilely embraced such change and actively implemented various marketing strategies utilizing culture and arts. For example, businesses began to sponsor artists who produce culture-art products while building facilities for cultural and art performances or exhibitions. Businesses have also provided performances and exhibitions free-of-charge or at affordable prices. As a result, the supply in the market has started to exceed its demand as is often the case in many of other markets. However, such imbalance has occurred not because of over-supply but because of a lack of demand. Given these circumstances, the government and culture and art related organizations, which had mainly concentrated on the supply side, started to recognize the importance of creating personal and social values in culture and arts. As a result, the government and various organizations are now creating various strategies that include policy measures to achieve their new found goal. Unfortunately however, such efforts are not meeting the expectations. Focusing on above-mentioned circumstances and problems, this study aims to find measures to create demand for culture-art products in the internal conditions of those who consume culture-art products. In other words, given that the demand for culture-art products has not increased despite all external conditions to encourage consumption, this study aims to find the reasons in consumers' value judgment on culture-art products. Though there were recent studies on culture-art products that applied consumer behavior on marketing theories, most of them focused on peripheral aspects such as people's motivation for or satisfaction from watching culture-art events. Hence, there is a need to understand what kind of value consumers perceive from culture-art products and how such value cognition leads to consumption in a comprehensive manner. This study acts as follow-up to a separate study entitled "Qualitative Study about Value Cognition and Benefits of Consumer on Culture-Art Products". The current study aims to extend practical implications that enhance the effectiveness of marketing strategies among the producing and policy agencies in the industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate dimensions of value cognition, benefits and attributes of culture-art products, and identify the effects of consumer value cognition on benefits and attributes. The questionnaire was developed based on the conceptual structure of qualitative research and previous researches. It was composed of value cognition, benefits, attributes of culture-art products and demographic variables. This survey was conducted on-line and off-line among a total of 662 persons ranging from their teens to their 50's who were living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, various metropolitan cities, and small and medium-sized cities. The data collected was analyzed by factor analysis and path analysis using SPSS WIN 18.0 and AMOS 16.0. This empirical study found that the dimensions of value cognition of culture-art products were categorized into personal goods, aesthetic goods and public property. This shows that the consumers perceive culture-art products as products that are worthy enough to pay the costs not just for personal benefits but also for their social values. Also the formation of value cognition for culture-art products requires special conditions unlike that for physical consumer goods and services, which simply require marketing stimuli. The dimensions of benefits pursued by consuming culture-art products were found to be composed of four types - pursuit of aesthetic benefits, pursuit of actual benefits, pursuit of emotional benefits, and pursuit of conspicuous character. This result implies that people consume culture-art products not just to pursue pleasure from emotional and intelligent satisfaction as well as social relations, but also to seek the needs and benefits embodied at a social level. The dimensions of attributes of culture-art products had seven different factors, - environmental, price, evaluation, people, artwork, composition, and personal relations - which is plentiful. This is because the attributes of culture-art products are very complicated compared to other consumer goods or services. Since culture-art products include not just cultural or artistic works but also all physical, human, environmental, and systemic elements of the products in a comprehensive manner, consumers perceive everything they experience in the process of consuming culture-art products as part of the products. The dimensions of value cognition was found to affect attributes of the products, mostly using pursued benefits as a mediating factors. This result is consistent with the result of qualitative research, and proves that applying the means-end chain theory in the reverse direction is reasonable. The result can be interpreted that consumers' value cognitions for culture-art products turns into actual benefits leading to consumers' decisions. Furthermore, this result reveals that when consumers choose culture-art products, they take into account the attributes of culture-art products depending on the benefits they pursue. These results confirm that despite their conceptual and abstract attributes, culture-art products have values that contribute to actual benefits for individual consumers and society. Hence, value cognition generates benefits to be pursued and this in turn affects the consumers' choices of attributes on products. Based on the conceptual structure of consumers' value cognitions on culture-art products and its dimensions, it is possible to find detailed methods to provide opportunities for education and training to form and reinforce positive value cognition on culture-art products. And through those methods, it will be possible to develop attributes of culture-art products according to the dimensions of pursued benefits, and allow conceptual products become the subject to valuable consumption in real life. These results provide theoretical understanding of consumer behavior in culture marketing and useful information to culture-art producers, companies that use culture and art, and government agencies that use culture-art as a mean to improve the public perception of quality of life. As a follow up on this study, there should be experimental studies that can develop criteria visualizing the demands of consumers who purchase culture-art products and identify their detailed attributes. Studies that compare characteristics of different areas within the culture-art product category and in-depth studies on a specific area or genre will also be needed. In order to develop marketing strategies for culture-art products, studies on the formation and reinforcement of positive value cognition on culture-art products and education for the development of consumer demand as well as on the development and differentiation of attributes of culture-art products depending on types of consumer groups should also follow.

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