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Enhanced Migration of Gasohol Fuels in Clay Soils and Sediments (Gasoline-ethanol(Gasohol)혼합액의 점토층 내 이동에 대한 연구)

  • Hee-Chul Choi;W.M. Stallard;Kwang-Soo Kim;In-Soo Kim
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 1996
  • Clay soils typically have low hydraulic conductivities in the presence of high polarity pore fluid, such as water. Low polarity fluids, such as hydrocarbon fuels and halogenated organic solvents, typically cannot migrate into clay pores because they cannot displace the pore water. Oxygenated additives in gasoline, such as alcohols and methyl-tert-butyl ether, are increasingly used to control air pollution emissions. These relatively polar and highly water-soluble compounds may facilitate displacement of pore water and enhance migration of fuels and solvents through clay-rich soil strata. In the reported research, the migration of gasoline-alcohol fuel mixtures (gasohol) through consolidated clay was examined. Prepared kaolinite clay samples were consolidated from slurry, and various combinations of gasoline, alcohol, and water were applied to the clays under 152 Pa gauge pressure. Movement of the fluids into the clay samples was monitored by measur ing displaced pore fluid and by magnetic resonance imaging of the samples. The structures of selected samples were examined using environmental scanning electron microscopy. Results of the research suggest that alcohol added to hydrocarbon fuels can enhance migration through some clays significantly. Gasoline did not migrate appreciably into water saturated clay, even after 14 days under pressure. The gasohol mixture migrated readily into the clay in only 20 minutes. Increased hydraulic conductivity of the clay in the presence of gasohol is hypothesized to be due to the collapse of the clays pore structure when ethanol is present, creating larger pores. Increasing pore diameter decreases the capillary pressure needed for the gasohol to replace water and allows gasohol to migrate through the clay.

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Physicochemical Characteristics of Zeolite Mineral by Alkali Solution Treatment (알칼리 처리에 의한 Zeolite 광물의 물리화학적 특성)

  • Yim, Going
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 1996
  • The effect of sodium hydroxide treatment on some physicochemical properties of zeolite mordenite mineral was studied with chemical analyses, powder X-ray diffraction, thermal analyses, infrared analysis, measurement of carbon dioxide adsorption and gas chromatography. Mordenite mineral from tuffaceous rocks in Yeongil and Wolsung area was used as a starting material and treated with 0.1-5N NaOH aqueous solution at about 95C in the water bath for three hours.At the concentration of sodium hydroxide below 0.5N, all chemical compositions in the tuff were virtually insoluble and the mordenite structure did not change. At the concentration above 1N, the chemical compositions such as silica, alumina, etc., were dissolved. The dissolution ratio of silica was lager than that of alumina, and the ratio of silica to alumina in the tuff decreased sharply in the concentration range of 2 to 3N. Intensity of X-ray diffraction peak of mordenite (202) plane and the adsorbed amount of carbon dioxide also decreased with the increasing concentration of sodium hydroxide above 1N. These decreases corresponded to the degree of mordenite structure collapsed.The separation of gas chromatography of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide was not affected by the sodium hydroxide treatment, but elution peaks of methane and krypton tended to be broadened and their retention time was shortened. The elution peaks of both methane and krypton tended to be overlapped with those of nitrogen and oxygen.

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Utilization of Electric Arc furnace Slag md Converter Slag after Aging for Concrete Aggregate (콘크리트용 골재로서 에이징처리한 제강슬래그외 활용)

  • 문한영;유정훈
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.597-607
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    • 2002
  • Electric arc furnace and converter slag are produced by about 6 millions tons in Korea at 2000 year. But compared with blast furnace slag, those are utilized only in unvalued material like landfill and road construction. There are unstable materials, like free CaO, in electric arc furnace and converter slag at steel-manufacturing process. This might cause volume expansion in concrete, if electric arc furnace and converter slag aggregates were used in concrete. This expansion may reach to crack or collapse of concrete. It is therefore settled by standard specification for concrete that electric arc furnace and converter slag aggregates have not to use in concrete. First of all, volume stability and stabilized process should be solved in electric arc furnace and converter slag aggregate to use in concrete. In this study, 6 types of aging are evaluated for effects of stabilization to reduce the expansion of electric arc furnace and converter slag. h converter slag aggregate, these types of aging are not good for volume stability for concrete aggregate, and even if converter slag aggregate is treated with aging, concrete with it has some problems that strength is reduced with curing days. But in electric arc furnace slag aggregate treated with hotwater and steam aging, the expansion of electric arc furnace slag aggregate is reduced about two times than that of converter slag aggregate, and electric arc furnace slag aggregate concrete has good results in strength compared with control concrete using crushed stone.

Mossbauer Studies of the H2 Reduction Effects On Magnetic Properties of Sr-Ba Substituted Hexgonal Ferrite (치환형 Sr-Ba 육방 페라이트들의 자기적 성질에 수소환원이 미치는 효과에 관한 Mossbauer 분광학적 연구)

  • 박재윤;권명회;이재광
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 1999
  • Sr substituted materials for some barium in M-type barium ferrite powder and Co-Ti substituted Sr-Ba hexagonal ferrite powder were prepared by citrate sol-gel method and 2 MOE sol-gel method these hexaferrite particles were reduced for 1hr in the hydrogen gas. The reduction temperatures were varied in the range of 250 C to 500 C. X-ray diffraction patterns were measured using diffractometer with Cu K\Alhpa radiation. Mossbauer absorption spectra were measured with a constant acceleration spectrometer. We have focused on studying the origin of increasing Ms by M\"ossbauer spectroscopy. Ferrite particles which were sintered at 1050C were found to be typical magnetoplumbite structure and single phase. XRD patterns with varying the reduction temperatures in Sr0.5Ba0.5Fe10O19 indicates ferrites particles become composite hexaferrites containing α-Fe at T_{red}=350 \;C$. On the otherhand, it was found that Co2+ ions and Ti4+ ions in Sr0.7Ba0.3Fe10CoTiO19 prevent from changing Fe3+ ions to α-Fe during the H2 reduction. Comparing Mossbauer results with XRD results, we have determined most of α-Fe are reduced from 4fvi sites and 12k sites of Fe3+ ions. These α-Fe phase bring the induced anisotropy and increase saturation magnetization Ms.TEX>.

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Railroad Companies' competition structure in Tokyo, Japan (일본 동경권 철도회사의 경쟁구조와 경영비교분석)

  • Lim, Chai-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1017-1028
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    • 2006
  • Japanese railroad companies continued growing by developing diversification based on a railroad enterprise. However, after entering in the 1990s, the diversification model of a railroad company reached the management limit. Under economic depression, A decrease in the birthrate and aging progressed and passenger transport changed to the downward tendency. Nevertheless, since railroad investment was expanded, railroad achievements got worse and price competitiveness with JR East Japan became weak. But the achievements of a diversification section got worse compared with the railroad enterprise. Therefore, group management was thought as important and enterprise reorganization was developed.

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Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Bridges Considering Rebar Corrosion (철근 부식을 고려한 교량의 지진취약도 평가)

  • Shin, Soobong;Kong, Sina;Moon, Jiho;Song, Jong-Keol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2021
  • Although the deterioration of bridges may occur due to various causes, one of the representative causes is that the chloride used for deicing in the winter penetrates bridge members and results in corrosion. This study aims to quantify the ageing degree resulting from the corrosion of a bridge, apply it to the inelastic dynamic analysis model of the bridge, perform a seismic fragility analysis, and evaluate the relationship between the ageing degree and the seismic fragility curve. It is important to appropriately define the threshold values for each damage state in seismic fragility analyses considering the ageing degree. The damage state was defined using the results of existing experimental studies on the characteristics of the deterioration in the displacement ductility capacity of the pier, according to the ageing degree. Based on the seismic fragility analyses of six types of bridges divided by three types of bearing devices and two pier heights, it was found that the seismic vulnerability tends to increase with the ageing degree. The difference in seismic vulnerability with respect to the ageing degree exhibits a tendency to increase as the damage state progresses from slight to moderate, severe, and collapse.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of Unreinforced and ECC-jacketed Masonry Fences using Shaking Table Test (진동대실험을 사용한 비보강 및 ECC 자켓 보강 조적담장의 내진성능평가)

  • Yonghun Lee;Jinwoo Kim;Jae-Hwan Kim;Tae-Sung Eom;Sang-Hyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the efficacy of Engineered Cementitious Composite(ECC) jacket for masonry fences subjected to lateral dynamic load was experimentally verified through a shaking table test, comparing it with the performance of an unreinforced masonry(URM) fence. Firstly, dominant frequencies, modal damping ratios and deformed shapes were identified through an impact hammer test. URM and ECC-strengthened fences with heights of 940mm and 970mm had natural frequencies of 6.4 and 35.3Hz, and first modal damping ratios of 7.0 and 5.3%, respectively. Secondly, a shaking table test was conducted in the out-of-plane direction, applying a historical earthquake, El Centro(1940) scaled from 25 to 300%. For the URM fence, flexural cracking occurred at the interface of brick and mortar joint(i.e., bed joint) at the ground motion scaled to 50%, and out-of-plane overturning failure followed during the subsequent test conducted at the ground motion scaled to 30%. On the other hand, the ECC-jacketed fence showed a robust performance without any crack or damage until the ground motion scaled to 300%. Finally, the base shear forces exerted upon the URM and ECC-jacketed fences by the ground motions scaled to 25~300% were evaluated and compared with the ones calculated according to the design code. In contrast to the collapse risk of the URM fence at the ground motion of 1,000-year return period, the ECC-jacketed fence was estimated to remain safe up to the 4,800-year return period ground motion.

Bridge Safety Determination Edge AI Model Based on Acceleration Data (가속도 데이터 기반 교량 안전 판단을 위한 Edge AI 모델)

  • Jinhyo Park;Yong-Geun Hong;Joosang Youn
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • Bridges crack and become damaged due to age and external factors such as earthquakes, lack of maintenance, and weather conditions. With the number of aging bridge on the rise, lack of maintenance can lead to a decrease in safety, resulting in structural defects and collapse. To prevent these problems and reduce maintenance costs, a system that can monitor the condition of bridge and respond quickly is needed. To this end, existing research has proposed artificial intelligence model that use sensor data to identify the location and extent of cracks. However, existing research does not use data from actual bridge to determine the performance of the model, but rather creates the shape of the bridge through simulation to acquire data and use it for training, which does not reflect the actual bridge environment. In this paper, we propose a bridge safety determination edge AI model that detects bridge abnormalities based on artificial intelligence by utilizing acceleration data from bridge occurring in the field. To this end, we newly defined filtering rules for extracting valid data from acceleration data and constructed a model to apply them. We also evaluated the performance of the proposed bridge safety determination edge AI model based on data collected in the field. The results showed that the F1-Score was up to 0.9565, confirming that it is possible to determine safety using data from real bridge, and that rules that generate similar data patterns to real impact data perform better.

Experimental Study on the Performance Improvement of Velcro Reinforcement through Internal Filling (내부충진을 통한 벨크로 보강재의 성능향상에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Jeong, Yeong-Seok;Kwon, Minho;Kim, Jin-Sup;Nam, Gwang-Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2021
  • During the earthquake, for multi-story structure, if the first floor is soft, the deformation will concentrate on that floor causing a serious damage to the column members which might leads to the collapse of the whole structure like Piloti structure during the Pohang earthquake in Korea. According to the 2016 National Disaster Management Research Institute's "Investigation of Seismic Reinforcement and Cost Analysis of Domestic Non-seismic Buildings", the rate of seismic resistance of private reinforced concrete buildings was 38.3 %. Among them, it was reported that the seismic-resistance ratio of the two to five-story structures was less than 50 %. Accordingly, the government is trying to improve the seismic rate through support projects, but the conventional seismic reinforcement methods are still expensive, and emergency construction is difficult. Therefore, in this study, the field applicability was evaluated by improving the reinforcement method using Velcro, which was developed through the research project of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs in 2014. In order to improve the performance of the Velcro reinforcement method, introducing the initial tension of Velcro using high foaming rigid urethane filling between the Velcro and concrete of the columns was applied. Additionally, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the ductility of Velcro specimen from the concrete confinement effect. As a result, the ductility of the Velcro specimen was improved compare to Normal specimen. However, the energy dissipation capacity of VELCRO2 is better than VELCRO1, yet the maximum ductility of those two specimens did not show a significant difference. Therefore, the improvement of the internal filler material is still needed to have a better maximum ductility.

Compensation Criteria for Investigation Services and Strengthening Normative Force Plans for Detailed Qualification Criteria for Examination of Archaeological Heritage (매장문화재 조사용역 대가기준과 적격심사 세부기준 제도의 규범력 강화 방안)

  • Choi, Min-jeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.240-253
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    • 2019
  • Archaeological heritages are precious cultural relics and public assets that must be preserved, conserved, and shared with people all over the world. Investigating archaeological heritage is valuable and plays an important role for the public good; our ancestors' cultures can be restored, and it helps with developing a clear understanding of the cultural and social aspects of a historical period as well as teaches about historical factors unreported in the literature. One of the most basic and important conditions necessary for recognizing the value and importance of archaeological heritage investigation, expertise, and quality improvement is to establish detailed criteria for investigation services and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage. Observation of detailed criteria and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage can partially demonstrate society's recognition of strengthening transparency, public property, and the objectivity of the investigation of archaeological heritage. However, the detailed criteria for investigation services and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage currently implemented as administrative rules are neither followed by all institutes in the public and private sectors nor the government. Thus, there are serious problems in terms of the effectiveness and stability of institutions. The detailed criteria for the qualification examination breach the principle of statutory reservation, the principle of statutory regulation, and regulations on the announcement and management of orders and rules. Non-compliance with compensation criteria for investigation services or with detailed criteria for the qualification examination of archaeological heritage will be one of the reasons for the failure of the investigation foundation for archaeological heritage in the future. That is, it will result in the expansion, reproduction, and repetition of a vicious cycle of conflict between developers, who are the decision-makers responsible for selecting an investigating organization for archaeological heritage and determining the cost, and investigating organizations. This includes the impractical shortening of investigation periods and reducing costs by developers, distrust of the values and the importance of investigations of archaeological heritage, a decrease in quality, accidents caused by a lack of safety, a lack of occupational ethics, and non-recruitment of new experts, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to change the structure from a vicious cycle to a virtuous cycle, and promote the enactment of regulations that will ensure effectiveness and stability in the process of attaining the goals of the institution and application of the institution, as well as the continuous advancement of work to fill the gaps with reality.