• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적 붕괴

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Examination of Lateral Torsional Bucling Strength by Increasing the Warping Strength of I-Section Plate Girder with Concrete Filled Half Pipe Stiffener (콘크리트 충전 반원기둥보강재가 적용된 플레이트 거더의 뒤틀림 강도)

  • Cheon, Jinuk;Lee, Senghoo;Baek, Seungcheol;Kim, Sunhee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 2023
  • Lateral torsional buckling causessafety accidentssuch as collapse accidents during erection. Therefore, anaccurate safety designshould be conducted. Lateral torsional buckling canbe prevented by reinforcing the end orreducing the unbraced length. The method ofreducing the unbraced length by installing a crossframe has high material and installation costs and low maintenance performance.In addition, structuralsafety may be deteriorated due to cracks. The end reinforcement method using Concrete Filled Half Pipe Stiffeneris a method ofreinforcing the end of a plate girder using a stiffenerin the form of a semi-circular column. This method increasesthewarping strength ofthe girder and increasesthe lateral torsional buckling strength.In thisstudy, the effect ofincreasing the warping strengthof plate girders with concrete filled half pipe stiffeners was confirmed. To verify the effect, the results ofthe designequationand the finite element analysis were compared and verified through a experiment. As a result, the plate girderwithCFHPS increased thewarping strengthand confirmed that the lateral torsional buckling strength was increased.

The study on application of automatic monitor system for initial fire suppression in double-deck tunnel (대심도 복층터널 초기화재 진압을 위한 자동모니터 소화설비의 적용성 연구)

  • Yoo, Yong-Ho;Park, Sang-Heon;Han, Sang-Ju;Park, Jin-Ouk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.419-429
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    • 2016
  • In a bid to avoid the economic loss resulting from traffic jam in urban area, a deep underground road at 40 m depth has been considered and the first class disaster prevention facilities shall be applied according to domestic guideline. Automatic-monitoring fire extinguishing system designed to use for fire fighting has been widely applied at home and abroad. Recently development and commercialization through theoretical and experimental research to apply to road/railroad sector have been underway. Based on such performance of automatic fire extinguishing system, technical/economic analysis of existing water spray systems was conducted and as a result, it has demonstrated the superiority in terms of fire suppression as well as in cost efficiency. Then to commercialize this system, more diverse studies that will incorporate the characteristics of domestic tunnels are needed and should the system be promoted through institutional improvement, it's expected to become one of the advanced nations with own original technology in a life safety system industry throughout the world.

A Study of Zhuxi's Daoxuezhengzhi(道學政治) through his political frustration in the partisan struggle of 1196 Qingyuandanghuo(慶元黨禍) (1196년 경원당화(慶元黨禍)의 사상정국에서 주희의 정치적 좌절을 통해서 본 주희의 도학정치고찰)

  • Lee, Wook-Keun
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.473-507
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to understand Zhuxi's Taoxuezhengzhi(道學政治) by reorganizing both his political opinion in each different political situation and his consistent political consciousness appeared in his whole political career. He concluded that the politics was the real problematic in Southern Sung, which made its structure distorted. This distorted structure of politics had widely rooted in whole sphere of society. In order to cure this political problematic, Zhuxi had focused on huangdi(皇帝) and chaoting(朝廷). That is why people is the basis of State and the result of politics, while huangdi and chaoting is the basis of politics and the beginnig of politics. According to Zhuxi, forming their political power group of their own will by using huangdi's power, the political elites close to only to huangdi made the function of chaoting unstable, with the result that the political decay produced. In chaoting, it resulted in the weakness of huangdi's power, the collapse of official discipline(紀綱), and the absence of public opinion(公論) and public aggreement(公議). Beyond chaoting, it resulted in the absence of political trust and the degeneration of public morals(風俗). In the Southern Sung were not altered the political orientation and culture based on the political decay, but only political orientation and characteristics of political elite only altered. This proves Zhuxi's approach that all problems in Southern Sung could resolve by the political approach. Zhuxi had suggested political issues in office. The alternatives for those political issues had basis of the theme, the one that saving people(恤民) is the purpose of politics. However his political ideas and the execution of them had been occsionally collapsed by the complex political structue, the mechanisms of political power, and the sameness and privatization of political geography in Southern Sung. Qingyuandanghuo(慶元黨禍) was the final stage of his political frustration, with the result that it led to the failure of Zhuxi's taoxuezhengzhi and interrupted the tradition of taoxue(道學) for the time being.

The movement history of the southern part of the Yangsan Fault Zone interpreted from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the Sinheung Fault, Eonyang, Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (언양 신흥단층의 기하학적.운동학적 특성으로부터 해석된 경상분지 양산단층대 남부의 단층운동사)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2009
  • The main fault of Yangsan Fault Zone (YFZ) and Quaternary fault were found in a trench section with NW-SE direction at an entrance of the Sinheung village in the northern Eonyang, Ulsan, Korea. We interpreted the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ from the geometric and kinematic characteristics of basement rock's fault of the YFZ (Sinheung Fault) and Quaternary fault (Quaternary Sinheung Fault) investigated at the trench section. The trench outcrop consists mainly of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Hayang Group and volcanic rocks of Yucheon Group which lie in fault contact and Quaternary deposits which unconformably overlie these basement rocks. This study suggests that the movement history of the southern part of the YFZ can be explained at least by two different strike-slip movements, named as D1 and D2 events, and then two different dip-slip movements, named as D3 and D4 events. (1) D1 event: a sinistral strike-slip movement which caused the bedding of sedimentary rocks to be high-angled toward the main fault of the YFZ. (2) D2 event: a dextral strike-slip movement slipped along the high-angled beddings as fault surfaces. The main characteristic structural elements are predominant sub-horizontal slickenlines and sub-vertical fault foliations which show a NNE trend. The event formed the main fault rocks of the YFZ. (3) D3 event: a conjugate reverse-slip movement slipped along fault surfaces which trend (E)NE and moderately dip (S)SE or (N)NW. The slickenlines, which plunge in the dip direction of fault surfaces, overprint the previous sub-horizontal slickenlines. The fault is characterized by S-C fabrics superimposed on the D2 fault gouges, fault surfaces showing ramp and flat geometry, asymmetric and drag folds and collapse structures accompanied with it. The event dispersed the orientation of the main fault surface of the YFZ. (4) D4 event: a Quaternary reverse-slip movement showing a displacement of several centimeters with S-C fabrics on the Quternary deposits. The D4 fault surfaces are developed along the extensions of the D3 fault surfaces of basement rocks, like the other Quaternary faults within the YFZ. This indicates that these faults were formed under the same compression of (N)NW-(S)SE direction.

대추의 성숙중에 일어나는 연화현상에 관한 연구

  • 손미애;김광수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 1994.07a
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    • pp.23-24
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    • 1994
  • 본 연구는 성숙과의 저장중에 세포벽분해효소가 세포벽을 분해해서 물성의 변화를 유발함으로 일어나는 과실의 연과가 품질과 저장성의 저하 뿐만 아니라 영양적, 경제적 손실을 초래한다는 점을 고려하여 대추의 성숙중에 일어나는 연화현상을 연구하고자 성숙에 따른 경도, 세포벽분해효소의 활성, 세포벽 다당류 pectin질, 비섬유성 중성당 및 조직의 변화를 조사하였다. 경도는 대추의 숙성에 따라 감소하였고, polygalacturonase와 β-galactosidase의 활성은 각각 변색기와 완숙기에 나타난 이후 급격히 증가하였다. 세포벽 다당류인 pectin질과 알칼리 지용성 hemicellulose는 완숙기가지 증가햐였으나 cellulose는 완숙기에 산가용성 hemicellulose와 cellulose를 제외한 세포벽 다당류의 함량은 다소 감소하였다. 대추의 세포벽 비섬유성 중성당으로 rhamnose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, galactose, glucose가 동정되었고, 성숙동안에 pectin질에서는 arabinose, mannose, galactose와 총 비섬유성 중성당의 함량이 감소하였고, 산가용성 hemicellulose에서는 xylose와 mannose가 뚜렸하게 증가하였으나 중성당은 변화없었으며, 알칼리 가용성 hemicellulose에서는 성숙에 따른 변화가 거의 없었다. pectin질의 경우 수용성 pectin, EDTA 용해성 pectin 및 총 pectin은 성숙중에 증가하는 경향이있으나 불용성 pectin은 감소하는 경향이였으며 과숙기에는 불용성 psctin EDTA용해성 pectin 및 총 pectin의 함량은 모두 현저히 감소하였다. 대추의 성숙중 조직에서는 pectin질로 구성된 중충의 붕괴현상이 뚜렸하게 나타났다.발이 절실히 필요한 실정이다. 이러한 배경으로 본 강연에서는 효소적갈변 저해제의 개발과 그들의 식품가공에의 적용 현환 및 화장품, 의약품으로의 응용에 대해 설명하고자 한다.L주에 비해 S주는 수정후 용과가 더 심하다. 9) 화분관의 행동은 수정력과 완전히 일치된다. 즉 L-selfing, L×L, S-selfing, S×S등의 부적법 수분에서는 화분관은 화주의 미중에서 정지되지만 L×S, S×L,에서는 수분 약 40-50분 후이면 화분관은 자방까지 도달된다. 10) S주는 웅본으로 오인되어 있지만 인위적법수분을 하면 수정력이나 화분관의 행동은 L주에서와 동일하다. 11) S화분은 완전하지만 L화분은 약 70%가 내용공허한 Adortive pollen 이다. 12) L화분중 나머지 30%도 S화분에 비해서 염색도가 낮은것이 많고 S화분 같이 농염되는 것은 극히 소수이다. 13) 본장물은 분화가 고도로 진행된 전형적인 이형예작물이여 마치 Dimorphism 에서 Dioecious 에로 이행되는 수가 있다는 것을 표시하는 증거가 되는 것 같다. 다소 높은 산소농도 3%~5% 이산화탄소 농도 5~8%에서 저장하는 것이 효과적일 것으로 판단되었다.철쭉군목으로 대표되나 군단이 하의 군목들은 다소 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 중간상인이론의 수정이 필요하다고 본다.가\ulcorner 본 논문에서는 표면적 형태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal X0 elements)로 가정한다. 즉, [+wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 동일한 구성요 소를 지닌 병렬적 합성어([

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Change in Physical Properties of Cold-Extruded Brown Rice and Vegetable Mix at Various Pregelatinized Brown Rice Content and CO2 Gas Injection (예비호화 현미분 함량과 CO2 가스 주입량에 따른 저온 현미-야채류 압출성형물의 물리적 특성 변화)

  • Gil, Sun-Kook;Choi, Ji-Hye;Ryu, Gi-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.1716-1723
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    • 2014
  • This study was designed to examine the change in physical properties of extruded brown rice-vegetable mix at different pregelatinized brown rice contents and CO2 gas injection. Moisture content, screw speed and die temperature were fixed to 30%, 100 rpm and 60, respectively. CO2 gas injection was adjusted to 0, 300, 600, and 800 mL/min. The content of vegetables (carrot, pumpkin, kale and Angelica keiskei) mix was fixed 5%. Pregelatinized and raw brown rice powder were blended as the ratio of 0/95, 30/65 and 50/45. Specific mechanical energy input decreased as pregelatinized brown rice ratio increased. Expansion index increased and the size and number of pores increased but density decreased with the increasing in CO2 gas injection. Gelatinization degree increased as CO2 gas injection increased. In conclusion, cold extrusion with CO2 gas injection at 60C die temperature could be applied for Saengsik (uncooked food) making.

Standardization of Preparation of Chinese Cabbage Kimchi I. Effects of Dry Salting of Method Salt Content on the Texture of Kimchi (통배추김치 제조의 표준화 연구 I. 농도별 건염법이 배추 질감에 미치는 영향)

  • 정순애;오현희;전소현;최은정;김병미;조신호
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2003
  • Kimchi has been worldwide recognized as a traditional Korean fermented food, In the Chinese cabbage's pickling, salt content of evenly penetrate into the tissue affects on the texture of matured kimchi, But the previous method which usually using brine salting has a disadvantage of uneven penetration of salt into the leaves and stems. The purpose of the study is to develope the method which produce superior kimchi by evenly penetrate the salt into the tissue rapidly, The dry salting method is directly spread the salt on the surface of chinese cabbage as percentage in weight with 10, 12, 14, 16%(s) and pickled in this state for 5 hours. Brine salting method is soaking chinese cabbage in the 16% salt solution(16%B) for 20 hours. Sensory evaluation, contents of salt, properties of mechanical hardness and micro structure were studied among fresh cabbage, 16%B and 10, 12, 14, 16%(s) cabbage, The result of salt contents in all groups of pickled chinese cabbage were significantly increased compared with fresh cabbage. The compressive force of cabbage's steams by mechanical measurement was significantly decreased but cutting force was increased. In pickled cabbage, the cutting force was the highest correlated with salt content, In the sensory evaluation, the salty taste of leaves and chewy degree were significantly increased, but the hardness and crips of the stems were significantly decreased by increasing salt contents. Therefore the dry salting is the most excellent pickling method in small amount of kimchi production by saving salt amount and time, furthermore due to even penetration of salt into leaves and stems.

Perception of Ecological Values in Cultural Contents and Plans for Ecological Cultural Contents (문화콘텐츠의 생태적 가치 인식과 생태주의 문화콘텐츠 구상)

  • Jinhyung Kim;Woongjae Ryoo
    • Global Cultural Contents
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    • no.39
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    • pp.44-65
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    • 2019
  • Ecological nature was independently established in cultural content before the industrial society. Cultural contents started to be distributed as products in the industrial society, and since then there has been the coexistence of ecological and anti-ecological nature. Despite this change, community-based festivals and performances as ecological cultural contents encompassing both the time before and after the industrial society are still transmitted in some agricultural and fishing villages in today's Korea. Based on this aspect, ecological cultural contents can be defined as cultural contents that is practiced in various ways for symbiotic relations between men, man and impersonal being, and further beings surrounding cultural contents as well as man and nature. A basic plan for ecological cultural contents would pursue the three following directions: first, establishing a symbiotic system of cultural contents to create synergic effects among elements; second, building a distribution structure of virtuous cycle for cultural contents by reinforcing the productive abilities of consumers and users; and finally, expanding the base of cultural contents to exercise ecological nature. The perception and development of this ecological cultural contents will propose practical acts to help the human society move forward to an environment-friendly future in today's situations where the Earth's self-purification mechanism has collapsed.

The Strategy of Characterizing Space that uses Anti-House as a Metaphor for Character's Self-Defense Mechanism - Focusing on the TV Series and the Theater version of - (캐릭터의 자아방어기제를 은유하는 '안티돔' 공간의 성격화 전략 - <에반게리온>의 TV 시리즈와 극장판 를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Se-Hyeok;Ryu, Beom-Yeol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2015
  • Animations characterize space as a strategy to effectively show the inner conflicts of characters and to highlight the theme. During the process of inner conflict, characters unconsciously use defense mechanism to protect their egos from the fear that came from deficiency, and because of the self-deceptive quality of self-defense mechanism, the reality is distorted and conflicts get intensified. This study focuses on the concept of anti-house, the space where conflicts get intensified, analyzes animations to find out the aspect of inner conflict, and interprets the characteristic of space that is used for metaphoric structure frame. Also, it aims to reveal how the defense mechanism, which intensifies the inner conflict of characters, is characterized as anti-house. The analysis in this study was mainly done with the TV series, , and the theater version of . It is because the characters have serious deficiency from broken home and have a psychological quality of closed boundary that is symbolized as 'A.T. field'. Especially, the core character, 'Shinji Ikari', shows how a character uses compulsive self-defense mechanism to deal with inner conflict and as a result, goes through ego-collapse and then introspection. This process of the character's experience is the core of the whole plot. Through analysis, the relationship between the character's self-defense mechanism and the space, anti-house(which expands to Anti-city), was inferred. The space is made up of three axes, x-axis of horizontal space, y-axis of vertical space, and in the sense that all the space has no exit, z-axis of deeper contradictory space. This thesis started with the decision that is the most suitable work in analyzing the metaphorical relationship between self-defense mechanism and anti-house. There was limitation, however, as the typical characteristics of Japanese animations, pedantic composition and the possibility of broad interpretation, hindered clear verification. Hopefully, this limitation will be overcome by following studies and this study is expected to show the importance of space in interpreting the text of animations, and to serve as database for other creative works.

Sleep Architecture and Physiological Characteristics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Split-Night Analysis (수면분할 분석으로 본 수면무호흡증의 수면구조와 생리적 특징)

  • Kim, Eui-Joong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2006
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome disrupts normal sleep. However, there were few studies to evaluate the asymmetric distribution, the one of the important factors of normal sleep in OSA subjects. We hypothesized that asymmetry would be broken in OSA patients. 49 male subjects with the complaint of heavy snoring were studied with polysomnography. We divided them into two groups based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) fifteen: 13 simple snoring group (SSN, average AHI 5.9±4.4) and 32 OSA group (average AHI 47.3±23.9). We compared split sleep variables between the first half and the second half of sleep within each group with paired t-test for the evaluation of asymmetry. Changes of sleep architecture of OSA were higher stage 1 sleep% (S1), total arousal index (TAI), AHI, and mean heart rate (HR) and lower stage 2 sleep% (S2), REM sleep%, and mean arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) than SSN subjects. SWS and wake time after sleep onset (WASO) were not different between two groups. In split-night analysis, OSA subjects showed higher S2, slow wave sleep% (SWS), spontaneous arousal index (SAI), and mean HR in the first half, and higher REM sleep% and mean SaO2 in the second half. Those were same pattern as in SSN subjects. Mean apnea duration and longest apnea duration were higher in the second half only in the OSA. No differences of AHI, ODI, WASO, and S1 were found between the first and the second half of sleep in both groups. TAI was higher in the first half only in the SSN. SWS and WASO seemed to be influenced sensitively by simple snoring as well as OSA. Unlike our hypothesis, asymmetric distributions of major sleep architecture variables were preserved in OSA group. Losing asymmetry of TAI might be related to pathophysiology of OSA. We need more studies that include large number of subjects in the future.

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