• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적판별

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Performance Analysis of Noncoherent OOK UWB Transceiver with PEWB for LR WPAN (PEWB를 이용한 저속 무선 개인영역 네트워크용 비동기 OOK 방식 UWB 송수신기 성능 분석)

  • Ki, Myoung-O;Choi, Sung-Soo;Oh, Hui-Myoung;Kim, Kwan-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07d
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    • pp.2992-2994
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    • 2005
  • 수십 센티미터 이내의 오차를 만족시키는 거리/위치판별 기능 및 저속 데이터 송수신 기능 구현을 주목적으로 발족된 저속 무선 개인영역 네트워크(LR-WPAN: Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network)의 표준인 IEEE802.15.4a는 간단하고 경제적이며 전력 소모가 적은 송수신기 구조를 요구한다. 이에 본 논문에서는 PEWB(Parallel Energy Window Banks)를 이용한 독창적인 비동기(noncoherent) OOK(On-Off Keying) UWB(Ultra-Wide Band) 송수신기 구조를 제안한다. 또한 무선 다중경로 채널상황을 다소 극복할 수 있는 펄스와 비트 반복 기법을 사용한다. 제안된 송수신기의 잡음 특성 분석을 위해 chi-square 분포가 사용되며, 반복적 계산을 통해 얻어진 임계값을 적용하여 BER(Bit Error Rate) 성능을 분석한다.

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Character Region Detection Using Hangul Character Structure and Class Feature in Natural Images (자연영상에서 한글 자소 구조 및 유형 특징을 이용한 문자 영역 검출)

  • Bak, Jong-Cheon;Gwon, Gyo-Hyeon;Jeon, Byeong-Min
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.396-399
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    • 2011
  • 모바일 기기의 보급이 확대됨으로서 모바일 기기에 내장된 카메라로 획득한 영상을 처리하는 다양한 종류의 응용프로그램이 개발되어 사용되고 있다. 대표적인 응용프로그램은 카메라로 찍은 영상의 사물 검색결과를 인터넷 검색엔진과 연계함으로서 키워드 입력 없이 검색할 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 본 연구는 그 중에서 한글 문자가 포함된 영상을 대상으로 영상검색 수행하는 연구로서 영상에서 한글 문자 영역을 검출하는 방법을 제안하였다. 한글 문자 구조 특징으로 한글 자소를 병합하여 후보 문자 영역을 추출하고 병합된 후보 문자 영역을 한글 6가지 문자 유형 특징을 기반으로 문자 영역을 여부를 판별함으로서 최종적인 문자 영역을 검출한다. 실험결과 문자영역 재현률이 향상됨을 알 수 있었다.

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An Efficient Algorithm for Determining Probe Specificity in DNA Chips (유전자 칩에서 Probe Specificity를 판별하기 위한 효율적인 알고리즘)

  • Kwon Young-Dae;Park Kyoung-Wook;Lim Hyeong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.913-915
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    • 2005
  • 유전자 칩의 정확성은 각 유전자들의 식별자로 활용되는 probe들에 의해 결정된다. 칩에 삽입되는 probe들은 반응오류를 피하기 위해 이중구조, 녹는점, 그리고 CG구조와 같은 요소들을 고려한다. 또한 다른 유전자들과의 교차반응을 최소화하기 위해 specificity를 고려한다. probe의 specificity 검증은 전체 유전자들에 대해 탐색해야 하므로 대규모 염색체에 대해서는 많은 계산이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 specificity 검증을 위한 효율적인 알고리즘을 제시한다. 제시한 알고리즘은 해시테이블을 활용하여 probe가 specificity를 만족하지 못하게 하는 유전자 시퀀스들만을 탐색하여 비교한다. 제시한 알고리즘이 기존 알고리즘보다 효율적임을 실험결과를 통해 보인다.

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A Study on the Restoration of Korean Traditional Palace Image by Adjusting the Receptive Field of Pix2Pix (Pix2Pix의 수용 영역 조절을 통한 전통 고궁 이미지 복원 연구)

  • Hwang, Won-Yong;Kim, Hyo-Kwan
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.360-366
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a AI model structure for restoring Korean traditional palace photographs, which remain only black-and-white photographs, to color photographs using Pix2Pix, one of the adversarial generative neural network techniques. Pix2Pix consists of a combination of a synthetic image generator model and a discriminator model that determines whether a synthetic image is real or fake. This paper deals with an artificial intelligence model by adjusting a receptive field of the discriminator, and analyzes the results by considering the characteristics of the ancient palace photograph. The receptive field of Pix2Pix, which is used to restore black-and-white photographs, was commonly used in a fixed size, but a fixed size of receptive field is not suitable for a photograph which consisting with various change in an image. This paper observed the result of changing the size of the existing fixed a receptive field to identify the proper size of the discriminator that could reflect the characteristics of ancient palaces. In this experiment, the receptive field of the discriminator was adjusted based on the prepared ancient palace photos. This paper measure a loss of the model according to the change in a receptive field of the discriminator and check the results of restored photos using a well trained AI model from experiments.

An Analysis of Geophysical and Temperature Monitoring Data for Leakage Detection of Earth Dam (흙댐의 누수구역 판별을 위한 물리탐사와 온도 모니터링 자료의 해석)

  • Oh, Seok-Hoon;Suh, Baek-Soo;Kim, Joong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2010
  • Both multi-channel temperature monitoring and geophysical electric survey were performed together for an embankment to assess the leakage zone. Temperature variation according to space and time on the inner parts of engineering constructions (e.g.: dam and slope) can be basic information for diagnosing their safety problem. In general, as constructions become superannuated, structural deformation (e.g.: cracks and defects) could be generated by various factors. Seepage or leakage of water through the cracks or defects in old dams will directly cause temperature anomaly. This study shows that the position of seepage or leakage in dam body can be detected by multi-channel temperature monitoring using thermal line sensor. For that matter, diverse temperature monitoring experiments for a leakage physical model were performed in the laboratory. In field application of an old earth fill dam, temperature variations for water depth and for inner parts of boreholes located at downstream slope were measured. Temperature monitoring results for a long time at the bottom of downstream slope of the dam showed the possibility that temperature monitoring can provide the synthetic information about flowing path and quantity of seepage of leakage in dam body. Geophysical data by electrical method are also added to help interpret data.

Estimation of Modal Parameters for Plastic Film-Covered Greenhouse Arches (비닐하우스 아치구조의 모달계수 산정)

  • Cho, Soon-Ho
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2010
  • To a series of vibration records obtained from experimental modal testing using a fixed hammer and roving accelerometers for greenhouse arch structures, modal parameters such as natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes are extracted by applying the two most advanced system identification methods in the frequency-domain up to now, so-called PolyMAX and FDD. The former involves both input and output data, while the latter utilizes only the output data. The possibility of determining the static buckling load, detecting damages, etc., for very slender steel-pipe arches by means of a non-destructive testing method based on vibration measurements is primarily investigated. The extracted modal parameters generally correlated well with those obtained using finite element analysis, demonstrating promising results for further on-going research.

Character Region Detection Using Structural Features of Hangul & English Characters in Natural Image (자연영상에서 한글 및 영문자의 구조적 특징을 이용한 문자영역 검출)

  • Oh, Myoung-Kwan;Park, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1718-1723
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    • 2014
  • We proposes the method to detect the Hangul and English character region from natural image using structural feature of Hangul and English Characters. First, we extract edge features from natural image, Next, if features are not corresponding to the heuristic rule of character features, extracted features filtered out and select candidates of character region. Next, candidates of Hangul character region are merged into one Hangul character using Hangul character merging algorithm. Finally, we detect the final character region by Hangul character class decision algorithm. English character region detected by edge features of English characters. Experimental result, proposed method could detect a character region effectively in images that contains a complex background and various environments. As a result of the performance evaluation, A proposed method showed advanced results about detection of Hangul and English characters region from natural image.

A study on speech disentanglement framework based on adversarial learning for speaker recognition (화자 인식을 위한 적대학습 기반 음성 분리 프레임워크에 대한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yoohwan;Chung, Soo-Whan;Kang, Hong-Goo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a system to extract effective speaker representations from a speech signal using a deep learning method. Based on the fact that speech signal contains identity unrelated information such as text content, emotion, background noise, and so on, we perform a training such that the extracted features only represent speaker-related information but do not represent speaker-unrelated information. Specifically, we propose an auto-encoder based disentanglement method that outputs both speaker-related and speaker-unrelated embeddings using effective loss functions. To further improve the reconstruction performance in the decoding process, we also introduce a discriminator popularly used in Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) structure. Since improving the decoding capability is helpful for preserving speaker information and disentanglement, it results in the improvement of speaker verification performance. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method by improving Equal Error Rate (EER) on benchmark dataset, Voxceleb1.

A Study on the Identification of Animal Hair in Food (식품 중 동물 털 이물의 판별법 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwang;Park, Young-Eun;Lim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Ju-Shin;Choi, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Tae Sun;Lee, Jin-Ha;Kwon, Kisung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2017
  • Foreign materials with a variety of types and sizes are found in food; thus, extraordinary efforts and various analytical methods are required to identify the types of foreign materials and to find out accurate causes of how they unintentionally enter food. In this study, human, cow, pig, mouse, duck, goose, dog, and cat were chosen as various types of animal hairs because they can be frequently incorporated into food during its production or consumption step. We morphologically analyzed them using stereoscopic, optical, SUMP method, and scanning electron microscopes, showing differences in each type. In addition, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) was used to analysis chemical compositions ($^{11}Na{\sim}^{92}U$, Mass%) of samples. As a result, we observed that mammalian hairs were mainly composed of sulfur. Organic compounds of samples were further analyzed by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) that can compare spectra of given materials; however, this method did not show significant differences in each sample. In this study, we suggest a rapid method for the identification of the causes and types of foreign materials in food.

Analytical Approach for the Noise Properties and Geometric Scheme of Industrial CR Images according to Radiation Intensity (산업용 CR영상의 방사선 강도에 따른 잡음특성과 기하학적 구도형성의 해석적 접근)

  • Hwang, Jung-Won;Hwang, Jae-Ho;Park, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we investigate an analytical approach for noise properties and geometric structure in Computed Radiography(CR) images of industrial steel-tubes. Over thirty diverse radiographic images are sampled from industrial radiography measurements according to radiation intensity. Each image consists of three regions; background, thickness and inner-tube. Among these the region of inner-tube is selected for the object of analysis. Geometric structure which includes the noise generation is analyzed by the statistical and functional methodology. The analysis is carried on spacially and line by line. It verifies the geometrical transfigure from the circle configuration of steel-tube and noise variation. The estimation of fitting function and its error are the geometric factors. The statistics such as standard deviation, mean and signal-to-noise ratio are noise parameters for discrimination. These factors are considered under the intensity variation which is the penetrative strength of radiation. The analysing results show that the original geometry of circle is preserved in the form of elliptic or short/long diameter circle, and the noise deviation has increased inverse proportional to the radiation intensity.