• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구조적판별

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Design of Certificate Status Checking Mechanism Using Verification Requester Identity Information (검증 요청자 신원 정보를 이용한 인증서 상태 확인 메커니즘의 설계)

  • Kim, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Jun-Hwan;Han, Myung-Mook;Oh, Hae-Seok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.1257-1260
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    • 2005
  • 인증서 상태 확인은 해당 거래에 사용되는 인증서에 대해 유효한 인증서임을 판별하기 위한 과정으로 인증서 표준이 제정된 이후로 계속적으로 연구되고 있는 분야이다. 현재 가장 보편적으로 이용되는 인증서 상태 확인 기법은 인증서폐지목록(CRL : Certificate Revocation List)을 이용하는 기법이다. 이 기법은 방법 자체가 가지고 있는 시간격차 문제와 물리적 파일 처리의 과부하로 인하여 사용에 많은 제약이 따른다. 이를 해결하기 위해 온라인 인증서 상태 프로토콜(OCSP : OnLine Certificate Status Protocol) 기법이 제시되었다. 이 기법은 CRL 기법의 비 실시간성 문제를 해결한다. 하지만 서비스 요청 서버의 과부하 문제와 구조적 집중화 문제로 인하여 인증서 상태를 확인 하는데 소요되는 시간이 다소 오래 걸린다는 문제가 있다. 본 논문에서는 검증 요청자의 신원정보에 대한 해쉬값을 이용하여 인증서 상태 확인 요청을 하고 이를 통해 인증서 상태 확인 과정을 진행함으로써 통신 부하를 감소시키고 실시간으로 인증서 상태를 확인 할 수 있는 검증 요청자 신원 정보를 이용한 인증서 상태 확인 메커니즘을 제안한다.

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Identifying the Chickens-Eggs Statistical Lead-Lag Dilemma (닭-달걀 간 통계적 인과성 논란의 판별)

  • Kim, Tae Ho;Kim, Min Jeong;Lee, Jeen Woan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.401-411
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    • 2013
  • This study investigates the controversial chickens-eggs dilemma and empirically performs statistical tests to examine if there exists a causality between them. Granger and Hsiao tests are applied to both level and stationary variables to identify the lead-lag relationships. Each of these test is found to have the robust result where the causality runs from eggs to chickens; in addition, the explanatory power of one variable in variations of the other appears to remain time invariant. The outcome is proved to be valid as the hypothesis test for no structural change in their relationship fails to be rejected.

Design of a Real-time Algorithm Using Block-DCT for the Recognition of Speed Limit Signs (Block-DCT를 이용한 속도 제한 표지판 실시간 인식 알고리듬의 설계)

  • Han, Seung-Wha;Cho, Han-Min;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Hwang, Sun-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.12B
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    • pp.1574-1585
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a real-time algorithm for speed limit sign recognition for advanced safety vehicle system. The proposed algorithm uses Block-DCT in extracting features from a given ROI(Region Of Interest) instead of using entire pixel values as in previous works. The proposed algorithm chooses parts of the DCT coefficients according to the proposed discriminant factor, uses correlation coefficients and variances among ROIs from training samples to reduce amount of arithmetic operations without performance degradation in classification process. The algorithm recognizes the speed limit signs using the information obtained during training process by calculating LDA and Mahalanobis Distance. To increase the hit rate of recognition, it uses accumulated classification results computed for a sequence of frames. Experimental results show that the hit rate of recognition for sequential frames reaches up to 100 %. When compared with previous works, numbers of multiply and add operations are reduced by 69.3 % and 67.9 %, respectively. Start after striking space key 2 times.

Initial Evaluation using Geochemical Data to infer Tectonic Setting of Mt. Baekdu/Changbaishan Volcano (백두산 화산의 지체구조 추론을 위한 지구화학적 데이터를 이용한 기초 평가)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Chang, Cheolwoo;Pan, Bo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.128-139
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to investigate the tectonic setting of the volcanic edifice at Mt. Baekdu by analyzing petrochemical characteristics of Holocene felsic volcanic rocks distributed in the Baekdusan stratovolcano edifice and summit of the Cheonji caldera rim, as well as Pleistocene mafic rocks of the Gaema lava plateau and Changbaishan shield volcano edifice. During the early eruption phases, mafic eruption materials, with composition ranging from alkali basalt to trachybasalt, or from subalkaline (tholeiitic) basalt to basaltic andesite formed the Gaema lava plateau and Changbaishan shield volcanic edifice, whereas the Baekdusan stratovolcano edifice and Holocene tephra deposits near the summit of the Cheonji caldera comprises trachytic and rhyolitic compositions. Analysis results revealed bimodal compositions with a lack of 54-62 SiO2, between the felsic and mafic volcanic rocks. This suggested that magmatic processes occurred at the locations of extensional tectonic settings in the crust. Mafic volcanic rocks were plotted in the field of within-plate volcanic zones or between within-plate alkaline and tholeiite zones on the tectonic discrimination diagram, and it was in good agreement with the results of the TAS diagram. Felsic volcanic rocks were plotted in the field of within-plate granite tectonic settings on discrimination diagrams of granitic rocks. None of the results were plotted in the field of arc islands or continental margin arcs. The primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram did not show negative (-) anomalies of Nb and Ti, which are distinctive characteristics of subduction-related volcanic rocks, but exhibited similar patterns of ocean island basalt. Trace element compositions showed no evidence of, magmatic processes related to subduction zones, indicating that the magmatic processes forming the Baekdusan volcanic field occurred in an intraplate environment. The distribution of shallow earthquakes in this region supports the results. The volcanic rocks of the Baekdusan volcanic field are interpreted as the result of intraplate volcanism originating from the upwelling of mantle material during the Cenozoic era.

Multi -Query Processing using the Grid Structure in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크 환경에서 그리드 구조를 이용한 다중 질의 처리 기법)

  • Kang, Gwang-Goo;Seong, Dong-Ook;Yoo, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.1086-1090
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    • 2010
  • In recent, as many applications of sensor networks increase, various techniques have been studied to efficiently operate network systems. The query optimization scheme that is one of such techniques has been studied to reduce the data transmission cost. The data transmission is of great importance to the energy consumption of sensor networks. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient multiple queries processing scheme by sharing sensor readings for multiple queries, when they are occurred in sensor networks. The proposed scheme reduces unnecessary data transmissions among the sensor nodes by intuitively identifying their locations using the grid structure. It also efficiently shares the data by recognizing the redundant regions of sensor nodes. In order to show the superiority of the proposed scheme, we compare it with the existing scheme in various experiments. As the result, the proposed scheme reduces about 65% energy consumption over the existing scheme.

cDNA Microarray data Analysis and Management System: cMAMS (cDNA 마이크로어레이 데이터의 분석과 관리 시스템: cMAMS)

  • 김상배;김효미;이은정;김영진;박정선;박윤주;정호열;고인송
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.04b
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    • pp.247-249
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    • 2004
  • 마이크로어레이 기술은 근래에 개발된 신기술로써 동시에 수천-수만 개의 유전자 발현을 측정할 수 있어 다양한 생물학적 연구에 이용되고 있다. 여러 단계의 실험 과정과 이를 통해 얻은 다량의 데이터를 처리하기 위해서는 이를 효율적으로 관리. 저장, 분석할 수 있는 통할 정보 관리 시스템을 필요로 한다. 현재 외국에서는 몇몇 관리시스템이 개발되어 있고. 국내에서도 WEMA 등이 있지만 아직 데이터 관리부분에 기능이 치우쳐 있다. 따라서 우리는 복잡한 자료구조를 가지는 마이크로어레이의 실험 정보와 각 단계별 처리 정보 등을 사용자의 관점에서 효과적이고 체계적으로 관리할 수 있고, 데이터 정규화 및 다양한 통계적 분석 기능을 갖춰 불필요한 시간과 비용을 줄임으로써 마이크로어레이 연구에 도움을 주고자 통합 분석관리 시스템 cMAMS (cDNA Microarray Analysis and Management System)를 개발하였다. 웹 기반으로 구현된 cMAMS는 데이터를 저장, 관리하는 부분과 데이터를 분석하는 부분, 그리고 모든 관련 점보가 저장되는 데이터베이스 부분으로 구성되어 있다 데이터관리부분에서는 WEMA의 계층적 데이터구조론 도입해 관리의 효율성을 높이고 시스템의 이용자를 시스템운영자, 프로젝트관리자, 일반사용자로 구분하여 데이터 접근을 제한함으로써 보안성을 높였다. 통계처리 언어 R로 구현된 데이터분석 부분은 7 단계의 다양한 분석(전처리 정규화, 가시화, 군집분석. 판별분석, 특이적 발현 유전자 선뿐, 마이크로어레이 간의 상판분석)이 가능하도록 구현하였고, 분석결과는 데이터베이스에 저장되어 추후에 검토 및 연구자간의 공유가 가능하도록 하였다. 데이터베이스는 실험정보가 저장된 데이터베이스, 분석결과가 저장된 데이터베이스, 그리고 유전자 정보 탐색을 위한 데이터베이스로 분류해 데이터를 효율적으로 관리할 수 있게 하였다. 본 시스템은 LiNUX를 운영체계로 하고 데이터베이스는 MYSQL로 하여 JSP, Perl. 통계처리 언어인 R로 구현되었다.

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Development of Evaluation Indicators for Determining the Reconstruction of Retired School Facilities (노후학교시설 개축 판별을 위한 평가지표 개발)

  • Meang, Joon-Ho;Kim, Sung-Joon;Song, Byung-Joon;Kim, Jae-Young
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of this study was to propose an objective basis model for determining business types through renovation and remodeling by quantifying and comprehensively reviewing functional, performance, structural safety, and economic indicators for rational renovation and remodeling of deteriorated school facilities. Delphi analysis and AHP analysis were applied as the main methodologies for setting evaluation indicators, and scores for each evaluation item was allocated based on 34 points in the function and performance fields, 51 points in the structural safety field, and 15 points in the economic field. In the future, judgment on the execution of objective and reasonable reconstruction can be expected, focusing on the evaluation indicator index model, and it is necessary to determine the business type for each target school teacher building through a multi-faceted review of the current status of the target school.

A Study on the Decision-Making Model of Manpower Utilization of Container Terminals (컨테이너터미널 인력운영 변화모형에 관한 연구)

  • Sim Min-Seop;Kim Joo-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2023
  • This study clarified a complicated cause-and-effect relationship about the manpower utilization of container terminals. This paper conducted confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling using 5 factors: technology development, safety and security change, external environment, terminal operation, and organizational culture that have been derived in the first study(2021). The results imply that technology development and external environment have a direct effect while terminal operation and safety and security change have indirect effect on a manpower utilization of container terminals. Based on these results, this paper may provide various policy implications for port operators, developers, and managers.

Estimation of the Mechanical Properties of the Concrete Tunnel Lining by Drilling Resistance Test (천공저항시험에 의한 콘크리트 터널라이닝의 역학적 특성 추정)

  • Choi, Soon-Wook;Sung, Yun-Chang;Cheong, Ho-Seop;Chang, Soo-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2007
  • For the quick rehabilitation of a fire-damaged tunnel structure, it is the most important procedure to investigate the fire-induced damaged zone rapidly. This study aims to propose a new drilling resistance testing method by which mechanical properties of tunnel concrete lining altered by high temperature can be estimated easily and continuously. Especially, it alms to derive the relationships to estimate mechanical properties of mortar and concrete materials from drilling parameters. To obtain the optimum testing condition, a series of drilling resistance tests were carried out for mortar specimens. When the rotation per minute of drill bit, tile penetration rate and the bit diameter were 1,300 rpm, 1.40 mm/sec, and 10 mm respectively, the deviation of measured drilling resistance forces was minimal. Under the optimum testing condition, the relationships between drilling resistance and mechanical properties of mortar specimens were shown to be very favorable. The concept of replacing a mean value of resistance farces measured during drilling with the resistance energy was proposed to consider the effects of randomly distributed aggregates inside a concrete material on drilling resistance. When the concept was applied to concrete materials, a favorable relationship between actual compressive strength and drilling resistance energy was also successfully derived.

A Developement of Group-Level Distance Education System Using the Generator of Hierarchical WBI Documents on the WWW (WWW에서 계층적 WBI 문서 생성기를 이용한 수준별 원격교육시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Chang-Geun;Choi, Jun-Young;Kim, Byung-Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2000
  • Recently the user of distance education system using Intemet-Web are increasing rapidly. This paper shows that Hierarchical WBI documents generator by using CGI is devised and applied to development of distance education system for group-level spoken english. This overcomes the problems of the ready-made programs, which took a lot of time and cost. To generate WBI documents, The key is established to each document saved in server by types of the hierarchical structure and is transmitted to client. By client transmitting this key to server when next documentary is required. Sever can know what documents the client needs. The WBI documentary generator tells the keys transmitted from the client, automatically generates a new documentary to send, and delivery it.

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