• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구면생성법

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A Study on Ultra Precision Machining for Aspherical Surface of Optical Parts (비구면 광학부품의 초정밀 가공에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2002
  • This paper deals with the precision grinding for aspherical surface of optical parts. A parallel grinding method using the spherical wheel was suggested as a new grinding method. In this method, the wheel axis is positioned at a $\pi$/4 from the Z-axis in the direction of the X-axis. An advantage of this grinding method is that the wheel used in grinding achieves its maximum area, reducing wheel wear and improving the accuracy of the ground mirror surface. In addition, a truing by the CG (curve generating) method was proposed. After truing, the shape of spherical wheel transcribed on the carbon is measured by the Form-Talysurf-120L. The error of the form in the spherical wheel which is the value ${\Delta}x$ and $R{^2}{_y}$ inferred from the measured profile data is compensated by the re-truing. Finally, in the aspherical grinding experiment, the WC of the molding die was examined by the parallel grinding method using the resin bonded diamond wheel with a grain size of #3000. A form accuracy of 0.16${\mu}m$ P-V and a surface roughness of 0.0067${\mu}m$ Ra have been resulted.

Analysis of Performance of Focused Beamformer Using Water Pulley Model Array (수차 모형 배열을 이용한 표적추정 (Focused) 빔형성기 성능분석)

  • 최주평;이원철
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes the Focused beamforming to estimate the location of target residing near to the observation platform in the underwater environment. The Focused beamforming technique provides the location of target by the coherent summation of a series of incident spherical waveforms considering distinct propagation delay times at the sensor array. But due to the movement of the observation platform and the variation of the underwater environment, the shape of the sensor array is no longer to be linear but it becomes distorted as the platform moves. Thus the Focused beamforming should be peformed regarding to the geometric shape variation at each time. To estimate the target location, the artificial image plane comprised of cells is constructed, and the delays are calculated from each cell where the target could be proximity to sensors for the coherent summation. After the coherent combining, the beam pattern can be obtained through the Focused beamforming on the image plane. Futhermore to compensate the variation of the shape of the sensor array, the paper utilizes the Nth-order polynomial approximation to estimate the shape of the sensor array obeying the water pulley modeling. Simulation results show the performance of the Focused beamforming for different frequency bands of the radiated signal.

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Assembly and Testing of a Visible and Near-infrared Spectrometer with a Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (샤크-하트만 센서를 이용한 가시광 및 근적외선 분광기 조립 및 평가)

  • Hwang, Sung Lyoung;Lee, Jun Ho;Jeong, Do Hwan;Hong, Jin Suk;Kim, Young Soo;Kim, Yeon Soo;Kim, Hyun Sook
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2017
  • We report the assembly procedure and performance evaluation of a visible and near-infrared spectrometer in the wavelength region of 400-900 nm, which is later to be combined with fore-optics (a telescope) to form a f/2.5 imaging spectrometer with a field of view of ${\pm}7.68^{\circ}$. The detector at the final image plane is a $640{\times}480$ charge-coupled device with a $24{\mu}m$ pixel size. The spectrometer is in an Offner relay configuration consisting of two concentric, spherical mirrors, the secondary of which is replaced by a convex grating mirror. A double-pass test method with an interferometer is often applied in the assembly process of precision optics, but was excluded from our study due to a large residual wavefront error (WFE) in optical design of 210 nm ($0.35{\lambda}$ at 600 nm) root-mean-square (RMS). This results in a single-path test method with a Shack-Hartmann sensor. The final assembly was tested to have a RMS WFE increase of less than 90 nm over the entire field of view, a keystone of 0.08 pixels, a smile of 1.13 pixels and a spectral resolution of 4.32 nm. During the procedure, we confirmed the validity of using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor to monitor alignment in the assembly of an Offner-like spectrometer.