• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구매액

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A Study on Spatial Distributions of Value Chain in Korean Cosmetic Industry (우리나라 화장품산업 가치사슬의 공간적 분포)

  • Gu, Ji-Yeong;Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.550-565
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    • 2016
  • The size of Korean and global cosmetic industry market are consistently growing and the domestic cosmetic industry's rate of total production increase is higher than GDP in Korea. In addition, the Korean Wave has strengthened not only this phenomenon but also the increase of exports. For these reasons, the purpose of this paper is to analyze Korean cosmetic industry regarded as a new growth engine. For this study, Porter's Value Chain theory, Mudambi's Smile of Value Creation, Cosmetic GMP by ISO, and the production process on cosmetic industry are used as tools. As a result, Korean cosmetic industry comprises five nodes value chains: R&D, Raw Material Manufacture, Container Manufacture, Cosmetic Manufacture, and Marketing. And then, based on this result, the spatial analysis is conducted to identify spatial distribution characteristics of each node.

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The Design of Optimal Recall Insurance Product (최적 리콜보험상품 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 김두철
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2002
  • In the process of designing pareto optimal insurance contract, it is necessary to assume that insurance contract conditions are endogenous to build a model. The expected utility, the non-expected utility and the state-dependent utility function can be applied as a insurance decision making principle. The insurance costs may have the linear, convex, and concave ralationship with the indemnity schedule. However, the sunk cost and fixed cost must be recognized. The deductible which decides whether an insurance contract to be a full or partial insurance contract can exist in the forms of straight deductible or diminishing deductible. Indeciding the level of deductible, the types of the insurance and the risks to be insured should be the deciding factors. Especially for recall insurance, there is relatively high chance that the recalling company being bankrupt. Therefore, the possibility of bankrupcy should be the considering factor in deciding the policy limit. The existence of the incomplete market and uninsurable background risk should be understood as restricting conditions of the pareto-optimal insurance contract.

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A Review on Dynamic Changes of Consumer's Attributes and Marketing Mix Strategies of Cut Roses in Korea (장미에 대한 선호속성의 동태적 변화와 마케팅 믹스전략 탐색)

  • Kim, Bae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.4328-4336
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to find changes of the attributes that influence the purchase of cut roses during recent five years(2007~2011) and suggest some implications on ways to promote cut roses marketing. For this purpose, a survey was conducted through the Internet among 1,100 randomly chosen people living in Seoul, Inchon and Gyeonggi Province in 2011. A total of 1,023 valid replies were received for the analysis of the survey which was carried out by the subsidiary consulting firm. The survey panels and estimation models to analyze changes of consumers' preference attributes during recent five years are same to them of Kim, et al.(2007). That is, empirical analysis tools such as ordered probit model, multinomial logit model, and conjoint analysis were used according to Kim, et al.(2007). This paper suggests several policy implications to set up the target market of cut roses and marketing mix strategy to specify the best 4P(product, price, place and promotion).

X-선에 의한 가공용 감자 내부 결함 특성 분석

  • 강석원;손재룡;이강진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.144-145
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    • 2003
  • 감자는 전세계 대부분의 국가에서 재배되고 있는 세계 4대 주곡 작물인 동시에 스낵류 시장에서도 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 우리나라의 감자 가공산업은 1990년대 초부터 활기를 띠기 시작여하 현재 2,000억불의 매출을 달성하고 있다. 이중 우리나라 농민이 직접 생산한 감자를 원료로 사용하는 천연칩 감자 가공산업은 매출액을 기준으로 144억 (1997년)에서 700억 (2001년)으로 과거 10년 동안 괄목할 만한 성장을 하였다. 우리나라의 연간 감자 칩 원료용 가공용 감자 소요량은 총 51,600톤 (2002 년)으로 그중 40,600톤은 국내생산량으로 충당하고 나머지는 냉동감자를 수입하여 처리하고 있다. 가공원료용 감자는 괴경의 크기나 모양과 같은 외부품질과 환원당이나 고형분 함량과 같은 내부품질이 좋아야 한다. 하지만 가공용 감자의 내·외부품질이 좋게 판정되어도 내부갈색반점이나 중심공동과 같은 괴경 생리장해가 발생하면 원료용 감자로서의 상품 가치가 상실된다. 국내 칩 가공원료용 감자는 봄재배에서는 약 5 ∼ 7 %, 여름재배에서는 10 ∼ 15 %의 괴경 생리장해가 발생되고 있다. 현재 위와 같은 생리장해는 가공공장에서 감자를 잘라서 골라내거나 감자 칩을 만든 후 제거하는 방법을 쓰고 있다. 이에 감자를 수확 후 감자칩으로 가공하기 전에 생리장해가 발생한 감자를 제거하여 생산 공정에서의 불필요한 가공을 줄일 수 있는 방법이 개발되어야 할 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 최근, 농산물의 비파괴적 품질 평가와 선별에 있어서 가장 실용적이고 성공적인 기술 중의 하나는 농산물의 광학적 성질을 이용한 전기-광학 기술이다. 그중 X-선과 같이 파장이 짧은 방사 에너지는 대부분의 농산물을 투과하여 내부의 질량 밀도의 변화와 상관관계를 갖는 품질 인자를 비파괴적으로 평가하는데 적합하나 아직 국내에선 X-선을 이용한 가공용 감자의 내부 결함특성에 대한 연구는 이뤄지지 않고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 가공용 감자의 내부결함 특성중 하나인 내부동공의 X-선에 의한 특성을 본 연구소에 있는 X-선 발생장비로 측정해 보고 비파괴적인 방법으로 실시간 가능성을 시험하였다. 감자는 수원 농산물 도매시장에서 2003년산 가공용 감자 (품종:선농)를 구매하여 사용하였다. 감자내 내부동공은 35 ∼ 40 kV와 5.25 mA값으로 발생된 X-선에 의해 잘 검출되는 것으로 나타나, 현장에서 충분히 활용가능 할 것으로 판단되었다. 금후, 실시간으로 내부동공을 검출할 수 있는 시스템을 개발할 계획이다.

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Developing Appropriate Inventory Level of Frequently Purchased Items based on Demand Forecasting: Case of Airport Duty Free Shop (수요예측을 통한 다빈도 구매상품의 적정재고 수준 결정 모형개발: 공항면세점 사례)

  • Cha, Daewook;Bak, Sang-A;Gong, InTaek;Shin, KwangSup
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • The duty-free industry before COVID-19 has continuously grown since 2000, along with the increase of demand in tourism industry. To cope with the increased demand, the duty free companies have kept the strategies which focused on the sales volume. Therefore, they have developed the ways to increase the volume and capacity, not the efficient operations. In the most of previous research, however, authors have proposed the better strategies for marketing and supporting policies. It is very hard to find the previous research which dealt with the operations like logistics and inventory management. Therefore, in this study, it has been predicted the future demand of frequently purchased items in airport duty free shops based on the estimated number of departing passengers by the linear regression, which concluded with the appropriate inventory level. In addition, it has been analyzed the expected effects by introducing the inventory management policy considering the cost and efficiency of operations. Based on the results of this study, it may be possible to reduce total cost and improve productivity by predicting the excessive inventory problems at duty-free shops and improving cycles of supplying items.

University students' eating behavior and consumer attitude in social commerce service (소셜커머스 이용 대학생의 외식 행동 및 태도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.426-434
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to investigate eating behavior of university students through social commerce and to analyze factors affecting university students' attitude regarding social commerce. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to 445 university students in Changwon, Korea from March 28 to April 28, 2013. A total of 339 questionnaires were used for the final analysis, which excluded improperly-completed questionnaires. Results: The major factor considered for eating behavior through social commerce was price (37.2%). Purchasing experiences of foodservice products according to types of foodservice were 64.9% for coffee shop, 59.3% for fast food restaurant, 53.4% for family restaurant, 46.0% for specialty restaurant, 35.7% for pizza restaurant, 35.4% for buffet, and 31.9% for bakery. Factors affecting satisfaction with social commerce for purchasing foodservice products were 'service quality of foodservice company', 'communication of social commerce', and 'discount rate of social commerce'. Factors affecting repurchasing intention of foodservice products through social commerce were 'service quality of foodservice company', 'site design of social commerce', and 'discount rate of social commerce'. Conclusion: In order to increase satisfaction with social commerce, 'service quality of foodservice company', 'communication of social commerce', and 'discount rate of social commerce' should be increased. And, to increase repurchasing intention of social commerce, 'service quality of foodservice company', 'site design of social commerce', and 'discount rate of social commerce' should be increased. In addition, two factors 'service quality of foodservice' and 'discount rate of social commerce' were found to have an effect on satisfaction and repurchasing intention of social commerce. For development of social commerce and foodservice industry, cooperative relationship between social commerce and foodservice industry is needed, and a reasonable price strategy should be established. The university students considered price as a major factor of eating behaviors and did not consider menu and taste as a major factor. From a longer perspective, such an eating behavior would have an effect on university students' dietary life and it would cause nutrition and health problems for university students. Thus, it implied that further studies from the perspectives of nutrition and health regarding eating behavior through social commerce service should be conducted.

A Study on the Factor Which Causes the Imbalance Between DAU and Game Purchase in the Mobile Game Market - With an emphasis on Google Play Free Games - (모바일 게임 시장에서 DAU와 게임 구매간의 불균형성을 발생시키는 요인에 대한 고찰 - 구글 플레이 무료게임을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Jun;Choi, Sung Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2014
  • The mobile game market is fast growing after the Kakao game launched. Especially, the market is placed at the second highest by occupying 33.1% of the market. However, the rate of the total sales amount is only 6%, showing quite an imbalance between the market occupancy and the sales amount. This means that the profit-making models are not stabilized yet in the mobile game market. The absence of profit-making models can be ascertained by the relationship of DAU and sales ranking. There are several games which are ranked at DAU Top10 among Google free games, but not ranked at top 10 among sales amounts. On the other hand, there are several games which are low in DAU ranking but high in sales amount ranking. This result shows that there is no direct interrelation between the product attractiveness which users feel and the profit-making models in the market. This study compared the Google play free games which are ranked at top 10 in terms of DAU ranking and sales amount ranking to find out the factor which causes the imbalance between the DAU ranking and sales amount ranking. Based on this outcome, this study presents the reference point for the design of profit-making models on behalf of the manufacturers who wish to launch into the mobile game market in the future.

The Study of motives to select and revitalise a franchise by comparing management practices of nail shops (네일샵의 경영형태 비교를 통한 프랜차이즈 선택동기와 경영성과 분석에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Sun;An, Jong-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2014
  • This study is to identify whether a difference exists between factors that influence the time when independently owned nail shops and franchises commence business. Futhermore, we set out to investigate the criteria for nail shop owners use when selecting franchise nail shops with a relatively high level of customer satisfaction and performance, to discuss the necessity of a franchise agreement. An actual analysis has revealed that there is a difference in factors that influence management at the time of and after the inception of independently owned shops and franchise nail shops. Business performance of franchise shops, as a result of evaluating customer satisfaction or monthly sales, turns out to be higher than independently owned shops. The criteria for selecting franchise stores includes intensity of competitiveness in the same business district, accessibility, ability to keep up with current trends, directors' skills, color scheme, excellence of company logo, interesting interior, reasonable prices compared to the level of cosmetic procedure and efforts to motivate employees. Overall, the deciding factor enabling shops to operate continuously is constant supervision from the headquarters of the franchise company.

현금흐름 정보를 이용한 인터넷기업의 부도예측에 관한 연구

  • 김재전;이재두;김지인
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.231-231
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    • 2000
  • 인터넷기업들은 불과 몇 달 전만 해도 수수께끼로 가득 찬 요지경이었다. 매출액은 늘어났지만 더 많은 손실이 발생했고, 엄청난 적자와는 정반대로 주가는 연일 상승곡선을 그리고 있었다. 오히려 손실을 줄이는 방안을 발표하면 주가가 떨어지는 기현상마저 보여 구경제의 질서에 익숙해 있던 투자자들이나 경영자들을 혼란스럽게 만들고 있다. 그런데 이처럼 높게 평가되던 인터넷 기업들의 주가가 최근에 들어 폭락하고 있다. eToys의 경우 주가가 최고치 였던 $86에서 94% 폭락한 $4.75에 거래되었고, CDNow는 83%, Buy.com은 81% 등 주요 온라인 업체들의 주가가 80% 이상 하락하였으며 그 외의 적지 않은 인터넷 기업들의 주가 역시 전성기에 비해 90-95%까지 폭락하였다. 이러한 이유로 최근 인터넷기업들의 정확한 가치평가를 하기 위한 연구들이 시도되고 있으며, 이러한 시도 중 비교적 객관적인 정보인 재무정보들을 이용하기 위한 연구들도 있다. 하지만 아직까지는 우리나라의 재무제표들이 제공하는 정보들이 부족하고 IMF이후 비정상적인 주가 등으로 인하여 실증하는데 어려움이 따르고 있다. 또한 인터넷 기업들은 전술한 바와 같이 기존 오프라인상의 제조업형태의 기업들처럼 일반적인 재무제표분석을 통한 가치평가에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 하지만 인터넷을 기반으로 한 디지털 경제에서도 오프라인기업에서와 똑같은 현상이 발생한다는 사실을 간과해서는 안 된다. 현금지출이 도달 가능한 현금유입의 수준을 넘어선다면 결국 도산하는 것은 인터넷기업들도 마찬가지이다. 현재 어떤 기업에 투자하는 것은 그 기업의 미래 현금흐름을 구매하고자 하는 것이다. 따라서 미래의 현금흐름이 커질수록 그 기업의 가치는 상승하게 된다. 현금흐름 분석이 특히 중요한 이유는 기업의 미래 현금흐름을 기업의 타인자본비용과 자기자본비용의 조합인 기회자본비용으로 할인함으로써 현재의 기업가치를 구할 수 있기 때문이다. 이처럼 기업이 영업활동이나 투자활동을 통해 현금을 창출하고 소비하는 경향은 해당 비즈니스 모델의 성격을 규정하는 자료도로 이용될 수 있다. 또한 최근 인터넷기업들의 부도가 발생하고 있는데, 기업의 부실원인이 어떤 것이든 사회전체의 생산력의 감소, 실업의 증가, 채권자 및 주주의 부의 감소, 심리적 불안으로 인한 경제활동의 위축, 기업 노하우의 소멸, 대외적 신용도의 하락 등과 같은 사회적·경제적 파급효과는 대단히 크다. 이상과 같은 기업부실의 효과를 고려할 때 부실기업을 미리 예측하는 일종의 조기경보장치를 갖는다는 것은 중요한 일이다. 현금흐름정보를 이용하여 기업의 부실을 예측하면 기업의 부실징후를 파악하는데 그치지 않고 부실의 원인을 파악하고 이에 대한 대응 전략을 수립하며 그 결과를 측정하는데 활용될 수도 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기업의 부도예측 정보 중 현금흐름정보를 통하여 '인터넷기업의 미래 현금흐름측정, 부도예측신호효과, 부실원인파악, 비즈니스 모델의 성격규정 등을 할 수 있는가'를 검증하려고 한다.

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Analyses of Consumer Preferences and Perceptions Regarding Activation of Yacht Tourism Industry (요트관광산업의 활성화를 위한 소비자 선호도 및 인식도 조사)

  • Cho, Woo-Jeong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.401-407
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the preferences to yacht tourism and perceptions to importance of yacht tourism industry's activation strategies from consumers perspectives. In order to such a purpose, this study employed survey methodology with a total of 300 visitors to yacht facility and beach located in B metropolitan city. With 265 usable questionnaires, data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Accordingly, following findings were derived from current study. First, 32% of participants had yacht tourism experiences and more than 64% of them had willing to purchase yacht tourism products in the future, which indicates optimistic increases in yacht tourism demand. In addition, amount of willingness to pay for yacht tourism was less than 100 thousand Won per day. Second, the most preferred product was a yacht training and experience program, and preferred time for yacht tourism was weekend and or vacation with the period of one day or one night and two days. The main motivation was to spend leisure time and enjoyment with accompanying persons of family or friend members. Third, consumers' restriction factors included high expenditures, time consuming and lack of various yacht tourism products but their selection attributes included low expenditures, associated tourism products and quality of yacht tourism products. Finally, the most important activation strategies included the development of yacht tourism products, building yacht tourism conditions and establishing marketing strategies, but the least important activation strategies from consumers views included policies, experts and facilities.