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Dental plaque removal efficiency of a smart toothbrush based on augmented reality in children (증강현실 기반 스마트 칫솔의 치면세균막 제거효과 평가)

  • Min-Ji Park;Suk-Bin Jang;Jae-Young Lee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Based on the strengths of augmented reality (AR), this study aimed to determine the dental plaque removal efficiency of a guided brushing program in children. Methods: This randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover clinical trial evaluated the plaque removal rate after regular brushing versus AR-based guided toothbrushing in 20 children aged 5-12 years. Results: Overall, the dental plaque removal efficiency of AR-based brushing was superior to that of regular brushing (p<0.05). When classified in detail, no significant difference was noted in the plaque removal rate between the two brushing methods in the anterior region (p=0.056), whereas a significant difference in the plaque removal rate was observed in the posterior region (p<0.05). Conclusions: Based on these results, the efficacy of dental plaque removal for brushing using an AR-based smartphone application was confirmed; thus, this can be used for oral health education incorporating ICT technology in the future.

A Study on the Job Performance of Dental Coordinators and Their Perception (치과코디네이터의 업무수행 및 인식도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Bok;Kim, Young-Nam;Moon, Hee-Jung;Shin, Myung-Suk;Han, Gyeong-Soon;Han, Su-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the job performance of dental coordinators and their perception of their job to lay the groundwork for utilizing dental personnels more efficiently. The subjects in this study were dental coordinators who worked at selected dental hospitals and clinics in Seoul, Gyeonggi province and Incheon. A survey was conducted to gather data from May 1 to August 8, 2005 and answer sheets from 108 respondents were analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. As for the length of service, 43.5 percent of the dental coordinators investigated had worked at dental institutes for five years or more, which was followed by less than two years(19.5%) and three years to less than five years(19.4%). Concerning the length of service as dental coordinators, 39.8 percent had served for less than two years, and 19.4 percent had worked for two years to less than three years and for five years or more respectively. Regarding the name of position, 38 percent were called team leaders, and 30.6 percent were called coordinators. As to duties, the largest group of them that stood at 30.6 percent were in charge of receiving, and in regard to department, the largest group, 57.4 percent, belonged to the treatment backup department. 2. Concerning education, the greatest number of them, 45.4 percent, had received education at private institutes, and 73.1 percent found it necessary for dental coordinators to take an authorized qualification test. 43.5 percent, the largest group, looked upon the central government as the best organization to authorize their qualifications and 70.8 percent believed that what they learned enabled them to perform their job successfully. As to the necessity of follow-up education as a means to improve job performance, 96.3 percent consented to it. As for the reason, 63.9 percent considered that necessary to enhance their own ability and 22.2 percent were in want of systematic education. Regarding educational expenses, 29.6 percent were subsidized by the dental institutes where they had worked and 25.9 percent had totally been responsible for that. Regarding a required course, medical service and marketing was most widely pointed out(66.7%), followed by theory and practice(65.7%) and introduction to dentistry(57.4%). As to what sort of education they wanted to receive more, dental service and marketing was selected the most, followed by practical health insurance(35.2%). 3. In regard to what type of job they performed as dental coordinators, 88.9 percent were in charge of appointment in the field of customer service, and 87.9 percent paid attention to having good manners as service providers in the area of self-management. In the field of hospital affairs, 81.3 percent were in charge of receiving. 4. As to their awareness of dental coordinator job, the largest group took pride in the job they performed (3.99±0.76), and the second largest group believed that dental coordinators made a great contribution to hospital management (3.92±0.70). The third largest group gave a great weight to their own job (3.91±0.84) in light of overall dental duties and the fourth largest group found themselves to get along with other employees regardless of position (3.86±0.74). The fifth largest group believed their job was of great use for promoting the oral health of patients (3.76±0.75), and the sixth largest group thought the future of dental coordinators was promising(3.74±0.86). 5. In regard to their perception by age group, those who were older had a better opinion on every item of their job in general. Their age made a statistically significant difference to their view of the weight of dental coordinator job(P < 0.001) in light of overall dental duties, of being approved and trusted by managers(P < 0.01), of social awareness of dental coordinator, and of being understood and approved by other employees and dentists. Their pride in current job and their satisfaction with the name of their position were statistically significantly different according to their age as well. Besides, their age made a statistically significant difference to their opinion about whether or not there was an age limit to their occupation and about their contribution to hospital management (P < 0.05). 6. As for their perception by type of job, the dental hygienists were generally most satisfied with their job, followed by nursing aids and others. There was a statistically significant gap among their opinions about whether to make a job-related decision on their own(P < 0.001). the weight of their job in terms of overall dental duties, whether their job improved their ability, whether their job made a great contribution to enhancing the oral health of patients, whether their job was understood and approved by other employees(P < 0.01), social awareness of their job, whether they conflicted with other employees during job performance, and whether dental hospitals or clinics offered a self-development opportunity for them to take their ability to another level(P < 0.05). And their satisfaction with current pay was statistically significantly different as well.

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Prevalence of Periodontopathogens in Saliva and Plaque of Korean Children and Adolescents (한국 소아·청소년의 타액과 치태 내 치주 병원균 출현율)

  • Choi, Hyejin;Kim, Jaehwan;Lee, Daewoo;Yang, Yeonmi;Kim, Jaegon
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2016
  • Early colonization of periodontal pathogens has been related as a risk indicator for the subsequent development of periodontal disease. Such colonization can be easily detected with mediums like saliva and plaque. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of the bacteria associated with periodontal disease in saliva and plaque in healthy children and adolescents. The experiment was conducted using 90 samples from subjects consisting of thirty elementary school students, thirty high school students and thirty adults. PCR was used to detect the prevalence and distribution of five periodontal pathogens in the collected saliva and plaque. The detected periodontal pathogens are as follows: A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, F. nucleatum and P. intermedia. Periodontal pathogens were prevailed in a higher number of adolescents than the number of children. A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. intermedia were detected the most in the adolescents group. T. forsythia and F. nucleatum were detected the most in the children group. The overall result showed that saliva is more a useful medium than supragingival plaque. The detection of high risk periodontal pathogens in children and adolescents without clinical signs of periodontal disease can emphasize the importance of the early diagnosis and preventive approach.

Correlation between Caries Experience and New Colorimetric Caries Activity Test in Children (소아에서 치아 우식 경험과 새로운 치아 우식 활성 비색 검사)

  • Cho, Seonghyeon;Lee, Hyoseol;Choi, Byungjai;Kim, Bakil;Kim, Seongoh;Choi, Hyungjun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2015
  • A new colorimetric test (Cariview(R)) using a new type of pH indicator can reflect the acidogenic potential of plaque bacteria. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between Cariview(R) and the caries experience (measured through the dmft index) of children, and to compare Cariview(R) with Dentocult SM(R). Having obtained informed consent, 135 children less than 6 years old participated in the study. We examined their dmft index, and performed two caries activity tests (Cariview(R) and Dentocult SM(R)) according to the manufacturers' instructions. In the results, Cariview(R) showed a moderate correlation with the dmft index (r = 0.43, p < 0.01). Cariview(R) showed a sensitivity of 68.8%, a specificity of 69.2%, and an area under curve of 0.686 in the ROC curve analysis. Cariview(R) had a significant correlation with the children's caries experience and had a slightly better explanatory ability than Dentocult SM(R). Furthermore, Cariview(R) was convenient and easy to use on uncooperative children, and also had an educational effect with its visual colors. It is suggested that Cariview(R) could be used clinically to identify the children susceptible to develop caries and to establish a preventive strategy.

A Study on Relationship between Halitosis and Stress & Compulsion in Some of the Dental Hygiene Students (일부 치위생학과 학생들의 구취실태와 스트레스 및 강박증과의 관계 연구)

  • Ji, Min-Gyeong;Lee, Mi-Ra
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1221-1228
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out in order to offer basic data for preventing halitosis by understanding about the factors related to self-awareness of halitosis and about the relationship with stress and compulsion targeting students for the Department of Dental Hygiene. As a result of research, the whole subjects were indicated to be 1.76 points for the mean in stress, 1.62 points for the mean in compulsion, and 1.84 points for the mean in self-awareness of halitosis. The group of feeling the tongue to be white and the inside of the mouth to be sticky in own symptom inside the mouth was indicated to be 2.02 points(p=0.000) for stress and 2.00 points(p=0.000) for self-awareness of halitosis. The group of often feeling a sense of oral dryness was indicated to be 2.23 points(p=0.000) for stress, 1.95 points(p=0.000) for compulsion, and 1.89 points(p=0.046) for self-awareness of halitosis. The self-awareness of halitosis stood at r=0.133 with compulsion, thereby having indicated slight positive correlation. Stress and compulsion showed high positive correlation with r=0.425. Accordingly, there is a need of infusing recognition through steady education as a dental hygienist who will have interest in emotional factor along with grasping diverse causes for halitosis, and who will be in charge of a future patients' halitosis.


  • Kang, Ji-Sun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Nan-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2008
  • The dental caries can be recovered or worse depending on the velocity of de- and remineralization of tooth. It is possible to remineralize the lesions by fluoride agent, but the results can be distinguished according to one's salivary flow rate, quantity of ion contents, and pH of the saliva. This article presents good results after applying the CPP-ACP paste for the patients who have incipient enamel caries. We instructed the patients to apply the paste everyday in the customed tray. We observed the white spot lesions without getting worse and reducing the size of lesions. After applying the CPP-ACP paste for 6 weeks, we concluded that; 1. It was possible to remineralize the incipient caries without preparation of the teeth. 2. CPP-ACP paste was successful for recovery of the demineralized lesions, especially for mild and moderate caries lesions, not for the severe developemental defects or chronic lesions. 3. CPP-ACP paste was efficient for pediatric patients, and the custumed tray was very useful for patients to apply the paste. 4. The ability of the patients for caring their oral hygiene was improved by routine check up and instructions.

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The comparison of effect in oral health education frequency for elementary school students from a part of community child center (일부 지역아동센터 구강건강증진 프로그램 운영 횟수에 따른 효과 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Kyoung;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Shin, Sun-Jung;Ryu, Da-Young;Son, Jung-Hue;Eom, Mi-Ran;Shin, Bo-Mi;Lee, Min-Sun;Kim, Eun-Ju;Choi, Yong-Keum
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.759-771
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The aim of study is the comparison of effect in oral health education frequency and contents for elementary school students from a part of community child center to run and suggest a practical and effective oral health promotion program for local community child center. Methods : The program has been running for 4 trials in G district in Seoul and 2 trials has been conducted in S city in Gyung gi province. The comparison was done in independent samples test of awareness, knowledge and behavior of children of community child center in both G district and S City and paired t-test was conducted before and after oral health promotion program to find out those same 3 items. Results : As a result, after the comparison of plaque control score of Oral health promotion program frequency, significantly better result was show in 4 trial program with 55.3 score(p<0.05), No significant result of plaque control score was shown in 2 trail program(p>0.05). Conclusions : As a result of the Oral Health Promotion program which has been conducted in 2 different session type, knowledge, awareness and behaviour has been changed, however, There were no significant difference between Oral health education frequency of those two different program. Also with the result of Plaque control score of those two programs were not satisfying level. Therefore, in conclusion, the management and operation of the Oral Health Promotion program is needed and it must be based on health promotion which it would change the behavior and attitude of the children.

Clinical Evaluation of Passive Eruption Using Occlusal Reduction on Periodontium (교합면 삭제(occlusal reduction)를 이용한 수동적 정출 (passive eruption)이 치주조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yoo-Jin;Kim, Sung-Jo;Choi, Jeom-Il;Lee, Ju-Youn
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2012
  • The relationship between occlusion and periodontal health has been extensively studied. However, reports on the effects of passive eruption using occlusal reduction has not been sufficient. The purpose of the present randomized clinical trial was to assess the influence of passive eruption using occlusal reduction on the clinical periodontal parameters consisting of attachment level, pocket depth, tooth mobility, width of keratinized gingiva and osseous defect. The study was performed on 40 teeth of 16 subjects who have been treated for the moderate periodontitis at the Department of Periodontology, Pusan National University Hospital. At the baseline examination, after hygienic-phase and after 6 month from passive eruption using occlusal reduction, clinical parameters were monitored and radiographs were taken. The 20 teeth in the test group received passive eruption using occlusal reduction while the 20 control teeth did not receive any occlusal reduction. The results were as follows; 1) Degree of inflammation of periodontium was improved by initial therapy 2) Teeth received passive eruption using occlusal reduction demonstrated significantly greater reduction in pocket depth, tooth mobility and amount of bone loss, and increase in the width of keratinized gingiva, but no significant changes in the attachment level compared to the control teeth 3) There was significantly greater reduction in pocket depth, mobility, amount of bone loss and attachment level in the test teeth after initial hygienic phase when compared with baseline data. Taken together, these results suggest that the passive eruption using occlusal reduction would be helpful to improve periodontal health.


  • Ryu, Jiyeon;Shin, Teo Jeon;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Kim, Chong-Chul;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2016
  • The Dandy-Walker syndrome is a relatively rare congenital malformation occurring about one in 25,000-35,000 pregnancies. It is characterized by hydrocephalus, cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle, complete or partial absence of the cerebellar vermis, and other various extra-CNS malformations. We report a dental caries treatment of a 4-year old girl with Dandy-Walker syndrome and partial trisomy 9q. The patient visited Seoul National University Dental Hospital due to multiple caries. The cause of multiple caries is mainly presumed as patient's eating habit caused by her general condition. She was still using milk bottle because she was having difficulties swallowing solid food due to breathing problem while eating. The treatment was performed under general anesthesia considering patient's condition; delayed development, very poor cooperation and respiratory problem. The dental procedure was successfully conducted and there were no postoperative complications. In consideration of her eating habit and oral hygiene problem, regular check appointment was recommended.


  • Kim, Min Jin;Song, Ji-Soo;Shin, Teo Jeon;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Hyun, Hong-Keun
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2019
  • Oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome, known as Lowe syndrome, is an X-linked gene disorder characterized by congenital cataracts, brain abnormalities and renal dysfunction. Tooth crowding, taurodontism, delayed eruption in the permanent dentition and over-retained primary teeth with ectopic eruption of the permanent teeth have been reported as dental findings. Because of the high incidence of poor cooperation, patients with Lowe syndrome have difficulties in maintaining good oral hygiene, which may require dental treatment. We present a case of dental treatment for the uncooperative child with Lowe syndrome under general anesthesia. A 4-year-old, 11.2 kg boy with Lowe syndrome visited Seoul National University Dental Hospital for gingival swelling. The patient had multiple caries requiring dental treatment. Because of his past history of malignant hyperthermia during inhalation induction, anesthesia was induced and maintained with total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) after medical consultation. Dental restorative treatments were successfully performed and no complications were observed during and after the procedure. Safe and effective dental management of the patients with Lowe syndrome could be performed with the help of general anesthesia and careful monitoring.