• Title/Summary/Keyword: 구강보건교육 목표

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Objectives and Strategies of Government Health Promotion Policy (정부의 건강증진사업 목표 및 추진방향)

  • Lee, Jong-Gu
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.3-32
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    • 2005
  • 정부의 건강증진사업은 국민의 건강수명 연장과 삶의 질 향상에 궁극적인 목적이 있다. 이는 건강 지지적인 환경을 조성하고 질병을 예방${\cdot}$관리하며 평생 건강서비스를 제공하고 건강한 생활양식을 형성하도록 함으로써 달성될 수 있는 것이다. 건강증진사업을 위한 기반으로 연구와 개발 강화, 법과 규칙의 조정, 기금과 인력과 같은 자원 확보는 필수적이다. 정부의 건강증진전략은 첫째 자원할당의 우선순위를 확보하는 것으로 건강증진, 질병 및 손상의 예방, 재활관련 사업에 더욱 많은 자원을 할당하는 것이며, 둘째로 국가차원의 건강증진 프로그램을 개발하여 실행하는 것이다. 포괄적인 생애주기별 건강증진 프로그램(건강증진종합계획)과 모아보건, 학교보건, 산업보건, 그리고 만성질환예방프로그램 등이 포함된 포괄적인 프로그램을 개발하여 실행하는 것이다. 셋째로, 건강증진기금을 공공보건을 위한 하부기반과 건강증진 프로그램에 투자함으로써 사업의 하부기반을 정비하는 것이다. 건강증진사업을 위한 하부기반으로는 정책과 위임사항을 들 수 있는데, 국민건강증진법과 국민건강증진종합계획, 2005년 6월에 서울시 의회를 통과한 건강도시추진위원회를 들 수 있다. 정부의 건강증진사업의 법적 기반은 1995년에 제정된 국민건강증진법이다. 국민건강증진법은 국민들이 건강에 대한 가치를 인식하고 책임의식을 함양하며, 올바른 건강지식을 갖고, 국민들이 건강한 생활양식을 실천할 수 있는 환경 조성을 목적으로 하고 있다. 건강증진사업은 대중을 위한 보건교육과 건강상담, 영양관리, 구강보건관리, 질병의 조기발견과 치료를 위한 건강검진, 지역사회 건강문제에 관한 조사와 연구, 담배소비 감소와 건강증진부담금 부과를 통한 국민건강상태의 향상을 위한 사업이다. 훈련과정으로는 보건복지부에서 2005년부터 수행하고 있는 시와 지역을 위한 현장관리 프로그램과 서울시가 수행예정인 지역수준의 지도자 훈련과정이 있다. 건강증진사업의 원활한 진행을 위한 기금조성은 건강증진기금이 담배세로부터 조성되고 있으며 2004년 12월 31일 현재 담배 한 갑 당 500원으로 인상되어 부과되고 있다. 기금의 관리와 운용은 보건복지부가 담당하며, 기금은 건강한 생활양식형성에 대한 지원활동, 국민을 위한 보건교육과 교육자료 개발, 건강증진과 만성질환에 대한 연구, 질병의 조기발견을 위한 건강검진, 구강보건관리활동에 사용되고 있다. 향후 건강증진사업 투자계획은 1단계 (98-02년)에는 사업기반조성기, 2단계(03-06년) 보건소사업발전기, 3단계(07-11년)통합사업정착기로 구성되고 2단계의 인프라구축에 사용될 투자 비율은 30%에서 3단계에 15%로 감소될 예정이며, 사업실행 영역은 50%에서 65%로 확대될 계획이다. 2005년 건강증진사업의 중점목표는 건강증진사업의 지방 분산화, 건강증진사업의 근거마련, 사회적 형평성의 달성에 있다. 건강증진사업의 지방분산화를 위해서는 중앙에 관리센터가 설치되어 기획과 평가, 연구와 개발, 현장관리 훈련을 담당하게 되고, 지역관리센터에서는 자치적인 보건소 중심 건강증진사업의 수행과 평가를 진행하게 된다. 건강증진사업의 근거마련을 위해서 효과가 입증된 사업에 우선순위를 두며, 기획과 평가위원회를 설치하고, 건강증진사업의 평가결과를 환류 할 수 있는 체계를 마련하는 것이다. 또한 건강증진포럼을 구성하며 현 건강조사 체계를 수정한다. 한편 형평성 제고의 측면에서는 저소득층, 노인, 장애인들과 같은 취약계층의 건강상태 향상을 위한 중앙정부와 지방자치단체의 역할을 강화하고, 지역간${\cdot}$사회적 집단 간의 건강증진사업관련 형평성을 제고한다.

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A Study on Dental Health Awareness of High School Students (고교생들의 구강보건의식 행태에 관한 연구 -경기 이천시 소재 고교-)

  • Yoo, Su-Min;Ahn, Geum-Sun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2003
  • In this research, dental health awareness of 3rd graders of high schools in Icheon-city was investigated in order to use the result of this research as the basic data for school dental health program, education direction, and educational purpose. The research was done from Sep. 23. to Oct. 5 and the followings are the results of survey. (1) 85.0% of the students brush their teeth once or twice a day and more female students brush their teeth 3 times a day than male students. (2) 77% of the students had experienced dental caries and 38.0% of the students have periodontal disease, which has lower percentage than cavity. (3) Most of the students can not go to the dentists because they do not have time and 84.0% of the students have been treated in dental clinics so this tells that most of the students had experienced dental treatment. (4) 46.8% of the students had interests in dental health and male students showed more interests than female students and the difference was statistically significant(p<0.05). (5) Most of the students hear the importance and information of dental health from mass media such as TV and radio or from people around. The research shows that most of the students do not get periodic dental checkups. (6) 80.8% of the students had never taught dental health education for improvement of dental health and 76.2% of the students think that the dental health education is needed. There was no difference according to the gender. (7) Most of the students think that the dental health education is needed to prevent cavity and gingiva disease and it shows that more students tend to attend the dental health education. (8) 69.3% of the students think that brushing your teeth is important to maintain good dental health and there was no difference according to the gender. Most of the students weren't aware that periodic dental checkups, right brushing, and using fluoric toothpaste is effective for cavity protection. (9) After looking into the knowledge of the students on dental health, it shows that the knowledge is low and there is no difference according to the gender.

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Healthy Korea 2010 : Role of the Health Educator (Healthy Korea 2010추진과 보건교육 인력 활용 전략)

  • Choi, Eun-Jin
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 2004
  • The Korean Government has produced the Health Plan 2010 aimed at setting up healthy Korea objectives, policies on preventing chronic diseases, reshaping the country's health and medical infrastructure. The policy goal targets the people's healthy life expectancy at 75 by 2010, and includes healthy life practice measures including health education, health improvement services, and disease management measures, in achieving the objectives. Also, the plan provides life cycle-based health improvement and disease prevention services, as well as pushes ahead with projects with greater ripple effects in each area. To this end, the government is simultaneously pushing to operate an experts-centered health promotion committee and establishing the infrastructure including the augmentation of national health improvement funds. Through its Health Plan 20 I 0, the Korean Government will exert efforts to achieve its policy objectives as addressed in the measures by enhancing the national potential health and providing systematic disease prevention services.

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  • Lee, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Jee-Young;Song, Ji-Hyon;Kim, Yun-Hee;Im, Kyeong-Uk;Jeong, Seung-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.578-588
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    • 2008
  • To achieve the dental health of children and adolescents which is the objective of the pediatric dentistry, the role of the public service should be increased. The basis of the public service is established by many laws of which the Dental Health Law is most important. The percentages of primary schools that had the school dental health clinic, that implemented the fluoride rinsing program, and that implemented the group toothbrushing after lunch were 7.2%, 57.5%, and 46.9%, respectively, and the percentages of primary school children that received the dental health education and that received the fissure sealing were 48.0% and 12.4%, respectively(2006). About 42% of infants and preschool children from 0 to 6 years received preventive dental care in the last one year, at the nursery or kindergarten(18%) or at the health center(1%)(2005). The percentage of the health centers that implemented water fluoridation was 11.3%, and the percentage of the population who drank the fluoridated water was 5.7%(2006). It was suggested that the school dental health administration should be unified, that dental health teachers should be employed, and that the comprehensive dental health care should be supplied to all the children and adolescents through the circuit school dentists and the school dental hospitals in the long term. Also, the dentist in charge system for the children and adolescent was suggested.

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Healthy Japan 21 objectives and strategies (일본건강증진 사업의 목표 및 추진전략: Healthy Japan 21)

  • Hoshi, Tanji
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.55-88
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    • 2005
  • Healthy Japan 21의 목적은 삶의 질을 향상시킴은 물론 노동가능 인구집단의 유병률을 줄이고 건강수명을 연장시키기 위하여, 21세기 모든 일본인들이 더욱 건강하고 행복한 삶을 향유할 수 있도록 국가사업을 활성화하는 것이다. 구체적 목적은 조기사망을 예방하고 건강생활을 향상하는 것으로, Healthy Japan 21의 전략적 기획과정에서 건강수명의 연장을 실현하기 위하여 2010년까지 달성되어야 하는 구체적인 목적들이 또한 제시되었다. 조기사망을 감소시키기 위하여 사고, 암, 자살, 심장병 감소의 중요성을 인식하고 9개의 주요 목표로 영양, 신체활동, 휴식과 이완, 금연, 절주, 구강보건, 당뇨병 예방, 심혈관계질환 예방, 암 예방을 설정하였다. 흡연, 알콜, 식사 그리고 운동과 같은 생활양식은 스트레스, 비만, 고혈압과 같은 위험요인 및 질병관리와 관련이 있으며, 위험요인은 암, 심장병, 구강질환의 발생과 밀접한 관련을 갖는다. 따라서 질병의 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 건강증진과 일차예방이 강조되어야 한다. 일차예방에 중점을 두기 위해서 우리는 전통적인 질병관리의 중점사항인 정기적인 건강검진을 통해 질병 조기발견을 노력을 게을리 하지 말아야 할 것이다. 아울러 의료비 감소, 병상에 있는 사람들의 감소, 사회세의 감소도 또한 달성되어야 하는 사업의 결과로 설정되어 있다. 가장 최근의 Healthy Japan 2000(1998-99)의 평가에 따르면 목표들의 15%가 달성되었거나 초과 달성된 것으로 나타났다. 이 중 아동과 청소년의 사망률의 경우, 1-14세 아동의 사망률은 1987년부터 26%가 감소되어 2000년도 목표인 인구 100,000명단 28명의 사망을 초과 달성한 것으로 평가되었다. Healthy Japan 21의 두 가지 주요 전략은 일반 인구집단을 위한 전략과 고위험 집단을 대상으로 하는 전략으로 구성된다. 개인의 건강한 생활양식으로의 변화를 포함한 우리의 건강증진 노력은 사람 중심으로 개인의 선택을 기반으로 하고 있다. 이러한 노력을 지원하기 위하여, 각 개인이 정보를 갖은 상태에서 올바른 선택을 할 수 있도록 적당량의 올바른 정보를 제공하는 것이 필수적이다. 이와 같은 일본의 건강증진계획은 2000년 3월에 Healthy Japan 21이 설립되었으며, 2000-2002년 사이 모든 현이 자신의 사업계획을 설정하였으며, 2001-2005년에는 약 반수 정도의 지방자치단체들이 자신들의 사업계획을 확정하였다. 건강증진을 이루는 중요한 수단은 파트너 쉽에 있다. 정부조직 뿐 아니라 건강보험회사, 보건의료서비스 제공자, 교육단체, 대중매체, 사기업, 봉사단체 등을 포함한 건강분야의 조직들은 자신들의 전문적 기술들을 한데 모아 서로 협력하여야 한다. 또 하나의 중요한 수단은 건강 지지적인 환경이다. 개인의 건강증진 노력을 체계화함으로써 지지적인 환경을 조성할 수 있다. Healthy Japan 21에 대한 평가는 2005년에 중간평가가, 2010에 최종평가가 있을 예정이다. 평가결과들은 이후에 진행될 사업의 향상을 위한 기준으로 활용될 예정이다.

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A survey of the satisfaction of a dental hygiene student's in the program of public health center for quality improvement of community oral health practice (지역사회구강보건실습의 질 향상을 위한 일개 치위생학과 학생들의 보건소실습 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Dental Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2017
  • Little evidence has been provided on the standardization of community dental hygiene as one of the subjects of dental hygiene course. The goals of this study were to: examine the satisfaction of a dental hygiene student's in the practice program according to public health centers and explore the satisfaction factors of a dental hygiene student's in the program of public health center. Data on 105 were obtained from the undergraduate students in the university in Gyeonggi-do. As a result of satisfaction of the practice at 11 public health centers, the overall mean score was 5.3 out of 7 score. The means of satisfaction score were different cross public health centers with the 3.7 lowest and 6.8 highest score. Among the factors affecting satisfaction of the practice at public health center, 'comfortability of practice' was identified by 55.2%, followed by 'accessibility (46.7%)' and 'academic achievement (31.4%)'. Different proportions of respondents were obtained between 3rd year and 4th year students. In conclusion, this study highlighted the importance of the program of public health center for quality improvement of community oral health practice. A survey of the satisfaction of a dental hygiene student of community oral health practice is to provide evidence data as a starting point for this purpose.

A study on Relationship between the Appearance of Needing Denture Oral Health Condition and Oral Health Behavior of the Elderly (노인의 구강건강상태 및 구강건강행태가 의치필요와의 관련성)

  • Jung, Yu Yeon;Park, Hyo-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to offer basic data for developing effective program for promotion elderly people's oral condition, and oral health behavior upon the appearance of denture. This study was performed by utilizing health questionnaire survey and oral examination survey for first year(2010) law data of the 5th korea national health and nutrition examination survey. The research subjects were 1419 people who were aged over 65 and completed the oral examination and oral questionnaire survey. In the general characteristics, the need of denture was indicated highly in the male elderly. Factors of having relationship with a need of denture in oral health condition were indicated to be chewing difficulty(p<0.001) and dental caries(p<0.0001). The case of not using oral hygiene device was high in a need of denture(p<0.001). Also, a case of not dental treatment was indicated to be high in a need of denture(p<0.001). Through these related findings, the elderly's oral condition and oral health behavior were indicated to have high relationship with a need of denture. There is a need of securing basic data for promoting the elderly's oral health in the future and of seeking a plane for application in order to improve the elderly's health in the aging society. Therefore there is a need of securing and seeking elderly's health program which is considered the aging society's characteristics to improve the elderly's health promotion.

An Efficiency Evaluation of Public Health Center by Data Envelopment Analysis -Focused on Public Health Centers of Gyeongnam Province- (자료포락분석을 이용한 보건사업의 효율성 평가 -경상남도 보건소를 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Jong-Hyun;Chang, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.2129-2137
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    • 2010
  • In this research, we analyze the efficiency of 20 public health centers of Gyeongnam Province, so the reduction and weakness of input and output factor were found. We used the CCR, BCC model of Data Envelopment Analysis as a method of evaluation, made a choice human resource as the input variable, made a selection the performance of health care center, ward as the output variable. The results show that 12(60%) public health centers in 20 were productive with respective to overall Technical Efficiency(average score 0.868), 14(70%) with respective to overall Pure Technical Efficiency(average score 0.924) and 12(60%) with respective to overall Scale Efficiency(average score 0.933). It is expected that this research can provide a good data for effective management of public health centers.

Practice method and performance according to clinical practice contents of dental hygiene student (치위생과 학생의 임상실습내용에 따른 실습방법 및 수행 정도)

  • Shin, Myong-Suk;Kim, Chang-Hee;Ahn, Eun-Suk;Hwang, Ji-Min
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2019
  • The clinical institution of some dental hygiene students and the degree of practice and performance according to the practice contents are identified, so as to develop clinical practice guidelines and to improve the education of universities and practical institutions. From November 2016 to March 2017, the questionnaire was prepared by self-inclusion after explaining the purpose of research and how to prepare questionnaire to some dental hygiene students. This material has been analyzed using PASW Statistics 18.0. As for the clinical practice content items of basic care and infection control, the frequency of "execution" among practice methods was high, and the distribution rate was high in oral evil face radiation, preventive dentistry, prosthesis, periodontology, orthodontics, and oral internal medicine. The conservation department has conducted various practical methods such as "executing," "observing" and "preparing." Oral surgery showed similar distribution rates, such as "observation," "preparation," and "execution" in the "preparation and cooperation of the feet." In pediatric dentistry, "observation" was the most common practice, and among them, "observation," "preparation," and "execution" were performed in "preparation and cooperation for infantile development." In addition, students with more experience in clinical practice showed statistically significant differences in basic care, oral hygiene, preventative dentistry, conservation, dental dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics, and oral internal medicine(p<0.05). Most clinical practice shows that it is more observable than performed.It is expected that the goal of clear clinical practice content should be set by grade or number of clinical practice experiences, as well as the practice method that can be performed by the trainees.