• Title/Summary/Keyword: 교통정보 콘텐츠

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A Study on the Performance Characteristics of Image Vehicle Detectors Depending on the Environment (환경에 따른 영상식 차량검지기의 성능 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Ju-Sam;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2021
  • The most typical method to generate traffic information is installing vehicle detectors and collecting various traffic variables. The information collection accuracy of a vehicle detector affects the reliability of the generated traffic information. The most universal vehicle detector is an image detector. This study installed a magnetic detector in the same position as an image detector and evaluated the accuracy of traffic volume and speed data depending on a variety of environment. Based on the evaluation, more errors occurred as the image detector was placed farther from the camera, whereas more errors were found to occur during the night rather than the day. Although rainfall did not affect the collection of traffic volume, it negatively affected speed data collection. Therefore, an analysis of the camera's view angle and its optimization depending on the camera installation position and height are required to enhance the currently operated image detector performance. It is judged that a separate performance evaluation criterion should be prepared in a bad weather environment.

2004년 제1차 공공기관 우수DB 시상

  • Kim, Eun-Yeong
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.9 s.136
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2004
  • 한국데이터베이스진흥센터가 주관하는 2004년 제1차 공공기관 우수 데이터베이스(DB) 시상식이 지난달 20일 한국관광공사빌딩 지하 강당에서 개최됐다. 지난해 통계∙기상∙기업∙법률∙특허 등 5개 분야 DB 10종을 우수DB로 선정한 한국데이터베이스진흥센터는 올해 공공기관 DB를 대상으로 우수DB 6종을 선정했다. 이번에 선정된 공공기관 우수DB 6종은 재정경제부, 문화관광부, 산업자원부, 건설교통부와 산하 공 공기관에서 운영하고 있는 데이터베이스 가운데 건설교통, 경제산업, 문화예술 등 3개 분야에서 품질이 우수한 각 2종씩의 DB가 선정됐다. 건설∙교통 분야에서는 한국도로공사의‘로드플러스’와 건설교통부의‘건설교통종합정보센터’가 선정됐고, 경제∙산업 분야에서는 조달청의‘나라장터’와 한국은행의‘경제통계시스템’, 문화∙예술 분야에서는 한국관광공사의‘Visit Korea’와 문화재청의‘국가문화유산종합정보서비스’가 선정됐다. 한국데이터베이스진흥센터는 올 11월경 정보통신, 교육학술, 과학기술분야를 대상으로 제2차 우수 DB를 선정할 계획이며, 자세한 내용은 데이터베이스품질평가센터(www.dbq.or.kr)에서 소개하고 있다.

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A Study of RTLS Application using Active RFID (액티브 RFID를 활용한 RTLS 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, yoon-ae;Cho, han-jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.555-556
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    • 2011
  • 액티브 RFID를 기반으로 실시간 위치정보 서비스를 구현하는 모델인 RTLS는 보안, 의료, 건설, 항공, 항만, 운송, 국방, 교통, 레저 등 실시간 위치정보가 필요한 분야에 효과적으로 활용되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 RTLS 응용 시스템을 위한 지능형 위치정보 관리시스템을 제안한다. 제안 시스템은 일반적인 데이터 관리의 기능 이외에도 상황인식 시스템에서 사용되는 규칙기반 미들웨어 Jess(Java expert system shell)를 활용하는 구조를 가진다. 규칙을 이용한 추론 기능을 도입함으로써 응용 시스템의 정확성을 높일 수 있는 특징을 가진다.

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Development and Achievement of Head-Up Display in Public Transit for Reducing Accidents (버스 교통사고 감소를 위한 대중교통 HUD 기술 개발과 성과)

  • Roh, Chang-Gyun;Park, Bum Jin;Kang, Weon-Eui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2014
  • Korea's traffic congestion costs including other social costs due to accidents, environmental pollution and increased demand is increasing every year. In this regard, direction of government policy was geared toward suppression of vehicle demand and activation of public transportation, which is determined to be the best solution with limited supply of infrastructure such as road facilities. This study aims to implement public transport bus-only Head-Up Display (hereafter called HUD) technology which displays public transport information required for a bus driver on the front glass of a bus. The public transport bus-only HUD not only prevents gaze dispersion of bus drivers but also helps to reduce the heavy workload of bus drivers by providing information required for driving. Ultimately, the final research purpose is a reduction of bus traffic accidents by 50% caused by negligence in keeping eyes forward or sideways.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation Measures of Traffic Signal Operation at Signalized Intersections by Utilizing Historical Data from Advanced Traveller Information System (첨단 교통 정보 시스템 누적 소통정보를 활용한 신호교차로 운영개선 효과평가를 위한 혼잡강도 지표 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-bin;Kim, Jin-tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.643-654
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    • 2018
  • In order to understand and manage traffic flows in urban areas in the past, a variety of traffic engineering theoretical indicators such as intersection lag and highway speed have been applied. However, these theories and indicators have been developed under the constraints of traffic engineering research before the construction of intelligent transportation system. Since the ATIS system currently exists, it is necessary to introduce a separate traffic engineering technology that utilizes the data. In this paper, it is aimed to confirm whether it is applicable to intermittent flow (approach road, intersection, control group, main road axis) by using 'congestion intensity' which is already used in traffic engineering field. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The traffic signal improvement effect of urban road access road, intersection road, control group, Two verification studies were performed to verify the derived congestion intensity index. (1) verification of congestion intensity threshold value analysis and (2) crossing improvement using the congestion intensity. Through verification, it was confirmed that it is possible to apply the congestion intensity in the inter - city intermittent flow using the 5 - minute unit speed data so as to be able to escape from the existing traffic signal operation management which is past passive and manpower limit.

Ubiquitous Service Model for Information Convergence of Jeju Island Culture, Tourism, Sport and Traffic (제주 문화·관광·체육·교통 정보를 융합한 유비쿼터스 서비스 모델)

  • Lee, Chang-Young;Yang, Jin-Seok;Kim, Do-Hyeun;An, Beongku;Kim, Nam-Soo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2008
  • Recently the navigation service and LBS (Location based Services) using map supports much information services on mobile terminal. Also Internet Web sites support user much information. But, the user has the difficulty for acquiring the service and the various information based on map because of searching the many Internet sites. Accordingly, this paper supports a convergence information service model of various culture, education, tourism, sport and traffic for accessing synthesizing information based on map. And we design and implement this model using 공개 API. We present a convergence information service model of culture, tourism, sport and bus line information form tour destination and cultural place of Jeju province using the model. Additionally, we develop this service model using apache web server on Linux environment, PHP and JavaScript, MySQL database and Map 공개 API. As this service model supports a convenience action of culture and tourism for Jeju islanders and tourists.

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A Study on the 4D Traffic Condition Board based on a Mash-up Technology (Mash-up 기술을 이용한 4D Wall-Map 구성체계)

  • Kim, Joo-Hwan;Yang, Seung-Mook;Nam, Doo-Hee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2009
  • Content used in mashups is typically obtained from a third party source through a public interface or API (web services). Other methods of obtaining content for mashups include Web feeds (e.g. RSS or Atom), and screen scraping. A mashup or meshup Web application has two parts: A new service delivered through a Web page, using its own data and data from other sources. The blended data, made available across the Web through an API or other protocols such as HlTP, RSS, REST, etc. There are many types of mashups, such as consumer mashups, data mashups, and Business Mashups. The most common mashup is the consumer mashup, which are aimed at the general public. Examples include Google Maps, iGuide, and RadioClouds. 4D Wall-map display is data mashups combine similar types of media and information from multiple sources into a single representation. This technology focus data into a single presentation and allow for collaborative action among ITS-related information sources.

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RFID 모바일 게임을 통해 본 유비쿼터스 콘텐츠

  • JuHa, A-Rin
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.2 s.153
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2006
  • 복용방법 및 용량, 부작용이나 주의사항 등의 정보가 모두 담겨 있는 약병. 출고부터 물류센터, 매장에 이르기까지 재고와 출납현황이 모두 실시간으로 추적되는 물류시스템. 생산지와 가공, 유통 이력이 모두 기록되어 있는 농산물. 그리고 우리가 매일 쓰고 있는 교통카드까지, RFID는 미래에 실현될 막연한 개념이 아니라 이미 광범위한 분야에서 적용되고 있는 기술로 우리 곁에 다가왔다. 본고에서는 세계 최초의 모바일 RFID 게임인 <사립탐정>의 사례를 통해 RFID와 유비쿼터스 핵심 개념의 실체에 대해 살펴보고,RFID·USN 엔터테인먼트 콘텐츠의 발전방향에 대해 알아본다.

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최첨단기술의 총아, ‘텔레매틱스’시대열린다

  • Choe, Seong-Won
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.11 s.150
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    • pp.92-96
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    • 2005
  • 현대인의 필수품으로 자리잡은 자동차를 매개로 하는 텔레매틱스는 무선통신과 위치추적기술을 접목해 차량사고나 도난감지, 위치안내, 교통 및 생활정보, 인터넷사용등각종정보와편의를운전자에게실시간으로제공한다. 이미미국이나일본등에서는기술발달과더불어해마다시장규모가급격하게성장하고있고국내에서도폭넓은차량보급률, 무선통신기술의급속한발달등기반여건이성숙되고있어텔레매틱스시장의성장가능성은충분해보인다.

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A Development of Traffic Safety Education Application Using Mixed Reality (혼합현실을 활용한 교통 안전교육 애플리케이션 개발)

  • Kim, Kang-Ho;Rhee, Dae-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.1602-1608
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we developed a "Zetton Children's Traffic Safety Education" application using mixed reality to help children experience a variety of traffic situations indirectly and to help them defend themselves from accidents. We analyze the types of high mortality child traffic accidents to set learning goal. And we developed the experience-oriented contents that players could acquire signal systems and traffic information naturally and funny in the course of playing scenarios according to designed various traffic situations. In order to verify the educational effectiveness of the developed application, children were given traffic safety education through after-school education activities. The result shows that the frequency of right answers to questions related to traffic safety awareness and learning objectives is increased.