• Title/Summary/Keyword: 광물자원조사

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Definition and Grades of the Illite Mineral and the Ore: A Review (일라이트 광물과 광석의 이해: 정의, 등급 및 품위에 대하여)

  • Soh-joung Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2024
  • Illite deposits with illite as the main commodity are rare. Illite, though common in sedimentary rocks, has a relatively short history of its mineral definition and utilization compared to other clay minerals, such as kaolinite or smectite. The shortage of feasibility studies of illite deposits and of the illite mineral value information can make an illite resource/reserve estimation challenging. The author collected information, though limited, such as ore grades, mineral grades, and product prices of illite, which can be used for reasonable ore/mineral value predictions and selection of cut-off grades in (pre-)feasibility studies. Some definitions of illite mineral, mineral resource, and mineral/ore grades are also briefly described in this review.

Analysis on Research Projects and Trends of Mineral Resources Survey and Mineral Deposits : Focused on the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (광물자원 조사 및 광상분야 연구 추이 분석 : 한국지질자원연구원 수행과제를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seong-Yong;Ahn, Eun-Young;Park, Jung-Kyu;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.303-316
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to raise research productivity through the analysis on the research projects and to find trends of mineral resources survey and mineral deposits of the KIGAM for 38 years since the fiscal year of 1976 to 2013. The KIGAM in the projects for mineral resources survey and mineral deposits expended 67.41 billion won for last 38 years, which is 107.07 billion won calculated using the present value in 2013 at discount rate of 5%. R&D expenditure in mineral resources survey and mineral deposits of KIGAM increased approximately 59.4 times from 108 million won in 1976 to 6,420 million won in 2013, and about 9.8 times from 657 million won in 1976, as calculated using the present value in 2013. The percentage of research projects in mineral resources survey by research sub-areas was as follows: survey, 32%(90 projects); origin of ore deposits and basic research, 19%(54 projects); exploration for ore deposits, 17%(48 projects); database and information, 13%(37 projects); mineralogy and ore analysis, 9%(25 projects); and etc., 10%(27 projects). Based on analysis of research trends over the last 38 years, to raise research productivity, the existing survey research techniques with repeated use and related technology development should be enhanced.

Analysis of the Latest Trends in Mineral Resource Exploration and Mining in China and its Implications (중국의 광물자원 탐사개발 최신동향 분석 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Seong-Yong;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2022
  • Given that China's resource research, exploration and development and resource economy policies are closely related to Korea's industrial competitiveness in the field of global mineral energy resources, it is important to establish the domestic and overseas resource development strategies. In 2020, China will revise and set standards for mineral resources to ensure efficiency in exploration and development and storage management. China's Ministry of Natural Resources has established the National Mineral Resources Plan (2021-2025), aiming to achieve national goals and strategies, and local governments at all levels are also establishing and implementing regional mineral resources plans. As a result, the supervision and management of geological mineral exploration activities have been strengthened, and the safety of industrial production management in the field of geological mineral exploration and development has been strengthened. China has developed guidelines for high-quality geological exploration, surveying and mapping, improved the level of geological mineral exploration and strengthened the mining supervision and management system. According to China's standardization of mineral resources such as solid mineral resources and petroleum gas mineral resources, a new standard system for resource management will be established in China to improve scientific understanding, rational management and utilization.

Application of Clay Minerals in the Food Industry (점토광물의 식품산업분야 활용 방안)

  • Park, So-Lim;Lee, So-Young;Kim, Hyo Jin;Lim, Seong-Il;Nam, Young-Do;Kang, Il-Mo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2015
  • There are more than 2000 minerals on earth, and it has been implemented in various fields such as environment, architecture, livestock, chemistry, pharmaceuticals. Clay minerals are considered that they can change the physical and chemical properties through the adsorption and release of metal ions. Although domestic deposit of non-metallic mineral resources is approximately ninety-six billion tons, its application is limited and has hardly been used in high value-added industries involved in medicine, medical supplies, and functional food materials. Bentonite and zeolite are already used for cosmetic purposes and also used in living goods and packing materials. However, direct application to the food industry is relatively very rare. Since records regarding the intake of minerals for foods and medicines are found in the old literatures, the utilization of non-metallic minerals as food materials appears to be highly profitable. According to the trends in patent research for food and mineral resources, the company plays a main role for the development of the food containing non-metallic minerals in USA, and the trends confirms that this industry is emerging. Here, we provided the information about domestic and foreign patent trend for food industries involved in mineral resources and the application of mineral resources in the food industries. We also covered the domestic regulation regarding usage of mineral resources in food, and proposed domestic application plan for food production using mineral resources in the future.

Worldwide Trend and Korean Recent Status in the Supply-Demand for Resources -The Current Situation of Recycling Technology for Waste Resources in Korea(1)- (자원수급(資源需給)의 세계적(世界的)인 추세(趨勢)와 우리나라의 동향(動向) -국내자원(國內資源)의 유효이용(有效利用)을 위한 처리(處理) 및 회수기술(回收技術) 동향조사(動向調査)(1)-)

  • Oh, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Mi-Sung;Cho, Sung-Baek
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.15 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 2006
  • Sustainable supply of minerals and energy is global problem. Metals and energy consumption in the world has increased with economic growth. Currently more than 40 metals are systematically extracted and used in many different fields in civilized society. Recycling and reuse have become very important because recycling contributes to supplying the materials and protecting the environment of society. It is not realistic that all waste materials are capable of being recycled, because recycling metals have fundamentally been competing with primary production. In this point of view, prior to discuss on current recycling technology of waste resources in Korea, world wide trend and Korean recent activity in the supply-demand far minerals and energy resources are reviewed.

Information System for Architectural Rock & Aggregate in Major Countries and It's Implication (석재·골재 자원정보관리의 해외 사례와 시사점)

  • Deahyung Kim;Yujeong Kim;Yong-Kun Choi
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2024
  • In Australia & Canada, architectural rock and aggregate are one of the mineral resources, and related data and information provided integrated with them. In these countries, the provided data and information, through the information system of local government and national geological survey organizations, are interactive maps, geological and thematic maps, exploration data set, 3 dimension geological models, minning rights status, survey reports and related papers etc. However, in case of Korea, aggregate and architectural rock are not assigned as the kind of mineral resources in accordance to domestic mining law, and related geological data and information are not provided from comprehensive mineral information system established in public geoscience organizations. And the administrative and informative management are conducted separately through the different governmental organizations such as Ministry of construction, Korea forest service, geoscience institute & Korea Mine & Reclamation Corporation. For securing the supply of architectural rock and aggregate resources, and for the convenience of their development & utilization, the unified information system and governance reform for the related industry is needed.

Mineralogical Characteristics and Fundamental Study of Flotation for Molybdenum Ore (몰리브덴광의 광물학적 특성 및 부선 기초연구)

  • Oyunbileg Purev;Hyun Soo Kim;Chul-Hyun Park
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated the mineralogical characteristics and basic flotation properties of domestic molybdenum ores. The source mineral of molybdenum was identified as molybdenite, and the main gangue minerals in the raw ore were silicate minerals. Copper, lead, and zinc were also found in trace amounts. Based on the results of basic flotation properties, molybdenite's zeta potential showed negative charges in all pH ranges. The contact angle of molybdenite increased with pH, reaching a maximum of 74° at pH 9. In optimal conditions, the grade and recovery of the concentrate by unit flotation were MoS2 82.4% and 92.04%, respectively. Further investigation of the impurities in the concentrate revealed a sulfide mineral with surface characteristics similar to molybdenite and silicate minerals combined with molybdenite, which may degrade the quality of the concentrate. To improve the concentrate quality, we intend to control silicate minerals through regrinding and liberation and use column flotation to improve fine particle separation efficiency.

우리나라의 물리탐사 기술과 과제

  • Hyeon, Byeong-Gu
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.9 no.8 s.87
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 1976
  • 우리나라에서 본격적으로 물리탐사를 시도한것은 1958~1960년에 실시한 항공자력탐사로서 그후 현재까지 불과 20년이 지나지 않았다. 그간 물리탐사의 기술발전으로 자원탐사분야에 많은 공헌이 있었다. 현재까지 주로 적용된 분야는 철자원탐사를 위한 자력탐사, 지하수조사를 위한 전기비저항탐사동, 연등의 통화금속광물탐사를 위한 각종 전기탐사, 제3기층 지질구조와 땜공사, 공업단지조성등의 기반암조사, 그리고 광산의 갱내 출수조사등을 위한 탄성파탐사, 우라늄자원을 위한 방사능탐사, 그리고 해저지질 및 자원조사를 위한 해상물리탐사등이다. 이와 동시에 석탄층조사를 위한 전기탐사 및 Model연구자력탐사의 전산처리 적용, 그리고 광물 및 암석의 물리적 성질등 학술분야에 대한 기초연구도 계속하여 왔다. 우리나라에 있어 물리탐사의 적용조건은 비교적 험악한 지형, 복잡한 지질구조, 광상의 불규칙 또는 소규모의 발달과 산재등이다. 이와 같은 특징은 탐사해석의 정도를 높이기 위하여 보다 고도의 과학기술문제의 해결을 요구하고 있으며 이와 동시에 현대적 탐사방법과 연구개발로 대상자원의 탐사지역확대와 지하심부 탐사등이 당면과제이다. 기술과제로서는 석탄 및 기타자원에 대한 물리검층탐사, 경상계 지질구조구명을 위한 탄성파탐사 및 동력탐사의 적용, 항공자력, 전자 및 방사능탐사 및 해양의 각종물리탐사의 기술개발이 있으며 그외 탐사자료의 전산처리기술 및 지구과학의 기초연구등이 있다.

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Mineralogical Characteristics and Removal of Heavy Metals from Gum-poong Mine Tailings (금풍광산(鑛山) 광물(鑛物)찌꺼기의 광물(鑛物)학적 특성(特性) 및 중금속(重金屬) 제거(除去))

  • Cha, Jongmun;Park, Jayhyun;Kang, Heon Chan
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to research the mineralogical characteristics and removal of heavy metals of tailings from Gum-poong mine. From the result of mineralogical analysis, there are several sulphide minerals such as chalcocite, aresenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena. Cd and Zn have a good positive correlation from the statistical relation between Cd and other heavy metals(Cu, Pb, Zn). Residual heavy metals(As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) from the Gum-poong tailings were removed under the warning criteria from the result of froth flotation with K.A.X.(Potassium Amyl Xanthate) and Aerofloat 211.