• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학적 검증

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Potential Races Detection in Shared-Memory Programs with Internal Nondeterminism (내부적 비결정성을 가진 공유 메모리 프로그램의 잠재적 경합 탐지)

  • Jung, Min-Sub;Kim, Young-Joo;Ha, Ok-Kyoon;Jun, Yong-Kee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.553-556
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    • 2008
  • 임계구역을 가진 공유 메모리 기반의 병렬 프로그램에서 발생하는 경합은 프로그래머가 의도하지 않은 비결정적인 수행 결과를 초래하므로 반드시 디버깅해야 한다. 이러한 경합을 수행 중에 탐지하는 기존의 기법들은 임계구역의 실행순서에 의해서 발생하는 내부적 비결정성이 존재하지 않는 프로그램에 대해서만 경합의 존재를 검증할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 내부적 비결정성을 가진 프로그램에 존재하는 비결정적 접근사건을 정적으로 분석하고, 이 정보를 이용하여 수행 중에 경합을 탐지함으로써 잠재되어 있는 경합까지 탐지할 수 있는 도구를 제안한다. 제안한 도구는 비결정성이 포함된 합성프로그램과 공인된 OpenMP 벤치마크 프로그램인 Microbenchmark를 이용하여 경합 검증이 가능함을 보인다.

연소시험을 통한 우주발사체 추진기관 성능검증

  • 강선일;이정호;김영한;권오성;하성업;오승협
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.96-96
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    • 2003
  • 우주발사체라 함은 지구상의 물체를 우주, 즉 지구의 중력이 영향을 미치지 못하는 대기권 밖으로 운반하는 수단을 말한다. 이를 위해 다양한 추진방식이 제안되었고 연구되고 있으나 현재까지 실용화 된 것은 화학연료를 연소시킴으로 인해 발생하는 추진력으로 지구 중력을 이겨내는 방식이다. 또한 발사체 구성에서 추진기관분야는 전체 성능을 좌우할 정도로 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다. 따라서 이에 대한 최적화 및 성능 검증은 필수적이다. 추진기관에 대한 성능 검증기법은 우주발사체 기술이 발달해 옴에 따라 해석적 방법, 비 연소 모사시험 등 다양하게 제시되고 있으나, 우주발사체용 추진기관의 연소현상을 예측 및 모사하는 것이 쉽지 않고 구축된 데이터가 적기 때문에 발사체 개발 단계의 최종 검증 차원에서 연소시험을 실시하는 것이 일반적이다. 한국 최초의 우주발사체라 평가되고 있는 KSR-III 로켓의 경우에도 다양한 해석기법과 모사시험을 통해서 성능 예측을 하였으나, 역시 최종 성능 검증을 위해 10여회의 연소시험을 실시하였다. 본 논문을 통해 저자는 KSR-III 개발과정에서 수행된 10회의 연소시험의 수행 과정과 결과를 기술, 정리 및 평가하여 향후 진행될 우주발사체 개발 사업의 기초로 삼고자 한다.

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For the establishment of fine dust collection, analysis, and prediction modeling A Study on the Location Selection and Algorithm Conformance Verification Method (미세먼지 수집·분석·예측 Modeling 구축을 위한 위치선정 및 알고리즘 적합성 검증 방안 연구)

  • Jung, Jong Jin;Sim, Heung Sup
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.373-376
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    • 2022
  • 미세먼지 수집을 위하여 필요한 위치 선정 방안과 위치 선정시 중요한 바람길분석, 수요조사, 유동인구, 교통량 등의 중요 기준을 반영하여 최종 선정하여야 하며, 이에 따라 설치된 측정기로부터 데이터 수집을 위해 지역적, 환경적, 지형적 요소를 감안하여 수집 항목을 결정하여야 한다. 데이터 수집시 실시간 또는 배치(Batch)로 할 것인지 여부를 결정하여야 하며, 이 보고서에서는 실시간으로 데이터 수집하는 경우를 설명하였다. 데이터 수집시 정확도를 높이기 위해 결측값, 이상값인 전처리 단계를 거쳐서 분석과 Modeling 구축을 통하여 정확도가 높은 알고리즘을 선정하여야한다. 정확도가 높은 알고리즘은 검증용 데이터 셋으로 적합성을 검증하여, 측정기 설치 위치의 적합성, 데이터 수집의 적합성, Modeling 구축 및 평가가 적합함을 지표로서 제시하여 적합성 검증을 하고자 한다.

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High-Level Design Verification Techniques for Hardware-Software Codesign Systems (하드웨어-소프트웨어 통합 설계 시스템을 위한 상위 단계에서의 검증 기법)

  • Lee, Jong-Suk;Kim, Chung-Hee;Shin, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.448-456
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    • 2000
  • As the system complexity increases, it is important to develop high-level verification techniques for fast and efficient design verifications. In this research, fast verification techniques for hardware and software co-design systems have been developed by using logic emulation and algorithm-level simulation. For faster and superior functional verification, we partition the system being designed into hardware and software parts, and implement the divided parts by using interface modules. We also propose several hardware design techniques for efficient hardware emulation. Experimental results, obtained by using a Reed-Solomon decoder system, show that our new verification methodology is more than 12,000 times faster than a commercial simulation tool for the modified Euclid's algorithm block and the overall verification time is reduced by more than 50%.

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An Efficient Validation Method for XML Data Updates (XML 데이타 갱신에 대한 효율적인 유효 검증 기법)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Park, Myung-Jae;Chung, Chin-Wan
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2007
  • XML is widely used in various applications as the standard for representing and exchanging data on the Web. XML Schema is the standard schema for XML and an XML document generated based on the XML Schema is called 'Valid XML document'. The XML Schema validity should be guaranteed after the XML document is updated. In this paper, we design an efficient method that verifies XML Schema validity before update, and so eliminates unnecessary validations. Also, we propose validation algorithms for each update. In addition, we propose the mapping between XML data and XML Schema and a storage method for XML Schema in order to efficiently extract the schema information for the validation. Finally, we compare the performance of the validation according to the storage methods.

An Experimental Study on the Semi-Automated Formal Verification of Cryptographic Protocols (암호프로토콜 논리성 자동 검증에 관한 연구)

  • 권태경;양숙현;김승주;임선간
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a semi-automated formal verification method based on the famous SVO logic, and discusses its experimental results. We discuss several problems on automating the SVO logic and design its derivative, ASVO logic for automation. Also the proposed method is implemented by the Isabelle/Isar system. As a result, we verified the well-known weakness of the NSSK protocol that is vulnerable to the Denning-Sacco attack, using our Isabelle/ASVO system. Finally, we refined the protocol by following the logical consequence of the ASVO verification.

Advanced development of the core competency diagnosis tool for college students for future-oriented competency education: Focusing on the case of Y University (미래지향적 역량교육을 위한 전문대학생 핵심역량 진단 도구 고도화 개발: Y대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Hyo-Jung Gil;Boc-Nam Park;Jong-Il Ahn
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to advanced and develop a core competency diagnosis tool that junior college students must have in order to implement competency-oriented education to nurture talents required by the future society, and to verify its validity and reliability. To this end, the existing diagnostic tools were analyzed and preliminary questions were derived through analysis of prior research, collecting opinions of members, FGI, and expert advice. A total of 46 items were derived, which were verified as content validity. Afterwards, a preliminary survey was conducted targeting 380 applicants among current students. To verify the validity of the construct, an exploratory factor analysis was performed using AMOS 18.0. As a result, 30 final questions composed of 6 core competencies were derived. The core competency diagnosis tool is expected to be actively used as a future-oriented competency education execution, evaluation, and quality management tool by diagnosing the competencies of current students.

Development and Application of Practice-Centered Science Camp Programs (체험중심 과학 캠프 프로그램의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Changman;Cha, Jeongho;Kim, Inwhan;Choi, Junghoon;Hwang, Bookkee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.102-118
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    • 2011
  • In this study the authors developed the practice-centered science camp program which was based on the review of out-of-school scientific activities and the standards of HASA (Hands, Head and Heart At Science Activity) curriculum emphasizing on hands-operated skills. After applying this science camp program we confirmed the validity of the program based on the students' responses at the camp. Using students' reports written during the camp and their essays written on the web-site after camp, we analyzed students' responses into four categories; knowledge, inquiry, hands-operated skills, and scientific attitudes. Also we evaluated the components of the science camp programs and students' perception of science and science-related attitudes using a questionnaire before and after the camp. In terms of contents and activities for the development and application of science camp, our result showed that the science camp program should be complemented to connect real life with high-tech science and include more activities related hands-operated skills and competition activities evoking constructive competitive spirits. In conclusion, we can infer that the agencies which take parts of the national policy enterprise related science education, such as Scientific Education Research Center, must develop and specialize science camp program with more competitive human resource system and economic support. Science educators should give more attention on joining school science education with out-of-school science education, which might have a positive effect on students' attitudes and participation toward science.

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Development and Application of Primary Puzzle-Based Learning Program for Computer Science Education (컴퓨터 과학 교육을 위한 초등 퍼즐 기반 학습 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Oh, JungCheol;Kim, JaeHyeong;Kim, JongHoon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2014
  • Developing computational thinking ability is crucial for those living in the 21st century. However, the current computational education system cannot satisfy this need. Current computational education tends to be limited to the teaching of the use of application programs or the teaching of the programming language. This is why the primary puzzle-based learning program was developed. This program promotes the development of the learner's computational thinking ability and understanding of the principles of the computer science as opposed to the fragmented, uniform programing education. In order to prove the effectiveness of this newly developed program, a 35-hour study was conducted to 41 students from grade 3 to 6 classrooms in Jeju Province. It was proved that this program brings positive changes in creativie problem-solving ability and problem-solving abilities in computer science. This paper is to provide the ground for the development of an educational program and to prove the effectiveness of thereof, and finally introduce the Primary Puzzle-Based Learning Program as the alternative computational education.

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