• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학교육 목표

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A Study on the Temperament and Character of the Gifted in Invention On the Basis of Latent Profile Analysis (잠재프로파일분석(LPA)에 기반을 둔 발명영재학생의 기질 및 성격 분석)

  • Choi, Yongjoon;Yang, Joungmo;Jin, Sukun
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2019
  • The study is to compare the temperaments and characters of the gifted in invention with those of the genearl students, and also the characteristics of the subgroups of the gifted in invention through the LPA analysis. The results of the study are as follows: First, we compared the results of JTCI (Junior Temperament and Character Inventory) between the students entering Institute of Invention Science Education and the general students; through this comparison, we found out that the gifted in invention are more creative and willing to accept, generally feel more positive, and have the motivation to pursue meaningful goals and values above the personal needs than the non-gifted. Second, through the LPA analysis, the gifted in invention were divided into two subgroups; one group which showed far higher scores on pursuing stimulus, the subscale of temperaments, and slightly higher scores on autonomy, the subscale of characters, and the other group which showed the similar scores on pursuing stimulus and far higher scores on autonomy.

Exploring class criticism in multicultural mentoring activities using textuality (텍스트성을 활용한 다문화 멘토링 활동에서의 수업비평 탐색)

  • Oh, Sekyung;Huang, Haiying
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.563-571
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of multicultural mentoring class activities in order to promote the professional growth and critical reflection of student mentors who are undergraduate students from a variety of major. For this purpose, the contents and phenomena of the multicultural mentoring of the mentor - mentee were reported as activity texts, and then seven directions of textuality were applied to explore the direction of multicultural mentoring class activities. As a result, coherence refers to the relationship between the mentor and the mentee for continuing the activities of multicultural mentoring, and cohesiveness refers to the relationship between the mentor and the mentee. It was called the achievement of identity. Intention means that the mentor has an intention or goal for the class before the mentoring activity, and tolerance means that the text produced by the mentor in the multicultural mentoring process is accepted by the mentee. Intentional means that the mentor has intention or goal for the class before the mentoring class activity, and tolerance means having the text as the class activity text when the mentor's text is accepted by the multicultural mentoring class activity process. In the case of informativeness, the information produced by the mentor is less informative when the mentee is predictable and less informative when the predictor is low. In the case of contextuality, contextuality of class activities can be changed according to the physical text situation and the mentee situation in class activity. In case of multicultural mentoring class activity, except for case where mentor creates new class activity text, it is related to the production of class activity texts through mentor learning experiences, peer friends' advice, and education.

A Study on the Development of Ultrasonography Guide using Motion Tracking System (이미지 가이드 시스템 기반 초음파 검사 교육 기법 개발: 예비 연구)

  • Jung Young-Jin;Kim Eun-Hye;Choi Hye-Rin;Lee Chae-Jeong;Kim Seo-Hyeon;Choi Yu-Jin;Hong Dong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.1067-1073
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    • 2023
  • Breast cancer is one of the top three most common cancers in modern women, and the incidence rate is increasing rapidly. Breast cancer has a high family history and a mortality rate of about 15%, making it a high-risk group. Therefore, breast cancer needs constant management after an early examination. Among the various equipment that can diagnose cancer, ultrasound has the advantage of low risk and being able to diagnose in real time. In addition, breast ultrasound will be more useful because Asian women's breasts are denser and less sensitive. However, the results of ultrasound examinations vary greatly depending on the technology of the examiner. To compensate for this, we intend to incorporate motion tracking technology. Motion tracking is a technology that specifies and analyzes a location according to the movement of an object in a three-dimensional space. Therefore, real-time control is possible, and complex and fast movements can be recorded in real time. We would like to present the production of an ultrasound examination guide using these advantages.

Development of Self-Managed Food Sanitation Check-List and On-Site Monitoring of Food Sanitation Management Practices in Restaurants for Control of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors (식중독 발생 위험요인 관리를 위한 외식업체 자가위생관리점검표 개발 및 현장모니터링)

  • Chung, Min-Jae;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Ryu, Kyung;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.603-616
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    • 2010
  • Based on recent dramatic increases in foodborne outbreaks in restaurants, self-managed sanitation systems are now recommended to control contributing risk factors. This study aimed to improve sanitation management practices in restaurants and had two objectives. First, we tried to develop a self-managed sanitation check-list, including risk factors contributing to foodborne illness and Korean food hygiene regulation articles. We also tried to evaluate current sanitation management practices in restaurants according to operation and restaurant type. Thirty restaurants were evaluated by on-the-spot inspectors using an auditing tool consisting of four dimensions, seventeen categories, and forty-one items. Total compliance rate categorized by operation type significantly differed between chain restaurants and self-managed restaurants, with values of 85.5% and 51.6%, respectively. Therefore, self-managed restaurants, which showed the lowest compliance rate of below 30.0%, need more strict control to improve current unsanitary management practices, specifically relating to 'sterilization of knives, chopping boards, and wiping cloths', 'sanitation training', 'not allowing access into the kitchen to outsiders', 'handling of food or utensils on shelves at a 15 cm distance away from floor', 'prevention of cross-contamination of cooked foods or vegetables', and 'records of kitchen access or inspection'. Thus, an effective food sanitation system is essential and should be implemented to improve the existing sanitary conditions in restaurants. However, the most important factor to achieving food sanitation management objectives is food handlers' self-motivation.

The Making of Local Socio-economic Space and the Role of Local Government, In Case of Taegu and textile industry (지역사회.경제 공간의 형성과 지방정부의 역할, 대구시와 섬유산업의 경우)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2001
  • Local government takes an active role in the (re)making of local socio-economic space. To support such an argument, the three different actions by the local government of Taegu, urban planning and local industrial districts, the establishment of special educational institutions, and textile festival are analyzed. The division of the city's space into residential, commercial, and industrial area by local government constrained the location of local manufacturing industries. It also forced textile industry to move to the outskirts of Taegu. As the education level in South Korea rose after the late 1970s, the local government of Taegu as well as local industrial capitalists had to do something to acquire a stable supply of labor to local manufacturing industries, particularly textile one. After the late 1970s, the special classes for the education of local workers, especially textile ones were established within vocational high school and company-operated high schools were also built in Taegu. Finally, local government started a program of textile festival in 1985. Through textile festival, local government as well as local textile business people tried to reproduce textile industry as the main economic activity of Taegu.

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Implementation Strategy of Global Framework for Climate Service through Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology for Agriculture and Food Security Sector (선도적 농림기상 국제협력을 통한 농업과 식량안보분야 전지구기후 서비스체계 구축 전략)

  • Lee, Byong-Lyol;Rossi, Federica;Motha, Raymond;Stefanski, Robert
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2013
  • The Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS) will guide the development of climate services that link science-based climate information and predictions with climate-risk management and adaptation to climate change. GFCS structure is made up of 5 pillars; Observations/Monitoring (OBS), Research/ Modeling/ Prediction (RES), Climate Services Information System (CSIS) and User Interface Platform (UIP) which are all supplemented with Capacity Development (CD). Corresponding to each GFCS pillar, the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) has been proposing "Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology" (GIAM) in order to facilitate GFCS implementation scheme from the perspective of AgroMeteorology - Global AgroMeteorological Outlook System (GAMOS) for OBS, Global AgroMeteorological Pilot Projects (GAMPP) for RES, Global Federation of AgroMeteorological Society (GFAMS) for UIP/RES, WAMIS next phase for CSIS/UIP, and Global Centers of Research and Excellence in AgroMeteorology (GCREAM) for CD, through which next generation experts will be brought up as virtuous cycle for human resource procurements. The World AgroMeteorological Information Service (WAMIS) is a dedicated web server in which agrometeorological bulletins and advisories from members are placed. CAgM is about to extend its service into a Grid portal to share computer resources, information and human resources with user communities as a part of GFCS. To facilitate ICT resources sharing, a specialized or dedicated Data Center or Production Center (DCPC) of WMO Information System for WAMIS is under implementation by Korea Meteorological Administration. CAgM will provide land surface information to support LDAS (Land Data Assimilation System) of next generation Earth System as an information provider. The International Society for Agricultural Meteorology (INSAM) is an Internet market place for agrometeorologists. In an effort to strengthen INSAM as UIP for research community in AgroMeteorology, it was proposed by CAgM to establish Global Federation of AgroMeteorological Society (GFAMS). CAgM will try to encourage the next generation agrometeorological experts through Global Center of Excellence in Research and Education in AgroMeteorology (GCREAM) including graduate programmes under the framework of GENRI as a governing hub of Global Initiatives in AgroMeteorology (GIAM of CAgM). It would be coordinated under the framework of GENRI as a governing hub for all global initiatives such as GFAMS, GAMPP, GAPON including WAMIS II, primarily targeting on GFCS implementations.

The Effect of a Construal Level of Reading on Elementary School Students' Volume of Reading and Pleasure of Reading (독서에 대한 해석수준이 초등학생의 독서량과 독서의 재미에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Yi-young;Au, Yun-kyung
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.219-238
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    • 2019
  • The objective of the current study is to explore psychological factors that can encourage elementary school students to read. Specifically, the current study verified the effect of manipulating the construal level, which is known to influence goal achievement, on the reading volume of the students. Two hundred elementary school students were separated into groups with high and low preferences for reading, as well as those with high and low reading volumes in general. Then, the study proceeded to categorize the students into the abstract construal-level group who were directed to think about why they have to read and the concrete construal-level group who were directed to think about how they should read. The participants were asked to read for two weeks, and their reading volume and reported pleasure of reading were measured. As a result, the study confirmed the main effect of the construal level, in that the group of students who were directed to have a concrete perspective about their reading objective by thinking about how to read had a higher reading volume than the group directed to have an abstract perspective about their reading objective. In addition, the group that generally had a lower-level preference for reading both read more and enjoyed reading more after it was directed to construe the reading activity concretely. However, the group that generally had a higher level of preference for reading maintained high reading volumes and high pleasure of reading regardless of the construal level. Furthermore, the group that generally read less both read more and enjoyed reading more after it was directed to construe reading concretely. However the group that generally read more also enjoyed reading more after it was directed to construe reading abstractly. The current study is significant in that it expands the discussion about the effect of construal level, which had been mainly a subject of behavioral economic research, into the field of educational instruction. The study also provides a practical implication for the types of perspective that are effective in motivating people with a higher or lower preference for certain tasks, as well as those with higher or lower levels of achievement for certain tasks.

Evaluation of Project-Based Learning on Community Dental Hygiene Practice Education (지역사회치위생학 실습 교육에서의 프로젝트 기반 학습 효과 평가)

  • Yoo, Sang-Hee;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Shin, Bo-Mi;Shin, Sun-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.368-374
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate community dental hygiene practice education, by verifying its effect after applying project-based learning in improving the practical and social skills of learners. A 15-week project-based community dental hygiene practice course was held for 27 senior students, who took community dental hygiene practice course in the Department of Dental Hygiene, Gangneung-Wonju National University. Twenty-seven students were composed of 4 teams. Each team selected a target group for four workplaces for adult workers to apply the oral health promotion project. The project was then planned and conducted based on a survey on the health problems confronting each group, and an evaluation was carried out after 4 weeks. From the results obtained in comparing confidence in problem solving ability, project value, teamwork competency, and community dental hygienist competence before and after course, the improvement in project value and teamwork competence scores was not statistically significant, but all four areas showed positive results. After analyzing the project actuality, learning outcomes, and project satisfaction after course results, the actuality of the project was 19.30 points, the learning achievement was 45.19 points, and the satisfaction was 19.19 points, demonstrating that the aim of achieving actual performance competence and a learning performance exceeding expectations was accomplished. After conducting an interview survey with 8 students, it was found that they had learned social skills involving problem-solving abilities and confidence, and teamwork competence such as cooperation, role responsibility, creative thinking ability, and communication skills. Community dental hygienists should be able to acquire learner-level practical skills and social skills in the community dental hygiene and practical courses, according to their competencies and job needs. It is necessary to develop a project?based systematic learning module to enable the community dental hygiene practice to operate as a subject closely related to fields in other dental hygiene departments.

The Forest Experience Program and Improvement of Depression, Anxiety, and Self-concept in Adolescents (산림 체험 프로그램이 청소년의 우울감, 불안감, 자아상에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Jisoon;Kim, Nam Young;Lee, Suk Hee;Kim, Bongseog
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2015
  • Aim of this study was to investigate the influence of forest experience program on depression, anxiety, and self concept in adolescents living in urban area. A total of 47 adolescents living in Seoul, South Korea were recruited for the study and participated in a series of forest experience programs that the Korea National Park Service had developed. Before and after applying the program, their depression, anxiety, and self concept were evaluated using Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS), and Offer Self Image Questionnaire-Revised (OSIQ). The outcome measures were analyzed using paired-t tests. CDI score was significantly reduced after the program (before:$12.41{\pm}8.34$, after:$8.65{\pm}9.48$). Excluding 16 participants whose scores of Lie Scale in the RCMAS were more than 8 on the analysis, the total RCMAS score showed significant reduction after the program (before:$14.87{\pm}7.30$, after:$10.81{\pm}7.81$). There was no significant difference in the total score of the total self-image scale in the OSIQ. However, the Self-confidence (SC) which was used as subscale of the OSIQ was significantly higher after the program (before:$29.94{\pm}3.71$, after:$38.11{\pm}6.45$), and the Idealism scale (I) in the OSIQ increased significantly after the program (before:$21.03{\pm}3.80$, after:$23.17{\pm}3.89$). On our analysis, the forest experience program showed considerable positive effects on depression and anxiety in adolescents. This result leads the postulation that the program might be helpful for adolescents to adapt to their surrounding experiences and to achieve improvement in interpersonal relationship.

Factors Affecting the Weight Control Intention of the Female Adolescent by Body Size - In Daegu Area - (청년기 여성의 체형에 따른 체중조절 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 - 대구지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ho-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to provide information about the behavioral intentions to diet in adolescent females. To explain the behavior intention to diet, a conceptual framework based on the ' Social Support, Control and the Stress Process Model ' and the ' Theory of Reasoned Actio ' was used. The survey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 463 female high school and college students in Daegu. Analysis of data was done by using mean, correlation and multiple regression analysis with the SAS computer program. Subjects were divided into 3 groups-underweight, normal weight, and overweight-according to their current body size. The most powerful influencing factor related to perceived stress -that is dissatisfaction with body image- was the current figure, regardless of current body size. The fatter the current body size, the higher the score for the behavioral intention to diet. In attitude toward the behavior of dieting, the fatter the current figure, the higher the attitude score, and the belief of behavioral outcome was the main decision variable. For the score of the subjective norm, the overweight group was significantly higher than other groups. The influencing factors for the behavioral intention to diet were perceived stress and attitude toward dieting behavior, especially beliefs of behavioral outcome.

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