• Title/Summary/Keyword: 과학교수 방법

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Changes in Teaching Practices of Elementary School Teachers in Scientific Modeling Classes: Focused on Modeling Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) (과학 모델링 수업에서 나타난 초등 교사의 수업 실행 변화 -모델링 PCK를 중심으로-)

  • Uhm, Janghee;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.543-563
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    • 2020
  • This study explores how the teaching practices of two teachers changed during scientific modeling classes. It also aims to understand these changes in terms of the teachers' modeling pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development. The study participants were two elementary school teachers and their fifth-grade students. The teachers taught eight lessons of scientific modeling classes about the human body. The data analysis was conducted for lessons 1-2 and 7-8, which best showed the change in teaching practice. The two teachers' teaching practices were analyzed in terms of feedback frequency, feedback content, and the time allocated for each stage of model generation, evaluation, and modification. Teacher A led the evaluation and modification stages in a teacher-driven way throughout the classes. In terms of feedback, teacher A mainly used answer evaluation feedback in lesson 1-2; however, in lesson 7-8, the feedback content changed to thought-provoking feedback. Meanwhile, teacher B mostly led a teacher-driven model evaluation and modification in lesson 1-2; however, in lesson 7-8, she let her students lead the model evaluation and modification stages and helped them develop models through various feedbacks. The analysis shows that these teaching changes were related to the development of modeling PCK components. Furthermore, the two teachers' modeling PCK differed in teaching orientation, in understanding the modeling stages, and in recognizing the value of modeling, suggesting the importance of these in modeling teaching practice. This study can help improve the understanding of modeling classes by revealing the relationship between teaching practices and modeling PCK.

Analyzing Studies on Teacher Professional Vision: A Literature Review ('수업을 보는 눈'으로서 교사의 전문적 시각에 대한 기존 연구의 특징과 쟁점 분석)

  • Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;Park, Jisun;Song, Youngjin;Kim, Mijung;Joung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.765-780
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to synthesize the theoretical perspectives, research methods, and research results of teachers' professional vision by reviewing and analyzing previous research papers and to suggest implications for science teacher education and research. Three databases were used to search peer reviewed journal articles published between 1997-2017, which include 'teachers' and 'professional vision' explicitly in abstracts and empirical studies only. 21 articles in total were analyzed and review results are as follows. First, researchers regarded professional vision as a new concept of teacher professionalism. Previous research viewed professional vision as integrated structure of teachers' knowledge or ability activated at specific moment. Second, the analytical framework of professional vision included two aspects; 'selective attention' and 'reasoning'. Several aspects of lessons or the desirable teaching and learning factors are suggested as the subcategories of selective attention. Hierarchical levels or independent reasoning ability factors are suggested as the subcategories of reasoning process. Third, research on teachers' professional vision focused more on middle school teachers than elementary teachers and on various subject areas. Most studies used video clips and more cases of using videos of non-participants were found. In case of measurement of professional vision, most quantitative scoring methods were whether the responses of experts and teachers on video clips were consistent. Last, most studies examined or assessed teachers' professional vision. It is reported that in-service teachers' professional vision was evaluated higher than novice teachers' and using video clips were effective to examine and improve teachers' professional vision.

Investigation of the Earth Science Teacher Education Programs in the College of Education and their Improvement Plans (사범대학 지구과학 교사 양성 교육 과정 현황 분석 및 개선 방안 탐색)

  • Kim, Jong-Hee;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.390-400
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an improvement plan based on an analysis of the current earth science teacher education curriculum in the department of education in the four fields of teaching profession theory: student-teacher practice, subject lesson education, and subject content education. The following are the conclusions and suggestions of this study. In case of teaching profession theory, too much emphasis is put on pedagogical theory over practical issues, and a problem arises upon completion. Therefore, it is sugguest that teaching profession theory might be completed before subject lesson education to ensure more authentic subjects performing teaching profession. The current term for student-teacher training is too short to understand the whole school system. Current school system does not have any off-job training course or internship system. Therefore, student-teacher training term should be increased by at least $3{\sim}6$ months to play a vital role in the current system. The credit number of subject lesson education is too small compared with subject content education. Consequently, the credit number of subject lesson education should be increased, and more professor majored in subject lesson education should be recruited. Significant deviation between the content of subject content education and that of middle school grade exists, and there is also much difference in the ratio of subject according to university. To get rid of these problems, subject content education should be connected with subject lesson education and appropriate number of credit needs to be assigned to each subject domain.

A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Levels of 11th Grade Students and Cognitive Levels Required by High School Chemistry I Textbooks (고등학교 2학년 학생들의 인지수준과 화학 I 교과서 내용이 요구하는 인지수준 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Suk;Park, Kwang-Seo;Oh, Chang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Jin;Park, Kuk-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.645-653
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the cognitive levels of 11th grade students and those required in high school chemistry I textbooks standardized by the 7th national education curriculum. For this study, the cognitive development stages of 456 11th grade students were surveyed using short-version GALT (group assessment of logical thinking). Furthermore, 15 basic concepts were extracted from the contents on water and air, 2 units in chemistry I order to analyze the cognitive levels necessary for understanding high school textbooks, using CAT (curriculum analysis taxonomy). The results showed that 52.5% of the surveyed 11th grade students reached the formal operational level, 28.3% transitional levels, and 19.5% concrete operational levels. 68.9% of the academic high school students and 6.6% of the technical high school students reached the formal operational levels, and the ratio of formation was very different in each logics. As a result of the analyzing the cognitive levels needed for understanding chemistry I textbook contents, in spite of a change in national education curriculum, there were no great change in cognitive levels required by scientific concept except some inquiry activities. The cognitive levels in high school chemistry I textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum appeared higher than the cognitive levels of 11th grade student, but cognitive levels of inquiry activities were similar to the cognitive levels of the students. Chemistry teachers thought of chemistry I textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum as desirable because scientific concepts were reduced and a lot of real life materials were adapted. However, they pointed out a problem of difference in contents levels compared with chemistry I textbooks because scientific concepts were greatly reduced in chemistry I textbooks. The cognitive levels required in chemistry I textbooks still appeared higher than those of the students. Consequently, various teaching and learning methods and materials will have to be developed to be suitable for the students' cognitive levels.

Effect of The First Authors Determine to Paper (논문의 주저자 결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong, Jeong-Min;Park, Yong-Duk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the professors, who teach the dental hygiene program in Korea, their Awareness on authors determined among research ethics. Three hundred and six full time professors and four hundred and eighty four part time professors in seventy eight universities all around Korea were surveyed. The following are the results that the collected data was carried out statistical analysis by using SPSS 12.0 program. The results was as followed. 1. The present study's author makers, 95 respondents (55.6%) experienced advising professor and 67 respondents (39.2%) experienced personally. 2. As recognition about range and order decision of the authors, they expressed the biggest recognition that person who did the interpretation of the results or gave important information doesn't always become the first author of the article($2.81{\pm}.485$). 3. Between general characteristics and authorship recognition level, they were statistically significantly different with number of articles published as the first author(p<0.05). 4. Regarding the correlation between students who helped with collection of data and references also have the right to be the author of the research article and Person who did the rough draft translation also has the right to be the co-author of the research article had a statistically significant correlation of .433 which was the highest correlation factor (p<0.01). Conclusions, rules and regulations on research ethic should be more publicized through educational institutions.

Current Status of Clinical Dental Hygiene Education Based on Dental Hygiene Process of Care (치위생과정에 근거를 둔 임상치위생학의 교육 실태)

  • Han, Sun-Young;Kim, Nam-Hee;Yoo, Jae-Ha;Kim, Cheoul-Sin;Chung, Won-Gyun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the educational status of dental hygiene process of care and to provide foundation for introducing curriculums focused on it. Questionnaire (14 questions) on educational status of clinical dental hygiene based on dental hygiene process of care was distributed in 50 dental hygiene schools with full classes. Research was performed with structured questionnaires on the basis of previous literatures, and interview and email survey was conducted. Collected data were analyzed with Frequency analysis, Descriptive statistics, and Chi-square test using SPSS 12.0, and the results were as follows. The average student to clinical dental hygiene faculty ratio of 22 to one regardless of year of curriculum. Sixty two point five percent of dental hygiene school reported having a curriculum about comprehensive dental hygiene process. Regarding the distribution of lecture and practical curriculums, they were less focused on dental hygiene diagnosis (68.8%), planning (65.6%) and evaluation (68.8%) than on assessment and implementation. Just over half (56.7%) reported having education of dental hygiene process of care during the course of curriculum. In conclusion, it is most desirable to provide integrated education based on dental hygiene process of care by reinforcing dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, and evaluation step.

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A study on the improvement of ability of a creative solving mathematical problem (수학문제의 창의적 해결력 신장에 관한 연구 -농어촌 중학교 수학영재를 중심으로-)

  • 박형빈;서경식
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we study the methods of improving an ability of a creative solving mathematical problem belonging to an educational system which every province office of education has adopted for the mathematically talented students. Especially, we give an attention on a preferential reaction in teaching styles according to student's LQ., the relationship between student's LQ. and an ability of creative solving mathematical problems, and seeking for an appropriative teaching methods of the improvement ability of a creative solving problem. As results, we have the followings; 1. The group having excellent students who have a higher intelligential ability prefers inquiry learning which is composed of several sub-groups to a teacher-centered instruction. 2. The correlation coefficient between student's LQ. and an ability creative solving of mathematical is not high. 3. Although the contents and the model of thematic inquiry learning don't have a great influence on the divergent thinking (ex. fluency, flexibility, originality), they affect greatly the convergent thinking - a creative mathematical - problem solving ability. Accordingly, our results show that we should use a variety of mathematical teaching materials apart from our regular textbooks used in schools to improve a creative mathematical problem solving ability in the process of thematic inquiry learning. Also we can see that an inquiry learning which stimulates student's participation and discussion can be a desirable model in the thematic mathematical classroom activities.

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A Comparative Study of Mathematics Textbook Between 2009 Revised Curriculum and IB Diploma Program - The case of high school Algebra - (2009 개정 수학교육과정과 IBDP 수학과 교육과정에서의 교과서 비교 연구 - 고등학교 대수 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Hyun Ju;Choa, Jun Soo;Choe, Seung Hyun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.391-421
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    • 2015
  • The scientific technology developed rapidly and the internet became more popular, also, the world became interactive with one another and the word 'Global' became popular and built a new paradigm. As the development of the society, the ideal criteria for the competent student changed. Consequently, the attention for the globalized education increased. From the points of view of mathematical education, it became a important task to be prepared for international competitiveness for korean talented students. For theses reasons, this article analyzes the characteristics of IBDP and its textbook, which is an international official curriculum and one of the actualizing method for internalization Korean high school curriculum and text book, specifically, focusing on algebra part. Especially, Korean curriculum textbooks and the Mathematical Higher Level textbooks of IBDP was compared and analyzed. As a result, the depth and range of the content, standard level of the question, methods being used to explain the concept, type of questions as well as teaching - learning method were analyzed and in each chapter of the algebra we give meaningful result and proposed discussion.

The Effect of Library Assisted Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Instruction on Student's Consciousness and Attitude of 'Life and Career Planning' (도서관을 활용한 실천적 문제중심 수업이 '생애설계와 진로탐색'에 관한 학습자의 의식 및 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Young-Shin;Lee, Yon-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study were to develop lesson plans of library assisted practical problem-based teaching-learning for 'life and career planning' unit in high school Technology Home Economics Subject and to compare the learning effect of this lesson plan with that of practical problem-based teaching-learning in class. The change in student's perception about home economics subject was also compared after two types of teaching-learning process. The contents of the high school Technology Home Economics textbooks and curriculum guide book for the year of 2007 curriculum revision were analyzed. Based on these analysis 10 library assisted practical problem-based teaching-learning lesson plans on 'life and carrer planning' unit were developed. The high school students living in Gyeonggi province as an experimental group participated in library assisted practical problem-based teaching-learning. The control group of students who had same condition with the experimental group were taught by same lesson plans in class. After the experiment, the changes in attitudes toward life and career planning and in perception about Home Economics subject were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance. The more significant positive attitudes toward life and career planning were found in the experimental group of students compared with those of the control group of students. And compared with the control group of students, the experimental group of student perceived more positively about characteristics of Home Economics subject. Thus, the following conclusion was made that the library assisted practical problem-based teaching-learning could be one of the useful teaching-learning methods to improve attitude toward life and career planning and perception about Home Economics subject.

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Transient Expression of β-gulucuronidase (GUS) gene in Immature Ovules and Calli Derived from Cottonwood Species (Populus deltoides) by Microprojectile Bombardment (포플러의 미성숙(未成熟) 배(胚)와 캘러스에서 유전자총(遺傳子銃)에 의(依)한 GUS-gene의 일시적(一時的) 발현(發現))

  • Kang, Hoduck;Kang, Sang-Gu;Bae, Hanhong;Park, Kyo-Soo;Hall, Richard B.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.3
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 1997
  • Excised immature ovules and calli derived from the stems of cottonwood were bombarded with microprojectiles carrying plasmid DNA containing CaMV-35S promoter and ${\beta}$-glucuronidase(GUS) gene. After bombarded, the expression of GUS gene was detected by the assay of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-${\beta}$-gluconide(X-gluc). Transient gene expression was measured by counting the number of distinct regions of GUS activity per explant. As major parameters, the number of shots and the period of exposure to X-gluc after the bombardment were investigated for detecting GUS gene expression. In this experiment, the percents of GUS gene expression showing spots were 56.8 from immature ovules and 75.9 from micro-calli of cottonwood species. Among the treatments, two consecutive shots and 48 hour exposure produced about $25.75{\pm}2.77$(per ovule), $11.43{\pm}1.22$(per mini petridish) spots, respectively, Microprojectile particle bombardment provides a useful method to assay transient expression in both types of explants. Furthermore, our results represent that the excised ovule and/or the calli might be stably transformed by the biolistics.

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