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Studies on the Natural Food Colour made from Sambucus oanadiensis (Sambucus canadiensis에 의한 천연식용(天然食用) 색소(色素)의 개발(開發)에 관(關)하여)

  • Park, Kyo Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1978
  • Elder-berries are economical plants and grown commercially in the United States. Most of the crop is sold to processors and made into natural colour, jellies, jam, port wine or elder berry wine, elder berry juice or used to manufacture of pie mixes. Processors are showing increasing interest in cultivation elder berries. In the present study was wish to find the effect of various factors and practical methods on the processing for the true fruit colour made from fresh elder berries juice as the clearing by the treated pectinase, added sugar, vaccum concentration, extraction of anthocyanosid powder and its property with used prospects. In this study obtained results can be summarized as follows. 1. Pectinase is useful and effected to make clear juice from fresh elder berry juice treated on the $34{\sim}45^{\circ}C$. 2. P.V.C. drum is most useful stored without unfading for clearing elderberry juice and its exposed redish dark purple colour. 3. Clearing elderberry juice stored in the stainless steel drum, changed colour from redish dark purple to dark violets during the stored at the room temperature. 4. Added sugar (Brix $48{\sim}53^{\circ}C$) to the fresh elderberry juice is useful and suitable prospects for to make home juice and wine. 5. The elderberry juice of vaccum concentration is change colour from dark purple to black brown colour during the stored at the room temperature. 6. Its possible to make anthocyanosid powder extracted made from fresh elderberry juice 7. Property of anthocyanosid is an follows. 1) The spectrum of elderberries juice is $523{\sim}530m{\mu}$ 2) The colouring stability is less than $pH_4$ 3) The colouring stability by the heating is less than $pH_4$, and then the more than $pH_4$ is changed colour from redish dark purple to dark brown. 4) By the light colouring stability is less than $pH_4$ 5) The colouring most stability in the pH is $pH_3$ 8. In the future, natural colour made from elderberry juice on the useful prospects is suitable used to make natural fruit juice, ice cream, candy, commercial and home wine, gum, and manufacture of jelly jam, pie maxes, ect.

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Sprachtypologische Fehleranalyse - Im Vergleich der deutschen und koreanischen Sprache - (독일어와 한국어를 비교한 언어 유형적 분석)

  • Park Jin-Gil
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.7
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2003
  • 우리는 지금까지 독일어와 한국어 두 언어간의 오류분석을 논의해 왔다. 특히 언어유형학적인 측면에서 몇 가지 오류유형과 분석을 시도했다. 그 결과는 대체로 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 독일어와 한국어가 서로 근본적으로 상반되는 언어현상과 더불어 약간의 공통성을 나타내며 일정한 유형을 나타낸다. 이는 두로 인간의 언어습득장치에 기인된 언어습득의 결정주의(Determinismus)에서 비롯될 것이다. 언어특성/문제의 체계성/규칙성 또는 일관성은 이를 반영한다. 거대한 언어자료 중에 극히 미미한 일부, 즉 언어최소량를 정복함으로써 그 효용성을 극대화할 수 있는 것은 매우 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 이를 연구 이용하는 경우에는 엄청난 효과와 가능성을 기대할 수 있을 것이다. (1) 독일어와 한국어의 학습 및 오류분석에서 가장 핵심적인 것은 언어유형학적으로 드러난 언어특성, 즉 전치성(독일어/영어)과 후치성(한국어)이다. 이를 토대로 형성된 대립적인 면과 공통적인 문제를 체계화하는 것이 역시 오류분석 문제의 관건이다. 또한 독일어가 아직 후치성 언어(한국어(TXV))에서 출발해서 전치성 언어(영어(SVX))로 발전/변화해 가는 과정, 즉 중간단계인 TVX에 머물고 있다는 사실이 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 즉 그들의 대극성과 유사성을 연결하는 실마리로 볼 수 있기 때문이다. (2) 일치(Kongruenz)/상관(Korrelation) 및 반복(Wiederholung) 현상, 그리고 격변화와 인칭변화 현상은 어순문제와 더불어 형태론적 문제를 통해 문법적인 확인수단으로 작용한다. 이들은 대부분 체계적/구조적으로 나타나기 때문에 학습자는 흔히 같은 유형에서 반복적으로 오류를 범하기 마련이다. 이를 극복하기 위해서 언어 유형학적 오류분석을 이해하고 또한 이를 통해 오류를 줄이거나 예방하는 학습이 필요하다. (3) 명사가 한정사구 안에서 성/수/격에 따라 변화하는 것과 동사가 동사구에서 주어의 인칭/수에 따라 인칭변화 하는 것은 우리 한국인에게는 아주 이색적인 현상이다. 이는 양면적인 수식구조에 대한 확인수단 및 원자가에 의한 강력한 형식위주 언어인 독일어와 전위적인 단일 수식구조와 부정형 동사를 특성으로 형성된 핵/최소문 언어간의 필연적인 적응관계 및 결과라고 볼 수 있다. 이 두 가지 유형 역시 언어특성에 따라 도식화/공식화 할 수 있다. (4) 괄호현상, 즉 으뜸머리(Hauptkopf)가 버금머리(Nebenkopf)와 분리하는 것은 우리 한국인에게는 아주 이색적인 언어현상이다. 한국어에는 머리의 이동이 없기 때문이다. 긴 구문에서 버금머리를 잊어버리거나 실수하는 것은 모든 괄호구문에서 예견되는 결과이다. 그러나 이는 정치성과 후치성 언어간의 전이 과정으로 이해될 수 있다. 으뜸머리가 원래의 자리를 박차고 소속 구/문의 앞자리로 도약한 것처럼 느껴지기 때문이다. (5) 전치 및 후치 수식이 유동적으로 작용하는 독일어는 전치 수식만으로 고정된 한국어보다 복잡하지만 균형적인 언어구조이다. 이러한 수식구조에서 한국인은 흔히 형태 및 어순에서, 그리고 번역에서 오류를 범하고 만다. (6) 그러나 가장 중요한 것은 아는 것을 제대로 이용하는 문제이다. 모국어/L2를 자유로이 말하고 쓸 때까지, 즉 언어습득에는 일체이 문법이나 도표/도식을 이용할 필요가 없다는 사실이다. 이는 17세기 서구의 이성주의 철학자들의 한결같은 경고이다. 오늘날 초고속 과학문명에서 더욱 빛을 발하는 것은 당연한 결과이다. 한 언어 속에 들어있는 문법체계를 익혀 가는 것이 곧 언어습득 과정이지만, 이를 달성하는 가능성 내지 첩경은 실제적인 언어자료와 체험이지 결코 문법이나 추상적인 개념적 접근이 아님을 웅변하고 있기 때문이다. 핵심적인 문제는 모국어교육에서도 최대 장점인 대화를 통한 언어연습/대화 기회를 최대한 보장하는 데 있다. 또한 언어간섭 현상을 조장하는 분위기를 막아야 할 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 교수법 개발이 외국어/L2 성공의 관건일 것이다. (7) 언어학습에서 오류를 극복하는 데는 일차적인 실제 상황에 부합하는 대화적인 연습, 그리고 효과적인 언어자료 접촉, 즉 독서와 모방이 중요하다. 이차적이고 직접적인 것은 통사(Syntax) 및 형태론(Morphologie)를 익힐 수 있는 말/문을 끊임없이 익히는 일이다. 이것이 또한 언어최소량을 충족시켜 언어습득에 이르는 첩경이다. 자연 생태적인 모국어 학습 또는 조정 및 제도적인 언어학습에서도 실제상황에 어긋나는 문법적인 체계에 얽매이는 도식 및 도표 위주의 텟스트는 일시적인 기대일 뿐이다. 인간의 언어습득장치를 이해하지 못한 결과이기 때문이다. 문법적인 개념위주 접근은 상당한 설명이 필요해서 절박한 자료와 체험까지 앗아가기 마련이다. 더구나 이를 위해 수준을 무시하고 모국어로 일관하여 벙어리와 문맹을 자초하는 것은 참으로 어리석은 일이다. 지식 정보화 시대 및 세계화 시대에는 무엇보다도 교육 및 언어정책이 국가 발전의 원동력이다. 특히 영어를 비롯한 외국어 학습능력과 학습방법은 매우 중요하다. 학습자에게 말하고 쓰는 기본 능력을 보장하는 것이 급선무이다. 이를 위한 작업의 하나가 바로 언어간의 오류분석일 것이다. 언어의 습득과 활용이 체계적이듯이 오류분석 역시 상당히 체계적이다. 그래서 인간의 언어습득과 언어습득장치를 두고 결정론(Determinismus)이 지배적이다. 이러한 의미에서 언어습득의 3대 요소, 즉 언어습득장치를 구비한 인간으로 태어나고, 해당 언어를 통한 일관된 언어체험/학습으로 언어최소량을 충족해야 한 언어를 정복할 수 있다는 것은 결정적인 사실이다. 학생고객에게 다가서는 책임교육으로 교육개방에 대비하는 일 역시 시대적인 상황이요 또한 결정적인 단계임엔 틀림이 없을 것이다.

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Distribution of the Korean Dental Hygiene Research Agenda Suggested by the Korean Dental Hygienists Association and Affiliated Groups (대한치과위생사협회 및 산하단체에서 제안한 한국 치위생학 연구의제 분포)

  • Lee, Ga-Yeong;Lee, Sun-Mi;Kim, Chang-Hee;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Kim, and Nam-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.393-399
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to realize research demands by gathering the research agenda from the Korean Dental Hygienists Association and affiliated groups through a Delphi survey. The study subjects were the heads of eight groups. The Delphi survey was conducted by e-mail after a researcher explained the objective of the study to the heads. The research agenda was classified according to the Korean dental hygiene academic classification and the National Dental Hygiene Research Agenda classification. To compare the number of research agendas according to classification among the groups, we conducted a chi-squared test by using IBM SPSS 20.0. In total, 316 agendas were submitted. According to the Korean dental hygiene academic classification, there was a significant difference among the groups, and the agendas associated with clinical dental hygiene (36.7%) were the best. According to the National Dental Hygiene Research Agenda classification, there was no significant difference and the agendas associated with health promotion and disease prevention (27.8%) were the best. In conclusion, the Korean Dental Hygienists Association and affiliated groups demanded similar research agendas, corresponding to the purpose of each establishment. However, the groups did not seem to show unique characteristics according to the purpose of each establishment. In other words, the groups should corroborate such characteristics and suggest a corresponding agenda to establish specific areas of research in dental hygiene. Also, dental hygiene researchers should mark the academic classification of the studies they want to submit.

The Effects of Emotional Perception on Major Satisfaction among Students at the Department of Dental Hygiene (치위생과 학생의 정서적 인식이 전공만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Ji-Su;Choi, Su-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to measure such features of emotional responses perceived by students as learning climate, department living stress, and perceived helplessness to analyze their effects on major satisfaction among students at the department of dental hygiene; to do this, a survey was conducted with 431 students, regardless of college year, who were at the department of dental hygiene in four colleges in Gyeonggi Province, Daejeon, and Chungcheong Province. An existing emotion scale which went through the generalization process was used to draw a multiple model in the combination form in order to collect emotional factors affecting college students' satisfaction with their major, which had existed as a hypothetical proposition, and make overall interpretation of relevance through the explainable, predictable modeling process by measuring emotional factors and phenomenal description of the level of general perception. The results showed that major satisfaction was very significantly affected by emotional features among students at the department of dental hygiene, which needs to be treated as an important factor to enhance expertise related to major learning and improve students' living.

An Analysis of Korean Floral Design Education Program and the Job Satisfaction of Florist and Applicants Florist (우리나라 화훼장식 교육프로그램 분석과 화훼장식가와 지망생 직업만족도 비교)

  • Moon, Hyun Sun;Hong, Jong Won;Han, Koh Woon;Jang, Eu Jean;Pak, Chun Ho
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2010
  • To analyze our country's education program for flower decoration and occupational satisfaction of florist, 60 present florists and 60 applicants were surveyed. To investigate satisfaction of florist, the questionnaire items consisted of satisfaction for occupation etc. experienced by attendants, contents of related education, recognition from society, social treatment. And this study analyzed followings : considerations to select occupation, satisfaction on job of person who majored in related subject and non- person without such an educational background, satisfaction on present occupation, satisfaction on education period, significance of florist ability, significance of requirements for occupational development. The points which present florists and applicants consider as important were aptitude for gardening and prospect. From the analysis by major of florists, majored persons had more satisfaction than non-majored persons but there was no statistically significant difference between them. From the analysis by applicant, as in present florists, majored persons had more satisfaction than non-majored persons. For the satisfaction by career and education period of present florists and applicants, the satisfaction on education related to flower decoration or learning experiences and lecturer's teaching method showed that the lower the career is, the less the satisfaction is. Seeing the result by education period of applicants, the satisfaction on job was similar each other regardless of education period. For difference in recognition on ability by major of present florists and applicants, the result of analysis by major of present florists showed that majored persons considered the ability more important comparing to non-majored persons in the fields of gardening and making decorations. In the other hand, in the fields of quality maintenance, flower decoration, and flower distribution and management, there was no significance difference between majored and non-majored persons about the recognition of ability. The result of analysis by major of applicants showed that majored persons considered the ability more important comparing to non-majored persons in the fields of gardening, flower decoration, making decorations, flower distribution and management. For the significance of quality maintenance, majored persons wholly considered the significance more important comparing to non-majored persons but there was no significant difference. Based on the results of this study, in working as a florist, persons who majored in flower decoration had more occupational satisfaction than non-majored persons. And among the contents of education, the education related to gardening was recognized as most important. But at present the systematic and special education programs to cultivate professional florists are deficient. Therefore it is suggested that courses based on systematic educational contents which integrate theory and practice are needed to solve education problem related to flower decoration in this rapidly changing society.

Dental Hygienist-Led Dental Hygiene Process of Care for Self-Support Program Participants in Gangneung (강릉시 자활근로사업 참여자 대상 치위생 과정 사례보고)

  • Yoo, Sang-Hee;Kwak, Seon-Hui;Lee, Sue-Hyang;Song, Ga-In;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Shin, Sun-Jung;Shin, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.327-339
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to provide basic data for establishing the clinical basis for dental hygienist-led dental hygiene process of care by identifying multiple risk factors for self-support program participants in Gangneung city; we also compared oral health status and behavioral changes through customized oral health care. Four dental hygienists who were evaluated for degree of conformity provided dental hygiene process of care to eight self-support program participants who were selected as having an oral health risk among people in the self-support center. The clinical indicators measured during dental hygiene assessment and evaluation and behavioral changes due to dental hygiene intervention were compared and analyzed. With respect to clinical indicators, at the time of probe, the retention rate of patients with gingival bleeding decreased from 61.4% to 14.7% after intervention (p=0.004). Furthermore, the retention rate of patients with a periodontal pocket >4 mm decreased from 15.6% to 5.8% (p=0.001). The average modified O'Leary index of the patients improved from 23 to 40 (p=0.002). Previously, all eight subjects used the vertical or horizontal method of brushing; after dental hygiene care interventions regarding method and frequency of toothbrushing, use of oral care products, and individual interventions, they started using the rolling or Bass method of toothbrushing. Four of eight subjects reported using interdental toothbrushes after intervention. As a result of applying the change model to the transtheoretical behavior change of the subject, the result of strengthening the health behavior was confirmed. For promotion of oral health by the prevention-centered incremental oral health care system, dental hygienist-led dental hygiene management and maintenance is essential. It is thought that continuous research, such as for feasibility evaluation, cost benefit analysis, and preparation of legal systems, is needed to establish and activate dental hygiene management.

Cross-cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Korean Version of the A-ONE (한국판 일상생활활동중심 작업기반 신경행동평가(A-ONE)의 개발 및 평가)

  • Kang, Jaewon;Park, Hae Yean;Kim, Jung-Ran;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.109-128
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    • 2021
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to develop a Korean version of the Activities of Daily Living (ADL)-focused Occupation-Based Neurobehavioral Evaluation (A-ONE) through cross-cultural adaptation and examine its validity and reliability. Methods : This study translated the A-ONE into Korean and performed cross-cultural adaptation for the Korean population. After the development of the Korean version of the A-ONE, cross-cultural and concurrent validities were analyzed. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and inter-rater reliability were also evaluated. Results : We adapted three items to the Korean culture. The Korean version of the A-ONE showed high cross-cultural validity with a content validity index (I-CVI) >0.9. It correlated with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) (r=0.52-0.77, p<0.001), except for communication. Cronbach's α was 0.58-0.93 for the functional independence scale (FI) and 0.42-0.93 for the neurobehavioral specific impairment subscale (NBSIS). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) indicated high test-retest and inter-rater reliability for FI (ICC=0.79-1.00 and 0.75-1.00, respectively) and NBSIS (ICC=0.74-1.00 and 0.72-1.00, respectively). Conclusion : The Korean version of the A-ONE is well adapted to the Korean culture and has good validity and reliability. It is recommended to evaluate ADL performance skills and neurobehavioral impairments simultaneously in Korea.

An Analysis of Ginseng Advertisements in 1920-1930s Newspapers During Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 중 1920-1930년대 신문에 실린 인삼 광고 분석)

  • Oh, Hoon-Il
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.4
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    • pp.103-127
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    • 2022
  • The influx of modern culture in the early 20th century in Korea led to numerous changes in the country's ginseng industry. With the development of ginseng cultivation technology and commerce, the production and consumption of ginseng increased, and various ginseng products were developed using modern manufacturing technology. Consequently, competition for the sales of these products became fierce. At that time, newspaper advertisements showed detailed trends in the development and sales competition of ginseng products. Before 1920, however, there were few advertisements of ginseng in newspapers. This is thought to be because newspapers had not yet been generalized, and the ginseng industry had not developed that much. Ginseng advertisements started to revitalize in the early 1920s after the launch of the Korean daily newspapers Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo. Such advertisements in this period focused on emphasizing the traditional efficacy of Oriental medicine and the mysterious effects of ginseng. There were many advertisements for products that prescribed the combination of ginseng and deer antler, indicating the great popularity of this prescription at the time. Furthermore, advertisements showed many personal experience stories about taking such products. Mail order and telemarketing sales were already widely used in the 1920s . In 1925, there were advertisements that ginseng products were delivered every day. The advertisements revealed that ginseng roots were classified more elaborately than they are now according to size and quality. Ginseng products in the 1920s did not deviate significantly from the scope of traditional Oriental medicine formulations such as liquid medicine, pill, and concentrated extract. In the 1930s, ginseng advertisements became more active. At this time, experts such as university professors and doctors in medicine or in pharmacy appeared in the advertisements. They recommended ginseng products or explained the ingredients and medicinal effects of the products. Even their experimental notes based on scientific research results appeared in the advertisements to enhance the reliability of the ginseng products. In 1931, modern tablet advertisements appeared. Ginseng products supplemented with vitamins and other specific ingredients as well as ginseng thin rice gruel for the sick appeared at this time. In 1938, ginseng advertisements became more popular, and advertisements using talents as models, such as dancer Choi Seunghee or famous movie stars, models appeared. Ginseng advertisements in the 1920s and 1930s clearly show a side of our rapidly changing society at the time.

Structural relationship among justice of non-face-to-face exam, trust, and satisfaction with university (치위생(학)과 학생이 지각한 비대면 시험의 공정성, 시험 불안 및 학교 신뢰 간의 구조적 관계)

  • Hyeong-Mi Kim;Chang-Hee Kim;Jeong-Hee Kim
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study investigated the structural relationships among justice, test anxiety, and school reliability s non-face-to-face tests of dental hygiene students. Methods: A survey was conducted with 267 dental hygiene students. The survey items included general characteristics, opinions on evaluation, the fairness of non-face-to-face tests (distributive, procedural, and interactional justice), school satisfaction, and school reliability. For statistical analysis, independent-sample t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and structural modeling analyses were performed. Results: Among factors that directly affected distributive justice and reliability towards non-face-to-face tests, the higher the interactional justice (β=0.401, p<0.001) and distributive justice (β=0.232, p=0.002) levels, the higher the school satisfaction. The higher the school satisfaction (β=0.606, p<0.001) and procedural justice (β=0.299, p<0.001) levels, the higher the perceived reliability of the school. Factors that indirectly affected school reliability included interactional justice (β=0.243, p=0.010) and distributive justice (β=0.141, p=0.010). Interactional justice (β=0.592, p=0.010) and distributive justice (β=0.208, p=0.010) were the factors affecting school satisfaction. Moreover, factors that influenced school reliability were distributive justice (β=0.56, p=0.010), interactional justice (β=0.332, p=0.010), procedural justice (β=0.229, p=0.010), and distributive justice (β=0.116, p=0.010). Conclusions: Students will trust and be satisfied with schools when schools and professors sufficiently provide information on face-to-face tests and ensure proper procedures to achieve reasonable grades as rewards for exerted time and effort. Furthermore, this study provides a reference base for developing a variety of content for fair, non-face-to-face tests, thereby allowing students to trust their schools.

A Study on the development of Creative Problem Solving Classes for University Students (창의적 문제해결형 대학 수업 개발 연구)

  • Hyun-Ju Kim;Jinyoung Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.531-538
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    • 2023
  • Recently, many university classes have been changing from instructor-centered classes to learner-centered classes, and universities are trying to establish a new direction for university education, especially to foster talented people suitable for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To this end, universities are presenting various competencies necessary for students and focusing on research on efficient education plans for each competency. Among them, creativity is considered the most important competency that students should obtain in universities. Developing a creative problem-solving-based subject where various majors gather to produce results while conducting creative team activities away from desk classes is considered a meaningful subject to cultivate capacities suitable for the requirements of the times. Therefore, this study purpose to develop creative problem-solving-based subjects and analyze the results of class progress. This creative problem-solving-based class is an Action Learning class for step-by-step idea development, which starts with a theoretical lecture for creative idea development and then consists of five stages of Action Learning. The tasks of action learning used in this class consisted of ceramic expression to increase the intimacy of the formed group and the group's collective expression, ideas in life to combine and compress individual ideas into one, environmental improvement programs around schools, and finally UCC on various topics. In the theoretical lecture conducted throughout the class, a class was conducted on Scientific Thinking for creative problem solving, and then a group-type action learning class was conducted sequentially. This Action Learnin process gradually increased the difficulty level and led to in-depth learning by increasing the level of difficulty step by step.