• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공익캠페인

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오리고기 중량단위 판매정착 캠페인 - 오리고기 외식산업 판매확대 '오벤져스'가 뭉쳤다.

  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.208
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2020
  • 지구를 지키는 미국 슈퍼 히어로 영화 '어벤져스'가 있다면 대한민국 오리산업을 지키기 위해 '오벤져스'가 뭉쳤다. 지난 9월 14일 서울 서초동에 위치한 제2축산회관에서 한국오리협회와 오리자조금관리위원회 주최로 '착한소비증진 공동마케팅 상호협약식'이 열렸다. 오리고기 중량단위 판매정착 캠페인과 병행한 이번 행사는 오리고기 외식산업 판매확대와 외식업 프랜차이즈와의 동반성장을 견인하는 계기가 될 것으로 기대를 모으고 있다. 오리산업을 위해 뭉친 김만섭 오리협회장과 최문길 미트더석셰스 대표, 이재훈 셰프를 비롯해 소비자대표로 참석한 김연화 소비자공익네트워크 회장까지 한 자리에 모인 것. 이날 행사를 중심으로 오리중량단위 판매 등 오리고기 소비확대를 위한 미래 방향을 가늠해 본다.

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A Study on the Effective Ways of Charity Campaigns - focused on a Classification of Charity Case Studies (기부캠페인 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 -유형별 사례분석을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jinhee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2017
  • People believe donations are done by others who have the leisure time and money to do so. In addition, people distrust charity organizations because they aren't sure if the money is used properly which makes them hesitant to donate. In order to gain general public's trust and involvement, people need to start campaigning about trusting and donating to organizations. Looking into many different successful charity case studies, we can find how these different cases are attracting people and building their trust. Therefore, I propose the proper and effective ways to campaign for charity organizations through analyzing different case studies. The result shows that a campaign is most effective when arising amusement and curiosity in the general public. Also trust gets built in the minds of the public once the charity organizations became more transparent.

What are the challenges of public PR in the smart and intelligent information society?; Focusing on the Issues and Solutions of the Intelligent Information Society in Public PR (스마트 지능정보 사회에서 공공PR의 현안 과제는 무엇인가?; 공공PR적 측면에서의 지능정보 사회의 쟁점 및 해결방안을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun Jeong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the issues that can be expected in the smart intelligent information society led by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, and how to resolve the issues in terms of PR.The results were as follows. First, there are three major issues that can be expected Second, in order to resolve the issue, it is necessary to prepare and carry out a public interest campaign to create and participate in a new paradigm for the alienated public. Third, welfare technology can be considered as an alternative to the issues.

소통+섬기는 마음: 나눔 더하기 행복 -행복하고 가슴 먹먹했던 이흐올학교 학생 건강검진

  • Kim, Jeong-Suk
    • 건강소식
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.36-37
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    • 2010
  • 올해로 7년째를 맞이한 몽골 학생건강증진 지원사업은 몽골 보건부(MOH)의 국립보건국(DOH)과의 협약 아래, 우리나라 행정안전부의 민간단체 공익활동 지원을 토대로 진행되고 있다. 특히 올해는 몽골 흡수굴 아이막(우리나라의 도(道)) 이흐올 학교 학생의 건강검진, 생활환경 및 보건행태 조사, 건강캠페인을 실시하는 한편 전년도 사업 지역이었던 에르데넷의 지원 결과 모니터링 등을 위해 남서중 사무총장을 단장으로 9명의 사업단이 9월 25일부터 9박 10일간의 여정으로 떠났다.

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Visual Representation of Fear Appeals in Chinese Public Service Advertising -Focused on HuangHe Award-winning Public Service Posters- (중국 공익광고에 나타난 공포소구의 시각적 표현 -중국 황하상(黃河奬) 공익포스터를 중심으로-)

  • Tao, Jin;Yang, Jong Hoon;Lee, Sang Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.379-392
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    • 2019
  • Public service advertising is a form of communication activity performed to increase public interest. In order to improve the effectiveness of public service advertising, it is necessary to formulate advertising strategies that can actually induce positive action changes. China has various social problems because of dramatic social changes, which call for implementing public service advertising. This study aims to improve the persuasive effects of Chinese public service advertising by addressing effective communication strategies. In particular, we selected 33 works that use fear appeals from 2016 HuangHe Award-winning posters and analyzed their visual representation of fear appeals. The results suggest that fear appeals are frequently used in safe driving and anti-smoking campaigns. In addition, main colors of these posters were black and white. The main fearful images were often represented in a form of 'fact' and 'factual conception' and in the type of 'picture.' They also have features of implicit association' and 'exaggeration'. This study has a significance in terms of providing theoretical and empirical information to future research on improvement of public service advertising in China.

A Study on the Effects of Consumer's Ethical Consumption and Social Trust Levels on the Performance of Cause-Related Marketing (소비자의 윤리적 소비성향과 사회신뢰수준이 기업의 공익연계 마케팅 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yoonseo;Kim, Yongsik;Duan, Bingyang;Yu, Jiaohui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.544-560
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    • 2018
  • Cause-Related Marketing is the process of formulating and implementing marketing activities that are characterized by an offer from the firm to contribute a specified amount to a designated cause when customers engage in revenue-providing exchanges that satisfy organizational and individual objectives. Many companies obtain benefits such as increasing sales profits and fulfilling social responsibility activities from Cause-Related Marketing as a strategic marketing activity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of message of Cause-Related Marketing on consumer attitude, and to examine the moderating effects of ethical consumption propensity, social trust and types of product(utilitarian vs. hedonic) on consumer's product attitude. The research results show that consumers tend to adopt a positive attitude towards those advertisements with Cause-Related Marketing message. In the meanwhile, the ethical consumption propensity and social trust also have moderating effects on Cause-Related Marketing message's influence, but the types of product have no moderating effect. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implication are discussed. In addition, some limitations of this study and future research directions are discussed.

A Study on the Communication Effect of the Suicide Prevention Campaign Message: Focusing on Message Characteristics and Individual Difference (자살예방 캠페인 메시지의 커뮤니케이션 효과에 관한 연구: 메시지 특성과 개인차를 중심으로)

  • Sun, Hye-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.183-195
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    • 2018
  • This study attempts to analyze the effects of public advertising about suicide prevention and to investigate how the attitudes and perceptions of the message recipients differ according to the message framing type (positive vs. negative) and the appeal type (self-oriented/other-oriented). Positive messages, rather than negative messages, have a greater impact on people's respect for life and on attitudes to suicide. Respect for life attitudes were more positive among subjects who received an other-oriented message than among those who received a self-oriented message. Among the individual characteristics variables, the level of cognitive emotion regulation showed a significant impact on attitudes to respect for life and on attitudes to suicide.

A Comparative Case Study on the CSR Activities between Korean and US Media Companies (한국과 미국의 미디어 기업 CSR 활동 비교 사례 연구)

  • Woo, Hyung Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to have insights comparing Korea with US media companies on investigating their CSR goals, targets, methods, and strategies. Specifically, this study finds out the characteristics of CSR cases on broadcasting companies, telecom enterprises, and internet businesses on both countries. The results indicate that the US media companies focus more on inner stakeholders like employees as stimulating employees' welfare, ESG recognition, education, and culture via socially responsible business practices whereas the Korean media companies prefer to supporting have-nots, solving social issues, and market expansion through cause promotions and community volunteering. On CSR activity strategies, there is no difference between countries but some gaps between ones. Of companies, telecom enterprises, regardless of nations, are the best on strategical approaches of CSR activity.

The Influence of Consumers' Perception and Attitude to Causes on Consumer Attitude toward a Cause-related Marketing Campaign (공익에 대한 소비자의 지각과 태도가 공익관련 마케팅캠페인에 대한 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - Ethical consumption is the action of buying one product over another with an ethical idea in mind. It has gained in popularity since the 1990s with more emphasis being put on the power of consumer actions to create social, economic, and environmental change. Ethical consumption involves boycotts of certain products or brands as well as purchases linked to ethical issues. Cause-related marketing (the buying behavior of ethical consumption) involves a for-profit and non-profit entity teaming up to promote a product at the same time as promoting a social cause. Each time a consumer buys that product, a donation is made by the for-profit entity to the non-profit entity supporting the specific cause. Cause-related marketing has become a tremendously popular type of ethical consumption in recent years owing to its reputation of allowing companies to "do well by doing good." This study examines how consumers' perception of cause and attitude influence their attitude toward a cause-related marketing campaign and attempts to suggest implications for marketers. Research design, data, and methodology - First, this study was designed to examine the consumers' perception factors (cause involvement, attitude for cause, attitude for company and brand familiarity) in order to determine whether these factors have significantly affected consumers' attitude toward a cause-related marketing campaign. Second, this study developed a structural equation model and tested it empirically using survey data from 223 individual respondents. Respondents were undergraduate students in Chungnam. They were shown an existing real campaign message of cause-related marketing, and then filled out a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 17.0 programs. Results - The hypotheses were tested using factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The study's results showed that brand familiarity, attitude to the company and attitude to the cause significantly affected consumers' attitude toward the cause-related marketing campaign and performance. In particular, attitude to the cause was significantly related to attitude and performance of the cause-related marketing campaign. However, the hypothesis about cause involvement was not supported with the results indicating that cause involvement did not affect consumers' attitude toward the cause-related marketing campaign. The findings underline the importance of consumer perceptions of the cause and the company and their attitude to the cause. They point to the importance of individual differences that influence consumer perceptions of the cause, the company and brand familiarity. Also of importance is the consumer's attitude to the cause. Conclusions - The findings suggest some practical implications in designing and implementing cause-related marketing campaigns. It is important to enhance brand familiarity and create a favorable attitude to the company and attitude to the cause before designing cause-related marketing campaigns. The rising popularity of cause-related marketing has been attributed to its potential to cut through advertising clutter. The findings in this study suggest that marketing campaigns supporting a cause make a difference.

Causal Relation Analysis of the Motivation and Benefits Factors Affecting Customers' Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Goods (위조품 구매동기와 사용혜택 요인이 구매의도에 미치는 인과모형분석)

  • Yu, Seung Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2012
  • The present paper attempts to account for customers' purchase intention of counterfeit goods. Based on some previous analyses, we have set up a structured model for analysis with a hope to identify the relationship between benefits from using counterfeit goods and motivational factors to purchase them. It is found, first of all, that motivation for ostentation significantly influences personal benefits from using the counterfeit goods. Second, we also find that motivation for satisfaction does not exert any direct influence on the factors of benefits, though it affects decisions to purchase. Third, motivation for practicability has significant influence on personal and, more strongly, on economic benefits. Fourth, quality has significant influence on both personal and economic benefits. Again, this factor is also more closely related with economic benefits than with personal ones. We hope that we will be able to provide practical tips for those who design and plan public service advertisements that intend to reduce purchasing of counterfeit products.