• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공기의 저항

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Cathode side protection coating for Planar-type SOFC interconnect (평판형 SOFC 분리판 보호코팅 개발)

  • Lee, Jaemyung;Jun, Jaeho;Sung, ByungGeun;Kim, Dohyung;Jun, Junghwan
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.83.2-83.2
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    • 2010
  • 평판형 고체산화물 연료전지(planar SOFC : Solid oxide Fuelcell)는 높은 전류 효율 및 출력밀도를 가지는 중,대형 발전용 전기소자이다. SOFC 스택을 600~800도에서 작동할 경우, 금속 분리판에서 휘발된 크롬에 의한 열화현상과 금속의 산화에 의한 표면 저항의 증가가 큰 문제점으로 알려져 있으며, 이를 개선하기 위한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 금속 분리판의 열화를 억제하기 위한 여러 보호코팅의 특성을 밝히고, 특성차이의 원인을 분석하고자 하였다. 모재는 상용 STS444합금 (Nisshin steel 생산) 2.0mmt 박판을 사용하였으며, 표면 상태를 균일하게 하기 위하여 표면은 동일한 #1200 번 사포로 연마후 코팅하였다. 적용한 코팅은 전기도금 Ni 코팅, (MnCo)3O4 wet powder spray 코팅, (MnCo)3O4 ADM코팅 3종이었으며, 코팅층의 두께는 최적 공정조건에 따라 달리 하였다. 산화후 형성되는 표면 산화물의 전기적 특성을 평가하기 위하여 시험편의 비면적 저항 (ASR : area specific resistance)을 장시간 측정하였다. 측정편의 크기는 가로 4cm ${\times}$ 세로 4cm였으며, 100시간 공기중 산화후 측정하였다. 표면 접촉을 높이기 위하여 Pt paste를 40~50um도포하였으며, 1~0.1A인가된 전류에 대한 저항을 4전극법 (4-probe)으로 측정하였다. 표면 코팅층이 크롬 휘발을 억제하는 정도를 평가하기 위하여 크롬 휘발량을 측정하였다. 시편은 가로 1.5cm ${\times}$ 세로 1cm 였으며, 공급된 공기와 수분의 혼합가스와 응축기 표면에 흡착된 크롬의 양을 ICP-MASS법으로 측정하였다.

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  • Yoon, K.H.;Kim, C.H.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2013
  • Drag reduction of a running vehicle is very important issue for the energy savings and emission reduction of its power train. Especially for a solar powered electric vehicle, the drag reduction and weight lightening are two serious problems to be solved to extend its driving distance under the given energy condition. In this study, the ground effect of an airfoil shaped road vehicle was studied for an optimum body design of an ultra-light solar powered electric vehicle. Clark-Y airfoil type was adopted to the body shape of the model vehicle to reduce aerodynamic drag. From the study, it was found that the drag of the model vehicle was reduced as the height(h) between ground and the lower surface of the model vehicle was decreased. It is due to the reduction of the down-wash decreasing the induced drag of the vehicle. The lift was also decreased as the height decreased. It is due to the turbulent boundary layer developed beneath the vehicle body. The drag is classified into two types; the form and friction drag. The fraction of form drag to friction one is 76 to 24 on the model vehicle. As the height(h) of the model vehicle from the ground surface increases the form drag also increases but the friction drag is in reverse.

Material Properties and Shrinkage Crack Resistance of Concrete Produced with Fluorine-Silicate Hybrid Type Crack Reducing Agent (불소-실리카 복합형 균열저감제가 첨가된 콘크리트의 재료 특성과 수축균열 저항성)

  • Lee, Man-Ik;Park, Jong-Hwa;Nam, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Do-Su;Kim, Jae-On
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.4 s.94
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    • pp.553-558
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    • 2006
  • In this study, fluorine-silicate hybrid type crack reducing agent(FS) consisted of fluorine and silicate compounds applied to concrete mix(specification : 25-30-18) between 0.5% and 2.0% at intervals of 0.5% based on cement weight. Experiments for material properties of concrete such as slump, air content and bleeding with elapsed time were performed. Experiment and elucidation for shrinkage crack resistance as well as adiabatic hydration temperature were also carried out. It was appeared that FS addition contributed to lower bleeding and hydration temperature without disturbance of fresh properties of concrete such as slump and air content compared to non-added concrete. Especially, shrinkage crack resistance of concrete resulted from plastic and drying shrinkage could be effectively reduced by the addition of FS ranging from 1.0% to 1.5%.

Effects of Micropores on the Freezing-Thawing Resistance of High Volume Slag Concrete (슬래그를 다량 치환한 콘크리트의 동결융해 저항성능에 미치는 미세공극의 영향)

  • Kim, Rae-Hwan;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Lee, Bo-Kyeong;Shin, Kyoung-Su;Song, Gwon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2015
  • In this study, effects of micropores on the freezing-thawing resistance of high volume slag concrete are reviewed. Concrete was made with slag which contains the ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBS) and the pig iron preliminary treatment slag(PS) by replacing 0, 40, 70 %, then compressive strength, freezing-thawing resistance, micropores were reviewed. Also, specified design strength, target air contents were set. Deterioration was induced by using 14-day-age specimen which has low compressive strength for evaluating deterioration by freeze-thawing action. As results of the experiment, despite of specified design strength which has been set similarly and ensured target air contents, the pore size distribution of the concrete showed different results. Micropores in GGBS70 specimen have small amount of water which is likely to freeze because there is small amount of pore volume of 10~100 nm size at 0 cycle which has not been influenced by freezing-thawing. For these reasons, it was confirmed that the freezing-thawing resistance performance of GGBS70 is significantly superior than other specimens because relatively small expansion pressure is generated compared to the other specimens.

A Study on the Hull form Development of High-Speed Passenger Ship for the Yellow Sea Region (황해형 고속 여객선의 선형설계에 관한 연구)

  • 김호은;이영길
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2002
  • This paper is for the hull form development of high-speed passenger ship in the Yellow Sea. To carry out hull form development in Yellow Sea, a catamaran which is designed for high-speed as well as comfortable passenger vessel up to now is selected and investigated. For this, environments of the Yellow Sea such as tide, water depth and so on are considered as important factor. The economical efficiency of the designed ship is considered too. In order to estimate the resistance characteristics of the designed hull form, numerical simulations and model test are performed.

Study on the Added Resistance of Barge in Waves (부선의 파랑중 저항 증가에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Byung-Kil;Lee, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.741-746
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    • 2010
  • It is necessary to estimate more accurately the resistance of barge in still water and waves to compute the break load of towline and towing power for safety towing performance. The method proposed by government has calculated the total resistance of barge which is composed of frictional resistance, wave making resistance and air resistance considering the shape of hull and towing speed. However, the added resistance is equally applied with the significant wave height regardless of the type of vessels. In this study, we have carried out the numerical calculation to estimate the added resistance of wigley model in waves and compared with the experiment data to confirm the accuracy of the method. Then the computation was executed for the barge varying shape of the bow. As a result, added resistance of barge was differently occurred i.e. 0.3∼1.1 ton according to encounter angle, 0.4∼1.2 ton according to towing speed and 0.5∼1.1 ton according to shape of bow.

Giant Magnetoresistance Properties of NiO Spin Valves with Naturally Oxidized Free Layer (자연산화된 자유층을 갖는 NiO 스핀밸브 박막의 자기저항특성)

  • 김종기;주호완;이기암;황도근;이상석
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2001
  • The effect of specular electron scattering on natural oxidation of free layer in NiO spin valves have been investigated. The magnetoresistance (MR) ratio and the exchange biasing field ( $H_{ex}$) of NiO(600 $\AA$)Ni$_{81}$$Fe_{19}$(50$\AA$)/Co(7 $\AA$)/Cu(20 $\AA$)/Co(7 $\AA$)Ni$_{81}$$Fe_{19}$(70 $\AA$) spin valves were increased from 4.9 % to 7.3 %, and 110 Oe to 170 Oe after natural oxidation in the atmosphere for 80 days, respectively. The sheet resistivity p decreased from 28$\mu$$\Omega$m to 17$\mu$$\Omega$m, but $\Delta$$\rho$ did not almost change after the oxidation. The spin valves enhanced by the specular electron scattering in the natural]y Co/NiFe/NiFe $O_{x}$ free layer were confirmed from the depth profiles using Auger electron spectroscopy.scopy..

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Study for Effective Cooling of Ni-MH Battery Module Using Forced Air Flow (공기 유동에 따른 Ni-MH 배터리 모듈의 효과적인 냉각에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Chi-Yeong;Kim, Tae-Sin;Kim, Jun-Bom
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2011
  • In this study, computational simulation was performed for thermal management of modules consisting of 10 batteries. Simplified structure and equivalent thermal resistance network was applied to maintain the thermal properties. Verification test of the mesh were in progress to ensure the reliability of 2.6 mm in the narrow gap between the battery, resulting in at least three divided mesh between the shape of the grid was required. Type of air from rear of the module, type of air from top of the module and type of air from bottom of the module were applied and effective cooling methods are discussed based on the location of fan and air intake of the modules. Maximum temperature and temperature differences of modules that directly affect the performance of the module were compared, and also behavior of the fluid was confirmed by comparing the air flow. The best maximum temperature is shown type of air from bottom of the module to $40.27^{\circ}C$ and type of air from top of the module shows smallest temperature difference $0.73^{\circ}C$.

Evaluation of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke by measure of home air nicotine level (실내공기 중 Nicotine 측정을 이용한 환경중 담배연기의 노출평가)

  • 박연신;이석주;박성은;신동천
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.344-345
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    • 2000
  • 인류가 흡연을 시작하면서 담배는 보편적인 사람들의 기호식품으로 이용되기도 했으나, 보건학적으로 인간의 건강을 위협하는 가장 위협적인 존재로 인식되고 있다. 흡연자의 담배연기에 비흡연자가 무저항적으로 노출되는 간접흡연의 문제는 생활수준의 향상과 생활활동 양식의 변화, 건강에 대한 관심의 증대로 현대인들에게 매우 중요한 문제가 되고 있다. 환경중 담배연기(Environmental Tobacco Smoke; ETS)는 흡연자의 입, 비강에서 품어내는 주류연(mainstream smoke)과 담배가 자연 연소되면서 발생하는 부류연(sidestream smoke)이 환경공기 중에 확산된 상태의 담배연기를 일컫는 용어로 실내공기의 주요오염원이다. (중략)

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Operational Study of the Phosphoric Acid Type Unit Fuel Cell (인산형 단위 연료전지의 조업 연구)

  • Lee, Kapsoo;Kim, Hwayong
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 1992
  • Two unit cells were made and operated with oxygen and air as oxidants After 350 hours operation with oxygen, the open circuit voltage drop of unit cell was 30 mV and internal resistance increased. After 250 hours operation with air, the open circuit voltage drop was 130mV. And the open circuit voltage difference of two cases was 90mV. In order to improve the performance of the unit cell with air, the supplying method of the electrolyte and the mass transfer characteristics of the electrode should be studied.

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