• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공기가열기

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High Temperature Solar Gas Heating by a Compact Fluidized-Bed Receiver of Open-Type (개방형 유동층을 이용한 태양광 고온가스 가열장치의 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Seop
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1992
  • A small scale solar collector system composed of a Fresnel lens of $0.5m^2$ area as a solar concentrator and a compact fluidized-bed solar receiver was developed. Performance and temperature distribution in the fluidized bed receiver were measured using SiC for particles and air for working fluid. The maximum gas temperature was attained up to 1250K at this moment. In this study, energy efficiency achieved by the present experiment was high for the small scale solar collector system and compact receiver.

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Characteristics of the Spray and Combustion in the Liquid Jet (수직 분사되는 연료제트의 분무 및 연소특성)

  • 윤현진;문수연;손창현;이충원
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, spray and combustion characteristics of a liquid-fueled ramjet engine were experimentally investigated. The spray penetrations were measured to clarify the spray characteristics of a liquid jet injected transversely into the subsonic vitiated airstream, which Is maintained a high velocity and temperature. The spray penetrations are increased with decreasing airstream velocity, increasing airstream temperature, and increasing air-fuel momentum ratio. To compensate our results of penetrations, the new experimental equation were modified from Inamura's equation. In the case of insufficient penetration, the combustion phenomenon in ram-combustor were unstable. Therefore, the sufficient penetration must be considered to make a stable flame.

공기조화용 자기냉동기의 연구 동향

  • 이종석
    • The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2000
  • 자성재료에 자기장을 걸어주변 가열되고 자기장을 제거하면 냉각되는 성질이 있는데, 이를 자기열량효과(magnetocaloric effect)라고 하며, 이것을 이용해서 저온을 생성시키는 방법을 자기냉동(magnetic refrigeration)이라고 한다. 큐리 온도(Curie temperature) 부근의 강자성체에 자 기장이 가해지면 전자례도내에서 쌍을 이루지 않은 전자들의 자기모벤트들이 자기장에 평행 하게 배열되는데, 이로 인해 열역학적 무질서의 척도인 엔트로피는 낮아지고 이러한 손실을 보상하기 위해 재료의 온도가 올라가게 된다.반대로 자기장이 제거되면 자기모벤트가 본래의 무질서한 상태로 돌아오며, 엔트로피가 증가하 고 재료의 온도는 떨어지게 되는 것이다. 역사적으로 보면 1881년에 Warburg가 큐리온도 부근의 철에서 자기열량효과를 처음 발견하였으며. 1926년과 1927년에 Debye와 Giauque가 각각 단열소자볍 (adiabatic demagnetization)을 제안함으로써 실용화되기 시작하여 주로 극저온을 얻는 방법으로 이용되어 왔다. 1950년도 이전의 연구는 절대온도 영도(OK)에 도달하고 자 하는 순수과학적인 노력으로서 개방사이클(open cycle)을 이용한 단열냉각 방식을 추구하 였으나, 1950년 이후부터는 공학적인 응용을 목적으로 밀폐사이클(closed cycle)을 형성하는 자기냉동기에 관한 연구가 진행되었다. 1976년에 Brown은 희토류(rare earth) 금속인 가돌리늄(Gd)을 사용하여 유체(물 80%와 에틸 알코올 20%)를 재생시킴으로써 상온에서 작동 하는 자기냉동기를 보고한 바 있다. 그는 7 T의 큰 자장을 이용하였으며, 고온부와 저온부의 온도는 각각 $46^{\circ}C와\;-1^{\circ}C로서\;47^{\circ}C$의 온도간격을 얻었다. 자기냉동에 있어서의 또 하나의 중요한 진전은 1978년과 1982년에 Steyert와 Barclay에 의해서 능동자기재생기(active magnetic r regenerator)의 개념이 소개되고 개발된 것으로, 이는 자성재료가 냉매로서 뿐만 아니라 열전달 유체의 재생기로도 사용되는 방식이다. 이상과 같은 자기냉동기술의 발달에 이어서 1997년에 미국의 Astronautics사(Wisconsin주 Madison시 소재)와 Ames 연구소(Iowa주 Ames 시 소재)의 공동연구팀이 발표한 두 가지의 새로운 진전으로 인해 공기조화 및 냉동분야에 적용할 수 있는 자기냉동기의 실용화 가능성이 한층 높아졌다. 이들의 연구결과는 (1) 자기냉동이 실온에서도 실현 가능한 기술이며 증기압 축식 냉동에 필적할 만하다는 것을 보인 것과 (2) 이미 알려져 있던 자기냉동재료보다 자기 열량효과가 훨씬 큰 새로운 재료를 발견한 것이다. 이로써 자기냉동에 대한 관심과 기대가 한결 커지고 있다. 본 원고에서는 자기냉동의 원리가 되는 자기열량효과와 이를 이용한 자기냉동의 방법 그리고 최근에 이루어진 새로운 진전에 대해 소개하고 공기조화 및 냉동분야에의 적용 가능성을 전망해 보고자 한다.

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A Study on Toluene Oxidation Reaction Characteristics of Ni-Based Catalyst in Induction Heating System (유도가열 시스템을 이용한 Ni계 촉매의 톨루엔 산화 반응 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Ye Hwan;Kim, Sung Chul;Kim, Sung Su
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.627-631
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    • 2021
  • Research on induction heating catalyst system was conducted to solve problems of the existing catalyst system for removing volatile organic compounds. In the present study, three types of Ni-based commercial catalysts were employed, and induction heating reaction characteristics including the catalyst volume, composition, heat treatment atmosphere, and position in the coil were investigated. The composition and volume of the catalyst affected the exothermic and toluene oxidation performance in the induction heating system. In particular, the Fe-added catalyst showed high exothermic performance compared to that of other catalysts consisting of more than 99% Ni, but had low toluene oxidation performance. In addition, the heat treatment in an air atmosphere of the Ni-based catalyst drastically reduced the performance. In the induction heating system, the optimal condition for the catalyst was to be located in the center of the coil. The catalyst showed similar activities among seven repeated experiments under the optimal condition derived from this work.

Experimental Studies for Solar Drying System of Agricultural Products(I) - Solar drying characteristics for radish - (태양열 건조 시스템에 관한 실험적 연구(I) - 무우절편의 태양열 건조 특성 -)

  • Koh, Hak-Kyun;Kim, Yong-Hyeon;Song, Dae-Bin;Kim, Man-Soo
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 1991
  • Experiments for drying radish were carried out to analyze the drying characteristics and quality evaluation between solar heated-air drying and natural air drying system. Solar heated-air drying system consists of a small fan, a solar air heater and a tunnel dryer. Simulation model for thermal environments of solar collector was developed to investigate the effect of solar radiation and airflow rate on thermal performance.

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Development of a New Commercial Grain Cooler (곡물냉각기의 개발)

  • 김동철;김의웅;금동혁;한종규
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.250-256
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    • 2004
  • The objectives of this study were to develop a new commercial grain cooler suited to domestic weather and post-harvesting conditions for paddy, and to evaluate the performance. A prototype grain cooler capable of cooling paddy of 200 tons within 24 hours was developed. The grain cooler was designed to control the refrigeration capacity from 0 to 100% by controlling the capacity of compressor with unloading solenoid valve and by changing the flow rates of hot refrigerant gas flowing into reheater and evaporator from compressor. And a controller with one chip microprocessor was developed to control temperature and relative humidity of cooling air. The maximum cooling capacity of the grain cooler was 35,284㎉/hr at condensing/evaporating pressure of 16.5/3.6 kgf/$\textrm{cm}^2$. Maximum flow rate of cooling air was 120 ㎥/min at static pressure of 279 mmAq. The total maximum required power was 22.8㎾, and total required energy was saved from 26.7 to 33.3% of maximum power depending on operating conditions. The coefficient of performance of refrigeration devices and total coefficient of performance of the grain cooler were 4.71 and 1.8, respectively.

Fabrication of Planar Multi-junction Thermal Converter (평면형 다중접합 열전변환기의 제작)

  • Kwon, Sung-Won;Park, S.I.;Cho, Y.M.;Kang, J.H.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1996
  • Planar multi-junction thermal converters were fabricated for precise measurements of the ac voltage and current by an ac-dc transfer method. A heater and a thermocouple array were fabricated onto a sandwiched membrane, $Si_{3}N_{4}$ (200 nm) / $SiO_{2}$ (400 nm) / $Si_{3}N_{4}$ (200 nm), a thickness of $0.8\;{\mu}m$ and a size of $2{\times}4\;mm^{2}$, which is supported by a surrounding frame. The NiCr heater is located at the center of the membrane vertically. Hot junctions of $48{\sim}156$ pairs of thermocouples (Cu-CuNi44) are located near or onto the heater, and cold junctions are located onto the silicon frame. Output of the thermal converters for 10 mA dc input was $76\;mV{\sim}382\;mV$ dependent on a model, and short term stability of the outputs was ${\pm}5{\sim}15\;ppm$/ 10 min with 5 mA dc input. Responsivity in air was in the range of $3.9{\sim}14.5V/W$. Responsivity of the model BF48 in air which has 48 thermocouples was 2 times or greater than that of 3 dimensional multi-junction thermal converter in vacuum which has 56 thermocouples. AC-DC transfer differences with an input of 10 mA or less were less than ${\pm}1\;ppm$ in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 2 kHz, and about $2{\sim}3\;ppm$ at 5 kHz and 10 kHz.

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A Study on the Performance of Ak Heaters -Black Coating Materials, Coating Methods and Structure of Air Path- (평판식 태양열 공기가열기의 성능에 관한 연구 -도장재료, 도장방법 및 공기통로 구조를 중심으로-)

  • 박종길;연광석;차균도
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 1979
  • In order to obtain the basic data for designing optimum flat plate solar air heaters, which can be operated with relatively low temperature for drying farm products, 8 different treatment of solar air heaters were devised and tested for their heating performances and efficiencies. The results were analised and summarized as follows. 1. The primary factors, structure of air path (C), black coating materials (A) and bottom coating methods (B) showed very high significant effect of far above 1% level. With respect to the mutual multiplying effect of secondary factors, 1% level of significance was found with coating materials and methods (AB), and 5% level of significance was found with coating materials and air path structure (AC). 2. The heating performance of the air heaters with winding air path showed about twice those with straight air path. 3. The Korean black ink which is less expensive than dim oil paint showed 3-4% better heating efficiencies as the black coating material of flat plate solar air heaters. 4. The heating efficiencies of the solar air heaters whose bottoms were not black coated were 2-3% higher than those with black coated bottoms. 5. The highest heating efficiency of solar air heater among 8 different treatment was found in the plot of Korean black ink-bottom not coated-winding air path showing 29.0-34.5%

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Numerical Investigation of the Effect of IR Heating on Drying Mechanism in a Tumble Dryer (열복사를 적용한 드럼 건조기의 건조 메커니즘 분석 및 성능 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chul-Jin;Jang, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Chong-Min;Kim, Man-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2010
  • A two-dimensional mathematical model was developed to predict the temperature and moisture-content profiles of a tumble dryer during infrared drying. The model is based on the movements of liquid water and moisture in the object and on the fluid and heat transfer in the drying air. The model was solved by the finite volume analysis for the fluid, temperature, and radiation intensity fields. After deriving the governing equations and developing the two-dimensional tumble dryer models, numerical investigations were carried out to examine the effects of various parameters such as the heater temperature and the heating patterns on the drying mechanism of the tumble dryer. All the results show that the drying time can be reduced by using the IR heater.

An Experimental Study on the Performance of Heat Pump Assisted Batch Dryer Using HFC134a (HFC134a를 사용한 열펌프 건조기의 성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Y.J.;Yim, C.S.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1997
  • In conventional heat and vent dryer, both sensible and latent heat could not be recovered from the exhaust air, but this problem could be solved by introducing a heat pump to a conventional dryer, having a connection with cooling, dehumidifying and heating of heat pump. In this work, HFC134a as a substitute refrigerant of CFC12 adopted in heat pump and a batch type is also introduced. The variables affected on the system performance are holding temperature of a drying chamber, bypass air ratio, degree of superheat and refrigerant flowrate, etc. The moisture contents were decreased curvilinearly in the range of $86{\sim}75%$ on the wet basis. Under the constant drying temperature, the face velocity plays an important role to the drying performance. The COPs are increased in accordance with the air velocity, on the other hand the SMERs are gradually decreased.

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