• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공극시험

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고밀도 알루미늄 박막이 코팅된 강판의 부식 특성

  • Yang, Ji-Hun;Park, Hye-Seon;Jeong, Jae-Hun;Song, Min-A;Jeong, Jae-In
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.08a
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    • pp.123-123
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    • 2011
  • 알루미늄은 경량 금속으로 부식 저항력이 높아 철을 부식으로부터 보호하기 위한 표면처리 소재로 사용되고 있다. 철의 부식을 방지하기 위해서 알루미늄을 코팅하는 경우, 코팅 방법은 용융도금법이 주로 사용되고 있으며, 알루미늄을 빛의 반사막으로 활용하는 경우 진공 중에서 물리기상증착(physical vapor deposition; PVD)법을 사용하기도 한다. 알루미늄 박막을 물리기상 증착으로 코팅하면 박막성장 초기에 핵(nucleus)을 형성하고, 형성된 핵을 중심으로 주상정(column)으로 박막이 성장하는 것이 일반적이다. 알루미늄 박막의 주상정과 주상정 사이에 공극(pore)이 존재하기 때문에 알루미늄 박막을 부식방지 막으로 이용하기 위해서는 두께를 증가시켜야 한다. 본 연구에서는 스퍼터링(unbalanced magnetron sputtering)을 이용하여 치밀한 조직을 갖는 알루미늄 박막을 코팅할 수 있는 공정변수를 도출하고, 치밀한 알루미늄 조직이 철의 부식에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 기판은 냉연강판(cold rolled steel sheet)이 사용되었으며, 알루미늄 타겟의 크기는 직경 4 inch이었다. 알루미늄 박막의 미세조직과 밀도에 영향을 주는 공정변수를 확인하기 위해서 스퍼터링 파워, 공정 압력, 외부 자기장 세기 등의 조건을 변화시켜 코팅을 실시하였다. 알루미늄 박막의 밀도 변화에 가장 큰 영향을 준 공정변수는 외부 자기장의 세기와 방향이었다. 알루미늄 박막이 약 3 ${\mu}m$의 두께로 코팅된 냉연강판을 염수분무시험(salt spray test, 5% NaCl)으로 부식특성을 평가한 결과, 시험을 시작한 후 120시간 후에도 적청이 발생하지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 기존의 동일한 두께를 갖는 알루미늄이 코팅된 강판의 내부식 특성의 2배의 성능을 보여준다.

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Hydraulic Properties of Duksan Hot-spring Area (덕산온천 지역의 수리적 성질)

  • 함세영;조병욱;성익환
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 1999
  • The pumping test analysis on 28 pumping test data in Duksan hot-spring area was performed using the fractal model, the leaky fractal model, and the steady-state dual-porosity fractal model. The fractional flow dimension 1.9 or 2.0 was determined in the central put of the hot spring and the fractional flow dimension 1.5-1.7 in the marginal area. For the flow dimension 2.0, the correlation between the transmissivity and the productivity index by the aquifer loss was much better than that between the transmissivity and the specific yield by the total drawdown. On the other hand, for the flow dimension 1.9, the correlation between the generalized transmissivity and the productivity index was very similar to that between the generalized transmissivity and the specific yield.

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Development of Polymer-Concrete Composite(I) - Physical Properties of Polymer-Cement Concrete Composites - (폴리머-콘크리트 복합재료 개발(I) - 폴리머-시멘트 콘크리트의 물성 -)

  • Hwang, Eui-Hwan;Kil, Deog-Soo;Oh, In-Seok
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.979-984
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    • 1997
  • Test specimens of polymer-cement concrete composites were prepared using styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) latex, ethylenevinyl acetate(EVA) and polyacrylic ester(PAE) emulsions as polymer dispersions in cement modified system at constant slump($10{\pm}0.5cm$), then compressive and flexural strengths water absorption, pore size distribution, and microstructures were investigated. Compressive and flexural strengths of these composites were remarkably improved with an increase of polymer-cement ratio. These composites had a desirable pore size distribution against frost damage due to a small capillary pore volume. Continuous polymer film was able to form in higher than 15% of polymer cement ratio.

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Evaluation of the CO2 Storage Capacity by the Measurement of the scCO2 Displacement Efficiency for the Sandstone and the Conglomerate in Janggi Basin (장기분지 사암과 역암 공극 내 초임계 이산화탄소 대체저장효율 측정에 의한 이산화탄소 저장성능 평가)

  • Kim, Seyoon;Kim, Jungtaek;Lee, Minhee;Wang, Sookyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2016
  • To evaluate the $CO_2$ storage capacity for the reservoir rock, the laboratory scale technique to measure the amount of $scCO_2$, replacing pore water of the reservior rock after the $CO_2$ injection was developed in this study. Laboratory experiments were performed to measure the $scCO_2$ displacement efficiency of the conglomerate and the sandstone in Janggi basin, which are classified as available $CO_2$ storage rocks in Korea. The high pressurized stainless steel cell containing two different walls was designed and undisturbed rock cores acquired from the deep drilling site around Janggi basin were used for the experiments. From the lab experiments, the average $scCO_2$ displacement efficiency of the conglomerate and the sandstone in Janggi basin was measured at 31.2% and 14.4%, respectively, which can be used to evaluate the feasibility of the Janggi basin as a $scCO_2$ storage site in Korea. Assuming that the effective radius of the $CO_2$ storage formations is 250 m and the average thickness of the conglomerate and the sandstone formation under 800 m in depth is 50 m each (from data of the drilling profile and the geophysical survey), the $scCO_2$ storage capacity of the reservoir rocks around the probable $scCO_2$ injection site in Janggi basin was calculated at 264,592 metric ton, demonstrating that the conglomerate and the sandstone formations in Janggi basin have a great potential for use as a pilot scale test site for the $CO_2$ storage in Korea.

Temperature Effect on the Retention Behavior of Sugars in Ion Exchange Chromatography (이온 교환 크로마토그래피에서 온도가 당의 체류 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Il;Lee, Chong-Ho;Koo, Yoon-Mo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.722-727
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    • 2005
  • Dow99Ca350 (Dowex monosphere 99Ca/350 separation resin), MFG-220, and Finex CS-10GC are ion-exchange resins, and primarily used to separate sugars, and all of these resins have poly styrene DVB backbone, and sulfonyl group. These resins are already used to separate sugars continuously at sugar industry at constant temperature. These resins are used in experiments for understanding temperature effect on retention or adsorption behavior. Using Dow99Ca350, swelling test, porosity test, pulse test, and frontal analysis at various temperatures were performed. In the cases of MFG-220, and Finex CS-10GC, the effect of temperature variation was verified by pulse test. The experimental results are shown that Dow99Ca350, MFG-220, and Finex CS-10GC, which are commercial resins for sugar separation, are stable to temperature variation because the maximum change of retention time of fructose, and glucose are 1.76, and 3.37% respectively.

The Mechanical Properties of Rocks Distributed at a Metal Mine in Jeongseon (정선지역 철광산에 분포하는 암석의 역학적 특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Woo;Park, Chan;Kim, Ju-Hwan;Heo, Seok;Kim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Kil;Jo, Young-Do;Park, Sam-Gyu
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.231-243
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    • 2015
  • In this study, both in-situ stress measurements and a lot of laboratory rock tests were conducted at a metal mine in Jeongseon, Korea. The stress ratio obtained from in-situ stress measurements showed a tendency to decrease according to depth below surface and its average value was 1.10. The mechanical properties such as unit weight, absorption ratio, porosity, elastic wave velocity, uniaxial compressive strength, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, tensile strength, shore hardness, friction angle and cohesion were investigated for the four different rocks mainly distributed at a studied mine, which were dolomite, felsite, granite and magnetite. The mechanical properties of the four different rocks were compared by means of statistical analyses, whereupon the felsite and the granite turned out to have more strength characteristics than the magnetite. The correlation of mechanical properties was also investigated, whereupon a few results against the general correlation were found out. The failure criteria of the four different rocks were finally discussed by means of both Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Hoek-Brown criterion.

Well Loss in Fractured Rock Formation with Radial Flow during Pumping Test (양수시험시 방사상흐름을 보이는 균열암반 대수층에서의 우물손실)

  • 이철우;이대하;정지곤;김구영;김용제
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2002
  • Pumping tests were carried out from seven wells in fractured rocks. The time-drawdown data were obtained from pumping wells and corrected for the elapsed time of step drawdown test using Cooper-Jacob's method. A statistical method. the least square of error, was used to yield the coefficient of aquifer losses, the coefficient of well losses, and the power which indicates the severity of the turbulence. The values of the power range from 1.65 to 6.48. The well losses result mainly from turbulent flow caused by radial flow nearby pumping wells. The turbulent flow depends on Reynolds number. Since the hydraulic characteristics of fractured rocks control the fluid velocity, the value of the power is an important factor to understand the aquifer system of fractured rocks.

Changes of Rice Yield and Soil Physicochemical Properties in Long-term Dry Seeded Rice-Barley Double Cropping (건답직파 벼-보리 장기간 이모작 재배시 벼 수량 및 토양 물리화학성 변화)

  • Shin, Sang-Ouk;Park, Sung-Tae;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Hwang, Dong-Yong;Kim, Sang-Yeol;Moon, Huhn-Pal
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.459-463
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    • 2001
  • Changes of rice yield and soil physicochemical properties of the dry-seeded rice-barley double cropping system were investigated for 10 years from 1990 to 1999. Generally, seedling stand was more unstable in the rice-barley cropping system regardless of barley straw addition or removal than in the rice single cultivation as indicated by higher standard deviation of seedling stand across year. Rice yield in rice-barley double cropping cultivation was increased due to barley straw application starting from the second year, recording 2 to 19% increase (average of 9% for 10 years) due to higher spikelet number. Protein content and Mg/K equivalent ratio were similiar among the barley straw applied field, rice single crop and barley straw removed plots. Also, amylose content was not significantly different among cropping patterns. Physicochemical properties of soil was improved by applying the barley straw; soil porosity was higher and content of organic matter and cation exchange capacity of Ca increased but those of Mg and K did not differ.

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Economic Analysis of Two-Layer Quiet Asphalt Pavement Considering Noise Cost Benefits (소음 편익 비용을 고려한 복층 저소음 아스팔트 포장의 경제성 분석)

  • Kang, Haet Vit;Park, Ki Sun;Kim, Nak Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1581-1587
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    • 2014
  • Two-lalyered quiet asphalt pavements are well known for their noise reduction capabilities compared to the conventional ones. This study was conducted to analyze the economic effects on two-layered quiet asphalt pavement rather than on one-layered. Noise prediction was performed on the data surveyed from the two-layered quiet asphalt pavement. In addition, the economic analysis was executed considering cost benefits using the noise prediction result. The permeability test was also investigated to evaluate the clogging recovery of two-layered quiet asphalt pavement. Analysis results revealed that the construction cost of two-layered quiet asphalt pavements was cheaper than that of the conventional soundproof walls. The two-layered quiet asphalt pavement with simulated clogging conditions was satisfied the permeability requirements of the permeable asphalt pavements. The permeability test results showed that the permeable time was recorded as 6.77 seconds for one cycle of cleaning job with 400 mL of water.

Investigation on Artificial Fruiting of Cordyceps militaris (번데기동충하초의 자실체 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Jae-Mo;Choi, Young-Sang;Shrestha, Bhushan;Park, Young-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2002
  • The isolates of Cordyceps militaris preserved in EFCC, Kangwon National University were investigated to form the fruiting bodies under artificial conditions. The fruiting bodies were observed to be better in the 1l polyethylene bottle containing $60{\sim}80\;gm$ of brown rice and $100{\sim}110\;ml$ of water. Addition of $10{\sim}20\;gm$ of pupae per bottle showed higher fruiting. Similarly, addition of sucrose, peptone or hemoglobin also had favorable effect on fruiting. $25^{\circ}C\;and\;20^{\circ}C$ were favorable for mycelial growth and fruiting respectively. Light intensity of 500 lux and 12 h of light/dark period produced highest amount of fruit bodies.