• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공공환경디자인

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An Analysis of Keywords Related to Neighborhood Healing Gardens Using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 생활밀착형 치유정원 연관키워드 분석)

  • Huang, Zhirui;Lee, Ai-Ran
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2022
  • This study is based on social needs for green healing spaces assumed to enhance mental health in a city. This study proposes development directions through the analysis of modern social recognition factors for neighborhood gardens. As a research method, web information data was collected using Textom among big data tools. Text Mining was conducted to extract elements and analyze their relationship through keyword analysis, network analysis, and cluster analysis. As a result, first, the healing space and the healing environment were creating an eco-friendly healthy environment in a space close to the neighborhood within the city. Second, neighborhood gardens included projects and activities that involved government, local administration, and citizens by linking facilities as well as living culture and urban environments. These gardens have been reinforced through green welfare and service programs. In conclusion, friendly gardens in the neighborhood for the purpose of public interest, which are beneficial to mental health, are green infrastructures as a healing environment that can produce positive effects.

A Study on the Crime Prevention Design and Consumer Perception (CPTED) of Multi-Family Housing in China (중국 공동주택의 범죄 예방을 위한 디자인과 소비자의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kong, De Xin;Lee, Dong Hun;Park, Hae Rim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2024
  • Multi-family housing plays a crucial role as a living and experiencing space, and its environment has a direct impact on the well-being and stability of its residents. Therefore, Crime Prevention Design (CPTED) for multi-family housing is of utmost importance. However, crime-related data in China is not disclosed to the public because of its specificity, making it difficult for researchers to conduct further in-depth studies based on accurate crime data. As a result, the establishment and application of CPTED theory in terms of crime prevention is limited and delayed. This study aims to explore three aspects of CPTED in multi-family housing as perceived by home-buying consumers. It investigated consumer perception of the CPTED, the importance of each element and ways to increase awareness of CPTED in multifamily housing in order to effectively improve multifamily crime prevention design principles and further enhance public safety. This study examined the current state and future trends of CPTED in China by analyzing relevant research reports and literature, aiming to gain insights into the crime prevention awareness of Chinese homeowners. In addition, a survey was conducted on Chinese consumers to unravel the importance of CPTED and increase awareness of its various elements in multifamily-family. This study used a Likert scale and SPSS reliability analysis to determine the cognitive status of multi-family CPTED, the importance of each element, and proposed an improvement plan based on the analysis results. As this study was limited by the difficulty of implementation and the lack of validation of its practical effectiveness, it is recommended that future research needs to validate the effectiveness of crime prevention designs and produce more practical results. Furthermore, it is crucial to utilize this study to inform the implementation of security solutions that are tailored to the unique characteristics of each district. Additionally, it is important to offer guidance on how to enhance community safety by increasing residents' awareness of security through education and information dissemination. The author hopes that the representative multi-family CPTED awareness, the importance of each element, and plans for improvement shall be summarized from this study, and provide foundational data for the future development of CPTED based on the Chinese region.

A Study on Forecasting for Ubiquitous Space with Analysis of Digital Technology Trends (디지털기술의 동향분석을 통한 유비쿼터스 공간의 미래예측에 관한 연구)

  • In, Chi-Ho;Yi, Soo-Hyun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2006
  • The continuous development of digital technology has actualized ubiquitous computing, and the environment of human life has come to face changes. Prediction of the future so that human life may be prepared can be very important. A number of predictions of ubiquitous space are presented, ranging from related professional research to mass media, However, proper analyses and understanding are required to understand ubiquitous space and apply it to design. This study seeks to understand ubiquitous space through analysis of the trend in digital technology from a new perspective, to research cases, and predict the future of ubiquitous space. Human, object, and environment have been set as basic factors as the subjects smoothly exchanges various types of information in the physical space, and the trend in digital technology is analyzed. From a human-oriented perspective, the background and development trend of digital technology has been analyzed under the theme of interaction and interlace. From an object-oriented perspective, an analysis was unfolded under the theme of products' evolvement from radios to robots. From an environment-focused perspective, an analysis has been carried out under the theme of situation recognition, intrinsic factors, and integration and connectivity. By applying the analytic results, the types of studies that predict the future of ubiquitous space and generate concepts have been classified and analyzed into three different types of studies for experiment, industry, and public. In this manner, ubiquitous space has been forecasted. This study seeks a systematic analysis of the understanding of the trends in digital technology and employs a case study of ubiquitous space based on systematic analysis. In consideration of all these, this study is expected to contribute to concept generation and development by designers.

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A Study on the Effect of Catchphrases in Corporate Job Postings on Job Applications from Individuals in Their 20s and 30s (기업 채용공고의 캐치프레이즈가 20, 30대의 입사 지원에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Min Jae Hwang;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the impact of catchphrases used in job postings on job applications in the context of accelerating social participation of Generation Z and changing business environments. To this end, case studies of catchphrases used in job postings by domestic and international companies were conducted. In addition, job postings for the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), a well-known public institution, were created using four trend keywords: 'general phrases,' 'eco-friendliness,' 'employee welfare,' and 'social issues (equality).' An online survey was conducted to analyze the impact of catchphrases in job postings on job applications, and the results showed that 83% of respondents found that the catchphrases in job postings had a positive effect on their application decisions. Through in-depth interviews, the importance of design elements and catchphrases in job postings as perceived by actual job seekers was confirmed. In conclusion, this study aims to explore how catchphrases in job postings can facilitate smooth communication between companies and job seekers and strengthen corporate image promotion activities. It seeks to provide insights into how companies can effectively utilize catchphrases in job postings according to age and job type in future recruitment processes.

Causes and Effects of Conflict Arising from Public Pedestrian Passages in an Apartment Complex - Based on a Survey of Residents living in an Apartment Complex - (공동주택 단지 내 공공보행통로의 갈등 요인과 영향 - 공동주택 거주민의 인식조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Lee, Seung-Ji
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of conflict that arise from public pedestrian passages installed in apartment complexes through a survey of residents' perceptions and to investigate the effects on the satisfaction with and necessity of the public pedestrian passage. This has significance as a preliminary research into determining solutions to conflict related to public pedestrian passages that are open spaces, accessible 24 hours a day to pedestrians including people who live outside of the apartment complex. The result of the residents' perception survey showed that there is conflict due to the public pedestrian passage. The main problem was the noise-related variables. While management and safety variables were also perceived as problems, privacy and ownership infringement variables were not. These problems were reduced to four factors through a factor analysis: unfavorable incidents, environment management, ownership infringement, and safety crimes. Analyzing the effects of the above factors on the satisfaction with the apartment complex, satisfaction with the public pedestrian passage and the necessity of the public pedestrian passage, demonstrated that the unfavorable incidents factor influenced all the variables. The safety crimes factor, which is an extended concept of the unfavorable incidents, affected both the satisfaction and necessity of the public pedestrian passage. The ownership infringement factor was found to affect the satisfaction of the public pedestrian passage only, and the environment management factor did not affect all the variables. In planning and managing public pedestrian passages, avoiding incidents and crimes should be considered as a priority to increase the satisfaction of residents and solve conflicts.

Effective directional signs for the clear cognition of directions -2-D expression of directional sighs in 3-D spaces (효과적 방향인지를 위한 유도사인에 관한 연구 -3차원 공간에서의 2차원적 방향표식을 중심으로)

  • 심은미;백진경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2003
  • At public spaces, signs have purposes of communicating their information clearly. Especially directional signs point out the proper route showing our surroundings. The present directional signs which are indicating 3-dimensional direction in a 2-dimensional mode seem to be difficult to understand as we are moving. This study has the purpose of investigating the role of present signs and suggesting visually effective directional signs, in particular arrows. Firstly, this study surveyed the user's attitude on directional signs in case of subway station. The research shows that the present directional signs hardly perform their roles to communicate the directional information, which means the need of newly expressed arrows. In this study we consider a new effective expression on the viewpoint of human cognition mechanism. So it is thought that those trials are helpful to efficient sign system.

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A Study on the Contextual special quality in Jean Nouvel's projects (장 누벨 작품 공간에 나타나는 맥락적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan;Yun, Hyun-Sook
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2007
  • This research proposes contextual space expression as a possibility of solution methods for local and historical issues, the matters that our contemporary architecture has to overcome. When modernistic architecture aimed for anonymous public interests denying the characteristics in historical and spacial contexts, postmodern architecture and regional architecture, etc have been striving to revive discontinued contextual meanings using various historical and environmental elements. While such attempts only borrowed architectural materials by superficially understanding the context, they could not comprehend ceaselessly changing contexts sufficiently. Choosing Jean Nouvel as one of the architects that can explain spatial plan to properly respond to such ever-changing, contemporary contexts, the researcher intended to understand his line of expressional characteristics of his architectural space and analyze his works as examples.

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Development of Bench Design for Public Places in terms of Environmental Characteristics of Jungnang-Gu (중랑구 환경을 고려한 공공장소의 벤치디자인 개발연구)

  • Cho, Sook-Kyung;Oh, Se-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed at creation of bench design to be placed in the public spaces for the citizen who live in Jungnang-Gu. In Jungnang-Gu surrounded by the excellent natural environment like Jungnang-stream, Mangwoo Mt., Bongwha Mt. and Youngma Mt., there are many public places where a citizen can take a rest. Among the public facilities being in such public places however, the benches especially were installed so unplanned and disordered, even that they look unbalanced with the natural environment, though they need to play a meaningful role in park and walking paths. Hereupon this study intends to investigate the geographical environment in Jungnang-Gu and furthermore to develop the bench-design on the basis of the investigation. The concept of design lies in modern style of a bench matched up with the nature well and also taking the functional aspect for rest, in consideration of the public places utilized by the abundant natural greens. The environment-friendly timber, marble and metal were used here and the design with and without the back of a bench & the dimension for Korean people's figure were considered.

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A Study on Interactive Animation Production as Public Art : Focusing on an Case of the Live Window Animation, (공공예술로서의 인터랙티브 애니메이션 제작 연구 : 라이브 윈도우 애니메이션 <북극곰 파오> 사례를 중심으로)

  • Chang, Wook-Sang;Yu, Seung-Cheol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.33
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    • pp.153-172
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    • 2013
  • There are many cases that messages of boring contents of most contents with public interests appear on the surface. Audiences don't think these contents are interesting. It is true that animations cannot be generally boring when delivering messages of public interests. was produced to focus on making audiences experience that a global warming story, the boring and textbook contents is interesting. And it was composed by the multiform story to realize narration through audiences' participation by utilizing the characteristics of live windows, not just watching the animation. This paper examines the differences between theaters and live window through the case that was produced and examples which utilized interaction for audiences' participation based on this. It analyzes the differences between environments according to characteristics of places and audiences in the differences between the theaters and live window, examines the examples to utilize interaction focusing on the process that narration is gradually changed as response to user environment design and interaction for unspecified individuals, and suggests direction that animation should move forward as public art based on the results to show the animation in Millano Piazza. According to the characteristics of live windows, the audiences of are people in the streets who are heading for different destinations, not the ones who come to theaters to watch the animation. Showing the animation with narration to them was a new attempt. When it began to show it in Millano Piazza, the audiences were very satisfied with the experiences that the stories were changed as they participated in it by themselves and naturally thought of global warming problems. You cannot know how the message of change people's habits and thoughts for the present, but this attempt was an opportunity that animations play the social role. Many animations are being produced in the world. Most of them are being done to aim at theaters, TVs, and film festivals. They should meet audiences through more various methods. One of them is animations as public art. And can be the new attempt in this sense. And in the future, animations as public art should make efforts to show you interesting experiences that you can share thoughts to be able to live together. As art of various media is changing to the one which considers public interests, animations can be new types of public art by integrating them with various technologies.

An Improvement on Wayfinding which considers Universal Design Concept (유니버설 디자인개념을 고려한 Wayfinding 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-A;Kim, Won-Pil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2016
  • Due to the increase in the number of transfer lines and ground level connections with mixed-use high-rise buildings, the Seoul Metro suffers from loaded signage fatigue because of the presence of too many signs. The purpose of this research is to propose ways of improving the wayfinding on the Seoul subway station by examining the signage and (applying the) universal design (UD) concept. A review of the literature explored five universal design components, viz. the accessibility, safety, equitability, perception, and aesthetics. The field investigation found that the ceiling and wall type and general information boards were high on the information hierarchy. The survey respondents merely perceived universal design concept, however, most needed principle. The IPA found that the signs should be appropriately laid out, spaced and located from the perspective of accessibility, and their unity and harmony were other aspects that could be improved while general information boards should include important landmarks outside. In conclusion, this study suggests that the universal design signage concept should be applied to every station and that specific stations should have a duly sign system.