• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공개 GIS 데이터

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BIM Automatic Design and the Optimization of the Tunnel Blasting Patterns (터널 발파패턴 최적화를 위한 BIM 설계자동화)

  • Eunji Jo;Woojin Kim;Jaeho Jung;Sanghyuk Bang
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2024
  • As the paradigm of urban development has recently changed to development of underground space, the road tunnels and railway tunnels are increasing to relieve traffic congestion. This technical notes is related to the development of underground spaces using NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method). Limitations of conventional 2D blasting pattern design method were analyzed, and BIM-based automatic design method was developed to overcome them. Since it was developed to facilitate modeling of all safety facilities along a alignment using coordinates and GIS data, it can overcome the limitations of the number of safety facilities that can be considered and time required for conventional design. In the conventional design, the results of borehole test blasting were used to predict the blasting impact. However, the developed technology is possible to recalculate by applying the measurement results obtained from actual tunnel blasting, enabling rapid re-evaluation of the blasting impact on all safety facilities during construction, leading economical design. As a result of applying it to GTX-A5 and 6 sites, it took about 5 minutes, which is 1/480 compared to the conventional design method. In addition, the construction cost was reduced by about 8 billion won/km and the period was reduced by about 41 days/km. It is expected to be used as technical basis for calculating the optimal blasting pattern in the BIM-based design and construction management process.

Development and Application of SITES (부지환경종합관리시스템 개발과 적용)

  • Park, Joo-Wan;Yoon, Jeong-Hyoun;Kim, Chank-Lak;Cho, Sung-Il
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2008
  • SITES(Site Information and Total Environmental Data Management System) has been developed for the purpose of systematically managing site characteristics and environmental data produced during the pre-operational, operational, and post-closure phases of a radioactive waste disposal facility. SITES is an integration system, which consists of 4 modules, to be available for maintenance of site characteristics data, for safety assessment, and for site/environment monitoring; site environmental data management module(SECURE), integrated safety assessment module(SAINT), site/environment monitoring module(SUDAL) and geological information module for geological data management(SITES-GIS). Each module has its database with the functions of browsing, storing, and reporting data and information. Data from SECURE and SUDAL are interconnected to be utilized as inputs to SAINT. SAINT has the functions that multi-user can access simultaneously via client-server system, and the safety assessment results can be managed with its embedded Quality Assurance feature. Comparison between assessment results and environmental monitoring data can be made and visualized in SUDAL and SITES-GIS. Also, SUDAL is designed that the periodic monitoring data and information could be opened to the public via internet homepage. SITES has applied to the Wolsong low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal center in Korea, and is expected to enhance the function of site/environment monitoring in other nuclear-related facilities and also in industrial facilities handling hazardous materials.

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Establishment Construction Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) & Construction Information Sttategy (건설정보화 전략과 ERP구축)

  • Lee Min-Nam;Oh Dong-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.164-170
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    • 2003
  • This paper is to evaluate the informational direction, current situations and ERP establishment concerning constructing industry, to present the right directions, implemented cases for implementing constructional ERP, also to suggest the effect, influence, problems and shootings in constructional ERP arena. The constructing industries in korea are facing great turning point because of the huge corruptions currently happened and forcing to open the market in 1997. Attempting to establish Computer Integrated construction system (ERP) by breaking down constructing cost, improving quality, operating rapid and effective construction to enhance productivity, it is hard to achieve the goal with only inter-contractor's establishment. Constructing industries are integrated ones, consisted of many organizations for instance ordering agencies, contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, etc. and use various information formats such as texts, graphics, drawings. I dare suggest that implementation of constructional CALS including EDI/EC, GIS is tile only solution to control the information systematically generated in whole stages from planing, designing, constructing through maintenance, and to supply or switch the information.

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Total Information System for Urban Regeneration : City and District Level Decline Diagnostic System (도시재생 종합정보시스템 구축 - 시군구단위 쇠퇴진단시스템 구현을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Dong-Suk;Yu, Yeong-Hwa
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2011
  • In order to achieve an efficient urban regeneration of the nation, it is required to determine the extent of decline nation-wide and the declined areas for each district and also to evaluate the potentials of the concerned areas. For this task to be accomplished, a construction of a comprehensive diagnostic system based on spatial information considering diversity and complexity is required. In this study, a total information system architecture for urban regeneration is designed as part of the construction of such a diagnostic system. In order to develop the system, a city and district level unit decline diagnostic indicators has been constructed and a decline diagnostic system has been developed. Also, a scheme to promote the advancement of the system is proposed. The DB construction is based on the city and district level nation-wide and metadata for the concerned level is constructed as well. The system is based on the Open API and designed to be flexible for extension. Also, an RIA-based intuitive UI has been implemented. Main features of the system consist of the management of the indicators, diagnostic analysis (city and district level decline diagnosis), related information, etc. As for methods for the advancement, an information model in consideration of the spation relations of the urban regeneration DB has been designed and application methods of semantic webs. Also, for improvement methods for district unit analytical model, district level analysis models, GIS based spatial analysis platforms and linked utiliation of KOPSS analysis modules are suggested. A use of a total information system for urban regeneration is anticipated to facilitate concerned policy making through the identification of the status of city declines to identify and the understanding of the demands for regeneration.

The Effects of Locational Point Representation of Apartment Complexes on Hedonic Valuation of Air Quality (공동주택 위치표현 방법이 대기질의 한계잠재가격 측정에 미치는 영향)

  • Chul Sohn
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.949-960
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    • 2003
  • The marginal implicit price of air quality can be measured by taking a partial derivative of hedonic price function (HPF) with respect to the level of air quality. It has been pointed out that the size of the marginal implicit price varies with the use of different function forms, different estimation methods, and the different ways of measuring air quality level in estimating HPF. In addition to these factors, this study shows theoretically and empirically the way housing properties are represented on a digital map could differentiate the size of marginal implicit price of air quality when GIS is used to measure location attributes of the housing properties in the Korean apartment market. Furthermore, this study shows that the degree of difference in the marginal implicit price due to the manner in which housing properties are represented on a digital map can be larger than the degree of difference in the marginal implicit price due to using different function forms and estimation methods. The major implication from the results of this study is that one should carefully try diverse ways of representing housing properties in the Korean apartment market on a digital map in the process of estimating HPF, as he or she usually tries diverse function forms and estimation methods, to see if the value of the marginal implicit price of air quality varies substantially.