• Title/Summary/Keyword: 공간 조성 기법

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Deduction of Best Design Factor of Riparian Buffer Zone for Reduction of Non-Point Pollutants (비점오염 부하 저감을 위한 수변완충지대의 최적 인자 도출을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Won;Choi, I-Song;Jung, Sang-Jun;Woo, Hyo-Seop;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1788-1792
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    • 2007
  • 한강 "수변구역"에서 비점오염물질의 공공수역 유입을 억제하기 위한 다양한 방법들 중에서 보편적이고 자연친화적인 방법은 다양한 생물의 서식공간이며, 동시에 본류로 유입되는 과정에서 수질을 정화시키는 수질개선 공간인 수변완충구역, 또는 지대를 설정하여 관리하는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 수변완충지대 효과 분석 및 설정에 관한 연구는 국내에서 아직 수행되지 않았다. 본 연구의 목적은 수변구역의 자정능력을 높이는 것은 물론 그 밖의 하천 연안에서 비점오염물질의 차단과 처리능력을 증진시키고 수변 생태계의 서식처 보전 및 복원을 위해서 수변완충지대의 수질정화 기술개발과 생물다양성을 창출하는 수변완충지대 조성 기법을 개발하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존 수변완충지의 추가적인 조성과 보완, 시험완충지 생태구조 및 기능 기초조사, 시험완충지 오염부하 저감효과의 실험 및 분석, 수변완충지대 설치 구상 등의 연구를 수행하여 수변완충지대 조성 시 설정 폭을 산정할 수 있게 하였다. 수행 지역은 한강수계 지역으로 남한강 수변인 경기도 양평군 병산리에서 실시하였으며, 잔디와 갈대, 갯버들, 혼합지역, 자연그대로의 상태(대조지역)의 5 구역으로 구분하였고, 거리별, 깊이별 샘플을 채취하여 유입수에 대한 오염물질 제거효율을 도출하고, 이를 이용하여 수변완충지대의 설계 시 필요한 유역의 폭, 면적, 길이 등과 같은 설계인자를 도출할 수 있도록 하였다.

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Analysis of Importance in Available Space for Creating Urban Forests to Reduce Particulate Matter - Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process - (미세먼지 저감 도시숲 조성을 위한 가용공간의 중요도 분석 - AHP 기법을 이용하여 -)

  • Jeong, Dae-Young;Choi, Yun-Eui;Chon, Jin-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2019
  • Despite recent projects to create urban forests to reduce the levels of particulate matter, objective evaluation criteria for selecting suitable sites for the projects have not been provided. The purposes of this study are to identify assessment items for the evaluation of available spaces for urban forests for the reduction of particulate matter and to analyze the relative importance of the items using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). We identified a total of 19 items in five categories through a literature review and a panel discussion. A total of 29 responses were collected from surveys given to experts, and an AHP analysis was conducted on the results. As a result, 'locational characteristics' (0.355) received the highest weighted value among the five categories, followed by 'planting type of existing green space' (0.184), 'weather conditions' (0.183), 'physical characteristics' (0.15), and 'human social environment' (0.128). In addition, among all the assessment items, 'proximity of source apportionment of particulate matter' (0.143) had higher weighted value while 'plantation of existing green space' (0.024) had the lowest weighted value. This study will present objective criteria and directions in the selecting of available spaces to create urban forests for the reduction of particulate matter.

Suitability Analysis of Sustainable Urban Development using GSIS (GSIS를 이용한 환경친화적 도시개발 적지분석)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Park, Kyeung-Sik;Lee, Dong-Ju;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.349-352
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    • 2007
  • [ $\ulcorner$ ]국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률$\lrcorner$ 개정은 국토 개발에 있어서 '선 계획 후 개발'이라는 원칙하에 국토 및 도시를 삶의 질 향상, 도시공간의 효율적 개발, 관리, 보전하는데 환경친화적으로 관리하고자 하였다. 선 계획 후 개발이라는 기조 하에 도시공간의 사회적, 지형적, 지리적, 문화적 등 다양한 측면으로 검토 및 분석을 통해 보전과 개발의 적합한 토지를 분류하는 방안이 필수적일 것이며, 이에 대한 의사결정을 함에 있어서 과학적 효율적인 분석방법이 필요하다. 본 연구는 증평군을 대상으로 충남 연기군의 행정중심복합도시의 입지, 진천 음성군의 혁신도시 선정, 증평지방산업단지조성 등 도시 내 외의 여건변화 및 도시의 확장, 주변 도시인구의 지속적 증가 등으로 인한 도시공간구조 재검토를 위하여 GSIS 기법을 이용하여 공간분석을 수행하여 도시개발 적지분석을 수행하였다.

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A Study on the Environment-friendly Planning Elements on High-Class Houses Kuangajeong in Chosun Dynasty (관가정(觀稼亭)으로 본 조선시대 상류주택의 환경친화적 계획요소 분석)

  • Heo, Jun;Lee, Shi Young;Song, Byeong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.164-177
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to examine the traditional living space to reflect the environment-friendly design methods and principles of reestablishment. To do so, this study carried on a related literature study and field survey. The traditional living space in terms of the environmental friendliness is reflected on site selection and space composition, and utilization of natural energy and natural materials. Focused on the Kwangajeong in Yangdong Village, this study is to identify eco-friendly techniques on the traditional living space. As a result, it shows that Kwangajeong with the side of the southeast in site selection had been considered in aspect of environmental control such as sunshine and solar radiation. Also building construction techniques had been used to minimize the variation of terrain. In aspect of environmental conservation, Kwangajeong had structurally arranged the gate, an inner yard and an inner floor to allow good ventilation. In aspect of space composition, Kwangajeong with the emphasis of scenic view had utilized the methods that attract external landscape through the control of its fences. Environment-friendly techniques and control principles in traditional space had been developed by a long experience through the long periods and the traditional techniques suitable for local climate and local environment have been developed. The technical development of these techniques to resolve the global environmental and energy issues and create a more pleasant living environment of human beings might be critical.

Analysis of Waterfront Utilization Index Using Multi Criteria Decision Making (다기준의사결정을 이용한 친수공간 이용지수 분석)

  • Kim, Byeong-Chan;Kim, Man-Sik;Maeng, Bong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.195-195
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    • 2011
  • 국가하천의 주변지역을 체계적이고 계획적으로 조성 이용하여 난개발을 방지하고 지속가능한 발전을 도모하며, 그에 따른 이익을 하천의 정비 및 관리 등에 활용함으로써 공공복리의 증진에 기여함을 목적으로 하는 친수구역활용에 관한 특별법이 곧 시행될 예정이다. 친수는 단순히 하천 보전과 상대되는 수변이용의 측면이 아니라 하천의 경관, 생태계, 물 등 전체적인 하천공간에서 이루어지는 인간의 활동과 심리적 만족감으로 해석할 수 있다. 이러한 친수활동 유형을 정립하기 위하여 전문가 및 실무자들의 도움으로 설문지를 작성하고, 조사하였다. 또한 평가 항목간의 중요도를 합리적으로 부여하고자 전문가 집단 활용을 통한 다기준의사결정 기법 중 계층분석과정 AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)와 이의 일반적인 형태인 ANP(Analytic Network Process) 기법을 이용하여 비교 분석하여 보았다. AHP는 의사결정의 목표 또는 평가기준이 다수이며 복합적인 경우, 다수의 속성들을 계층적으로 분류하여 각 속성의 중요도를 파악함으로써 최적 대안을 선정하는 기법으로 다수의 목표, 다수의 평가기준, 다수의 의사결정주체가 포함되어 있는 의사결정 문제를 계층화하여 해결한다. 그러나 의사결정 문제는 대부분 요소들 간의 수평적 상호작용과 수직종속성이 존재하기 때문에 단순히 계층적 구조만으로는 설명할 수 없는 경우가 있다. ANP는 AHP 분석을 확장한 개념으로 평가 요소가 계층구조를 가지고 있으면서 각 평가 요소간 네트워크 구조를 가지는 경우에 해당한다. 즉, 시스템 분석, 통합 및 조정을 위한 방법으로 요소들 간의 비선형 관계를 모델화하는 복잡한 의사결정에 적용이 가능하다. ANP는 AHP의 기본 공리인 독립성이 유지되지 않을 때도 적용할 수 있는 의사결정 방법이기 때문이다. AHP와 ANP 분석을 위해 평가기준은 하천특성, 생태환경특성, 인문환경특성, 경관, 유지관리 등으로 분류하였으며, 세부평가항목은 하천의 물리 생태학적 특성, 개발여건과 관련된 특성, 경관의 이용가치, 유지관리 용이성 등 20여 개로 나누었다. AHP와 ANP를 이용하여 친수공간 이용지수 가중치를 산정한 결과, 두 기법은 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그러나 ANP를 이용하여 가중치를 결정하는 방법은 최종 결정의 공정성이나 신뢰성을 확보하는데 기여를 하는 것으로 나타났다.

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Increasing Diversity of Evolvable Hardware with Speciation Technique (종분화 기법을 이용한 진화 하드웨어의 다양성 향상)

  • Hwang Keum-Sung;Cho Sung-Bae
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2005
  • Evolvable Hardware is the technique that obtains target function by adapting reconfigurable digital' devices to environment in real time using evolutionary computation. It opens the possibility of automatic design of hardware circuits but still has the limitation to produce complex circuits. In this paper, we have analyzed the fitness landscape of evolvable hardware and proposed a speciation technique of evolving diverse individuals simultaneously, proving the efficiency empirically. Also, we show that useful extra functions can be obtained by analyzing diverse circuits from the speciation technique.

A Study on Relationship Between Basic Frictional Angle and Mineral Composition for Granite Sample (화강암 시험편의 광물조성과 기본마찰각의 상관성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bong-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Joong;Choi, Sung-Oong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2014
  • Basic frictional angle is a parameter that can estimate shear strength of rock, and is a design parameter employed in slope stability analysis. Basic frictional angle generates various results in accordance with mineral composition, apart from rock surface roughness itself. This paper describes the correlation of basic frictional angle and mineral composition. The basic frictional angle is measured with the aid of the modified tilt testing apparatus, and its reliability is improved by the statistical method. Also, mineral composition is identified through the photographic analysis on rock specimen, and verified through the thin section analysis.

A Study on the Transitional Aspects in Korean Gardens that Reflected of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' (외암리 민속마을에 나타난 한국정원의 전환기적 양상)

  • Lee, Won Ho
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.100-121
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    • 2009
  • This study is subjected to those gardens of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' designed in 1920s. - transitional period of traditional gardens - and define socio-cultural change's influences and through documents on garden design, descendant's testimony and measured drawings, to understand that period's garden culture's characteristics according to garden design elements. This study applied following analysis methods and procedures to derive out characteristics of transitional garden culture. Analysis on socio-cultural characteristics in 1920s. Analysis on actual condition of transitional garden's design. In this point Outline of the Garden, Space formation, Garden designing elements are (1) water landscape, (2) plant, (3) structures, (4) paving, to derive out characteristics of the transitional garden. The results follow as below; First, during the transitional period 1920s, the economical development, fueled by opening nation's door to foreign countries and indication of collapse of statue systems together with idea of practical science and Enlightenment Thought, was element of changes in garden style. Second, Garden Designers of transitional gardens in 'Oeam-Ri' were limited to upper class of the society. They were wealthy enough to maintain their high social statue in rapidly changing society. As results, tendency of returning to nature developed gardens located in a site of scenic beauty and development of geographical features arranging techniques, and also showed copying foreign styles. Third, arrangement of garden and space composition, in most cases, composed of buildings and yards. Changes in water landscape features and garden spaces are centered to main-yard. Major changes of the garden spaces are water landscapes and plants that showing foreign influences. Fifth, scenic appearance techniques appears with dense garden space and emphasizing visual scenic view. Sixth, the characteristics of transitional garden design techniques are development of geographical feature arranging techniques, changes and mixture of the materials and garden types, emphasizing garden's decorative beauty, change of concept of yard within house into garden, changes from 'borrowing of landscapes' to 'selecting landscapes', changes of front garden from emptiness to fullness, changes of attitudes of enjoying gardens from 'staying calm in the garden' to 'moving or walking in the garden', changes to inner-oriented view, and changes from 'just watching and enjoying the nature' to 'enjoying specific objects'. This study is one of the efforts to restore the identity of Korean Traditional Garden by approaching and observing modern era which function as bridge between tradition and present day, and we observed transitional aspects of changes of traditional garden into modern garden. Hereafter, more studies will be needed to Modern Garden Design be recognized as part of Korean Garden Design History and these would be author's next assignment.

A Study on the Meaning Landscape and Environmental Design Techniques of Yoohoedang Garden(Hageowon : 何去園) of Byulup(別業) Type Byulseo(別墅) (별업(別業) '유회당' 원림 하거원(何去園)의 의미경관 해석과 환경설계기법)

  • Shin, Sang-sup;Kim, Hyun-wuk
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.46-69
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    • 2013
  • The results of study on the meaning landscape and environmental design techniques of the Byulup, Yoohoedang garden(Hageowon) based on the story in the collection of Kwon Yi-jin (Yoohoedangjip, 有懷堂集), are as below. First, Yoohoedang Kwon Yi-jin (有懷堂 權以鎭 : 1668~1734) constructed a Byulup garden consisting of ancestor grave, Byulup, garden, and a school, through 3 steps for 20 years in the back hill area of Moosoo-dong village, south of Mountain Bomun in Daejeon. In other words, he built the Byulup(別業, Yoohoedang) by placing his father's grave in the back hill of the village, and then constructed Yoegeongam(餘慶菴) and Geoupjae(居業齋) for protection of the pond(Napoji, 納汚池), garden(Banhwanwon, 盤桓園), and ancestor graves, and descendants' studying in the middle stage. He built an extension in Yoohoedang and finally completed the large-size garden (Hageowon) by extending the east area. Second, in terms of geomancy sense, Yoohoedang Byulup located in Moosoo-dong village area is the representative example including all space elements such as main living house (the head family house of Andong Kwon family), Byulup (Yoohoedang), ancestor graves, Hagoewon (garden) and Yoegeongam (cemetery management and school) which byulup type Byulseo should be equipped with. Thirdly, there are various meaning landscape elements combining the value system of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism value, including; (1) remembering parents, (2) harmonious family, (3) integrity, (4) virtue, (5) noble personality, (6) good luck, (7) hermit life, (8) family prosperity and learning development, (9) grace from ancestors, (10) fairyland, (11) guarding ancestor graves, and (12) living ever-young. Fourth, after he arranged ancestor graveyard in the back of the village, he used surrounding natural landscapes to construct Hagoewon garden with water garden consisting of 4 mountain streams and 3 ponds for 13 years, and finally completed a beautiful fairyland with 5 platforms, 3 bamboo forests, as well as the Seokgasan(石假山, artificial hill). Fifth, he adopted landscape plantation (28 kinds; pine, maple, royal azalea, azalea, persimmon tree, bamboo, willow, pomegranate tree, rose, chinensis, chaenomeles speciosa, Japanese azalea, peach tree, lotus, chrysanthemum, peony, and Paeonia suffruticosa, etc.) to apply romance from poetic affection, symbol and ideal from personification, as well as plantation plan considering seasonal landscapes. Landscape rocks were used by intact use of natural rocks, connecting with water elements, garden ornament method using Seokyeonji and flower steps, and mountain Seokga method showing the essence of landscape meanings. In addition, waterscape are characterized by active use of water considering natural streams and physio-graphic condition (eastern valley), ecological corridor role that rhythmically connects each space of the garden and waterways following routes, landscape meaning introduction connecting 'gaining knowledge by the study of things' values including Hwalsoodam(活水潭, pond), Mongjeong(蒙井, spring), Hosoo(濠水, stream), and Boksoo(?水, stream), and sensuous experience space construction with auditory and visualization using properties of landscape matters.

Extraction and Application of Spatial Association Rules: A Case Study for Urban Growth Modeling (공간 연관규칙의 추출과 적용 - 도시성장 예측모델을 사례로 -)

  • 조성휘;박수홍
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.444-456
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    • 2004
  • Recently spatial modeling that combined GIS and Cellular Automata(CA) which are based on dynamic process modeling has been discussed and investigated. However, CA-based spatial modeling in previous research only provides the general modeling framework and environment, but lacks of providing simulation or transition rules for modeling. This study aims to propose a methodology for extracting spatial relation rules using GIS and Knowledge Discovery in Database(KDD) methods. This new methodology has great potentials to improve CA-based spatial modeling and is expected to be applied into several examples including urban growth simulation modeling.