• Title/Summary/Keyword: 골재 분할

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An Experimental Study on the Required Performances of Roof Concrete Placed in the In-ground LNG Storage Tank (지하식 LNG 저장탱크의 지붕 콘크리트의 요구성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kwon, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2013
  • This study is to derive from the required performances and the optimum mix proportion of the roof concrete placed in the in-ground LNG storage tank with a capacity of 200000 $m^3$, and propose the actual data for site concrete work. The concrete placing work without sliding and segregation in the fresh concrete condition is very important because the slope of domed roof is varied in the large range by its curvature. Also the control of hydration heat and the strength development at test ages are classified with massive section about 1.4 m thick and considered to the pre-stressing work and removal of air support after concrete placing work. Considering above condition, slump range is selected $100{\pm}25$ mm under the slope $20^{\circ}$ and $150{\pm}25$ mm over the slope $20^{\circ}$ s until 60 minutes of elapsed time. Also, the roof concrete is satisfied with compressive strength range including design strength at 91 days (30 MPa), pre-stressing work at 7 days (10 MPa), air support removal work at 21 days (14 MPa). Replacement ratio of limestone powder is determined by confined water ratio test and main design factors include water-cement ratio (W/C), sand-aggregate ratio and dosage of admixture. As test results, the optimum mix proportion of the roof concrete used low heat cement is as followings. 1) Replacement ratio of limestone powder 25% by confined water ratio test 2) Water-cement ratio 57.8% 3) Sand-aggregate ratio 42.0%. Also, test results for the adiabatic temperature rising test is satisfied with its criteria and shown the lower value compared to preceding storage tank (TK-13, 14). These required performances and the optimum mix proportion is to apply the actual construction work.

An analysis of the properties of mortar according to the change of the replacement rate of waste foundry sands (폐주물사의 치환율 변화에 따른 모르타르의 특성 분석)

  • Ryu, Hyun-Gi;Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2009
  • For recycling of waste foundry sands, researchers recently try to recycle them rather than depend on reclamation, and are studying on how to combine waste foundry sands with cement and use them for various kinds of construction material as the effective recycling method of waste foundry sand. In this research, The ways to find the proper replacement rate of waste foundry sands and to make use of them were suggested through the experiments on the range to apply waste foundry sands with two levels of 1:3 mixture rate of W/C 43% and 50%. The research result showed that in terms of liquidity as the characteristic of unhardened mortar, as the replacement rate of waste foundry sands increased, its flow tended to decrease. The amount of air also displayed a similar tendency to that of liquidity in that the higher the replacement rate of waste foundry sands became, the lower it became. With regard to the solidity trait of hardened mortar, it increased when the waste foundry sands were replaced more, and the replacement of waste foundry sands caused increased initial solidity. As for the amount of water permeated and that of water absorbed as the water tight proofing properties, the amount of permeated water was proved to decrease because of the gap recharge effect by the fine powder of waste foundry sands, and the replacement of waste foundry sands in the structures requiring watertightness is concluded to be very effective.

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A design guide to minimize frost heave in unbound pavement layers over box culverts (저토피부 암거상부 포장의 도상피해 예방을 위한 단명설계)

  • Seo, Young-Guk
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2007
  • During the whole month of December in 2005, Korea experienced both heavy snowfall and freezing temperature in southeast regions, which had caused frost related damages to many pavements laid on top of box culverts. In-situ observation revealed that the formation of ice lenses in subgrade and subsequent unbound layers led to upward heaving and transverse cracks in concrete and asphalt pavements. This has affected the long-term performance of pavements, as well as has threatened drivers' safety for a while. Recently, Korea Expressway Corporation has proposed a design guide to better protect newly constructed unbound pavement layers over culverts from frost heave. A trench drainage system has been selected to effectively draw off water and to alleviate pore-water pressure in soils during the coldest season. This paper presents experimental and analytical backgrounds behind this new design guide. Soil specimens retrieved from the sites are tested to quantify clay content and to estimate the permeability of subgrade. A 2-D ground seepage analysis has been conducted to better understand the changes in pore water pressures as a function of grain size. Finally, an optimum size of trench drainage is determined based on numerical analysis and workability in the field.

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Effects of Accelerated Curing on the Strength of Mortar Using Briquette Ash. (촉진양생(促進養生)이 연탄재를 사용(使用)한 Mortar의 강도(强度)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Seong Wan;Kang, Sin Up;Sung, Chan Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 1981
  • This study was carried out to determine the effect of accelerated curing on the strength of standard sand mortar and briquette ash mortar. The standard sand mortars and the briquette ash mortars made by mixture of the standard sand:cement and the briquette ash:cement at the ratio of 2 : 1, 3: 1 and 4 : 1, respectively, were cured at 4 different temperature of $20^{\circ}C$, $60^{\circ}C$, $80^{\circ}C$ and $100^{\circ}C$. The compression and tensil strength of mortars were measured at ${\sigma}_3$, ${\sigma}_7$, ${\sigma}_28$. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. At each age of curing and each curing temperature, the compression and tensile strength of the mortars made by the mixture of cement and standard sand was significantly higher than that of the mortars made by the mixture of cement and briquette ash. But the increasing rate of strength in compression and tension was significantly higher at the mortars of cement and briquette ash than those of cement and standard sand. 2. The strength of mortars which showed lower strength than Korean Standard at ordinary curing temperature was significantly increased and showed higher value than Korean Standard by the accelerated curing at high temperature. The increasing rate of strength by the accelerated curing was higher at the mortars containing less amount of cement than those containing more cement. The hardening of the mortars containing less amount of cement was significantly promoted by the accelerated curing in high temperature. 3. When the briquette ash was substituted for the materials of cement mortar, decline of the mortar strength is. unavoidable. But the enhancement of the mortar strength is still expected by the experimental results that the strength of cement-briquette ash mortar showed an increase of 137.6% by the accelerated curing at $60^{\circ}C$, 164.1% at $80^{\circ}C$ C and 183.8% at $100^{\circ}C$, respectively, compared with the strength of mortar cured at $20^{\circ}C$ for 28 days. 4. As the strength of cement briquette mortar is lower than that of cement standard sand mortar, the cement briquette ash mortar is expected to be increased in strength by the accelerated curing at high temperature. The cement briquette mortar is expected to be utilized to the production of secondary mortar goods or the constructions which need low strength of mortar.

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Inhibitor activity of Ulmus davidiana Planch(UD) Herbal Acupuncture Solution on Cathepsin having bone resorption activity (유근피 약침액이 골재흡수 중 Cathepsin에 대한 억제 작용)

  • Kim, Geun-sam;Jo, Hyun-seog;Hwang, Min-seob;Kim, Kap-sung;Lee, Seung-deok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • It was clarified that ethanol extract herb-acupuncture solution (EE-UD) and hydrotherapy herb-acupuncture solution (WE-UD) in Ulmus davidiana Planch (Ulmaceae), are the excellent inhibitors of cathepsin K and L. WE-UD inhibited cathepsin K when IC50 value was 5.32 ${\square}g$/ml, and suppressed cathepsin L when IC50 value was 6.34 ${\square}g$/ml. However, EE-UD indicated the activity of inhibiting cathepsin K and L in the level of 1.45 ${\square}g$/ml and 2.43 ${\square}g$/ml, thus it showed more significance than WE-UD. It could be observed that EE-VD is an excellent inhibitor to cathepsin K with Ki value of 0.8 ${\square}g$/ml. This activity is increased by 10-fold even in the analytical experiment when having operations like glutathione in pH 7.0. Also, this supports the mixture of GSH thiolate anion, thus it was thought that this increase in effectiveness is probably attributable to the enhanced chemical function in the combinations of herb-acupuncture solution towards a place of activity in enzyme. WE-UD showed the time-dependent inhibiting property, thus it allowed to know the disunion and the compounding speed in constant cathepsin K during the process of experiment. Finally, EE-UD was proved to suppress the absorbent bone ash in the experiment related to osteoclast in rats for test, and to the bone in rodent. It was proved that WE-UD has the effect of inhibiting the protease in cathepsin K and L, and in collagen of bone. These results strongly suggest that it is effective in preventing the progress of bone damage, which was induced due to cathepsin K. Also, it obtained the conclusion that it is effective to the reabsorption activity of bone in the bone marrow cells.

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