• Title/Summary/Keyword: 골수증식 종양

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Experimental Studies on the Antitumor Effects of Jinryungtang Gagambang Extract (진령탕가감방의 항종양효과(抗腫瘍效果)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Jeong, Jun-Tak;Moon, Goo;Moon, Suk-Jae
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 1998
  • The sprig of Jinryungtang Gagambang has been used for curing as a traditional medicine without any experimental evidence to support the rational basis for their clinical use. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the possible therapeutic or antitumoral effects of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract against cancer, and to study some mechanisms responsible for its effect. The cytotoxic and antitumor effects were evaluated on human cell liens (A549, hep3B, Caki-1, Sarcoma 180) after exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract using in ILS, colony forming efficency and SRB assay which were regarded as a valuable method for cytotoxic and antitumor effects of unknown compound on tumor cell lines. The results obtained in this studies were as follows. 1. As a result of exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract, the proliferation of A549, hep3B, Caki-1, good correlations were shown from the results of SRB assay and those of clogenetic assay. 2. The oral administration of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract showed significant effects of increase of MST(mean survival time) and ILS(increased life span) depending on the increasing concentration. 3. Against squamous cell carcinoma induced by MCA, Jinryungtang Gagambang decreased not only the frequency of tumor production but also the number and weight of tumors per tumor bearing mice(TBM). Jinryungtang Gagambang also significantly suppressed the development of 3LL cell-implanted tumors by frequency and their size, and some developed tumors were regressed by the continuous treatment of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract into TBM. 4. Jinryungtang Gagambang extract also increased NK cell activities. According to the above results, it could be suggested that Jinryungtang Gagambang extract has prominent antiutmor effect.

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Alteration of Phospholipase D Activity in the Rat Tissues by Irradiation (방사선 조사에 의한 쥐 조직의 포스포리파제 D의 활성 변화)

  • Choi Myung Sun;Cho Yang Ja;Choi Myung-Un
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid (PA) and choline. Recently, PLD has been drawing much attentions and considered to be associated with cancer Process since it is involved in cellular signal transduction. In this experiment, oleate-PLD activities were measured in various tissues of the living rats after whole body irradiation. Materials and Methods : The reaction mixture for the PLD assay contained $0.1\;\muCi\;1,2-di[1-^{14}C]palmitoyl$ phosphatidylcholine 0.5mM phosphatidylcholine, 5mM sodium oleate, $0.2\%$ taurodeoxycholate, 50mM HEPES buffer(pH 6.5), 10mM $CaCl_2$, and 25mM KF. phosphatidic acid, the reaction product, was separated by TLC and its radioactivity was measured with a scintillation counter. The whole body irradiation was given to the female Wistar rats via Cobalt 60 Teletherapy with field size of 10cmx loom and an exposure of 2.7Gy per minute to the total doses of 10Gy and 25Gy. Results : Among the tissues examined, PLD activity in lung was the highest one and was followed by kidney, skeletal muscle, brain, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, and liver. Upon irradiation, alteration of PLD activity was observed in thymus, spleen, lung, and bone marrow. Especially PLD activities of the spleen and thymus revealed the highest sensitivity toward $\gamma-rar$ with more than two times amplification in their activities In contrast, the PLD activity of bone marrow appears to be reduced to nearly $30\%$. Irradiation effect was hardly detected in liver which showed the lowest PLD activity. Conclusion : The PLD activities affected most sensitively by the whole-body irradiation seem to be associated with organs involved in immunity and hematopoiesis. This observation s1ron91y indicates that the PLD is closely related to the physiological function of these organs, Furthermore, radiation stress could offer an important means to explore the phenomena covering from cell Proliferation to cell death on these organs.

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소적백출산(消積白朮散)이 항암효과(抗癌效果) 및 Cisplatin부작용(副作用) 감소(減少)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Jo, Jong-Gwan
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.255-272
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    • 1996
  • 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 ${\ll}$화제국방(和劑局方)${\gg}$에 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 정열해독약(淸熱解毒藥)인 와송(瓦松) 금은화(金銀花) 포공영(蒲公英)을 가미(加味)한 처방(處方)으로, 본방(本方)인 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)은 비위허약(脾胃虛弱), 음식부진(飮食不振), 다곤소력(多困少力) 중만비대(中滿痺臺), 심정기천(心柾氣喘), 구토(嘔吐), 설사(泄瀉), 상한해수(傷寒咳嗽)를 치료목적(治療目的)으로 쓰여 온 이래(以來) 임상에서는 대편부실(大便不實), 구설(久泄), 옹달궤후(癰疸潰後) 불사식자(不思食者)를 치료(治療)하는데 다용(多用)되어 왔다. 종양(腫瘍)(Neoplasia)은 새로운 성장(成長)(New+ Glowth) 이라는 세포학적(細胞學的)으로 비정상세포(非正常細胞)의 과다증식(過多增殖)으로 인해 실질장기(實質臟器), 유강장기(有腔腸器), 및 골격(骨格), 피부조직(皮膚組織)에 비정상조직(非正常組織)을 형성(形成)하는 질환(疾患)이다. 현대적(現代的) 종양(腫瘍)과 유사(類似)한 한의학적(韓醫學的)인 병증(病症)은 ${\ll}$소문(素問)${\gg}$에서는 "궐산(厥疝), 복량(伏梁), 식적(息積)"으로 ${\ll}$영추(靈樞)${\gg}$에서는 "장담(腸覃), 석가"로 표시(表示)된 이후(以後)로 소원방(巢元方)은 징가, 식일, 석옹(石癰), 완저(緩疽), 석저(石疽) 등으로 표현(表現)하였다. 원인(原因)에 대(對)해서는 ${\ll}$내경(內經)${\gg}$에서는 허(虛)와 한기(寒氣), 한(寒) 열(熱)로 보았고, 그 외(外)의 학자(學者)들은 내허(內虛)와 기혈불순(氣血不順), 화(火), 한(寒), 기울(氣鬱), 음양불화(陰陽不和)등으로 보았다. 치료(治療)는 ${\ll}$내경(內經) 자법론(刺法論)${\gg}$에서 "정기재내(正氣在內) 사불가우(邪不可于)" 이라 하여 생명활동(生命活動)의 원동력(原動力)인 정기(正氣)의 역할(役割)을 강조(强調)하였고, ${\ll}$육원정기대론(六元正氣大論)${\gg}$에서는 "대적대취(大積大聚) 불가범야(不可犯也) 쇠기태반이지(衰其太半而止)"라 하여 공벌약(攻伐藥)을 과용(過用)하여 정기(正氣)를 손상(損傷)시켜서는 안된다고 하는 등 부정위주(扶正爲主), 거사위주(祛邪爲主) 혹은 부정거사(扶正祛邪) 겸용(兼用)의 방법(方法)이 혼용(混用)되고 있다. 현대(現代) 서양의학(西洋醫學)의 항암제(抗癌劑)는 치료효과(治療效果)는 우수(優秀)하지만 악심(惡心), 구토(嘔吐)를 비롯하여 골수억제효과(骨髓抑制效果)와 간(肝), 심(心), 신(腎), 폐(肺)의 손상(損傷)을 초래(招來)하는 등(等)의 부작용(副作用)을 나타내며, 빈번(頻繁)한 화학요법제(化學療法劑)의 투여(投與)로 인(因)한 암세포(癌細胞)의 약제저항성(藥劑抵抗性) 출현(出現)등이 항암제(抗癌劑)의 문제점(問題點)으로 제시(提示)되고 있다. 이에 저자(著者)는 비위기능(脾胃機能)을 강화(强化)시켜 정기형성(正氣形成)에 깊이 관여(關與)하는 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 청열해독(淸熱解毒), 소종산결지제(消腫散結之劑)인 금은화(金銀花), 포공영(浦公英), 와송(瓦松)을 가미(加味)하여 암발생(癌發生) 백서(白鼠)에 투약(投藥)한 후(後) sarcoma 180암세포(癌細胞)에 대(對)한 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)와 항암제(劑)의 일종(一種)인 cis-platin을 이용(利用)하여 양방항암제(洋方抗癌劑)의 부작용(副作用)에 대(對)한 본(本) 방(方)의 효과(效果)를 실험(實驗)하여 관찰(觀察)하였던 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 sarcoma 180 암세포(癌細胞) 이식종양(移植腫瘍)에 대(對)해 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 2. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 치암제(治癌劑)인 cis-platin 치사독성(致死毒性)에 대(對)해 생존연장효과(生存延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 3. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 생쥐 및 흰쥐에 있어서 유의성(有意性) 있는 체중감소억제효과(體重減少抑制效果) 및 serum BUN 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 4. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(賢毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 유의성(有意性) 있는 serum creatinine 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 나타났으며, cis-platin의 혈액학적(血液學的) 부작용(副作用)인 RBC, WBC 감소(減少)에 대(對)해 감소억제효과(減少抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 5. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 뇨량감소억제(尿量減少抑制) 효과(效果) 및 ureanitrogen과 creatinine 배수감소억제효과가 관찰(觀察)되었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로부터 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 악성종양치료(惡性腫瘍治療) 및 항암제(劑)의 부작용(副作用)을 경감(輕減)시키는 데 응용(應用)할 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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A Case of Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis associated with Central Diabetes Insipidus in Adult -A case report - (성인에서 발견된 중추성 요붕증이 합병된 폐 랑게르한스 세포 조직구증 -1예 보고-)

  • Yoo Byung Su;Lee Jae Woong;Jo Tae Jun;Hong Ki Woo;Kim Kun Il;Lee Weon Yong;Kim Dong Gyu;Jun Sun Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.12 s.257
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    • pp.866-869
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    • 2005
  • Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is a pathologic proliferation and infiltration of various organs by Langerhans' cells of unknown cause. Incidence rate of one million parties 3$\∼$4 is seen in young child but the incidence is not sure in adult. Organ systems involved by LCH may include skin, ear, bone marrow, liver, spleen, lung, pituitary gland - hypothalamus and Gl tracts. In case pituitary-hypothalamus axis are involved, diabetes insipidus happened. Primary Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis(PLCH) with uninvolvement of other organs is rare and accompanied diabetes insipidus is more rare. There are many cases of LCH with diabetes insipidus involve such as central nervous system except lung. PLCH accompany central diabetes insipidus is only 1 case. We report a case of PLCH that accompany central diabetes insipidus with literature investigation in Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Hallym University.

Effect of Steam Distillates Prepared from Herbal Medicines on Immunostimulating Activity (생약으로부터 조제된 수증기 증류물의 면역활성)

  • 이창호;김인호;김영언;김용조;황종현;유광원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.626-632
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    • 2004
  • Of hot- water extracts prepared from 30 kinds of herbal medicines, Acanthopanax senticosus (75.6% inhibition of control), Atractylodes macrocephale (71.3%), Panax ginseng (70.0%), Glycyrrhiza uralensis (66.3%) and Angelica acutiloba (63.1%) showed the potent tumor metastasis inhibition activity against colon 26-M3.1 lung carcinoma at 2.5 mg/kg body weight, whereas the other extracts had a little activity, except for Pueraria thunbergiana (58.6%) and C. leticulata (54.9%) having the intermediate activity. We also found that Citrus leticulata (1.80-fold of control), A. macrocephale (1.73-fold), A. senticosus and G. uralensis (1.64-fold) enhanced on Peyer's patch cells mediated-hematopoietic response at 100 $\mu\textrm{g}$/mL. In addition, these active herbal medicines were prepared into steam distillates to improve the food rheology as beverage, and to remove the inactive components. Among these steam distillates, A. macrocephale, G. uralensis and A. senticosus showed the significant tumor metastasis inhibition activity at 2.5 mg/kg body weight (58.7%, 50.3% and 41.9%, respectively), and A. macrocephale had the potent activity even at 0,25 mg/kg body weight (49.7%). In treatments of steam distillates with Peyer's patch cells, A. macrocephale and A. senticosus significantly increased the bone marrow cell proliferation even at 10 $\mu\textrm{g}$/mL (1.49- and 1.28-fold of control). Although steam distillates had lower activity than hot-water extracts, herbal medicines, such as A. macrocephale and A. senticosus, showed the high immunostimulating activity in hot-water extracts as well as steam distillates. Therefore, these results assumed the possibility that steam distillates from herbal medicines might be utilized to food industry for beverage.

Signal Transduction Factors on the Modulation of Radiosusceptibility in K562 Cells (K562 세포의 방사선 감수성 변화에 영향을 미치는 신호전달인자)

  • Yang Kwang Mo;Youn Seon-Min;Jeong Soo-Jin;Jang Ji-Yeon;Jo Wol-Soom;Do Chang-Ho;Yoo Y대-Jin;Shin Young-Cheol;Lee Hyung Sik;Hur Won Joo;Lim Young-Jin;Jeong Min-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line, K562, expresses the chimeric bcr-abl oncoprotein, whose deregulated protein tyrosine kinase activity antagonizes via DNA damaging agents. Previous experiments have shown that nanomolar concentrations of herbimycin A (HWA) coupled with X-irradiation have a synergistic effect in inducing apoptosis in the Ph-positive K562 leukemia cell line, but genistein, a PTK inhibitor, is non selective for the radiation-induced apoptosils on $p210^{bcr/abl}$ protected K562 cells. In these experiments, the cytoplasmic signal transduction pathways, the Induction on a number of transcription factors and the differential gene expression in this model were investigated. Materials and Methids: K562 cells in the exponential growth phase were used in this study. The cells were irradiated with 0.5-12 Gy, using a 6 Mev Linac (Clinac 1800, Varian, USA). Immediately after irradiation, the cells were treated with $0.25/muM$ of HMA and $25/muM$ of genistein, and the expressions and the activities of abl kinase, MAPK family, NF- kB, c-fos, c-myc, and thymidine kinase1 (TK1) were examined. The differential gene expressions induced by PTK inhibitors were also investigated. Results: The modulating effects of herbimycin A and genistein on the radiosensitivity of K562 cells were not related to the bcr-abl kinase activity. The signaling responses through the MAPK family of proteins, were not involved either in association with the radiation-induced apoptosis, which is accelerated by HMA, the expression of c-myc was increased. The combined treatment of genistein, with irradiation, enhanced NF- kB activity and the TK1 expression and activity. Conclusion: The effects of HMA and genistein on the radiosensitivity on the K562 cells were not related to the bcr-abl kinase activity in this study, another signaling pathway, besides the WAPK family responses to radiation to K562 cells, was found. Further evaluation using this model will provide valuable information for the optional radiosensitization or radioprotection.

Hemopoietic and Radioprotective Effects of Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.;蔘茸扶正湯) (삼용부정탕(蔘茸扶正湯)의 방사선(放射線) 조사(照射)로 손상(損傷)된 조직(組織) 회부(恢復) 및 조혈촉진(造血促進) 효과(效果))

  • Kim, Jeong-Su;Choe, Seung-Hun;An, Gyu-Seok
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.129-147
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    • 1997
  • Radiotherapy is an irreplaceable method of cancer treatment. But it has several side effects, especially damages to the hemopoietic and Immune system. Therefore radioprotectors are required to treat cancer successfully. A lot of Herbs and Herbal prescriptions are reported to have radioprotective effects. Above all, those to support the healthy energy and strengthen the body resistance are found more effective. This study was performed to evaluate the radioprotective effects of prescription Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.), which consists of 16 kinds of herbs. We investigated proliferation of murine splenocytes, secretion of colony-stimulating-factors(CSFs), immunocompetence after irradiation in-vitro, and Endogenous spleen colony assay, survival assay in-vivo. When splenocytes were cultured with Shenrong Fuzheng $Tang(S.F.T.)(500{\mu}g/ml)$, proliferation was enhanced 5.7 times compared to control cultured with medium alone(p<0.05) and, showed highest proliferation at 4th day after incubation. In order to evaluate stimulation of hemopoiesis of Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.), the supernatant of splenocytes cultured with optimal concentration of Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) was used to measure CSFs secretion. The result showed enhanced secretion of colony-stimulating-factors (CSFs) compared to control(p<0.05). To evaluate the protective effect of lymphocytes from irradiation, proliferation of splenocytes stimulated by LPS and ConA after incubation with Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) for 24h Prior to Irradiation$(1{\sim}3\;Gy)$ was measured. The results showed higher proliferation of Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) treated cells than that of non-treated cells. And percentage increases of irradiated splenocytes per non-irradiated splenocytes were also higher in Shenrong Fuzheng Tang (S.F.T.)-treated cells than control. Endogenous spleen colony assay. to evaluate the protection of hemopoietic cells from irradiation, showed increased number of colonies(p=0.03) in Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) treated murine spleen$(10.3{\pm}1.9)$ compared to non-treated murine spleen$(3.4{\pm}0.8)$. Survival time of mice irradiated with lethal dose of ${\gamma}-ray(9Gy)$ was prolonged in Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) treated group prior to irradiation as compared to non-treated group. According to these results we can suggest that prescription Shenrong Fuzheng Tang(S.F.T.) has radioprotective effects and can be used to protect the hemopoietic and immune system from damages of anti-cancer radiotherapy.

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Immune Stimulation and Anti-Metastasis of Crude Polysaccharide from Submerged Culture of Hericium erinaceum in the Medium Supplemented with Korean Ginseng Extracts (수삼추출물 첨가 배지에서 배양된 노루궁뎅이버섯 균사체 심부발효물 조다당획분의 면역 및 암전이 억제활성)

  • Kim, Hoon;Park, Chang-Kyu;Jeong, Jae-Hyun;Jeong, Heon-Sang;Lee, Hyeon-Yong;Yu, Kwang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.1535-1542
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    • 2009
  • To find the new use of Korean ginseng and mushroom, crude polysaccharides were prepared from submerged cultures of Hericium erinaceum in the medium supplemented with Korean ginseng extracts. When we fractionated crude polysaccharides (HE-GE-CP-1, 3, and 5) from hot-water extracts of submerged cultures of H. erinaceum with ginseng extracts (1%, 3%, and 5% addition of total medium), the yields of HE-GE-CP-1, 3, and 5 were identified at 5.7, 5.1, and 4.8%, respectively. Among crude polysaccharide fractions, HE-GE-CP-5 was significantly higher (1.89-fold of the saline control) than those of HE-GE-CP-1 (1.64-fold) or HE-GE-CP-3 (1.76-fold) on mitogenic activity of splenocytes. HE-GE-CP-5 also had the more potent bone marrow cell proliferation (1.83-fold) rather than HE-CP or HE-GE-CP-1 or HE-GE-CP-3 (1.59- or 1.44- or 1.69-fold, respectively), and anti-metastatic activity as anti-cancer effect showed the highest prophylactic value (72.4% inhibition of tumor control) in 5% supplementation of ginseng extract. However, the lysosomal phosphatase of macrophage was significantly stimulated after HE-GE-CP-3 treatment (2.03-fold). In addition, the immunostimulating and anti-metastatic crude polysaccharide, HE-GE-CP-5, contained mainly neutral sugars (63.2%) with considerable amounts of uronic acid (19.3%) and a small amount of proteins (8.8%). HE-GE-CP-5 can stimulate immune system to inhibit tumor metastasis, and its anti-tumor metastasis may be associated with macrophages, splenocytes and Peyer's patch cells activation.

Usefulness of Serum Thymidine Kinase 1 as a Biomarker for Aggressive Clinical Behavior in B-cell Lymphoma (B세포림프종의 임상적 악성도 표지자로서 혈청 Thymidine Kinase 1의 유용성)

  • Kim, Heyjin;Kang, Hye Jin;Lee, Jin Kyung;Hong, Young Jun;Hong, Seok-Il;Chang, Yoon Hwan
    • Laboratory Medicine Online
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2016
  • Background: The cell cycle-dependent enzyme thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is known to increase during cancer cell proliferation and has been reported as a prognostic marker for various hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. This study aimed to determine the reference interval in Korean healthy controls and to evaluate the usefulness of TK1 as a biomarker for aggressive clinical behavior in B-cell lymphoma patients. Methods: We enrolled 72 previously untreated patients with B-cell lymphoma and 143 healthy controls. Serum TK1 levels were measured by chemiluminescence immunoassay ($Liaison^{(R)}$, DiaSorin, USA). We established the reference intervals in healthy controls. The diagnostic performance of serum TK1 was studied using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, and the correlation between the cutoff level for serum TK1 and clinical characteristics of B-cell lymphoma was evaluated. Results: The reference range (95th percentile) of serum TK1 in healthy controls was 5.4-21.8 U/L. There was a clear difference in TK1 levels between patients with B-cell lymphoma and healthy controls ($40.6{\pm}68.5$ vs. $11.8{\pm}4.4U/L$, P <0.001). The area under the curve of serum TK1 for the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma was 0.73 (cutoff, 15.2 U/L; sensitivity, 59.7%; specificity, 83.2%). An increased TK1 level (${\geq}15.2U/L$) correlated with the advanced clinical stage (P <0.001), bone marrow involvement (P =0.013), international prognostic index score (P =0.001), lactate dehydrogenase level (P =0.001), low Hb level (<12 g/dL) (P =0.028), and lymphocyte count (P =0.023). Conclusions: The serum TK1 level could serve as a useful biomarker for aggressive clinical behavior in B-cell lymphoma patients.