• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고온역

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Forest Stratification Effect of Air Temperature and Humidity in the Green Space (수림의 계층구조가 녹지내의 기온 및 습도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2003
  • For this study grasp coverage condition and forest stratification to various green space, observed air temperature and relative humidity. With this data, coverage condition and air temperature, relative humidity distribution, analyzed relationship of forest rate and air temperature or relative humidity, tree numbers and green volume and humidity by revolution analysis. In this result, higher none is formed artificiality and barren area, lower zone did fores and water area. Relative humidity have corresponding type of air temperature distribution. lower Tone was higher humidity. Different of Idlest type or water area, surround of forest showed relatively higher humidity. Increasing tree numbers or green volume effect higher humidity and this efficiency order of an arbor, subarbor, shrub.

Comparison Study of Air Temperature by Green Condition and Relative Humidity (녹지 조건에 따른 기온 및 상대습도의 비교연구)

  • 윤용한
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2001
  • We observed air temperature and relative humidity in the green space why this research graspes effect of climate relax by coverage condition and height difference tree in green space of the 4ha scale. With this data, analyzed relationship of coverage and air temperature or relative humidity distribution, number of tree and climate relax by revolution analysis. In this result, higher zone formed barren area, lower zone did forest and surround grassland. Relative humidity have corresponding type of air temperature distribution. higher air temperature zone was lower humidity and lower zone was higher humidity. Coverage condition effect climate relax by increasing forest and grassland. and increasing number of tree effect climate relax no related hight of tree. This efficiency order of an arbor, subarbor.

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Positive Study of How Green Zones in the City Effect the Relief of Micro-Climate Control (도시녹지가 미기상조절에 미치는 실증적 연구)

  • 윤용한
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2004
  • This study observed the temperature and humidity within the green zone to understand the effect that land coverage and the structure of forests have on the relief of micro-climate control. Based on this set of data, this study interpreted, through the regression analysis, the relevance of land coverage of the green zone with temperature and distribution of humidity, as well as the amount of green with the relief of microclimate control. The results of the study demonstrated that high temperature regions were formed in barren areas, and low temperature regions in forests or near the water. In particular, low temperature was found in areas covered with tall and small trees, the water surrounded by forests and areas enclosing small rivers. Furthermore, mechanisms causing low temperature were, among others, the ratio of land coverage (forest, grassland, water). In fact, the temperature reduction effect varied in accordance with the types and ratios of the land coverage. Humidity also showed a close correlation with the distribution of temperature high temperature areas had low humidity and low temperature areas had high humidity. Such a phenomenon.

A Study on the High Temperature Region Heat Transfer Coefficients for the Spray Cooling of Hot Flat Plates (평판 분무냉각 시의 고온역 열전달계수에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, D.H.;Oh, C.;Yoon, S.H.
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, experiments investigating the high-temperature region heat transfer coefficients for the spray cooling of hot flat plates were performed by down spray water using flat spray nozzles. The heat transfer surface is made of copper and is 100mm in length and 40mm in width and 15mm in thickness. The experimental condition of spray are as follows: temperatures of the water droplets are T=20~$80^{\circ}C$ and droplets volume fluxes are D=0.001565~0.010438$m^3/m^2s$. Next, correlating equations for the heat transfer characteristics of spray cooling in the high temperature region are developed from the effects of droplets volume flux and the surface temperature of heat transfer plate.

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A Study of Factors Influencing of Temperature according to the Land Cover and Planting Structure in the City Park - A Case Study of Central Park in Bundang-gu, Seongnam - (도시공원의 토지피복 및 식재구조에 따른 온도 영향요인 규명 연구 - 성남시 분당구 중앙공원을 사례로 -)

  • Ki, Kyong-Seok;Han, Bong-Ho;Hur, Ji-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.801-811
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how land cover and planting of an urban park influence temperature. Field research on the land cover and planting status was conducted for Bundang Central Park in Sungnam-si. 30 study plots in the site were selected to closely analyze land cover type and planting structure. The temperature was measured 10 times for each plot. Land coverage type, planting type, planting layer structure and green space area (the ratio of green coverage, GVZ) were chosen as factors impacting temperature and statistics were analyzed for the actual temperature measured. Analysis on how the land coverage type influences temperature showed that planting site had a low temperature and that grassland and paved land had a high temperature. When it comes to planting type, the temperature at the land planted with conifers and broad-leaved trees was low, while the temperature at grassland and paved land was high. With regard to planting layer structure, canopy and canopy-underplanting type showed low temperature, while grassland and paved land showed high temperature. An analysis on the relation between green space area and temperature found out that both ratio of green coverage and GVZ had a high level of negative correlation with the temperature measured. According to regression model of green space area and the temperature measured, for every 1% increase in the ratio of green coverage, temperature is expected to lower by $0.002^{\circ}C$. Also, for every $1m^3/m^2$ increase in GVZ, temperature is expected to go down by $0.122^{\circ}C$.

동해에서 쓰시마난류 분포역의 수온의 장ㆍ단기 변화

  • 이충일;조규대
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.135-136
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    • 2002
  • 동해는 지중해적 성격을 지닌 북서태평양의 연해이면서도 깊이가 약 200m 이천에 불과한 말은 대(쓰시마)해협으로 인하여, 동해의 남서부 해역의 상층부를 통한 고온, 고염의 쓰시마 난류수가 유입되고 있다. 동해에서 일어나는 해양학적 현상들은 외양의 축소형태를 나태내고 있다. 즉, 동한 난류는 서안경계류의 특성을 나타내고 있고, 북쪽의 저온 저염수와 남쪽의 고온, 고염수와의 경계역에서는 극전선이 형성되고 있다(Choi et. al., 1995). (중략)

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Study on Softening Characteristics of 9Cr-1Mo Steel Weldments for High Temperature and Pressure Vessels Application (고온고압장치 적용을 위한 9Cr-1Mo강 용접부의 연화특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이영호;이규천;윤의박;김기철
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 1992
  • 고온고압장치(High Temperature and Pressure Vessels)의 적용을 위한 기초연구로서 9Cr-1Mo강 용접부의 연화특성에 대하여 검토하였다. 9Cr-1Mo 강재에 Bead-on-Plate용접을 실시한 후, 용접부의 기계적 성질과 그 현미경조직관찰 및 미세경도를 측정한 결과, As-Welded 및 용접 후열처리(PWHT)등의 조건에 관계없이 용접열향부의 변태역과 템퍼링역의 경계에서 모재의 경 도보다 낮은 경도값(연화역)을 나타내었으며 이러한 원인은 결정립계(Grain boundary)에 석출 되는 탄화물의 형성에 의한 뜨임 현상임이 판명되었다.

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예열된 시험체를 사용한 고온가열하에서의 폴리머 시멘트 모르타르의 역학적 특성에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jun;Kim, Dong-Ik;Yun, Jun-Su;An, Byeong-Gwon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Fire Science and Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.04a
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    • pp.29-30
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    • 2013
  • 폴리머 시멘트 모르타르(Polymer-Modified Cement Mortar, 이하, PCM으로 칭함)는 일반 시멘트 모르타르와 비교해서 접착성, 치밀성, 내약품성, 시공성등이 우수한 재료로, 콘크리트 구조물의 보수 보강에 필수불가결한 재료로 인식되고 있다. 그러나, 혼입된 폴리머는 유기물 재료로, 화재와 같은 고온을 받는 경우에는 무기계 재료인 일반 모르타르 및 콘크리트와는 또 다른 고온역에서의 성상을 보일 것으로 예상된다. 이로 인해, PCM으로 보수 보강된 건축물에 화재가 발생할 경우, 고온에서의 안전성 및 화재 후의 보수 보강 필요성에 대한 평가를 행할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 평가시 기본적인 데이터로 활용될 수 있는 PCM의 고온노출시의 역학적 특성에 대한 검토방안으로, 기존의 실험조건 및 실험방법을 응용한 새로운 실험방법을 적용, 비교검토를 행하고, 고온영역에서의 PCM의 역학적 특성에 대해 고찰했다.

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Energy Exchanges and inversion Temperatures in Electron Emission at High Fields and Temperatures (고전장 고온도에서 전자방출의 에너지 교환과 역온도)

  • 정문성;김일원;최점수;박지모
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1994
  • 전자방출에서 에너지 교환과 역온도를 새롭게 계산하였다. 전자방출에서 대체전자들에 유용한 빈상태들을 만드는 요소로 터널링 효과를 이 계산에서 고려하였다. 그것은 방출부분에서 일어나는 대체 관정을 설명하기 위해서는 빈상태를 만드는데 터널링 기여가 필수적이기 때문이다. 이렇게 계산하여 온 도와 전장의 함수로 얻어진전자당 에너지 교환은 실험결과와 잘 일치하였다. 또한 전장의 함수로 얻어 진 역온도도 실험치와 만족할 만한 일치를 보여주었다. 이 결과는 대체전자들의 평균에너지에 대한 노 팅햄-플레밍과 헨더슨의 논쟁에서 후자의 견해를 지지하는 것이다.

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Temperature Lowering Effects Varied by the Arrangement and Types of Vegetation (녹지의 배치와 식재형태가 열환경저감효과에 미치는 영향)

  • 윤용한
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2003
  • Temperature lowering effects varied by the arrangement and types of vegetation The effects of the arrangement and types of vegetation on lowering temperature have shown following results. 1) The temperature range of a vegetation shows that a higher temperature was recorded near urban towns while lower temperature was observed around the vegetation area and small streams. 2) The relationship between the arrangement of a vegetation and the temperature indicates that the lower temperature area matches with each vegetation area. Streets between vegetations and the lower end of the wind area have also lower temperature. 3) The relationship between inter-vegetationstreets and the temperature indicates that the lower temperature area has been observed not only at the streets of the lower end of the wind but at the streets in-between streets as well. Even when there's no vegetation area from which the wind blows, inter-vegetation streets showed the lower temperature. 4) With land coverage ratio and the temperature, the increase of planted areas, grass areas, and water level have positive effects on lowering the temperature while bare areas increase it. 5) From arbor to sub-arbor, the increase of trees has a significant effect on lowering the temperature of nearby area.