• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고속도로 기본구간

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Analyses on Sunshine Influence and Surface Freezing Section of Road using GIS (GIS를 이용한 도로의 일조영향 및 노면결빙구간 분석)

  • Lee Hyung Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2005
  • In case of the roads that pass the mountain area, the cut sections or the tunnels are constructed. And In winter season it appears sunshine few in the specific segment, the shade is continued last and the freezing sections occur. So, the attention is necessary in traffic safety. This study was to evaluate the influence of sunshine and surface freezing sections expected in route plans of roads using GIS and makes alternative ideas in road stability security. After selecting 29 km sections of Donghae highway and creating a 3 dimensional terrain surface through the digital conversion of design plan data, it reflects the road alignment data of the same coordinates and a 3 dimensional road modeling is created. It set shadow time of road surface for the solar trace in the winter solstice in 20 minute interval. Shade areas are displayed and inputed in polygon data by manual vertorizing. Graphic and attribute data of this shade section is constructed in geodatabase of ArcCatalog. And it extracted the freezing section using intersect fuction of the GIS spatial analysis. By analyzing the winter meteorological data of temperature, rainfall, snowfall, humidity, and etc. and grasping dangerous freezing section of the road surface effectively, it will be able to make alternative ideas of the preliminary stability evaluation reflected in basic design.

Evaluation of Technical Feasibility for Vehicle Classification Using Inductive Loop Detectors on Freeways (고속도로 루프검지기를 이용한 차종분류 기법 평가)

  • Park, Joon-Hyeong;Kim, Tae-Jin;Oh, Cheol
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2009
  • This study presents a useful heuristic algorithm to classify vehicle classes using vehicle length information, which is extracted from inductive loop vehicle signatures. A high-speed scanning equipment was used to extract more detailed change of inductance magnitude for individual vehicles. Vehicle detection time and individual vehicle speeds were used to derive vehicle length information that is an input of the proposed algorithm. The spatial and temporal transferability tests were further conducted to evaluate algorithm. The spatial and temporal transferability tests were further conducted to evaluate algorithm performance more systematically. It is expected that the proposed method would be useful for obtaining vehicle classification information from wide-spread existing loop infrastructure.

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Changes in Emissions of Highway Sections according to the GHG Reduction Target (온실가스 감축목표에 따른 고속도로 구간 배출량 변화 연구)

  • Choi, Seonghun;Chang, Hyunho;Yoon, Byungjo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.849-856
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Greenhouse gases are one of the major causes of global warming, a global disaster. It aims to improve how effective the GHG reduction policy, which is the main cause of global warming in the transportation sector, has been effective on the highway and how to calculate GHG emissions. Method: Using the DSRC raw data, we estimate the emissions of Namhae Expressway (Yeongam-Suncheon) from 2017 to 2019 in two ways, a macro method (conventional) and a micro method (individual vehicle). Result: As a result of calculating the emission of the highway, the result was far exceeding the estimated emission, and it was found that when the calculation was performed for each vehicle, it was underestimated by more than 20%. Conclusion: If more emissions are continuously emitted than expected in the current transportation sector, additional emission reduction policies are needed to achieve the current greenhouse gas reduction targets. In addition, in the calculation of emissions, which is the basis of this policy, analysis was conducted for each individual vehicle using the current DSRC raw data, but using GPS afterwards will enable precise emission calculation through a more microscopic analysis.

Developing a Traffic Accident Prediction Model for Freeways (고속도로 본선에서의 교통사고 예측모형 개발)

  • Mun, Sung-Ra;Lee, Young-Ihn;Lee, Soo-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2012
  • Accident prediction models have been utilized to predict accident possibilities in existing or projected freeways and to evaluate programs or policies for improving safety. In this study, a traffic accident prediction model for freeways was developed for the above purposes. When selecting variables for the model, the highest priority was on the ease of both collecting data and applying them into the model. The dependent variable was set as the number of total accidents and the number of accidents including casualties in the unit of IC(or JCT). As a result, two models were developed; the overall accident model and the casualty-related accident model. The error structure adjusted to each model was the negative binomial distribution and the Poisson distribution, respectively. Among the two models, a more appropriate model was selected by statistical estimation. Major nine national freeways were selected and five-year dada of 2003~2007 were utilized. Explanatory variables should take on either a predictable value such as traffic volumes or a fixed value with respect to geometric conditions. As a result of the Maximum Likelihood estimation, significant variables of the overall accident model were found to be the link length between ICs(or JCTs), the daily volumes(AADT), and the ratio of bus volume to the number of curved segments between ICs(or JCTs). For the casualty-related accident model, the link length between ICs(or JCTs), the daily volumes(AADT), and the ratio of bus volumes had a significant impact on the accident. The likelihood ratio test was conducted to verify the spatial and temporal transferability for estimated parameters of each model. It was found that the overall accident model could be transferred only to the road with four or more than six lanes. On the other hand, the casualty-related accident model was transferrable to every road and every time period. In conclusion, the model developed in this study was able to be extended to various applications to establish future plans and evaluate policies.

Parameter Estimation & Validation of Volume-delay Function based on Traffic Survey Data (교통조사를 통한 도로통행비용함수 구축 및 검증)

  • Kim, Ju-Yeong;Chu, Sang-Ho;Gang, Min-Gu;Heo, Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2010
  • VDF(volume-delay function) is one of the most important factor to improve the reliability of traffic demand estimation because it is for estimation of link travel time based on the traffic volume variation. Because VDF of link except for freeway is applied as the parameter of BPR(bureau of public road) of U.S., it causes to deteriorate the accuracy of traffic demand estimation. The purpose of this paper is to establish new parameter of VDF based on the real-surveyed traffic data in order to improve the problem of the existing VDF. We suggest the reclassification of road hierarchy, the approach of traffic survey, the estimating method of VDF parameter, and the improvements of new VDF application. The new VDF allows us to estimate more realistic traffic situation in parts of demand, travel time and path between origin-destination.

Analyzing Relationship between Road Traffic Flows and Noise Trend using Korea Highway Traffic Noise Model (KHTN을 이용한 교통류 특성과 교통소음추이 분석)

  • Choi, Yoon Hyuk;Kim, Cheol Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2012
  • Road traffic noise is closely related to road traffic environment, including traffic volumes by type and travel speed. In this study, we stated some issues and analyzed the relationships between road traffic noise and traffic flow characteristics. First, in attempt to find the answer to the question "When does the loudest traffic noise occur?" we reviewed the issue in the terms of traffic flow. As a result of analyzing level of service through Korea Highway Traffic Noise model, the actual maximum noise occurred in level of service D rather than level of service E, on the capacity state. It shows that maximum noise would be most likely to occur right before and after the peak hours. Second, this paper was looking for the method of a more easy and accurate traffic speed estimation to predict traffic noise. This paper proposed sketch planning techniques of speed-volume curve by level of service on Korea Highway Capacity Manual. As a result of trend line modeling, it was judged that quadratic form is a suitable function, and coefficient of determination ($R^2$) was higher than 0.96, respectively.

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Building up User-Oriented Road Planning and Design Schemes (국민참여형 도로계획의 수립방향)

  • Kim, Eung-Cheol;Kwon, Young-In;Yun, Seong-Soon;Kang, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.5 s.83
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • Roads deeply affect the life of people and keep doing an important role to support economic growth of a country. According to the budget plan of the ministry of construction and transportation of Korea, 8.1 trillion won have been allotted for road investment in the year of 2002 which occupy 61% of the transportation infrastructure special account (13.3 trillion won) and 4.7% of the total national budget (1,740 trillion won). It is true that services generated from road investment such as mobility enhancement and increased accessibility have shown positive effects through shortened travel time and decreased vehicle operating cost. However, it is also notable that many negative effects are gradually being discussed and those are nowadays getting severer due to enhanced people interests about road construction, increased concerns on environment and active public involvement that were evoked by traffic accidents, air pollution & noise and destruction of environment. Road construction processes in Korea are normally governed by administrative sectors (suppliers) not by users. These processes ate very weak to accomodate user s needs and community concerns thus easy to fail finalizing a road project without hassles. A public hearing process is supposed to be held in the processes of detailed design step and the environmental impact analysis. However, it is not enough to grab user's needs and community concerns. Increased public involvement frequencies, optimized public involvement timing and enhanced depth of public involvement magnitude are suggested to improve the current poor public involvement schemes in road planning and design processes. The application of these recommended methods to the road planning and design processes may guarantee the change from the current supplier-oriented schemes to the new user-oriented one. Also, this study suggests to reset objectivity and clarity of road construction process, to make conciliation guidelines based on many practical cases that produced good results, to introduce public involvement techniques in a stepwise basis, and to foster the professionals via education and training programs.