• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고도계 방법

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Using Image Analysis Technique to Test Grain Hardness in Wheat (주상분석법을 이용한 밀의 경.연질성 구분)

  • 박동수;고종민;서득용;김경민;손재근
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 1997
  • The development of new approaches for wheat grain hardness assessment may impact the grain industry in marketing, milling and breeding. This experiment was to develop a new method for fast identification between softness and hardness, and for maintaining germinability of seed after measurement in wheat. Results from the comparisons of accuracy and significance between image analysis and conventional methods(NIRS and textrometer) were summarized. Data obatined from image analysis for grain hardness did not show any difference from those of the conventional methods. The protein content analyzed by micro-Kjeldahl method was significantly correlated with the grain hardness measured by image analysis, textrometer, and NIRS. The analysis for wheat grain hardness using image analysis may be used as an alternative method to the conventional methods. This method also takes the seeds after analysis can be utilized as breeding materials in early generations.

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Precise Geoid Calculation Using Shipborne Gravity Data of the Mid-Yellow Sea Around KOREA (해상중력자료를 이용한 서해 중부해역의 정밀지오이드 산정)

  • 최윤수;박병욱;최광선;김진섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.383-388
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    • 2002
  • This study suggests a data processing method for precise geoid height calculation through sea gravity data of mid-Yellow Sea provided by Haeyang 2000 and satellite altimetry data and the EGM96 geopotential model from GSFC/DMA in USA. Also it compared sea gravity data with satellite altimetry gravity data. As a result, precise geoidal undulation of the mid-Yellow Sea presented from calculating and integrating EGM96 geopotential model in degree and order 167 and a relative geoid by integral radius of 27km respectively It has a mean value of 18.339m, varying from 13.564m to 22.785m. the comparison between sea gravity data and satellite altimetry data shows that the former is more precise than the latter, which showed an anomaly of 0.56m0Gal and RMSE of 4.195m.

Development of Unwrapped InSAR Phase to Height Conversion Algorithm (레이더 간섭위상의 정밀고도변환 알고리즘 개선)

  • Kim, Sang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2012
  • The InSAR (Interferometric SAR) processing steps for DEM generation consist of the coregistration of two SAR data, interferogram generation, phase filtering, phase unwrapping, phase to height conversion, and geocoding, etc. In this study, we developed the precise algorithm for phase to height conversion, including the ambiguity method taking into account Earth ellipsoid, Schw$\ddot{a}$visch method, and the refined ambiguity method suitable for the interferometric pair with non-parallel obit. From the testing with JERS-1 orbit we found that the height error by traditional ambiguity method reaches to about 40 m during phase to height conversion. The proposed methods are very useful in generating precise InSAR DEM;especially in the case of using non-parallel InSAR pair due to unstable orbit control such as JERS-1 or intentional orbit control such as Cross-InSAR pair between ERS2 and ENVISAT satellite.

Target Altitude Extraction for Multibeam Surveillance Radar in Normal Environmental Condition (정상 환경 상태에서 다중 빔 탐색 레이다의 표적 고도 추출)

  • Chung, Myung-Soo;Park, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.1090-1097
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    • 2007
  • The multibeam surveillance radar is a state-of art of 3D radar technology. It applies the stacked beam-on-received realized by a digital beamformer. In this paper, a design concept of beamformer and a method of target altitude extraction for multibeam surveillance radar in the normal environmental condition considering no multipath situations are proposed and investigated. The extraction algorithm based on antenna sine space coordinated system in a FFT digital beamformer is described. The proposed algorithm is simulated by 1 look-up table data and confirmed to have consistent results in accordance with a variety of target altitudes and a full radar frequency range.

Spike Rejection Method for Improving Altitude Control Performance of Quadrotor UAV Using Ultrasonic Rangefinder (초음파 거리계를 이용하는 쿼드로터 무인항공기의 고도 제어 성능 향상을 위한 스파이크 제거 기법)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Choi, Kyeung-Sik;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.196-202
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a stationary wavelet transform method is proposed for improving the altitude control performance of quadrotor UAV using an ultrasonic rangefinder. A ground tests are conducted using an ultrasonic rangefinder that is much used for vertical takeoff and landing. An ultrasonic rangefinder suffers from signal's spike due to specular reflectance and acoustic noise. The occurred spikes in short time span need to be analyzed at both sides time and frequency domain. It was known that stationary wavelet transform is the transferring solution to the problem occurred by down sampling from DWT also more efficient to remove noise than DWT. The analyzed spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder using a stationary wavelet transform and experimental results show that it can effectively remove the spikes of the ultrasonic rangefinder.

Techniques for Characterizing Surface Deterioration of Epoxy Exposed to Ozone Damage (오존에 노출된 에폭시 코팅재의 표면 열화특성 평가기술)

  • Choi, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2014
  • New technologies for water purification are continuously emerging to address global water quality problems, and one such technology involves advanced hermetic water purification facilities made by concrete that utilize ozone treatment processes. Better knowledge about surface deterioration of epoxy coating exposed to ozone treatment is needed as a foundation for development of improved methods and materials in the future. This study utilized atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation methods, and existing indirect methods such as visual observation, changes in mass, surface observation and chrominance analysis, to evaluate epoxy water-resistance and anti-corrosiveness. This study considered six different epoxy formulations to assess typical degradation characteristics of epoxy surfaces with regard to water-resistance/anti-corrosiveness. AFM and nanoindentation techniques emerged as promising direct methods with potential to provide quantitative measures of surface quality that are improvements upon existing indirect methods. The experiments also confirmed that some of the epoxy-coatings were severely iMPacted by ozone exposure, and thus the results demonstrate that concern about such deterioration is justified.

Detection of Arctic Summer Melt Ponds Using ICESat-2 Altimetry Data (ICESat-2 고도계 자료를 활용한 여름철 북극 융빙호 탐지)

  • Han, Daehyeon;Kim, Young Jun;Jung, Sihun;Sim, Seongmun;Kim, Woohyeok;Jang, Eunna;Im, Jungho;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1177-1186
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    • 2021
  • As the Arctic melt ponds play an important role in determining the interannual variation of the sea ice extent and changes in the Arctic environment, it is crucial to monitor the Arctic melt ponds with high accuracy. Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which is the NASA's latest altimeter satellite based on the green laser (532 nm), observes the global surface elevation. When compared to the CryoSat-2 altimetry satellite whose along-track resolution is 250 m, ICESat-2 is highly expected to provide much more detailed information about Arctic melt ponds thanks to its high along-track resolution of 70 cm. The basic products of ICESat-2 are the surface height and the number of reflected photons. To aggregate the neighboring information of a specific ICESat-2 photon, the segments of photons with 10 m length were used. The standard deviation of the height and the total number of photons were calculated for each segment. As the melt ponds have the smoother surface than the sea ice, the lower variation of the height over melt ponds can make the melt ponds distinguished from the sea ice. When the melt ponds were extracted, the number of photons per segment was used to classify the melt ponds covered with open-water and specular ice. As photons are much more absorbed in the water-covered melt pondsthan the melt ponds with the specular ice, the number of photons persegment can distinguish the water- and ice-covered ponds. As a result, the suggested melt pond detection method was able to classify the sea ice, water-covered melt ponds, and ice-covered melt ponds. A qualitative analysis was conducted using the Sentinel-2 optical imagery. The suggested method successfully classified the water- and ice-covered ponds which were difficult to distinguish with Sentinel-2 optical images. Lastly, the pros and cons of the melt pond detection using satellite altimetry and optical images were discussed.

Monitoring of water surface area change of reservoir for Korean peninsula using multiple satellite remote sensing data (다중 위성 원격탐사 자료를 활용한 한반도 지역 저수 면적 추적)

  • Young-Joo Kwon;Ho Minh Tam Nguyen;Hyungjun Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.52-52
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    • 2023
  • 저수지는 기존의 육상 수지에 직접적인 영향 뿐 만 아니라 수체가 육상에 머무르는 시간을 늘려 수온 및 수질에는 영향을 미친다. 이들이 환경 및 지역 기후 변화에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 주요인자로 기후 변화에 미치는 긍정적, 부정적 효과와 함께 중요성이 더 증대되고 있다. 위성 원격탐사는 북한 지역 등과 같은 현장 관측 자료의 수집이 어려운 지역을 포함한 전 지구 규모에서 저수량 변화를 추정하는데 유용한 자료를 제공한다. 우리는 광학 위성 (Landsat-8/9)과 능동형 마이크로파 위성 (Sentinel-1)를 활용해 한반도 지역에 분포하고 있는 저수지의 수체 면적을 산출하기 위해 2020년부터 2022년까지 자료를 수집했다. 저수지 표면적 산출은 전통적인 NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) 및 후방산란계수 (𝜎0)에 multi-Otsu 방법을 적용하여 이진화 영상을 얻는 방식을 이용했다. 여전히 남아있는 과탐지 영역은 최대 표면적 영상과 상대 비교를 통해 제거했다. Landsat과 Sentinel-1 위성 원격 탐사 자료 기반 저수지 표면적은 높은 유사성이 있었고, 현장 및 위성 고도계 자료 기반 수면 고도 변화와 높은 관계성를 보여주었다. 실험을 통해 위성 원격탐사 자료를 활용한 한반도 지역 저수지의 저수량 변화을 추정했으며, 현장 관측자료와 비교했다. 이 추정 기술은 전 지구 저수지 및 호수로 확장할 수 있으며, 수문 모델의 검증자료 등으로 활용될 수 있다.

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박막 변형거울(Membrane Deformable Mirror)을 이용한 파면 보정에 관한 연구

  • Na, Ja-Kyung;Ko, Do-Kyung;Lee, Yu;Cha, Byeong-Heon
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.32-32
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    • 2004
  • 변형거울은 적응광학계(Adaptive Optics System)에서 파면 측정 센서와 더불어 중요한 장치로서 왜곡된 파면을 보정하는 역할을 한다. 이 실험에서는 저가의 박막 변형거울을 이용한 파면 보정 방법을 연구하였다. 박막거울의 변형은 알루미늄으로 코팅된 박막과 37개의 제어 전극에 각각 바이어스 전압과 제어전압을 가함으로서 이루어졌다. 박막거울에서 나타나는 바이어스 전압에 의한 경면의 초기 오목 변형은 수동 변형 거울 (MDM)을 사용해서 0.1 wave 이내로 보정할 수 있었다. (중략)

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A Geomorphic Surface Analysis Using Remote Sensing in DMZ of Chugaryeong Rift Valley, Central Korea (위성영상을 이용한 추가령열곡 DMZ 지역의 지형면 분석)

  • LEE, Min-Boo
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2010
  • This paper deals with the classification and distribution of geomorphic surfaces and analysis on effects of geomorphic processes on the landforms in the inaccessable DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) to Wonsan Bay of East Sea coast of Chugaryeong Rift Valley, Central Korea. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and Landsat images are used for the above anlaysis. The geomorphic surfaces are classified by TPI (Topographical Position Index) for the analysis of the convexity and concavity calculated using topographical elements such as elevation, steepness, and relief. In the Chugayreong Valley, 10 geomorphic surfaces are classified as steep valley, shallow valley, upland drainage, U-shaped valley, plain, open slope, upper slope, local ridge, midslope ridge, and high ridge. Zonal Statistics presents average characteristics of geomorphological processes of surfaces by the relationships between bedrock and relief, surface and relief, and between surface and NDVI. So, these analysis can help to understand geomorphological process such as dissection of lava plateau and watershed divide evolution.