• Title/Summary/Keyword: 고객 데이터베이스

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The need for the development of conversion program of distribution facilities on the New Distribution Information System to GRS80 Datum (NDIS 배전설비 세계측지계 전환 프로그램 개발의 필요성)

  • Park, Young-Sung;Yi, Sue-Muk;Lee, Suk-Beom
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.402-403
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    • 2008
  • 한전의 신배전정보시스템(NDIS)은 지리정보시스템(GIS)을 활용하여 전국에 시설되어 있는 방대한 배전설비를 데이터베이스로 구축한 후 배전계획, 배전설계, 공사관리, 준공정산, 자산취득, 유지보수 등 배전분야 전반의 업무를 수행하고 고객정보시스템과 연계하여 영업업무를 지원하는 시스템으로 저압공급방안검토, 고압계통분석, 보호협조검토, Simulation 등 배전분야에서 필요한 다양한 기술지원 기능과 경제적인 투자계획, 효율적인 유지보수 등을 위한 배전통계 및 자원정보 등 장기적 관점의 경영정보 인프라를 구축하여 배전설계에서 준공까지 업무흐름 표준화, 업무처리 절차, 방법 등을 시스템에서 자동 지원토록하여 반복적인 배전정보 관리업무의 정확도 향상을 목적으로 만들어진 시스템이다. 신배전 정보시스템의 배전설비는 모두 위치값을 가지고 있는데 지중배전설비는 위치에 대한 측량 및 탐사를 시행하여 신배전정보시스템에 DB입력하여 사용하고 있으며 이 입력 좌표체계는 한정된 일부지역에서만 사용할 수 있는 동경측지계를 사용하고 있다. 2010년 부터는 이동 경측지계를 전 세계적으로 GPS측량값을 그대로 적용할 수 있는 세계 측지계로 사용토록 측량법에 명시되어 있어 신배전정보시스템의 배전설비를 전환 프로그램을 개발하여 전환하고자 한다.

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A design and implementation about the administration system for regional information management (지역 정보 관리를 위한 관리자 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Nam-Sup;Rhee, Yoon-Jung;Hyun, Eun-Sil;Kim, Jung-Bum;Kim, Tai-Yun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.829-832
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    • 2001
  • 지역 사업에 있어서 주문 배달 시스템은 고객의 편의 제공 및 Franchise의 수익 구조에 큰 영향을 준다. 주문 배달 시스템에 있어서 중요한 점은 다양하게 존재하는 지역 정보들을 효과적으로 이용하는데 있다고 할 것이다. 현재 국내 사이트에서 구축되어 있는 지역 정보 관리 시스템은 분리된 해당 지역 정보만 제공하고 있는 실정이다. 즉, 통합된 체계의 정보 서비스가 되지 않고 있는 실정이다. 전국의 모든 지역 정보 관리를 시행하는 사이트는 전무한 상태이다. 본 논문의 부 프로세스에서는 지역 사업을 하는 데 있어 필요로 하는 다양한 지역 정보를 데이터베이스화하고 그에 따라 여러 가지 형태의 UI(User Interface)를 제공하고, 또한 상점에서 사용하는 사용자 프로그램의 개발과 상점의 특성을 파악하여 그에 맞는 컨텐츠를 제공한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 부 프로세스의 개발의 기반 구조가 되는 관리자 시스템을 설계 및 구현한다. 즉, 지역 사업을 합에 있어 초기 데이터 구축 및 사업권 영역의 확장 및 관리라는 측면을 고려할 때 각 지역을 관리하게 될 MF(Master Franchise)와 F(Franchise)가 협력하여 현지의 현실감 있는 정보를 즉시적으로 반영하며 구축해 나갈 수 있는 관리자 시스템을 개발한다.

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A Study on the Identity of News in the Web (인터넷 신문 사이트의 Web Identity에 관한 연구)

  • 김윤경
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2001
  • A corporate identity is an expression of a company's personality and philosophy. From Trademarks to Letterheads, most of companies are eager to show up themselves to the audience. Nowadays the Web has quid(Iy emerged as the most influential communications media for the public. In aspects of this situation, traditional corporate identity program has to change to accord with the new media. Especially print media news has broaden their line to the Web, but most of them are lacking in the express their Identity, Therefore, it is an urgent problem to find their Identity on the Web site. In this paper, I am going to analyze the new aspects of identity in the news site on the web.

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Bibliometric Network Analysis on Supply Chain Risk Management Research (공급사슬 리스크 관리 연구동향 분석: 네트워크 분석을 중심으로)

  • Pyun, Jebum;Rha, Jin Sung
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2018
  • Recently, most firms have difficulties in predicting business context due to uncontrollable factors such as natural disasters, terrorism, social and political interests, as well as market factors such as rapid technological change, diversification of customer needs, and intensification of competition with competitors, thereby increasing the importance of risk management. The purpose of this study is to analyze trends of the risk management field concentrating on SCM, which is increasingly interested, and to identify key researches in this field and provide useful academic information. This study collected the information of the articles published in journals using the Scopus database, and analyzed both the network generated by keywords proposed in the articles and the network generated by the information for citations and co-authorship.

Study on Metadata to support the SaaSpia Platform (SaaSpia 플랫폼에서 메타데이타의 지원)

  • Ku, Kyong-I;Lee, Sang-Min;Won, Hee Sun;Hur, Sungjin
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.175-176
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    • 2010
  • SaaS 플랫폼은 메타데이타를 기반으로 사용자에게 다중 사용자 지원 및 용이한 환경 설정으로 다양한 사용자 요구를 충족시키려 하고 있다. 따라서, 여러 고객이 하나의 서비스 인스턴스를 공유하고, 데이터베이스 안의 정보를 각자 관리할 수 있어 서비스로서 애플리케이션의 비용을 절감할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 SaaS 플랫폼의 하나로 개발중인 SaaSpia 플랫폼에서 다중 사용자 지원 및 용이한 환경 설정을 위해 관리되어야 할 메타데이타를 알아보고, SaaSpia 애플리케이션에서 메타데이타 지원을 연구한다. SaaSpia 플랫폼에서 메타데이타는 일반 웹 애플리케이션을 SaaSpia 애플리케이션으로 변환하거나, 운용중인 SaaSpia 애플리케이션의 사용자별 설정 변경 시, 이용된다.

DDoS TCP Syn Flooding Backscatter Analysis Algorithm (DDoS TCP Syn Flooding Backscatter 분석 알고리즘)

  • Choi, Hee-Sik;Jun, Moon-Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, I will discuss how the Internet has spread rapidly in our lives. Large portals and social networks experience service attacks that access personal customers' databases. This interferes with normal service through DDoS (Distribute Denial of Service Attack), which is the topic I want to discuss. Among the types of DDoS, TCP SYN Flooding attacks are rarely found because they use few traffics and its attacking type is regular transaction. The purpose of this study is to find and suggest the method for accurate detection of the attacks. Through the analysis of TCP SYN Flooding attacks, we find that these attacks cause Backscatter effect. This study is about the algorithm which detects the attacks of TCP SYN Flooding by the study of Backscatter effect.

Design and Implementation of MongoDB-based Unstructured Log Processing System over Cloud Computing Environment (클라우드 환경에서 MongoDB 기반의 비정형 로그 처리 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Myoungjin;Han, Seungho;Cui, Yun;Lee, Hanku
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2013
  • Log data, which record the multitude of information created when operating computer systems, are utilized in many processes, from carrying out computer system inspection and process optimization to providing customized user optimization. In this paper, we propose a MongoDB-based unstructured log processing system in a cloud environment for processing the massive amount of log data of banks. Most of the log data generated during banking operations come from handling a client's business. Therefore, in order to gather, store, categorize, and analyze the log data generated while processing the client's business, a separate log data processing system needs to be established. However, the realization of flexible storage expansion functions for processing a massive amount of unstructured log data and executing a considerable number of functions to categorize and analyze the stored unstructured log data is difficult in existing computer environments. Thus, in this study, we use cloud computing technology to realize a cloud-based log data processing system for processing unstructured log data that are difficult to process using the existing computing infrastructure's analysis tools and management system. The proposed system uses the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud environment to provide a flexible expansion of computing resources and includes the ability to flexibly expand resources such as storage space and memory under conditions such as extended storage or rapid increase in log data. Moreover, to overcome the processing limits of the existing analysis tool when a real-time analysis of the aggregated unstructured log data is required, the proposed system includes a Hadoop-based analysis module for quick and reliable parallel-distributed processing of the massive amount of log data. Furthermore, because the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) stores data by generating copies of the block units of the aggregated log data, the proposed system offers automatic restore functions for the system to continually operate after it recovers from a malfunction. Finally, by establishing a distributed database using the NoSQL-based Mongo DB, the proposed system provides methods of effectively processing unstructured log data. Relational databases such as the MySQL databases have complex schemas that are inappropriate for processing unstructured log data. Further, strict schemas like those of relational databases cannot expand nodes in the case wherein the stored data are distributed to various nodes when the amount of data rapidly increases. NoSQL does not provide the complex computations that relational databases may provide but can easily expand the database through node dispersion when the amount of data increases rapidly; it is a non-relational database with an appropriate structure for processing unstructured data. The data models of the NoSQL are usually classified as Key-Value, column-oriented, and document-oriented types. Of these, the representative document-oriented data model, MongoDB, which has a free schema structure, is used in the proposed system. MongoDB is introduced to the proposed system because it makes it easy to process unstructured log data through a flexible schema structure, facilitates flexible node expansion when the amount of data is rapidly increasing, and provides an Auto-Sharding function that automatically expands storage. The proposed system is composed of a log collector module, a log graph generator module, a MongoDB module, a Hadoop-based analysis module, and a MySQL module. When the log data generated over the entire client business process of each bank are sent to the cloud server, the log collector module collects and classifies data according to the type of log data and distributes it to the MongoDB module and the MySQL module. The log graph generator module generates the results of the log analysis of the MongoDB module, Hadoop-based analysis module, and the MySQL module per analysis time and type of the aggregated log data, and provides them to the user through a web interface. Log data that require a real-time log data analysis are stored in the MySQL module and provided real-time by the log graph generator module. The aggregated log data per unit time are stored in the MongoDB module and plotted in a graph according to the user's various analysis conditions. The aggregated log data in the MongoDB module are parallel-distributed and processed by the Hadoop-based analysis module. A comparative evaluation is carried out against a log data processing system that uses only MySQL for inserting log data and estimating query performance; this evaluation proves the proposed system's superiority. Moreover, an optimal chunk size is confirmed through the log data insert performance evaluation of MongoDB for various chunk sizes.

Effects of firm strategies on customer acquisition of Software as a Service (SaaS) providers: A mediating and moderating role of SaaS technology maturity (SaaS 기업의 차별화 및 가격전략이 고객획득성과에 미치는 영향: SaaS 기술성숙도 수준의 매개효과 및 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Chae, SeongWook;Park, Sungbum
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2014
  • Firms today have sought management effectiveness and efficiency utilizing information technologies (IT). Numerous firms are outsourcing specific information systems functions to cope with their short of information resources or IT experts, or to reduce their capital cost. Recently, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) as a new type of information system has become one of the powerful outsourcing alternatives. SaaS is software deployed as a hosted and accessed over the internet. It is regarded as the idea of on-demand, pay-per-use, and utility computing and is now being applied to support the core competencies of clients in areas ranging from the individual productivity area to the vertical industry and e-commerce area. In this study, therefore, we seek to quantify the value that SaaS has on business performance by examining the relationships among firm strategies, SaaS technology maturity, and business performance of SaaS providers. We begin by drawing from prior literature on SaaS, technology maturity and firm strategy. SaaS technology maturity is classified into three different phases such as application service providing (ASP), Web-native application, and Web-service application. Firm strategies are manipulated by the low-cost strategy and differentiation strategy. Finally, we considered customer acquisition as a business performance. In this sense, specific objectives of this study are as follows. First, we examine the relationships between customer acquisition performance and both low-cost strategy and differentiation strategy of SaaS providers. Secondly, we investigate the mediating and moderating effects of SaaS technology maturity on those relationships. For this purpose, study collects data from the SaaS providers, and their line of applications registered in the database in CNK (Commerce net Korea) in Korea using a questionnaire method by the professional research institution. The unit of analysis in this study is the SBUs (strategic business unit) in the software provider. A total of 199 SBUs is used for analyzing and testing our hypotheses. With regards to the measurement of firm strategy, we take three measurement items for differentiation strategy such as the application uniqueness (referring an application aims to differentiate within just one or a small number of target industry), supply channel diversification (regarding whether SaaS vendor had diversified supply chain) as well as the number of specialized expertise and take two items for low cost strategy like subscription fee and initial set-up fee. We employ a hierarchical regression analysis technique for testing moderation effects of SaaS technology maturity and follow the Baron and Kenny's procedure for determining if firm strategies affect customer acquisition through technology maturity. Empirical results revealed that, firstly, when differentiation strategy is applied to attain business performance like customer acquisition, the effects of the strategy is moderated by the technology maturity level of SaaS providers. In other words, securing higher level of SaaS technology maturity is essential for higher business performance. For instance, given that firms implement application uniqueness or a distribution channel diversification as a differentiation strategy, they can acquire more customers when their level of SaaS technology maturity is higher rather than lower. Secondly, results indicate that pursuing differentiation strategy or low cost strategy effectively works for SaaS providers' obtaining customer, which means that continuously differentiating their service from others or making their service fee (subscription fee or initial set-up fee) lower are helpful for their business success in terms of acquiring their customers. Lastly, results show that the level of SaaS technology maturity mediates the relationships between low cost strategy and customer acquisition. That is, based on our research design, customers usually perceive the real value of the low subscription fee or initial set-up fee only through the SaaS service provide by vender and, in turn, this will affect their decision making whether subscribe or not.

Design and Implementation of a SQL based Moving Object Query Process System for Controling Transportation Vehicle (물류 차량 관제를 위한 SQL 기반 이동 객체 질의 처리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jung, Young-Jin;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.5 s.101
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    • pp.699-708
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    • 2005
  • It becomes easy and generalized to track the cellular phone users and vehicles according to the Progress of wireless telecommunication, the spread of network, and the miniaturization of terminal devices. It has been constantly studied to provide location based services to furnish suitable services depending on the positions of customers. Various vehicle tracking and management systems are developed to utilize and manage the vehicle locations to relieve the congestion of traffic and to smooth transportation. However the designed previous work can not evaluated in real world, because most of previous work is only designed not implemented and it is developed for simple model to handle a point, a line, a polygon object. Therefore, we design a moving object query language and implement a vehicle management system to search the positions and trajectories of vehicles and to analyze the cost of transportation effectively. The designed query language based on a SQL can be utilized to get the trajectories between two specific places, the departure time, the arrival time of vehicles, and the predicted uncertainty positions, etc. In addition, the proposed moving object query language for managing transportation vehicles is useful to analyze the cost of trajectories in a variety of moving object management system containing transportation.

Data Conversion Automation Tool based on Repository and Processes (레파지토리 및 프로세스 기반의 데이터 전환 자동화 도구)

  • Heo, Min Seok;Kim, Dong Soo;Kim, Hee Wan
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2020
  • This study was performed to derive a modern service management model reflecting the philosophy of the new business administration. Service management as the modern business administration should be faithful to the spirit of modernity. In addition, service management must be faithful to the essence of service in service economy era. And since modern management is to manage organizations those are the central organizations of human society, it must be managed according to the common principles of the world. Management that satisfies these three management philosophy conditions is defined as modern service management. In this study, we analyzed that the existing service management framework does not meet these standards of modern management and derived an improved modern service management model. The modern service management model must be a management model that reflects the essence of intangible goods called service, it must be a management framework that reflects the modern spirit, and it must be a management model that reflects the common principles of the world required by the central organization of the modern economic society. Therefore, this study analyzed the modern spirit in addition to the service essence and the common principle of the world analyzed in the previous study, and presented a modern service management model with these three requirements. Also, examples of modern service management were presented. This study is a conceptual model, and analytical research is needed to demonstrate that this management model can consistently produce excellent management performance by strengthening empirical studies in the future.