In this study, spatio-temporal variations of Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) of the three LSE data sets in the Asian-Oceanian regions were addressed. The MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LSE, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) LSE, and Kongju National Univ. (KNU) LSE data sets were used. The three data sets showed very similar emissivity in the Tibetan Plateau, desert in the Middle East and Australia, and low latitude regions irrespective of season. The emissivity of $12{\mu}m$ was systematically greater than that of $11{\mu}m$, in particular, in the Tibetan Plateau, desert over Middle East and Australia. In general, they showed a weak seasonal variation in the low latitude regions although the emissivity was different among them. However, the three data sets showed quite different spatial and temporal variations in the other regions of Asian-Oceanian regions. The KNU LSE showed a systematic seasonal variation with a high emissivity during summer and low emissivity during winter but the other two LSE data sets showed irregular seasonal variations without regard to the regions. And the annual mean correlations of $11{\mu}m$ and $12{\mu}m$ between KNU LSE and MODIS LSE (KNU LSE and CIMSS LSE; MODIS LSE and CIMSS LSE) were 0.423 and 0.399 (0.330, 0.101; 0.541, 0.154), respectively. The relatively low correlations and strong inter-month variations, in particular, in $12{\mu}m$, indicated that consistency in spatial variation was very low. The comparison results showed that caution should be given before operational use of the LSE data sets in these regions.
Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
The estimation of material cycle of pollutants is necessary for the environment management in coastal zone. Model for material budgets are useful tools to understand the phenomena of natural system and to provide an insight into the complex processes including physical, chemical and biological processes occuring in natural system. Budgets of fresh water, salt and nutrients were estimated in order to clarify the characteristics of seasonal material cycle in Keum river estuary. Inflow volumes of freshwater into system was approximately 1.014×10/sup 8/~12.565×10/sup 8/m³/month and discharge in Keum river has occupied 99.7% of total freshwater. Seasonal variations of freshwater volume in the system were found to be very high in the range of about 4 ~ 14 times due to rainfall in summer season. Existing water mass of freshwater in system calculated by salt budget was approximately 0.339×10/sup 8/~0.652×10/sup 8/m³. Mean residence time of freshwater was calculated to be about 1.6~10.0day, and exchange time was calculated to be about 2.2~11.9day. Mean residence time was short as 1.6day in summer due to precipitation, and long as 10.1day in winter due to a drought. Inflow masses of DIP and DIN were approximately 5.57~32.68ton/month and 234.93~2,373.39ton/month, respectively. Seasonal inflow mass of DIP was larger than the outflow mass except for summer season. Thus, we postulate that accumulation of DIP in the system will happen. Residence times of DIP and DIN were calculated to be 1.1~6.4day and 1.8~10.9day, respectively. The ratio of water residence time versus DIP, DIN residence time was calculated to be 0.39~2.31 times and 0.83~1.13 times, respectively.
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
To find some involvement of environmental factors in autism, season of birth, birth order, and maternal age at birth of autistic children were investigated Total number of clinical outpatient autistic children was 357, which consisted of 319 male and 38 female, then male-to-female sex ratio was 8.4 to 1, and all subjects were born during $1986{\sim}1988.$ These data were compared with those of controlled general populations. The results were as follows : 1) In monthly and seasonal distributions of birth, autistic children were not different from normal control 2) Comparing with control group by Slater's and Greenwood-Yule's birth order calculation methods, there was no significant difference in birth order of autistic children 3) The maternal ages at birth in autistic group were significantly higher than those of control group(P<01) 4) High-risk pregnancies were significantly frequent in autistic group compared with control group(p<01)Our study supported the idea that at least some environmental factors, especially at-risk pregnancy, are involved in autism causation.
Yoo, Man Ho;Park, Kyung Woo;Oh, Hyun Ju;Koo, Jun Ho;Kwon, Jung No;Youn, Seok Hyun
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
This study was conducted to understand the characteristics of the seasonal and regional distribution of phytoplankton communities in the Fisheries Resources Protection Area of Korea (FRPA). We investigated the phytoplankton composition, abundance and dominant species collected from five different regions (Cheonsu, Tongyeong-I, Tongyeong-II, Hansan, and Jindong) in 2016. According to the results, most environmental parameters, such as temperature, salinity and nutrients, showed statistically significant seasonal differences. Suspended particulate material (SPM) only showed a statistically significant regional difference. The mean abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 13 to $4,062cells{\cdot}ml^{-1}$, with large spatio-temporal fluctuations. In particular, the bloom of phytoplankton (>$10^3cells{\cdot}ml^{-1}$) in Cheonsu Bay occurred in April and October with Skeletonema spp. and Chaetoceros socialis being the dominant species during these two seasons, respectively. The dominant species in the FRPA were diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Skeletonema spp., and Chaetoceros pseudocriniuts) and dinoflagellates (Scrippsiella trochoidea and Tripos furca). The seasonal distribution of phytoplankton communities showed typical characteristics of coastal waters, i.e., that diatoms usually dominated in winter and autumn, while dinoflagellates tended to dominate in spring and summer. Meanwhile, the dominance rate of diatoms in the phytoplankton community in Cheonsu Bay, which is located in a high-turbidity region, was 9~27 % greater than that of diatoms in the phytoplankton community found in the south coastal waters, which is a low turbidity region.
Earworm is very useful animal in soil ecosystem, however it is harmful for golf courses because they introduce many cast on turfgrass that reduces turf uniformity and play quality. However, no information has found on earthworm diversity and seasonal fluctuation in different Korean golf courses. In this study, we focused to carry out earthworm species composition and seasonal population structure in turfgrass of golf courses. During spring and fall season survey with direct digging and tea saponin drenching sampling in 5 different golf courses, 6 species under 3 families of earthworms were collected. Earthworm species composition and density was different among the golf courses. Aporrectodea caliginosa in Lumbricidae was dominant species in Anseong and Dongrae Benest Golf Club; however Amynthas carnosus in Megascolecidae was dominant species in Anyang and Glenrose Golf Club. Ap. caliginosa was collected only aclitellum in July and Am. carnosus was collected aclitellum and clitellum in August in golf courses. Seasonal population of earthworm was different depending on earthworm species (Am. hupeiensis was the highest in August and Ap. caliginosa was in April) however small number of collected earthworm species were not dominant trend in golf courses.
Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
This study was carried out to compare the DMY (dry matter yield) of IRG (Italian ryegrass) in the southern coastal regions of Korea due to seasonal climate scenarios such as the Kaul-Changma (late monsoon) in autumn, extreme winter cold, and drought in the next spring. The IRG data (n = 203) were collected from various Reports for Collaborative Research Program to Develop New Cultivars of Summer Crops in Jeju, 203 Namwon, and Yeungam from the Rural Development Administration - (en DASH). In order to define the seasonal climate scenarios, climate variables including temperature, humidity, wind, sunshine were used by collected from the Korean Meteorological Administration. The discriminant analysis based on 5% significance level was performed to distinguish normal and abnormal climate scenarios. Furthermore, the DMY comparison was simulated based on the information of sample distribution of IRG. As a result, in the southern coastal regions, only the impact of next spring drought on DMY of IRG was critical. Although the severe winter cold was clearly classified from the normal, there was no difference in DMY. Thus, the DMY comparison was simulated only for the next spring drought. Under the yield comparison simulation, DMY (kg/ha) in the normal and drought was 14,743.83 and 12,707.97 respectively. It implies that the expected damage caused by the spring drought was about 2,000 kg/ha. Furthermore, the predicted DMY of spring drought was wider and slower than that of normal, indicating on high variability. This study is meaningful in confirming the predictive DMY damage and its possibility by spring drought for IRG via statistical simulation considering seasonal climate scenarios.
Near surface air temperature data which are one of the essential factors in hydrology, meteorology and climatology, have drawn a substantial amount of attention from various academic domains and societies. Meteorological observations, however, have high spatio-temporal constraints with the limits in the number and distribution over the earth surface. To overcome such limits, many studies have sought to estimate the near surface air temperature from satellite image data at a regional or continental scale with simple regression methods. Alternatively, we applied various Kriging methods such as ordinary Kriging, universal Kriging, Cokriging, Regression Kriging in search of an optimal estimation method based on near surface air temperature data observed from automatic weather stations (AWS) in South Korea throughout 2010 (365 days) and MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data (MOD11A1, 365 images). Due to high spatial heterogeneity, auxiliary data have been also analyzed such as land cover, DEM (digital elevation model) to consider factors that can affect near surface air temperature. Prior to the main estimation, we calculated root mean square error (RMSE) of temperature differences from the 365-days LST and AWS data by season and landcover. The results show that the coefficient of variation (CV) of RMSE by season is 0.86, but the equivalent value of CV by landcover is 0.00746. Seasonal differences between LST and AWS data were greater than that those by landcover. Seasonal RMSE was the lowest in winter (3.72). The results from a linear regression analysis for examining the relationship among AWS, LST, and auxiliary data show that the coefficient of determination was the highest in winter (0.818) but the lowest in summer (0.078), thereby indicating a significant level of seasonal variation. Based on these results, we utilized a variety of Kriging techniques to estimate the surface temperature. The results of cross-validation in each Kriging model show that the measure of model accuracy was 1.71, 1.71, 1.848, and 1.630 for universal Kriging, ordinary Kriging, cokriging, and regression Kriging, respectively. The estimates from regression Kriging thus proved to be the most accurate among the Kriging methods compared.
To study the succession of epilithic diatoms on the artificial substrate, we investigated environmental factors and the diatom assemblages biweekly from Mar. 2004 to Feb. 2005 at 2 stations in the lower part of the Han River. A total of 60 taxa, representing 2 orders, 3 suborders, 8 families, 17 genera, 51 species, 7 varieties and 2 forms were identified, and mean number of species were 19 species in spring, 20 in summer, 22 in autumn and 22 in winter. Standing crops of epilithic diatoms varied extensively by months and stations; mean values of those were $3.2{\times}10^4$ cells $cm^{-2}$ in spring, $1.9{\times}10^4$ in summer, $1.7{\times}10^4$ in autumn and $1.8{\times}10^5$ in winter. Chlorophyll a concentrations were also similarly showed as variations of the diatom assemblages. Succession of the diatoms in St. 1 was as follows; Melosira varians, Fragilaria capucina, Cyclotella comta, Nitzschia palea in spring, Fragilaria capucina in summer, Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima in autumn, Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima and Melosira varians, Cymbella minuta in winter. In station 2, Aulacoseira granulata and Nitzschia palea dominated in spring as a pioneer in early stage of succession, Fragilaria capucina in summer, and Nitzschia palea in winter. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), there showed similar to that of succession of epilithic diatoms within St. 1 and St. 2, and they were not changed by stations but seasons. Nitzschia palea belonged to saprophilous taxa correlated with nitrogen sources and suspended solids. Meanwhile, Fragilaria capucina and Cymbella minuta included in xenosaprobic taxa show correlation with DO and pH. Eurysaprobic taxa correlated with all environmental factors.
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
Recently, various satellite sensors have been developed and it is becoming more convenient to acquire multitemporal satellite images. Therefore, various researches are being actively carried out in the field of utilizing change detection techniques such as disaster and land monitoring using multitemporal satellite images. In particular, researches related to the development of unsupervised change detection techniques capable of extracting rapidly change regions have been conducted. However, there is a disadvantage that false detection occurs due to a spectral difference such as a seasonal change. In order to overcome the disadvantages, this study aimed to reduce the false alarm detection due to seasonal effects using the direction vector generated by applying the $S^2CVA$ (Sequential Spectral Change Vector Analysis) technique, which is one of the unsupervised change detection methods. $S^2CVA$ technique was applied to RapidEye images of the same and different seasons. We analyzed whether the change direction vector of $S^2CVA$ can remove false positives due to seasonal effects. For the quantitative evaluation, the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and the AUC (Area Under Curve) value were calculated for the change detection results and it was confirmed that the change detection performance was improved compared with the change detection method using only the change magnitude vector.
This study was designed to determine the effect of season and split-sex feeding on performance, stress and carcass quality of finishing pigs. Two hundred and seventy cross-bred finishing pigs $(82.1{\pm}0.82kg)$ were randomly divided into six groups in 2 seasons (summer and winter) ${\times}$ 3 split-sex feeding (female only, castrated male and mixed) factorial arrangement of treatments. In winter, feed intake and weight gain of finishing pigs were better than summer (p<0.05). Split-sex feeding was affected the feed conversion, feed conversion of finishing pigs were superior in winter and mixed groups. Plasma concentrations of cortisol as a stress indicators was greater in the mixed groups vs female only and castrated male groups. There were no interactions between the season and split-sex feeding in their effects on these blood variables. The season was affected the carcass characteristics and PSE incidence of the finishing pigs, PSE incidence was low in winter and mixed groups. Meat quality did not show any significant difference due to the difference of season and split-sex feeding of finishing pigs. There was no significant difference in the pH, drip loss and meat color of pork loin between the season and split-sex feeding of finishing pigs. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that we need more precise on-farm management practice in summer and application of split-sex feeding skills to reduce the stress and improve welfare status of finishing pigs.
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.