• Title/Summary/Keyword: 계절적 차이

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Clinical Analysis of Acute Intrinsic Renal Failure in Neonates and Children (소아에서의 급성 신성신부전의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kwon, Eun-Ji;Jung, Ji-Mi;Chung, Woo-Yeung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The present study is an investigation of the progression and prognosis of acute intrinsic renal failure in neonates and children with a diagnosis of acute renal failure or other diseases on admission. Methods: This research is based on a retrospective analysis conducted on 59 patients(male: female=2.2:1) diagnosed with acute intrinsic renal failure between January 2000 and June 2006 at Busan Paik Hospital. The clinical diagnostic criteria of acute renal failure used was serum creatinine <1.2 mg/dL, oliguria with urine output$\leq$0.5 mL/kg/hr and anuria with urine output <50 mL per day. Results: Among those placed under investigation, 7 patients were neonates, 10 patients were 2 months-2 years old, 12 patients were 3-6 years old, 21 patients were 7-12 years old and 9 patients were 13-16 years old. It took 3.1${\pm}$2.8 days on average until the diagnosis was made. The urine output distribution was 21 persons for the oliguria group, and 36 persons for the non-oliguria group, and 2 persons for the anuria group. For the underlying causes, 30 persons were classified in the primary renal disease group, 14 persons in the infection group, 9 persons in the malignancy group, and 6 persons were categorized in another group. As for age distribution, the infected group was predominantly neonates, whereas the dominant age ranges for the primary renal disease and infection categories were 2 months to 2 years old. Also, the primary renal disease was dominant among older children, aged 3 and up. No difference was detected according to seasonal prevalence. However, there was a high morbidity rate among hemolytic uremic syndrome diagnosed in the summer. Peritoneal dialysis was used to treat 4 patients. It took 10.0${\pm}$6.7 days until the patients improved. 18 patients died. The non-oliguria group's mortality rate was lower than other groups. There was a high mortality rate in the neonates and malignancy group. Conclusion: Acute renal failure in childhood seems to take a better clinical course than in adulthood when there is an early diagnosis and proper treatment of underlying diseases.

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Analysis of Domestic Water Consuming Pattern and Metered Water Use (생활용수 소비패턴 및 실사용량 분석)

  • Kim, Ju Hwan;Cho, Im Young;Park, Noh Heuk;Woo, Hyoung Min;Ahn, Hyo Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.1310-1315
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    • 2004
  • 용수수요 추정의 기본은 수도계획에 사용할 수 있는 실사용량에 대한 조사로 이에 대한 자료가 거의 없기 때문에 각 수도사업별로 제시되는 추정방법이 조금씩 상이하며, 추정방법의 진위를 가릴 수 없이 수요추정의 악순환을 초래하고 있는 실정이다. 기존 물사용량 예측은 급수량 기준의 도시 전체에 내한 평균 LPCD를 이용함에 따라 물사용 특성을 충분히 고려찬 수 없어 지역별 실제 물사용량과 큰 오차가 유발되었다. 그러므로 수도계획 및 설계에 사용할 수 있는 신뢰성 있는 설계인자를 도출하기가 불가능하여 물수요 관리정책 수립, 수도요금체계 조정 및 누수방지계획 수립 등 경제적인 수도시설의 건설에 애로를 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서는 생활용수 중 가정용수에 대하여 세탁기, 변기, 싱크대 등 수도전에 유량계를 설치 실제 가정에서 사용하고 있는 용도별 사용량을 실측, 파악하였으며, 이로부터 얻은 용도별 사용량에 대한 기간별 소비특성을 분석하였다. 이로부터 생활용수 사용량의 소비패턴 및 시간대별 부하율 산정이 가능하며, 각종 용도별 사용수량의 소비형태를 찾아낼 수 있었다. 또한 가정용수 중 용도별 물 사용비율은 세탁용수, 변기, 주방, 목욕용수의 순으로 나타났으며 주택유형별로는 아파트 연립주택, 다세대 주택, 단독주택의 순으로 단독주택에서의 물사용량이 가장 적게 나타났다. 생활용수 공급량에 내해서는 시간별, 주별, 월별 그리고 계절변동 총량을 파악하였으며 시간대별로는 오후 3시경이 최대 소비량을 보였고, 주별로는 월요일 그리고 월별로는 7월의 용수사용량이 가장 큰 것으로 조사 되었다. 본 연구로부터 도출된 용도별 실측 물사용량 자료 및 분석결과로부터, 지금까지 공급량 기준의 계획수립이 이루어져왔던 파종 수도시설 규모결정시 합리적인 용수수요예측 및 수요관리가 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 용수수요의 과다예측 오해 해소 등 경제적, 과학적 물관리 정책수립을 위한 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 경제적인 방법이 될 수 있다. 하천수 등의 상호 관계 분석을 통해 장기간의 유역 물순환체계 변화를 분석할 수 있었다.골풀과, 닭의장풀과가 각 1종씩으로, 조사지점( I )보다 좀 더 많은 종이 분포하는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 어류는 조사지점( I )에서 3회에 걸쳐 총 396개체가 채집되어 3목 8과 21종이었다. 이 중 한국 고유종은 11종이었고, 외래 어종은 검정우럭과 2종이 조사되었으며, Zacco platypus(피라미), Zacco temmincki(갈겨니), Acheilongnathus koreanus(칼납자루), Odontobutis platycephala(동사리), Coreoleuciscus splendidus(쉬리) 순으로 분포하고 있었고, Acheilognathus signifer(묵납자루)는 댐 건설 전에는 많이 분포하였으나 현장조사에서 서식을 확인 할 수 언어 개체수의 큰 감소내지 멸종된 것으로 추정되었다.에서 동시에 시행하였다. 수술 후 1년 내 시행한 심초음파에서 모든 환아에서 단지 경등도 이하의 승모판 폐쇄 부전 소견을 보였다. 수술 후 조기 사망은 없었으며, 합병증으로는 유미흉이 한 명에서 있었다. 술 후 10개월째 허혈성 확장성 심근증이 호전되지 않아 Dor 술식을 시행한 후 사망한 예를 제외한 나머지 6명은 특이 증상 없이 정상 생활 중이다 결론: 좌관상동맥 페동맥이상 기시증은 드물기는 하나, 영유아기에 심근경색 및 허혈성 심근증 또는 선천성 승모판 폐쇄 부전등을 초래하는 심각한 선천성 심질환이다. 그러나 진단 즉시 직접 좌관상동맥-대동맥 이식술로 수술적 교정을 해줌으로써 좋은 성적을 기대할 수 있음을 보여주었다.특히 교사들이 중요하게 인식하는 해방적 행동에 대한 목표를 강조하여 적용할 필요가 있음을 시사하고 있다.교하여 유의한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 또한 HSP 환자군에서도 $IL1RN^{*}2$ allele 빈도와 carriage rat

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Clinical Outcomes of Thoracic Sympathicotomy for Palmar Hyperhidrosis (수부 다한증에서 흉부교감신경 절제술의 성적)

  • Lee, Jang-Hoon;Lee, Jung-Cheul
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2008
  • Background: Thoracoscopic R3 sympathicotomy can effectively treat palmar hyperhidrosis. Here, we evaluated post-operative outcomes of patients receiving a thoracoscopic R3 sympathicotomy due to palmar hyperhidrosis. Material and Method: From January 2001 to December 2006, 225 patients were treated with a R3 sympathicotomy, and follow up was completed for 200 patients, with an average follow up period of 51.7 ($11{\sim}80$) months. We measured postoperative hand sweating according to four grades; dry (grade 1), proper (grade 2), light sweating (grade 3), heavy sweating (grade 4) and evaluated patient satisfaction using 4 grades: very good (grade 0), good (grade1), regular (grade 2), and deficient (grade 3). Result: There were no differences in clinical parameters between the compensatory sweating group and the non-compensatory sweating group. There was a 83.5% compensatory sweating rate. The degree of compensatory sweating related to the patient's body mass index and was influenced by the season, environmental temperature, and emotional stress. Conclusion: The satisfaction rate was 61.5%, and the degree of satisfaction related to the development of compensatory sweating. Therefore, reducing compensatory sweating would increase patient satisfaction with R3 sympathicotomies.

Respiratory syncytial virus infection cases in congenital heart disease patients (선천성심장병 환아에서의 Respiratory syncytial virus 감염례 관찰)

  • Shim, Woo Sup;Lee, Jae Yeong;Song, Jin Yong;Kim, Soo Jin;Kim, Sung Hye;Jang, So Ick;Choi, Eun Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.380-391
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the main pathogens causing lower respiratory infections (LRI) in young children, usually of limited severity. However, in congenital heart disease (CHD) patients, one of the high-risk groups for RSV infection, RSV can cause serious illnesses and fatal results. To elucidate the effects of RSV infection in CHD patients, we observed RSV infection cases among CHD patients and non-CHD patients. Methods : On admission of 343 LRI patients over 3 years, 77 cases of RSV infection were detected by the RSV antigen rapid test of nasopharyngeal secretion. We compared RSV infection cases among groups of CHD and non-CHD patients. Results : During the winter season, RSV caused 20-0% of LRI admissions in children. In patients with completely repaired simple left to right (L-R) shunt diseases such as ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, and patent ductus arteriosus, RSV infections required short admission days similar to non-CHD patients. In patients with repaired CHD other than simple L-R shunt CHD, for whom some significant hemodynamic problems remained, RSV infection required long admission days with severe clinical course. In children with unrepaired CHD, RSV infection mostly occurred in early infant age, with long admission days. RSV infections within a month after cardiac surgery also required long admission days and severe clinical course. Conclusion : To avoid the tragedic outcome of severe RSV infection in the CHD patients, efforts to find the subgroups of CHD patients at high risk to RSV infection are needed, and effective preventive treatment should be applied.

Clinical Comparison of $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura Nephritis in Children and Adults (소아와 성인 $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura(HSP) 신염의 임상적 비교)

  • Kim Ki-Eun;Shin Youn-Ho;Shin Jae-Il;Park Jee-Min;Jeong Hyeon-Joo;Lee Jae-Seung
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura(HSP) is a systemic vasculitis that involves multiple organs, especially the kidney, which is the most important organ in determining the prognosis of the disease. The morbidity of HSP nephritis in adults is low and there have been little research done on its clinical course so far. Therefore, we have compared the clinical course of HSP nephritis in children and adults in Korea. Methods : We retrospectively analyzed 81 cases of HSP nephritis in children younger than 15 years of age, and 25 cases of adults older than 15 years of age who were admitted to Yonsei University Medical College Severance Hospital from Jan. 1986 to May 2003. Results : The male to female ratio was 1.5 : 1 in children and 1.3 : 1 in adults. The incidence of HSP nephritis for both age groups was found to be increased during the autumn and winter. Infection was the predisposing factor in 39 cases(48.1%) of children, 16 cases(64.0%) of adults, and drugs were the predisposing factor in 8 cases(9.9%) of children and 4 cases (16.0%) of adults. All patients initially presented with microscopic hematuria. Thirteen cases (16.0%) of children and 7 cases(28.0%) of adults initially showed proteinuria of nephrotic range. Thirty four cases(42.0%) of children and 4 cases(16.0%) of adults showed normal urinalysis after treatment. Asymptomatic urinary abnormalities were found in 41 cases(50.6%) of children and 18 cases(72.0%) of adults. Complications such as nephrotic syndrome and hypertension were found in 3 cases(3.7%) of children and 2 cases(8.0%) of adults. Three children(3.7%) and 1(4.0%) adult required dialysis or renal transplantation. Follow-up renal biopsies were performed on 21 children, of whom 10 cases(47.6%) did not show any histologic change, 9 cases(42.9%) showed low grade changes, and 2 cases(9.5%) showed high grade changes. Prognosis was gloomy when proteinuria of nephrotic range and high grade of abnormal histology were present at diagnosis, and there was no significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05) Conclusion : This study showed that there was no difference in terms of the clinical features and courses between the children and adults with HSP nephritis. Proteinuria of nephrotic range and the severity of abnormal histologic changes at diagnosis were found to be associated with a bad prognosis, therefore we recommend that patients with these features require long term follow-up and management.

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『Chūn-qiū』Wáng-lì(『春秋』王曆)➂ - from Zhōu-lì(周曆) to Xià-lì(夏曆), and "Xíng-xià-zhī-shí(行夏之時)" Mentioned by Confucius (『춘추』 왕력(王曆)➂ - 주력(周曆)에서 하력(夏曆)으로, 그리고 공자의 "행하지시(行夏之時)")

  • Seo, Jeong-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.54
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    • pp.153-184
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    • 2017
  • During the Pre-Qin(秦) Dynasty era, there were the records that there had been many calendar systems, such as $g{\check{u}}-li{\grave{u}}-l{\grave{i}}$(古六曆 : six ancient calendar systems). Then, the fact that particularly $zh{\bar{o}}u-l{\grave{i}}$(周曆) and $xi{\grave{a}}-l{\grave{i}}$(夏曆) were mainly discussed among them resulted from a lot of discussions from the differences in the calendar system in "$Ch{\bar{u}}n-qi{\bar{u}}$(春秋)" known to have been written by Confucius from the calendar system in "$X{\acute{i}}ng-xi{\grave{a}}-zh{\bar{i}}-sh{\acute{i}}$(行夏之時 : implement the calendar of Ha dynasty.)" that Confucius mentioned himself to his disciple. $zh{\bar{o}}u-l{\grave{i}}$(周曆) with $d{\bar{o}}ngzh{\grave{i}}-yu{\grave{e}}$(冬至月 : the 11th month of the lunar calendar) as the first month of a year had the system of the lunar calendar, and $xi{\grave{a}}-l{\grave{i}}$(夏曆) called as the calendar of Ha(夏) dynasty had the system of $ji{\acute{e}}-q{\grave{i}}-l{\grave{i}}$(節氣曆 : a kind of the solar calendar that divides one year of 365 days into 24 solar terms) with $y{\acute{i}}n-yu{\grave{e}}$(寅月 :one month from the present Feb 5) as the first month of a year. These two calendars had definite differences in the first months of a year, names of seasons, and the lunar calendar and the solar calendar. The fundamental reason why Confucius recommended the performance of $xi{\grave{a}}-l{\grave{i}}$(夏曆) as a way to run the nation was not that it started from the philosophical view of the universe that among the 'three $zh{\bar{e}}ng$'(三正)' of $ti{\bar{a}}n-zh{\bar{e}}ng$(天正 : the first month of a year with the heaven as the standard), $d{\grave{i}}-zh{\bar{e}}ng$(地正 : the first month of a year with the earth as the standard) and $r{\acute{e}}n-zh{\bar{e}}ng$(人正 : the first month of a year with humans as the standard), but that he wanted to emphasize the importance of practical national economic policies to enhance agricultural productivity. It becomes the criterion that even though Confucius emphasized that politicians should not have moral flaws ideally, with regard to public policies, he wanted to stress politicians' duties based on the reality a lot.

Investigation for the Infectious Diarrhea by Pathogenic Microorganism from Hospitals in ChungNam Province in 2004 (2004년 충남지역 의료기관의 설사환자 가검물에서 분리된 병원성미생물 감염실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Woo-Sik;Song, Nak-Soo;Sung, Si-Yeoul;Cha, Yeun-Tae;Seo, Woo-Sung;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Na, Bak-Ju
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2005
  • Objectives and Methods: This study was performed to investigate the etiologic bacterial, viral and protozoal organisms for the diarrhea from hospitals in Chungnam area from January to December in 2004. Total of 787 fecal samples were collected and examined. Results and Conclusions: In test for enteropathogenic bacteria, total of 79 cases out of 787 samples from hospitals showed positive isolation. Among 79 positive samples, 27 cases were confirmed as Salmonella spp.. 20 cases as pathogenic E. coli, 18 cases as Clostridium perfringens, 6 cases as Staphylococcus aureus, 4 cases as Shigella spp. and 4 cases as Vibrio parahaemolyticus. In test for enteropathogenic virus, 190 cases out of 787 samples from hospitals showed positive reaction. Among 190 samples, 115 cases were confirmed as rotavirus, 55 cases as norovirus, 5 case as astrovirus, 4 case as rotavirus & norovirus, 3 cases as adenovirus, 2 case as rotavirus & astrovirus. In test for enteropathogenic protozoa, 6 cases out of 787 samples from hospitals showed positive result. Among 6 samples, 5 cases were confirmed as Entamoeba histolytica and 1 cases as Giardia lamblia. When we classified the positive results by the age of the patients, the highest isolation rate was noted in a group of age under 10 and over 60 for bacterial, viral and protozoal pathogens. Especially, patient below age of 5 showed high positive rate. When we classified the positive results by the time, pageathogenic bacteria were isolated throughout the year, and the highest frequency was noted in August. On the other hand, pathogenic viruses were detected more frequently during the colder season from December to April. Antimicrobial susceptibility test for the isolated bacteria resulted as follows; Salmonella strains showed high drug resistance rates against ampicillin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, ticarcillin. Shigella strains showed high drug resistance rates against ampicillin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin. Pathogenic E. coli strains showed high drug resistance rates against ampicillin, cephalothin, gentamicin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin.

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A Field Survey and Analysis of Ground Water Level and Soil Moisture in A Riparian Vegetation Zone (식생사주 역에서 지하수위와 토양수분의 현장 조사·분석)

  • Woo, Hyo-Seop;Chung, Sang-Joon;Cho, Hyung-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.10
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    • pp.797-807
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    • 2011
  • Phenomenon of vegetation recruitment on the sand bar is drastically rising in the streams and rivers in Korea. In the 1960s prior to industrialization and urbanization, most of the streams were consisted of sands and gravels, what we call, 'White River'. Owing to dam construction, stream maintenance, etc. carried out since the '70s, the characteristic of flow duration and sediment transport have been disturbed resulting in the abundance of vegetation in the waterfront, that is, 'Green River' is under progress. This study purposed to identify the correlation among water level, water temperature, rainfall, soil moisture and soil texture out of the factors which give an effect on the vegetation recruitment on the sand bar of unregulated stream. To this purpose, this study selected the downstream of Naeseong Stream, one of sand rivers in Korea, as the river section for test and conducted the monitoring and analysis for 289 days. In addition, this study analyzed the aerial photos taken from 1970 to 2009 in order to identify the aged change in vegetation from the past to the present. The range of the tested river section was 361 m in transverse length and about 2 km in longitudinal length. According to the survey analysis, the tested river section in Naeseong Stream was a gaining river showing the higher underground-water level by 20~30 m compared to Stream water level. The difference in the underground water temperature was less than $5^{\circ}C$ by day and season and the Stream temperature did not fall to $10^{\circ}C$ and less from May when the vegetation germination begins in earnest. The impact factor on soil moisture was the underground water level in the lower layer and the rainfall in the upper layer and it was found that all the upper and lower layer were influenced by soil particle size. The soil from surface to 1 m-underground out of 6 soil moisture-measured points was sand with the $D_{50}$ size of 0.07~1.37 mm and it's assumed that the capillary height possible in the particle size would reach around 14~43 cm. On the other hand, according to the result of space analysis on the tested river section of unregulated stream for 40 years, it was found that the artificial disturbance and drought promoted the vegetation recruitment and the flooding resulted in the frequency extinction of vegetation communities. Even though the small and large scales of recruitment and extinction in vegetation have been repeated since 1970, the present vegetation area increased clearly compared to the past. It's found that the vegetation area is gradually increasing over time.

Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts of Forest Fragmentation at Doam-Dam Watershed using GIS-based Modeling System (GIS 기반의 모형을 이용한 도암댐 유역의 산림 파편화에 따른 수(水)환경 영향 평가)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Kim, Ki-Sung;Ahn, Jae-Hun;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lim, Kyoungjae;Choi, Joongdae;Shin, Yong-Chul;Lyou, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2006
  • The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation at the Doam-dam watershed were evaluated in this study. For this ends, the watershed scale model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was utilized. To exclude the effects of different magnitude and patterns in weather, the same weather data of 1985 was used because of significant differences in precipitation in year 1985 and 2000. The water quality impacts of forest fragmentation were analyzed temporarily and spatially because of its nature. The flow rates for Winter and Spring has increased with forest fragmentations by $8,366m^3/month$ and $72,763m^3/month$ in the S1 subwatershed, experiencing the most forest fragmentation within the Doam-dam watershed. For Summer and Fall, the flow rate has increased by $149,901m^3/month$ and $107,109m^3/month$, respectively. It is believed that increased flow rates contributed significant amounts of soil erosion and diffused nonpoint source pollutants into the receiving water bodies. With the forest fragmentation in the S1 watershed, the average sediment concentration values for Winter and Spring increased by 5.448mg/L and 13.354mg/L, respectively. It is believed that the agricultural area, which were forest before the forest fragmentation, are responsible for increased soil erosion and sediment yield during the spring thaw and snow melts. For Spring and Fall, the sediment concentration values increased by 20.680mg/L and 24.680mg/L, respectively. Compared with Winter and Spring, the increased precipitation during Summer and Fall contributed more soil erosion and increased sediment concentration value in the stream. Based on the results obtained from the analysis performed in this study, the stream flow and sediment concentration values has increased with forest fragmentation within the S1 subwatershed. These increased flow and soil erosion could contribute the eutrophication in the receiving water bodies. This results show that natural functionalities of the forest, such as flood control, soil erosion protection, and water quality improvement, can be easily lost with on-going forest fragmentation within the watershed. Thus, the minimize the negative impacts of forest fragmentation, comprehensive land use planning at watershed scale needs to be developed and implemented based on the results obtained in this research.

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Probability-based Pre-fetching Method for Multi-level Abstracted Data in Web GIS (웹 지리정보시스템에서 다단계 추상화 데이터의 확률기반 프리페칭 기법)

  • 황병연;박연원;김유성
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 2003
  • The effective probability-based tile pre-fetching algorithm and the collaborative cache replacement algorithm are able to reduce the response time for user's requests by transferring tiles which will be used in advance and determining tiles which should be removed from the restrictive cache space of a client based on the future access probabilities in Web GISs(Geographical Information Systems). The Web GISs have multi-level abstracted data for the quick response time when zoom-in and zoom-out queries are requested. But, the previous pre-fetching algorithm is applied on only two-dimensional pre-fetching space, and doesn't consider expanded pre-fetching space for multi-level abstracted data in Web GISs. In this thesis, a probability-based pre-fetching algorithm for multi-level abstracted in Web GISs was proposed. This algorithm expanded the previous two-dimensional pre-fetching space into three-dimensional one for pre-fetching tiles of the upper levels or lower levels. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of the proposed pre-fetching algorithm by using a simulation method. Through the experimental results, the response time for user requests was improved 1.8%∼21.6% on the average. Consequently, in Web GISs with multi-level abstracted data, the proposed pre-fetching algorithm and the collaborative cache replacement algorithm can reduce the response time for user requests substantially.

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