• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경찰역할

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구명조끼 착용-생존율 상관관계에 대한 국내외 객관적 데이터

  • Lee, Yeong-Chan;Ha, Min-Jae;Lee, Su-Jin;Ha, Sin-Yeong;Jeong, Hae-Sang;Park, Tae-Seon;Guk, Seung-Gi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2020.11a
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    • pp.96-98
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    • 2020
  • 최근 연안 활동자의 사고율이 높아짐에 따라 구명조끼의 의무 착용에 대한 논의가 되고 있다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 국내외 구명조끼 착용 배경 및 동향을 살펴보고 현재 생산되고 있는 구명조끼의 종류 및 부력시험에 대해 분석하였다. 구명조끼 착용 여부에 따른 생존율과 해외에서의 사례인 영국 등을 조사하였다. 이를 바탕으로 구명조끼의 착용의 의무화가 연안 해역 활동자의 안전를 제고하는데 역할을 할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.

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A Study on the Mutual Cooperation of Private Security and Local Government (지방자치단체와 민간경비의 상호협력에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sang-Wk;Lee, Min-Hyong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.105-128
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    • 2006
  • The suggestions that follow are about the plan for the cooperation between private security and local government and the enhancement of its service for facing the change of public peace environment. Fist, by a local government collecting funds, the business for revitalization of local economics should be done to enhance local economic independence. Second, the autonomous right of a local government should be reinforced and the center for taking complete charge of local security should be established in the self-governing body. Third, the private security should be connected with the local characteristics, the role of which enlarged as well. For this developing the model of security service for the local area and working together between private security and police should be achieved. Fourth, it is necessary for a local government to entrust the private security with its public security service. For this it should be achieved to set up the range of local security service and inform local residents of the advantage of security service entrusted to private security. Finally, in connection with the new system of local police, it is necessary to have clear grasp of the work related to the private security among local police services and private security business and local police should take partial charge of the public peace service. Through the cooperation between private security and local government, the role of private security will be enlarged and its business revitalized as well.

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The Reinforcing plan of private security capabilities (민간경비역량의 강화방안)

  • Park, Ho Jeong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.6_2
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2015
  • Recently in the condition of increasing of cruel-hearted crime, it is limited to keep the community safe by only police force and expanding role of private security is required. But current private security law and relation law have many delimitations. So reinforcing of Private security capabilities is needed and several measures are required. Integration of private security law and private police guards is the foundation of rule introduced of specific rights of private guards. Also authority of the private security should be ruled in private security law to prepare the conditions of performed guard duties. In relation to this, questioning of a suspicious person by a patrolman should be granted to the private security. Strengthening authority of private security can be helpful in preventing crime and policing.

A Study on the Direction of Policing for Effective Disaster Prevention and Management (효과적인 재난 예방 및 관리를 위한 경찰활동 방향)

  • Lee, Ju-Lak;Shin, So-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.51
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    • pp.317-334
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    • 2017
  • The burden of addressing the damage and financial losses caused by disaster events falls primarily on local governments. Given this reality, preparing for disasters and assessing the effects of disaster management would be more effective if both were carried out at the local level. However, disaster management in South Korea is realized at the national level, revolving around the central government. The Ministry of Public Safety and Security, which was newly established after the sinking of MV Sewol, was criticized for failing to carrying out its role as a "disaster control tower" in dealing with the earthquakes near the city of Gyeongju in 2016. The criticism, as well as deep anxiety concerning the ministry's ability to effectively respond to disasters, means that there is a need for a practical alternative plan to the current method of dealing with disasters. As such, there is an increasing call to re-examine the role of the police force, which played an integral part in past disaster response efforts, in future disaster events. Among the various activities the police force performs, this study focused on one particular role and function of the police, namely community policing. Specifically, this study examined community policing within the context of local governments. The primary purpose of community policing is crime prevention. But the police must respond to citizens' expectations and desires that the police expand the scope of its role. Thus, to maximize public safety and order, the police must be actively engaged in conducting disaster response activities. Hence, this study concentrated on the measures, including community policing, that need to be taken to enable the police to respond rapidly and effectively to disaster events, thereby minimizing losses, and to contribute meaningfully to disaster recovery efforts. Because community policing requires public cooperation, community-oriented disaster response and disaster management are closely examined. This study basically seeks to expand the scope of community policing to strengthen disaster safety. Furthermore, this study aims to assert that disaster safety can be promoted by establishing a cooperation system between the police and private security; changing how the role of community policing in disaster response activities is perceived; increasing professional manpower and establishing a comprehensive and independent department dedicated to disaster-related matters; and merging consultative organizations into one organization. Additionally, this study states that an integrated CCTV platform and police cars on disaster prevention patrol duties would enhance the capability of the police to respond to disasters and perform their community policing activities.

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A study on values of police officer (경찰공무원의 가치관에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Am;Jeong, Duke-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2006
  • Through contemporary researches on policing, individual employees in law enforcement agencies has gained more and more attention from researchers and police organization managers. Unfortunately an important but largely ignored area of current research on individual police officers concerns the value orientations obtaining among Korean police officers. And during last five decades or so, no research has been done on this issue. Studying individual value orientations is important because a substantial body of research indicates that particular patterns of value orientation predict world views and hence can in turn predict behavior at the workplace and behavioral predispositions on salient social issues. Therefore in this research, the researcher intended to answer these issues. (1) What are the characteristics of value orientations among Korean police officers. (2) Is there any relationships between the specific groups and the value orientations among them.

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A Study on the Reception of International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships in Korea Law - Focusing on Coast Guard's Duties - (선박재활용 협약의 국내법상 수용방안 연구 - 해양경찰 업무를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jong-Ho;Jung, Yeoun-Bu;Oh, Jung-Woo;Gug, Seung-Gi
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.459-470
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    • 2010
  • It is necessary to prepare a plan to accommodate the International Convention in domestic law, focusing on the new duties for the Coast Guard as they pertain to the field of ship recycling, by studying the key issue of the "HONG KONG International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships" of the International Maritime Organization(IMO) and through analyzing the current status of the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is directly responsible for the protection of the marine environment and takes charge of important duties; Therefore, by instituting a legal basis for its new duties, it will not only create new business but also be able to consolidate its role as an important constituent in the sphere of marine conservation and protection.

Conflict Management Strategies of Police Managers - A case study - (경찰 관리자들의 조직 내 갈등 관리 전략 - 사례 연구를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Jeyong;Shin, So-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.58
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2019
  • Conflict management within a police organization is one of the most significant areas from the organization management point of view. This study aims to explore procedural entrepreneurship of police mangers when they face difficulties in their workplaces. Adopting a case study strategy, this study examines real cases from three police agencies from Japan, the US, and South Korea. Interviewing police officers from theses different countries, six main themes are identified: (1) the pervasiveness of hierarchical authority, (2) procedural conflict, (3) organizational cultures, (4) the origin of their values and assumptions, (5) characteristics of the strategy, and (6) organizational learning. Research findings pointed out that there were more similarities than differences among the three cases, such as the pervasiveness of hierarchical authority, the significance of informal networks, and characteristics of informal networks. The main finding was that police managers used informal networks in order to overcome the procedural conflicts regardless of their nationality. All the participants relied on informal communications to raise the adaptability and survivability of their organizations. It was found that the Asian culture and American culture respectively permeated the three police agencies, supporting the role of informal networks in the formal organizations. This presents a paradox which well reflects the reality of organizations: informality within formality.

Role of Police for Enhancement of Elderly Safety (노인안전 강화를 위한 경찰의 역할)

  • Cha, Min-Kyu;Kwack, Dae-Gyung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.41
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    • pp.387-408
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    • 2014
  • South Korea already became an aging society, and is now in the process of becoming an aged society. With increasing elderly population, elderly safety issues such as traffic accidents and elderly suicides are becoming important problems. Elderly victimization are increasing, and elderly safety accident is also becoming an imporotant social problem. The police is doing various activities for elderly safety. The police is conducting programs for the elderly, such as a prevention program for fraud against elderly, and safety checks and traffic safety education for preventing elderly traffic accidents. Also, there's a program of providing regular visits for a lone elderly, expansion of CCTV network and fingerprint registration to prevent elderlies with Alzheimer's disease going missing. However, these programs are not done on a national scale, but rather limited to local police stations. The purpose of this study is to seek police roles for enhancing elderly safety, due to lack of police activity in this area. Recommendation for police roles in enhancing elderly safety is to first conduct routine crackdowns on fraud against elderly and also conduct education programs for preventing fraud. Also, crimes such as elderly abuse is lead by elderly protection agencies, but considering elderly abuse is a crime, the police should take a leading role. Also, to prevent elderly suicide, meticulous management of elderlies with high suicide risk is necessary, and elderly protection areas should be designated to prevent traffic accidents. Also, elderlies should be induced to turn in their driver's license. To conduct these matters of elderly safety, an organization exclusively charged with elderly safety is necessary. Elderly safety is a broad concept, and since police alone cannot handle the task of ensuring elderly safety, the police should take on a leading role in cooperative efforts with various institutions of the government, non-profit organizations and the community to establish a social saftey net for elderly safety.

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A Study on the Current Status and Development Plan of Private Security Industry (현행 민간경비업 관련법상의 문제점과 입법론적 고찰)

  • Kwon, Sang-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.317-321
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    • 2006
  • Endless criminal act has serious effect on safety of the nation and lives of the citizens and it is causing major disorder in ruling of the nation and the society. Also internet generalization in public put country's information foundation on the latest trend on the other hand, due to lack of security concept, cyber crime is on the rise such as hacking and viruses. But with various crime occurrence and increased desire for safety of citizens, there is limit to provide high quality public security service with just police force and equipments. To solve the problems, advanced crime prevention system, not on the nation's level but on the private level was activated private security business some time ago. And now it has its firm place as a corresponding existence with crime prevention capability of police force. Still private security industry of Korea has relatively many weak points when compared with advanced countries and it should be backed up with improvement of the law and the system.

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The Effect of Captain's Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction of KCG (해양경찰 함장의 변혁적 리더십이 승조원의 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Sin, Ho-Sig;Youn, Dae-Gwun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2013
  • The fleet crew of Korea Coast Guard(KCG) have a wide range of roles to perform. It is already recognized that they carry dutie in inferior working conditions. Therefore, a research on leadership that concerns organizational effectiveness seemed necessary for them. This study examines whether transformational leadership style is appropriate in job satisfaction for the fleet crew of KCG. This study also proves the effect of a leadership style on job satisfaction by suggesting a hypothesis from preceding studies. In this study transformational leadership is fixed as independent variables and job satisfaction as dependent variables and six factors as demographic characteristics. It is found that Intellectual stimulation is the most influential factor, but individualized consideration is an uninfluential factor concerning job satisfaction.