• 제목/요약/키워드: 경로 선정

검색결과 1,541건 처리시간 0.031초

The Effects of Job Satisfaction, Social Support and Hope on Life Quality of Mongolian Workers: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Hope and the Moderating Effect of the Legal Status (재한 몽골 합법·불법 이주노동자들의 직업만족도, 사회적 지지, 희망이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향: 희망의 매개효과와 체류자격의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Sung Ja Shin;Mijid-Ochir Otgondulam
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.435-462
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    • 2012
  • The predominant concern of the study centers on: (1) the direct effects of the job satisfaction, social support and hope on the individual's quality of life; (2) the direct effect of hope alone on the individual's quality life; (3) the mediating effect of the hope between the job satisfaction/social support and life quality; (4) the moderating effect of the worker's legal status(legal labors Vs. illegal labors) on each causal relationship. Research is based on a survey conducted with 453 Mongolian immigrant workers(333 legal workers, 120 illegal workers) from 10 cities including Seoul. In order for respondents to address research questions, structural equation models are explored. A variety of tests are conducted(metric invariance test, critical ratio for difference test, multi-group analysis, bias-corrected boot-strapping, latent mean analysis including Cohen's effect test). The noticeable findings are as follow: First, both job satisfaction and social support have a positive influence respectively on the individual's hope and the individual's quality of life. Second, we found a partial mediating effect of hope between both job satisfaction/social support and the individual's life quality. Third, we failed to find a moderating effect of the workers' legal status on each causal relationship. Finally, there is no significant difference of the latent means of each latent variable -job satisfaction, social support, hope, and life quality - between the legal group and the illegal group, except the latent mean of workers' quality of life. A range of practical and political implications are discussed based on the study's findings.

The Effect of Service Experience on Behavioral Loyalty in Luxury Restaurant Service Setting : The Causal Role of Cognitive Satisfaction and Emotional Attachment (고급레스토랑의 서비스경험이 행동충성도에 미치는 영향 : 인지만족과 정서애착의 인과적 역할)

  • Choi, Chuljae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2021
  • Due to long-term social distancing due to the spread of COVID-19, business trends of restaurant companies are being implemented in accordance with the changed environment such as packaging and subscription. However, even in this environment, upscale restaurants are generating high profits by trying to differentiate themselves from existing restaurants by providing high-quality services with the best facilities. Therefore, this study describes how customers' experience of upscale restaurant service influences behavioral loyalty. That is, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of service experience on cognitive satisfaction and emotional attachment, and to examine the causal role of cognitive satisfaction and emotional attachment by confirming the relationship between these constructs and relationship commitment and behavioral loyalty. To verify this, data were collected through face-to-face interviews with 300 consumers who recently used a upscale restaurant. Of the collected data, 275 copies(91.6%) were used for the final analysis, and inaccurate or erroneous data among 25 response sheets were excluded. In this study, the validity and reliability of the data were checked and the research hypothesis was verified by using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 20 statistical package. Frequency analysis was performed to confirm the demographic characteristics of the respondent. Structural equation model analysis(SEM) was used to confirm the fit of the research model and to verify the research hypothesis. As a result of the research hypothesis analysis, it was found that service experience had a positive effect on cognitive satisfaction, and cognitive satisfaction had a positive effect on emotional attachment, relationship commitment, and behavioral loyalty. Also, it was found that emotional attachment had a positive effect on relationship commitment and behavioral loyalty, and relationship commitment had a positive effect on behavioral loyalty. However, service experience did not affect emotional attachment. With this study, marketers and managers of upscale restaurants such as hotel restaurants need to accurately select their target audience, understand their service needs, and then present the appropriate service to them. In addition, they should not only induce cognitive satisfaction by providing excellent service to their customers, but also identify moments of truth and present appropriate services so that satisfied customers can strengthen their emotional attachment. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the relationship with their firms by forming friendly relationships with customers who have high emotional attachment, and also to induce relationship commitment so that such customers have a strong sense of belonging and attachment to their firms.

A Study on the Operation Plan of the Gangwon-do Disaster Management Resources Integrated Management Center (강원도 재난관리자원 통합관리센터 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hang-Il Jo;Sang-Beom Park;Kye-Won Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, as disasters become larger and more complex, there is a trend of shifting from a focus on response and recovery to a focus on prevention and preparedness. In order to prevent and prepare for disasters, each local government manages disaster management resources by stockpiling them. However, although disaster management resources are stored in individual warehouses, they are managed by department rather than by warehouse, resulting in insufficient management of disaster management resources due to the heavy workload of those in charge. In order to intensively manage these disaster management resources, an integrated disaster management resource management center is established and managed at the metropolitan/provincial level. In the case of Gangwon-do, the subject of this study, a warehouse is rented and operated as an integrated disaster management resource management center. When leasing an integrated management center, there is the inconvenience of having to move the location every 1 to 2 years, so it is deemed necessary to build a dedicated facility in an available site. To select a location candidate, network analysis was used to measure access to and use of facilities along interconnected routes of networks such as roads and railways. During network analysis, the Location-Allocation method, which was widely used in the past to determine the location of multiple facilities, was applied. As a result, Hoengseong-gun in Gangwon-do was identified as a suitable candidate site. In addition, if the integrated management center uses our country's logistics system to stockpile disaster management resources, local governments can mobilize disaster management resources in 3 days, and it is said that it takes 3 days to return to normal life after a disaster occurs. Each city's disaster management resource stockpile is 3 days' worth per week, and the integrated management center stores 3 times the maximum of the city's 4-day stockpile.

Analysis of the First Time User Experience of the online memorial platform and suggestion of service developments (온라인 장례 플랫폼의 초기 사용자 경험 분석및서비스 개발 제안)

  • Jueun Lee;Jindo Hwang
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.44-62
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    • 2024
  • The development of online funeral services and social issues of eco-friendly funeral culture have raised awareness of the new need for online funeral culture. There have been several attempts to revitalize online funeral services in domestic institutions and companies, but the effect is weak. The purpose of this study is to propose a design that can improve the accessibility and usability of online memorial services by analyzing the usability problem factors through a First Time User Experience analysis of the online memorial platform. Therefore, in this study, in order to identify the problem factors of the online memorial platform, a literature review on the UX, OOBE, and FTUE theories was conducted. The subject of the study was the app 'Memorial'. Before analyzing the First-Time User-Experience, IA was compared and analyzed with other similar services to understand the characteristics of the UX service of the app 'Memorial', which is the subject of the study. In addition, tasks corresponding to the Unpack-Setup/Configure-First Use stage were performed on 10 subjects who had no experience using the online memorial platform. The experimental process was expressed as the UX Curve to identify factors that caused negative experiences. As a result, the major problem factors included unnecessary UI elements, the need for sensitive personal information at the membership stage, and lack of immersion in the service. The improvements included strengthening community functions to facilitate the sharing of emotions and promote smooth communication between users. We proposed UI/UX service developments that enhanced the app by incorporating these insights. In order to verify the effectiveness, serviceability, and value of the developed prototype, an interview with a expert was conducted. The interviewes consisted of three service design experts. This study was conducted to contribute to the quality improvement and activation of the recently emerging online funeral services. The study is significant as it aims to understand the current status of these services and identify the factors necessary to improve service accessibility and usability. Subsequent studies require in-depth user verification of how much the proposed improvement plan affects the actual user experience.

Evaluation of Neonicotinoid Pesticides' Residual Toxicity to Honeybees Following or Foliage Treatment (네오니코티노이드계 농약의 사용방법에 따른 꿀벌엽상잔류 독성 평가)

  • Jin Ho Kim;Chul-Han Bae;ChangYul Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.484-497
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    • 2024
  • Neonicotinoid pesticides, widely used worldwide as potent insecticides, have been found to have detrimental effects on the environment and living organisms due to their persistent residues. This study aimed to investigate the neonicotinoid pesticides, imidacloprid, and clothianidin, focusing on their impact on honey bee toxicity and foliar residue levels. Alfalfa was selected as control crop while bell peppers, and cucumbers were chosen as representative application crops, respectively. The investigation involved comparing the toxicity and foliar residue levels resulting from soil and foliar treatments, with a focus on identifying potential shortcomings in conventional foliar residue toxicity testing methods. Imidacloprid and clothianidin were applied to crops or soil at recommended rates and through irrigation. The honey bee mortality rate (RT25) over time was determined, and pesticide residues on leaves were quantified using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results revealed that foliar treatment with imidacloprid on alfalfa resulted in an RT25 of less than 1 day, with residues ranging from 1.07 to 19.27 mg/kg. In contrast, application on bell peppers showed RT25 within 9 days, with residues ranging from 1.00 to 45.10 mg/kg. Clothianidin foliar treatment displayed RT25 within 10 days on alfalfa, with residues between 0.61 and 2.57 mg/kg. On bell peppers, RT25 was within 28 days, with residues ranging from 0.13 to 2.85 mg/kg. Soil treatment with imidacloprid and clothianidin in alfalfa exhibited minimal impact on honey bees and residues of 0.05 to 0.37 mg/kg. However, in applied crops, imidacloprid showed RT25 within 28 days and residues ranging from 4.47 to 130.43 mg/kg, while clothianidin exhibited RT25 within 35 days and residues between 5.96 and 42.32 mg/kg. In conclusion, when comparing honey bee toxicity and foliar residues among crops, application crops had a more significant impact on honey bee mortality and higher residue levels compared to control crops. Moreover, soil treatment for application crops resulted in higher RT25 and residue levels compared to foliar treatment. Therefore, to ensure pesticide safety and environmental sustainability, diverse research approaches considering different crops and application methods are necessary for the safety assessment of imidacloprid and clothianidin.

Assessment of Food Service Management at Childcare Facilities According to the Number of People Eating Meals (식수인원에 따른 보육시설 급식소 위생관리 수준 평가)

  • Dong Soo Kim;Hyuk Sung Kwon;Pyeong Won Kim;Ja Yeong Lee;Sang Gu Kim;Sang Yun Lee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the food service management levels of cafeterias in childcare facilities were investigated based on the number of meal recipients and the working status of the kitchen staff. The study included 199 childcare facilities nationwide that received food supplies from the food ingredients distribution company, Pulmuone Foodmerce, from 2021 to 2022. The assessment was conducted using 61 inspection items. The analysis revealed that, as the number of meal recipients and kitchen staff members decreased, the documentation of inspection results was less likely to be conducted (P<0.05). Facilities with fewer meal recipients showed less adequate health status checks for kitchen staff, and those with fewer kitchen staff showed insufficient compliance with hygienic clothing (P<0.05). Additionally, facilities with fewer meal recipients showed a higher frequency of lapses in checking the expiration dates of stored ingredients (P<0.05), requiring increased management attention. They also exhibited the absence of internal temperature measurement records during heating processes (P<0.05). Furthermore, facilities with fewer meal recipients demonstrated inadequate maintenance of kitchen facilities (P<0.05). Significantly higher adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels were detected on the hands and cutting boards of the kitchen staff in facilities with fewer meal recipients and fewer kitchen staff (P>0.05). Overall, facilities with fewer meal recipients exhibited insufficient infrastructure management for kitchen operations and inadequate hygiene management. These results are expected to provide foundational data for the selection of national support programs for childcare facilities in the future.

Establishing Optimal Conditions for LED-Based Speed Breeding System in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (LED 기반 콩[Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 세대단축 시스템 구축을 위한 조건 설정)

  • Gyu Tae Park;Ji-Hyun Bae;Ju Seok Lee;Soo-Kwon Park;Dool-Yi Kim;Jung-Kyung Moon;Mi-Suk Seo
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    • 제68권4호
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 2023
  • Plant breeding is a time-consuming process, mainly due to the limited annual generational advancement. A speed breeding system, using LED light sources, has been applied to accelerate generational progression in various crops. However, detailed protocols applicable to soybeans are still insufficient. In this study, we report the optimized protocols for a speed breeding system comprising 12 soybean varieties with various maturity ecotypes. We investigated the effects of two light qualities (RGB ratio), three levels of light intensity (PPFD), and two soil conditions on the flowering time and development of soybeans. Our results showed that an increase in the red wavelength of the light spectrum led to a delay in flowering time. Furthermore, as light intensity increased, flowering time, average internode length, and plant height decreased, while the number of nodes, branches, and pods increased. When compared to agronomic soil, horticultural soil resulted in an increase of more than 50% in the number of nodes, branches, and pods. Consequently, the optimal conditions were determined as follows: a 10-hour short-day photoperiod, an equal RGB ratio (1:1:1), light intensity exceeding 1,300 PPFD, and the use of horticultural soil. Under these conditions, the average flowering time was found to be 27.3±2.48 days, with an average seed yield of 7.9±2.67. Thus, the speed breeding systems reduced the flowering time by more than 40 days, compared to the average flowering time of Korean soybean resources (approximately 70 days). By using a controlled growth chamber that is unaffected by external environmental conditions, up to 6 generations can be achieved per year. The use of LED illumination and streamlined facilities further contributes to cost savings. This study highlights the substantial potential of integrating modern crop breeding techniques, such as digital breeding and genetic editing, with generational shortening systems to accelerate crop improvement.

A Study on the Development of Planting Design Guidelines for Outdoor Space of Apartment for Increased Carbon Absorption (탄소흡수량 증대를 위한 아파트 외부 공간 식재 가이드라인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Yonju;Baek, Kyuli;Jung, In kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2024
  • As interest in carbon absorption increases to respond to the global climate crisis, the environmentally friendly design of exterior spaces of apartments, which account for 63.5% of all residences in Korea, is required. In this study, a planting design guideline for increasing the amount of carbon adsorption in the space outside apartments was developed. This is meaningful in suggesting a planting design strategy according to the type of space with the aim of presenting a realistic solution to respond to the climate crisis and carbon output in the domestic construction industry. A carbon calculator was used for the calculation of carbon absorption for trees, and previous research data was used for shrubs and flowers. Based on the laws and regulations related to the exterior space of apartments and design guidelines for each construction company, major landscape spaces were extracted and categorized into central plazas, peripheral forests, waterfront spaces, play and exercise spaces, and small gardens. Apartment complexes in Seoul and the Seoul metropolitan area among the 2021 and later winners of the 'Livable Apartment Award' were selected, and the carbon uptake of landscape trees by space was calculated for more than 1,000 apartments. Based on this, a guideline for planting by space was prepared to increase carbon adsorption. As a result of applying the planting guidelines to the sample target site, the carbon adsorption amount increased by about 5-63% compared to the existing design, and it converged toward the target carbon adsorption amount. This was determined by confirming that the amount of carbon adsorption could increase when planting guidelines were applied. This study is significant for establishing design guidelines by summarizing the carbon absorption data of landscape trees, but it is necessary to secure data on all landscape materials, not just trees, for future carbon reduction design in the landscape field. By presenting practical planting data and design guidelines that can improve carbon absorption in the design and construction of exterior space planting in apartment complexes, this study is significant as basic research that can be utilized as indicators and guidelines for future carbon absorption-related design and is expected to contribute to climate change response in urban environments.

The causative organisms of pediatric empyema in Korea (소아 농흉 원인균에 대한 다기관 연구(1999. 9-2004. 8))

  • Yum, Hye-yung;Kim, Woo Kyung;Kim, Jin Tak;Kim, Hyun Hee;Rha, Yeong Ho;Park, Yong Min;Sohn, Myung Hyun;Ahn, Kang Mo;Lee, Soo Young;Hong, Su Jong;Lee, Hae Ran
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : In spite of medical advances, empyema is a serious complication of pneumonia in children. Vaccination practices and antibiotic prescribing practices promote the change of clinical manifestations of empyema and causative organisms. So we made a nationwide clinical observation of 122 cases of empyema in children from 32 hospitals during the 5 year period from September 1999 to August 2004. Methods : Demographic data, and clinical information on the course and management of empyema patients were collected retrospectively from medical records in secondary and tertiary hospitals in Korea. Results : One hundred twenty two patients were enrolled from 35 hospitals. The most frequent age group was 1-3 years, accounting for 48 percent of all cases. The male to female sex ratio was 1.2:1. The main symptoms were cough, fever, respiratory difficulty, lethargy and chest pain in order of frequency. Hematologic findings on admission revealed decreased hemoglobin levels ($10.4{\pm}1.6g/dL$) and increased leukocyte counts ($16,234.3{\pm}10,601.8/{\mu}L$). Pleural fluid obtained from patients showed high leukocyte counts ($30,365.8{\pm}64,073.0/{\mu}L$), high protein levels ($522.3{\pm}1582.3g/dL$), and low glucose levels ($88.1{\pm}523.5mg/dL$). Findings from pleural fluid cultures were positive in 80 cases(65.6 percent). The most common causative agent was Streptococcus pneumoniae. The majority of patients were treated with antibiotics and closed drainage. Some patients needed open drainage (16.4 percent) or decortication (3.3 percent). The mean duration of hospitalization was $28.6{\pm}15.3days$. Conclusion : We analyzed childhood empyema patients during a period of 5 years in Korean children. The most frequent age group was 1-3 years and the most common causative agent was Streptococcus pneumoniaeiae. The majority of patients were treated with antibiotics and close drainage.

Dose Response Relationship in Local Radiotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (원발성 간암의 국소 방사선치료 시 선량반응 관계)

  • Park Hee Chul;Seong Jinsil;Han Kwang Hyub;Chon Chae Yoon;Moon Young Myoung;Song Jae Seok;Suh Chang Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : In this study, it was investigated whether dose response relation existed or not in local radiotherapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Materials and Methods : From January 1992 to March 2000, 158 patients were included in present study. Exclusion criteria included the presence of extrahepatic metastasis, liver cirrhosis of Child's class C, tumors occupying more than two thirds of the entire liver, and performance status on the ECOG scale of more than 3. Radiotherapy was given to the field including tumor with generous margin using 6, 10-MV X-ray. Mean tumor dose was $48.2{\pm}7.9\;Gy$ in daily 1.8 Gy fractions. Tumor response was based on diagnostic radiologic examinations such as CT scan, MR imaging, hepatic artery angiography at $4\~8$ weeks following completion of treatment. Statistical analysis was done to investigate the existence of dose response relationship of local radiotherapy when it was applied to the treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Results : An objective response was observed in 106 of 158 patients, giving a response rate of $67.1\%$. Statistical analysis revealed that total dose was the most significant factor in relation to tumor response when local radiotherapy was applied to the treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Only $29.2\%$ showed objective response in patients treated with dose less than 40 Gy, while $68.6\%\;and\;77.1\%$ showed major response in patients with $40\~50\;Gy$ and more than 50 Gy, respectively. Child-Pugh classification was significant factor in the development of ascites, overt radiation induced liver disease and gastroenteritis. Radiation dose was an important factor for development of radiation induced gastroduodenal ulcer. Conclusion : Present study showed the existence of dose response relationship in local radiotherapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Only radiotherapy dose was a significant factor to predict the objective response. Further study is required to predict the maximal tolerance dose in consideration of liver function and non-irradiated liver volume.

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