• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경구 요법

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  • Park, Heon-Dong;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Nan-Young
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of present study was to compare the sedative effect of intranasal and oral midazolam treatment. The study was conducted on twenty eight child patients who required at least two visits. All the patients showed a good physical status (ASA-I). The patient was randomly assigned to receive midazolam either intranasal (Group I, 0.25 mg/kg) or oral (Group II, 0.5mg/kg) route at each visit. Treatment procedure was divided into six stages. In each stage, sleep score, crying score, movement score and overall behavior score were evaluated. The overall results can be summarized as follows: 1. Through all treatment procedures, no significant difference was observed between Group I and Group II in terms of sleep, crying, movement and overall behavior index. 2. In a questionnaire to the parents, 67.8% of parents answered that the child suffered at intranasal administration, while only 17.7% of parents responded the same way at oral administration. 3. In a questionnaire regarding patients' behavior at home after midazolam treatment, 'Similar to normal behavior' was 78.6% in Group I and 57.1% in Group II, indicating that intranasal treatment of midazolam may be more effective for the recovery.

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특집 - 인슐린 분비 촉진제

  • O, Ji-Yeong
    • The Monthly Diabetes
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    • s.222
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    • pp.13-14
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    • 2008
  • 제 2형 당뇨병환자에서 식이요법 및 운동요법으로 목표 혈당에 도달하지 못하면 경구혈당강하제를 사용해야한다. 목표 혈당은 물론 개인마다 차이는 있을 수 있지만, 일반적으로 식전혈당 90$\sim$130mg/dl, 식후 2시간 혈당 180mg/dl 미만, 당화혈색소 7% 미만이다. 제 2형 당뇨병의 원인은 인슐린 분비결함과 인슐린 저항성으로 알려져 있으며, 이 중 췌장에서의 인슐린 분비를 촉진시켜 혈당을 조절하는 약물로 설폰요소제와 메글리티나이드 약물이 있다. 최근에 개발되어 국내에서 사용되기 시작한 약물로 글루카곤유사펩티드-1 작용제가 있는데, 이는 인슐린 분비를 촉진시켜 식후 혈당을 조절하는데 도움이 된다.

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Induction Chemotherapy with S-1 and Cisplatin in Patients with Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck : A Single Center Experience (국소진행성 두경부편평상피암 환자를 대상으로 한 S1과 시스플라틴 병용 유도항암화학요법에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Dok-Hyun;Cho, Yoo-Jin;Kim, Ji-Youn;Kim, Sang-Yoon;Nam, Soon-Yuhl;Choi, Seung-Ho;Roh, Jong-Lyel;Lee, Sang-Wook;Lee, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Seung;Cho, Kyung-Ja;Kim, Sung-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2011
  • 서 론: 5-FU와 cisplatin 병용항암화학요법은 국소진행성 두경부편평상피암의 유도화학요법으로 널리 사용되고 있는 요법이다. 저자들은 5-FU 대신 경구제재인 S-1을 cisplatin과 병용하는 복합항암요법의 효과와 안전성에 대해 연구하였다. 대상 및 방법: 저자들은 2007년 2월부터 2008년 12월까지 S1과 cisplatin의 복합유도화학요법을 시행받은 3/4기 구인두, 하인두, 후두, 구강 편평상피세포암 환자 52명의 치료결과를 후향적으로 분석하였다. 유도항암화학요법은 제 1일에 cisplatin(75 또는 60mg/$m^2$), 제1일부터 14일까지 S-1(40mg/$m^2$)을 1일 2회, 21일 간격으로 투여하였고 가능한 경우에는 항암방사선동시요법 또는 수술을 뒤이어 시행하였다. 결 과: 전체 52명 중 37명(71.2%)에서 부분반응을 보였으나 완전반응은 관찰되지 않았다. 2년 무진행생존율은 56.9%, 2년 전체생존율은 68.2%였다. 유도항암요법과 관련된 유해반응으로는 호중구감소증(71.2%) 및 빈혈(63.5%) 등과 같은 혈액학적 부작용이 가장 흔했다. 결 론: S-1과 cisplatin의 복합항암화학요법은 국소진행성 두경부편평상피암 환자를 대상으로 한 유도화학요법으로 적용이 가능한 것으로 판단된다.

Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Cardiac Transplant Patients -The Report of Two Cases (심장이식후 발생한 아스페르길루스증-2례 보고-)

  • 박국양;김희정
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.330-335
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    • 1997
  • Aspergillus Infection is a major.cause of mortality in individuals with depressed cell-mediated immunity. Despite therapy with intravenous amphotericin B and oral antifungal agents, high mortality has been reported among heart transplant recipients. We experienced two cases of pulmonary aspergillosis among 15 heart transplantation cases. Both cases were similiar in terms of age, time of diagnosis, and medication. Percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy revealed Aspergillus fumigatus in both cases. The thirst case showed multiple aspergilloma on both lung fields and were treated by IV Amphotericin B and oral itraconazole. After completion of treatment, the lesion completely disappeared and he has been followed up for more than one year in his good condition. The second case showed a single nodule on his right lower lung field and were treated by both medication and surgery. The patient recovered well and had been doing well until 4th postoperative month when he developed humoral rejection and expired.

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Comparison of Oral Micronized Progesterone and Dydrogesterone as a Luteal Support in Intrauterine Insemination Cycle (자궁강내인공수정시 황체기 보강으로서 경구 미분화 프로게스테론과 디드로게스테론의 비교)

  • Jang, Eun-Jeong;Jee, Byung-Chul;Kim, Sang-Don;Lee, Jung-Ryeol;Suh, Chang-Suk
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2010
  • Objective: To compare the clinical outcomes between oral micronized progesterone and dydrogesterone as a luteal phase support in stimulated intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed in 183 IUI cycles during January 2007 to August 2009. Superovulation was achieved by using gonadotropins combined with or without clomiphene citrate. The luteal phase was supported by oral micronized progesterone 300 mg/day (n=136 cycles) or dydrogesterone 20 mg/day (n=47 cycles) from day of insemination. Results: There were no significant differences in clinical characteristics such as age of female, infertility factors, number of mature follicles ($\geq$16 mm), total motile sperm counts, and endometrial thickness on triggering day between the two groups. The clinical pregnancy rates per cycle were similar between the two groups (21.3% in the micronized progesterone group vs. 19.1% in the dydrogesterone group, p=0.92). The clinical miscarriage rate tended to be 3-fold higher in the micronized progesterone group (34.5% vs. 11.1%, p=0.36). Conclusion: Supplementation of oral dydrogesterone as a luteal support has similar clinical outcomes compared with oral micronized progesterone. Large-scaled randomized study would be required to confirm our findings.

A STUDY ON THE CONSCIOUS SEDATIVE EFFECT OF CHLORAL HYDRATE/HYDROXYZINE WITH AND WITHOUT $N_2O-O_2$ (Chloral hydrate와 Hydroxyzine의 경구투여와 $N_2O-O_2$ 병용투여시 진정효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Joon;Lee, Keung-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.489-497
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical sedation effect of chloral hydrate and hydroxyzine combination with and without nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation when young children were sedated for dental treatment. The uncooperative 20 children aged, 21 to 47 months of age(ASA Class I), participated in the study. The author examined 20 children(male 12, female 8). Each patient was assigned to receive chloral hydrate(50mg/kg) and hydroxyzine(25mg). Next appointment, each patient was assigned to receive $N_2O-O_2$, choral hydrate and hydroxyzine. Sleep, crying, movement, and overall behavior response were evaluated, and the sedative effects were evaluated by Houpt's rating scale. Pulse rate and peripheral oxygen saturation were also measured for monitoring the sedated patients during treatment period by pulse oximeter. The result were as follows : 1. In the evaluation of sleep scores, crying scores, and movement scores, chloral $hydrate/hydroxyzine/N_2O-O_2$ combination group was significantly rated high(p<0.05). 2. In the evaluation of overall behavior scores, chloral hydrate/hydroxyzine/$N_2O-O_2$ combination group was significantly rated high(p<0.05). 3. In the evaluation of overall behavior evaluation scores(by Houpt), 93.3% in chloral $hydrate/hydroxyzine/N_2O-O_2$ combination group and 63.3% in chloral hydrate/hydroxyzine combination group were rated "good" or "very good". 4. There was no adverse side effect(i.e. respiratory depression) in both group.

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Response to Capecitabine Treatment Following Palliative Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Case Report (고식적 항암화학요법 후에 Capecitabine 단독치료에 반응을 보인 전이성 대장암 환자 1례)

  • Dae Hwa Park;Ju Seok Kim;Sun Hyung Kang;Hee Seok Moon;Jae Kyu Sung;Hyun Yong Jeong
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2017
  • Approximately 40% of patients with colorectal cancer have metastatic lesions at the time of diagnosis, and chemotherapy is generally prescribed for these patients. Though several drugs are used, 5-FU has long been the backbone of chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Capecitabine is an oral 5-FU prodrug approved by the FDA in 2005 and is used alone or in combination for treatment of colorectal cancer. Recently, capecitabine has been used for a number of off-label indications, including the treatment of advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer. Here, we report a rare case of a 59-year-old woman, diagnosed with metastatic colorectal cancer who first presented with abdominal discomfort and dyspepsia. She showed a partial response to palliative first line FOLFOX chemotherapy, which had to be stopped due to peripheral neuropathy, as a side effect. She was next put on a second line chemotherapy regimen with capecitabine alone, since then she showed good treatment response without any disease progression.

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  • Ryeom, Kon;Lee, Young-Kee;Shin, Suck-Woo;Jung, Byung-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.62-62
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    • 1995
  • 한국산 천연자원중 한방이나 민간요법에서 항종양제로 빈번히 사용되어온 생약들 중에서 103종을 선정하여 이들 성분들을 추출하고 시험관내에서 항종양성이 우수하고 정상세포에 손상을 적게 주는 생약 6종을 선별하여 암세포주에 대한 독성능 (in vitro)과 항종양성 면역감시기구(in vivo)및 LD$_{50}$등을 측정하여 항종양제로의 신약개발을 목적으로 수행하였다. 방법: 선별된 6종의 생약유효성분을 METHANOL로 추출하여 조추출물을 얻었으며 이물질들을 순차적으로 각각의 유기용매로 추출, column chromatography법으로 분획하였으며 분획분에 대한 암세포독성능은 MTT colorimetric 검정법을 이용하여 IC$_{50}$값을 구하였다. 면역감시기구 측정방범으로는 Balb/c mouae암,수 각 10수씩에 P388암세포주를 접종한군과 접종하지 않은 실험군에 생약추출분획물 8.6mg/0.2ml씩 20일간 매일 경구 투여시키고 대조군에는 생리식염수 0.2ml씩을 매일 경구 투여시켜 NK cell의 활성 MIF Recombinant IL-2로 유도시킨 NK cell활성능, chemotaxis등을 측정하였다. 생체내 항종양능 시험은 tumor panel system에 따라 mouse leukemia cell을 사용하여 측정하였다. 각분획성분의 투여용량은 실험동물에서 독성실험결과로 LD$_{50}$량을 구해 항암효과 평가시에 Maximum dose로 하였고 최고용량을 기준으로 일정한 공비를 적응하여 3단계의 투여량을 설정하였다. (중략)

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A Case of Gorham-Stout Disease with Life-threatening Chylothorax Successfully Treated with the Combined Therapy of mTOR Inhibitor and Beta-blocker (mTOR inhibitor와 beta-blocker 병합요법으로 성공적으로 치료된 Gorham-Stout 질환)

  • Ryu, Kyungguk;Seo, Go Hun;Kim, Yoon-Myung;Choi, Jin-Ho;Yoo, Han-Wook;Lee, Beom Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2017
  • Gorham-Stout disease is a rare disorder characterized by lymphovascular proliferation and destruction of osseous matrix. The etiology of this condition remains poorly understood. Chylothorax as a consequence of lymphatic leakage in thoracic cage may cause a severe life-threatening complication, accompanying respiratory difficulty. Currently, there is no standard management for this extremely rare condition. Here we describe a patient affected by Gorham-Stout disease successfully managed by the combined treatment of mTOR inhibitor and beta-blocker. A previously healthy 11-year-old female developed dyspnea and chest pain with a massive pleural effusion. The ligation of right thoracic duct and bilateral pleurodesis temporarily decreased her pleural effusion, which was aggravated repetitively and required frequent admission and tube thoracotomies. Along with bilateral pleural adhesiolysis with thoracotomy, the combined treatment of oral beta-blocker and mTOR inhibitor was commenced. After 1 month of oral medication, her pleural effusion was not increased and she was free of respiratory difficulty on room air without chest tubes. Over eleven months of treatment, no serious adverse reaction was noted and her condition has been stable with no further admission required.

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  • Jang, Yong-Gul;Park, Ho-Won;Lee, Ju-Hyun;Seo, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.568-574
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    • 2009
  • Tongue-tie is a congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormally short lingual frenum, which may restrict tongue tip mobility, In the neonate and infant, tongue-tie was said to cause difficult breast-feeding, In the older infant, toddler and young child, poor speech has been frequently listed because movement of tongue tip is limit ed. Also as a abnormal tongue position, various orthodontic problems, later mechanical and social manifestations could be developed. Treatment options such as observation, speech therapy, frenotomy and frenectomy have been suggested. The optimal timing for the surgery has not been determined, but early intervention may be appropriate for the children with significant tongue-tie who has the significant potential to speech difficulties and later social and mechanical problems. Sedation is an effective method for incapable of cooperative and the handicapped children, necessary to early intervention. We report three cases, using oral sedation for the frenectomy in young children with severe tongue-tie. After treatments, we could find out sufficient tongue movement and improved speech ability.

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