• Title/Summary/Keyword: 경계단층

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Visualization of Borderline Coronary Artery Lesions by CT Angiography and Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (관상동맥 질환 판독과 자료 체계와 CT 혈관조영술에서의 경계성 관상동맥 병변)

  • Hyewon Park;Yu-Whan Oh;Ki Yeol Lee;Hwan Seok Yong;Cherry Kim;Sung Ho Hwang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.85 no.2
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    • pp.297-307
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    • 2024
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD) narrows vessel lumens at the sites of atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of myocardial ischemia or infarction. Early and accurate diagnosis of CAD is crucial to significantly improve prognosis and management. CT angiography (CTA) is a noninvasive imaging technique that enables assessment of vascular structure and stenosis with high resolution and contrast. Coronary CTA is useful in the diagnosis of CAD. Recently, the CAD-reporting and data system (CAD-RADS), a diagnostic classification system based on coronary CTA, has been developed to improve intervention efficacy in patients suspected of CAD. While the CADRAD is based on CTA, it includes borderline categories where interpreting the coronary artery status solely based on CTA findings may be challenging. This review introduces CTA findings that fall within the CAD-RADS categories that necessitate additional tests to decide to perform invasive coronary angiography and discusses appropriate management strategies.

Clinical Characteristics and Renal Outcomes of Acute Focal Bacterial Nephritis in Children (소아 급성 세균성 신엽염의 임상상 및 신장 예후)

  • Lee Dong-Ki;Kwon Duck-Geun;Lim Yun-Ju;Shin Yun-Hye;Yun Suk-Nam;Pai Ki-Soo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study was perfonned to elucidate the clinical pictures of acute focal bacterial nephritis(nephronia) in children. Methods: We reviewed 9 children with nephronia diagnosed by ultrasonography or computed tomography of kidneys from September 1994 to August 2004. Results: The overall male to female ratio was 2:1, and the age distribution ranged from 0.1 to 6 years(mean $2.8{\pm}2.2$). The cardinal symptoms were fever, chills, abdominal pain and dysuria/frequency. The initial leukocyte count was $21,000{\pm}5,600/uL$, ESR $60{\pm}23mm/hr$, CRP $17{\pm}10\;mg/dl$. Pyuria was noted in every patient and persisted for $10.5{\pm}7.8$ days after antimicrobial treatment. Abdominal sonography demonstrated focal lesion of ill-defined margin and low echogenicity in 5 of 9 patients(55.6%), while computed tomography revealed nonenhancing low density area in all patients(100%). Three of 9 patients(33.3%) had vesicoureteral reflux, greater than grade III. The initial $^{99m}Tc-DMSA$ scan showed one or multiple cortical defects in every patient, and improvements were noted in 2(33.3%) of 6 patients who received follow up scan after 4 months. Intravenous antibiotics was given in every patient under admission. Total febrile period was $11.8{\pm}6.3$ days(pre-admission, $4.0{\pm}3.0;$ post-admission, $7.8{\pm}5.5$ days) and the patients needed hospitalization for $17.2{\pm}8.1$ days. Conclusion: For the early diagnosis of 'acute focal bacterial nephritis' we should perform renal computed tomography first rather than ultrasonography, when the child has toxic symptoms and severe inflammatory responses in blood and urine.

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The Forming Process of the Maisan and Nearby Famous Mountains and the Related Mountain Ranges and Water Systems (마이산과 주변 명산의 형성과정과 그에 관련된 산맥과 수계 변화)

  • Oh, Changwhan;Lee, Seunghwan;Lee, Boyoung
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2017
  • The Jinan Basin which includes Maisan locates in the central part of the northern boundary of the Yeongnam Massif. The basement rocks of the Jinan Basin and surrounding area are Precambrian gneiss and Mesozoic granite which were exposed on the surface before Cretaceous. The Jinan Basin, one of the Cretaceous pull-apart basins in South Korea, formed along the Yongdong-Gwangju fault system. Maisan is composed of conglomerate deposited in the eastern slope of the Jinan Basin showing the shape of horse ears and the unusual topography where many tafonies were developed. The strike slip fault that caused the Jinan Basin was connected to the deep depth so that the magma formed at 200 km depth could have extruded on the surface causing active volcanic activity in and around the Jinan basin. As a result, Cheonbansan composed of pyroclastic rocks, Gubongsan consisting of volcanic neck and WoonilamBanilam formed by the lava flow, appear around Maisan forming a specific terrain. After the formation of the Jinan Basin and surrounding volcanic rocks, they uplifted to form mountains including Masian; the uplifting time may be ca. 69-38 Ma. At this time, the Noryeong mountain range may be formed in the regions which extended from Chugaryeong through Muju and Jinan to Hampyeong dividing the Geumgang and Seomjingang water systems. Due to the ecological barrier, the Noryeong mountain range, Coreoleuciscus splendidus living in the Geumgang water systems was differentiated from that in the Soemjingang water system. In addition, the Geumgang and Mangyeong-Dongjingang water systems were separated by the Unjangsan, which developed in the NNW direction. As a result, diverse ecosystem have been established in and around Maisan and at the same time, diverse cultural and historical resources related to Maisan's unique petrological features, were also established. Therefore, Maisan and surrounding area can be regarded as a place where a geotourism can be successfully established by combining the ecological, cultural and historical resources with a geological heritage. Therefore Maisan and surrounding areas have a high possibility to be a National Geopark and UNESCO Global Geopark.

The Efficacy of the Change in Belly Board Aperture Location by the Addition of Bladder Compression Device for Radiotherapy of Rectal Cancer (직장암 환자의 골반 방사선치료에서 벨리보드 하위 경계 위치 변화의 영향)

  • Yoon, Hong-In;Chung, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Joo-Ho;Park, Hyo-Kuk;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Young-Suk;Choi, Yun-Seon;Kim, Mi-Sun;Lee, Ha-Yoon;Chang, Jee-Suk;Cha, Hye-Jung;Seong, Jin-Sil;Keum, Ki-Chang;Koom, Woong-Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: We investigated the effect of location changes in the inferior border of the belly board (BB) aperture by adding a bladder compression device (BCD). Materials and Methods: We respectively reviewed data from 10 rectal cancer patients with a median age 64 years (range, 45~75) and who underwent computed tomography (CT) simulation with the use of BB to receive pelvic radiotherapy between May and September 2010. A CT simulation was again performed with the addition of BCD since small bowel (SB) within the irradiated volume limited boost irradiation of 5.4 Gy using the cone down technique after 45 Gy. The addition of BCD made the inferior border of BB move from symphysis pubis to the lumbosacral junction (LSJ). Results: Following the addition of BCD, the irradiated volumes of SB and the abdominopelvic cavity (APC) significantly decreased ($174.3{\pm}89.5mL$ vs. $373.3{\pm}145.0mL$, p=0.001, $1282.6{\pm}218.7mL$ vs. $1,571.9{\pm}158mL$, p<0.001, respectively). Bladder volume within the treated volume increased with BCD ($222.9{\pm}117.9mL$ vs. $153.7{\pm}95.5mL$, p<0.001). The ratio of irradiated bladder volume to APC volume with BCD ($33.5{\pm}14.7%$) increased considerably compared to patients without a BCD ($27.5{\pm}13.1%$) (p<0.001), and the ratio of irradiated SB to APC volume decreased significantly with BCD ($13.9{\pm}7.6%$ vs. $24.2{\pm}10.2%$, p<0.001). The ratios of the irradiated SB volume and irradiated bladder volume to APC volume negatively correlated (p=0.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the addition of BCD, which made the inferior border of BB move up to the LSJ, increased the ratio of the bladder to APC volume and as a result, decreased the irradiated volume of SB.

Role of FDG-PET in the Diagnosis of Recurrence and Assessment of Therapeutic Response in Cervical Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Patients: Comparison of Diagnostic Report between PET, Abdominal a and Tumor Marker (자궁경부암 및 난소암 환자 재발진단과 치료반응평가에 있어서 FDG-PET의 역할: 양전자방출단층촬영, 복부전산화단층촬영 및 종양표지자 판독의 비교 분석)

  • Han, You-Mie;Choe, Jae-Gol;Kang, Bung-Chul
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: We aimed to assess the role of positron emission tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) in the diagnosis of recurrence or the assessment of therapeutic response in cervical and ovarian cancer patients through making a comparison between FDG-PET, abdominal computed tomography (CT) and serum tumor marker. Materials and methods: We included 103 cases (67 patients) performed FDG-PET and abdominal CT. There were 42 cervical cancers and 61 ovarian cancers. We retrospectively reviewed the interpretations of PET and CT images as well as the level of tumor marker. We calculated their sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for these three modalities. And then we analyzed the differences between these three modalities. Results: Tumor recurrences were diagnosed in 37 cases (11 cervical cancers and 26 ovarian cancers). For PET, CT and tumor marker, in cervical cancer group, sensitivity was 100% (11/11), 54.5% (6/11) and 81.1% (9/11), respectively. And specificity was 93.6% (29/31), 93.6% (29/31) and 100% (31/31). In ovarian cancer group, sensitivity was 96.2% (25/26), 84.6% (22/26) and 80.8% (21/26), and specificity was 94.3% (33/35), 94.3% (33/35), 94.3% (33/35), PET was highly sensitive to detect the intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal metastasis with the help of the CT images to localize the lesions. However, CT had limitations in differentiation of the recurrent tumor from benign fibrotic tissue, identification of viable tumors at the interface of tissues, and detecting extraperitoneal lesions. Conclusion: FDG-PET can be an essential modality to detect the recurrent or residual tumors in gynecologic cancer patients because of its great field of the application and high sensitivity.

Imaging Feature of Radiation Induced Lung Disease (방사선 폐손상의 방사선학적 소견)

  • Lee, Jae Gyo;Rho, Byeung Hak;Chang, Jae Chun;Kim, Myung Se
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2000
  • Background and Purpose: Radioopaque lesions are commonly seen in patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for various kinds of thoracic neoplasm, But therir exact diagnos are sometimes uncertain. Patients and Methods: We examined simple chest radiograph and computed tomogram(CT) of 69 patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for lung cancer and were follow up at least 6 months in Yeungnam University Medical Center. Results: Of the 69 patients. thirty-eight patients showed radioopaque lesions in their chest radiographs except radiation fibrosis; radiation pneumonitis was witnessed in 24 patients. infectious pneumonia in 8 patients, and recurrence in 6 patients. In radiation pneumonitis patients, the pneumonitis occurred usually between 50 to 130 days after receiving radiation therapy, and interval between pneumonitis and fibrosis is 21 to 104 days. Simple chest radiographs of radiation pneumonitis(24 patients) represented ground glass opacities or consolidation in 4 cases(type I, 17%), reticular of reticulonodular opacities in 10 cases(type II, 42%), irregular patchy consolidations in 2 cases( type III, 8%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 8 cases(type IV, 33%), CT represent ground glass opacities or consolidation in 5 cases(type I, 29%), irregular nodular opacities in 3 cases(type II, 19%), irregular opacity beyond radiation fields in 3 cases(type III, 18%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 6 cased(type IV, 35%). The CT of four patients who represented type II on simple chest radiographs reveal type I and III, and CT of two patients with clinical symptoms who had no abnormal finding on simple radiograph revealed type I. Conclusions: In conclusion, computed tomogram is superior to the simple radiograph when trying to understand the pathologic process of radiation pneumonitis and provide confidence in the diagnosis of radiation induced lung disease.

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Truncation Artifact Reduction Using Weighted Normalization Method in Prototype R/F Chest Digital Tomosynthesis (CDT) System (프로토타입 R/F 흉부 디지털 단층영상합성장치 시스템에서 잘림 아티팩트 감소를 위한 가중 정규화 접근법에 대한 연구)

  • Son, Junyoung;Choi, Sunghoon;Lee, Donghoon;Kim, Hee-Joung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2019
  • Chest digital tomosynthesis has become a practical imaging modality because it can solve the problem of anatomy overlapping in conventional chest radiography. However, because of both limited scan angle and finite-size detector, a portion of chest cannot be represented in some or all of the projection. These bring a discontinuity in intensity across the field of view boundaries in the reconstructed slices, which we refer to as the truncation artifacts. The purpose of this study was to reduce truncation artifacts using a weighted normalization approach and to investigate the performance of this approach for our prototype chest digital tomosynthesis system. The system source-to-image distance was 1100 mm, and the center of rotation of X-ray source was located on 100 mm above the detector surface. After obtaining 41 projection views with ${\pm}20^{\circ}$ degrees, tomosynthesis slices were reconstructed with the filtered back projection algorithm. For quantitative evaluation, peak signal to noise ratio and structure similarity index values were evaluated after reconstructing reference image using simulation, and mean value of specific direction values was evaluated using real data. Simulation results showed that the peak signal to noise ratio and structure similarity index was improved respectively. In the case of the experimental results showed that the effect of artifact in the mean value of specific direction of the reconstructed image was reduced. In conclusion, the weighted normalization method improves the quality of image by reducing truncation artifacts. These results suggested that weighted normalization method could improve the image quality of chest digital tomosynthesis.


  • Chang, Chung Chin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 1969
  • The structure and geologic history of the Triassic basin in southern Connecticut have been interpreted by using gravimetric data. A gravity survey of 800 gravity stations was made by the U.S. Geological Survey in the southern Connecticut area. The resulting data were reduced by the Bouguer method and then plotted and contoured along with the generalized geology. Residual gravity maps were prepared by different methods to obtain the most plausible agreement with the known geology of the area. Seven gravity profiles across the basin are presented to show the distribution of the Triassic deposits that could produce the measured anomalies. It is concluded that the basin was formed by successive step faulting in the late Triassic period and that the sediments accumulated progressively in this basin. The deepest portion of the basin is located in the middle of the present Triassic belt and reaches a depth of about 2 miles below the surface. The data also appear to indicate the possible source areas for the basalt which at present forms the lava flows, sills, and dikes exposed in the Cheshire and Gaillard regions. The information concerning the tectonic history of the Connecticut Triassic Valley aids considerably in establishing the geologic history of the Appalachians in late Triassic time.

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Historical earthquake data of Korean (한반도의 역사지진자료)

  • Lee, Gi Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 1998
  • Korea boasts of abundant historical earthquake records of almost 1900 events. The epicenters and intensities of these earthquakes are determined on the basis of descriptions and felt areas of the events. It turns out that most of the earthquakes occurred on major faults or tectonic boundaries of the peninsula except for the northeastern part which had been the least disrupted by tectonic disturbances during the Mesozoic. It appears that the crustal layers of the southern and northwestern parts of the peninsula had been severely ruptured during the Mesozoic disturbances and some of the faults thus generated have been active since. The seismicity of the peninsula had been rather low from the first to the fourteenth century, but unusually high from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, and have been rather low since. This period of unusually high seismicity of the peninsula coincides with that of the northeastern part of China, suggesting the two areas are seismologically closely connected. It appears that most of the seismicity of the peninsula results from the high stress propagating from the Himalayas where the Eurasian and Indian plates collide. The data file of Korean historical earthquakes is not yet complete and supplementary studies are under way. The main purpose of this paper is to provide the data file of Korean historical earthquakes analyzed up to date for geoscientists and engineers in need of this file.

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The Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of Lake Tanganyika (아프리카 탕가니카호수의 구조 및 층서 진화 연구)

  • Shon, Howoong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 1997
  • Seismic data from Lake Tanganyika indicate a complex tectonic, structural, and stratigraphic history. The Lake Tanganyika rift consists of half grabens which tend to alternate dip-direction along the strike of the rift. Adjacent half-grabens are separated by distinct accommodation zones of strike-slip motion. These are areas of relatively high basement, and are classified into two distinct forms which depend on the map-view geometry of the border faults on either side of the accommodation zone. One type is the high-relief accommodation zone which is a fault bounded area of high basement with little subsidence or sediment accumulation. These high-relief areas probably formed very early in the rifting process. The second type is the low-relief accommodation zone which is a large, faulted anticlinal warp with considerable rift sediment accumulated over its axis. These low-relief features continue to develop as rifting processes. This structural configuration profoundly influences depositional processes in Lake Tanganyika. Not only does structures dictate where discrete basins and depocenters can exist, it also controls the distribution of sedimentary facies within basins, both in space and time. This is because rift shoulder topography controls regional drainage patterns and sediment access into the lake. Large fluvial and deltaic systems tend to enter the rift from the up-dip side of half-grabens or along the rift axis, while fans tend to enter from the border fault side.

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