• 제목/요약/키워드: 결함 수목 분석

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Spatial Point Pattern Analysis of Riparian Tree Distribution After the 2020 Summer Extreme Flood in the Seomjin River (2020년 여름 섬진강 대홍수 이후 하천 수목 분포에 대한 공간 점 패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Keonhak;Cho, Eunsuk;Cho, Jonghun;Lee, Cheolho;Kim, Hwirae;Baek, Donghae;Kim, Won;Cho, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Daehyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • The 2020 summer extreme flood severely disturbed the riparian ecosystem of the Seomjin River. Some trees were killed by the flood impact, whereas others have recovered through epicormic regeneration after the disturbance. At the same time, several tree individuals newly germinated. This research aimed to explain the recovery of the riparian ecosystem by spatial proximity between each tree individual of different characteristics, such as "dead", "recovered", and "newly germinated". A spatial point pattern analysis based on K and g-functions revealed that the newly germinated trees and the existing trees were distributed in the spatially clumping patterns. However, further detailed analysis revealed that the new trees were statistically less attracted to the recovered trees than the dead trees, implying competitive interactions hidden in the facilitative interactions. Habitat amelioration by the existing trees positively affected the growth of the new trees, while "living" existing trees were competing with the new trees for resources. This research is expected to provide new knowledge in this era of rapid climate change, which likely induces stronger and more frequent natural disturbance than before. Environmental factors have been widely used for ecosystem modeling, but species interactions, represented by the relative spatial distribution of plant individuals, are also valuable factors explaining ecosystem dynamics.

Analysis of Habitat Conditions by Tree Density and Discharge in the Geum River (수목밀도와 유량에 따른 금강의 물리서식처 변화 분석)

  • Mikyoung Choi;Taeun Kang;Changlae Jang
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.250-257
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    • 2023
  • Tree in river have environmental functions such as ecosystem preservation and flood control functions that protect the riverbank. On the other hand, excessive tree development can have the negative effect of fixing the sand bar and reducing the cross-sectional area. Nays2D simulation results performing two flow conditions (average dam operation discharge and two-year frequency discharge) and four tree density conditions (current, zero, low, high tree density) used as input data for PHABSIM to calculate WUA (Weighted Usable Area). The results show that riverbed changes occur more significantly in the zero tree density than presence of trees, which could have a positive impact on the biological habitat environment of Zacco platypus.

격납건물 사건수목 분석 방법론에 대한 고찰

  • 안광일;진영호;김동하;박창규
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.611-626
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    • 1994
  • 격납건물 사건수목 방법은 확률론적 안전성 평가시 격납건물 해석의 핵심을 이루는 부분으로서 계통안전 분석으로부터 파악된 주요 노심용융 사고경위와 격납건물 방호계통의 적절한 조합에 의하여 선정된 발전소손상군을 초기조건으로 하여 격납건물 파손 및 방사선원 방출에 영향을 주는 격납건물 내부에서 발생 가능한 주요 사고진행 과정을 체계적으로 다룰 수 있는 유용한 수단이다. 원자력 안전성 향상연구이후 격납건물의 건전성을 확보하기 위한 많은 노력의 결과 현재까지 격납건물 해석 및 논리체계는 상당한 기술적 진보를 이루어 왔으나 아직도 이를 기술하는 방식에는 논쟁의 여지가 많고, 중대사고와 관련된 여러 현상들을 반영할때 그것의 논리적 타당성을 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 방법이 아직 확고히 정착되지 못함으로 인하여 격납건물 해석결과에는 많은 불확실성 이 존재한다. 또한 아직까지 기존 방법론에 대한 어떠한 종류의 체계적 분석도 이루어지지 않음으로 인하여 이들에 대한 논리적 한계점을 파악하는 데 많은 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 지금까지 주로 개발, 사용되어 온 다양한 격납건물 사건수목 분석 방법론을 소개하고 이들 각각이 지니고 있는 기술적인 문제점을 고찰하며 이를 바탕으로 격납건물 사건수목이 갖추어야 할 기본논리, 구조에 대한 안내지침을 제시함으로써 효과적인 격납건물 해석 및 방법론 개발에 도움을 주고자 한다

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Morphological Characteristics Analysis of Root Plate in Wind-Uprooted Trees (풍도목 근분의 구조형태학적 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Dongyeob;Ahn, Byungkyu;Kim, Myeong Pil;Im, Sangjun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.248-257
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    • 2014
  • The objectives of this study were to identify the root plate dimension of wind-uprooted trees and to analyze the relationship among wind direction, aboveground and belowground properties of the trees. The root plates of 77 Japanese larches (Larix kaempferi) and 24 Korean pines (Pinus koraiensis), which were uprooted by a typhoon in 2012, in the Taehwa Experimental Forest of Seoul National University, Korea, were investigated. The results showed the root plate shape could be assumed to be an oval or a circle in above view, and half an ellipse in side view, respectively. Also, the number and surface area of individual roots in root plates were greater in uprooting direction than in non-uprooting direction. The results of correlation analyses between aboveground and belowground properties indicated DBH had more significant correlation with belowground properties than tree height. Finally, simple linear relationships were derived for significantly correlated tree aboveground and belowground properties.

Comparison of Accuracy between Analysis Tree Detection in UAV Aerial Image Analysis and Quadrat Method for Estimating the Number of Treesto be Removed in the Environmental Impact Assessment (환경영향평가의 훼손수목량 추정을 위한 드론영상 분석법과 방형구법의 정확성 비교)

  • Park, Minkyu
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2021
  • The number of trees to be removed trees (ART) in the environmental impact assessment is an environmental indicator used in various parts such as greenhouse gas emissions and waste of forest trees calculation. Until now, the ART has depended on the forest tree density of the vegetation survey, and the uncertainty of estimating the amount of removed trees has increased due to the sampling bias. A full-scale survey can be offered as an alternative to improve the accuracy of ART, but the reality is that it is impossible. As an alternative, there is an individual tree detection using aerial image (ITD), and in this study, we compared the ARTs estimated by full-scale survey, sample survey, and ITD. According to the research results, compared to the result of full-scale survey, the result of ITD was overestimated by 25. While 58 were overestimated by the sample survey (average). However, as the sample survey is an estimate based on random samples, ART will be overestimated or underestimated depending on the number and size of quadrats.

Factor Analysis on Citizen's Motives to Tree Burial and Choice Conditions to Tree Burial Site (수목장의 동기와 수목장지 선호조건에 대한 요인 분석)

  • Woo, Jae-Wook;Byun, Woo-Hyuk;Park, Won-Kyung;Kim, Min-Soo;Yim, Min-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.639-649
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study aimed to analyze factors on motives to tree burial and choice conditions to tree burial site in order to suggest policy direction for the desirable settlement of tree burial. For those purpose, this study performed questionnaire, targeting 522 visitors of funeral hall all around Korea. As the result, the factors of motives to tree burial were extracted as follows: funeral ceremony progressed along with trees, simplicity, memorial site's easy insurance, environmental friendliness and consideration toward descendants. The factors on choice conditions to tree burial sites were extracted as follows: beauty of natural scenery, emotional mood as a memorial site, convenience, stability and economic feasibility. Based on the results of factor analysis, this study suggested policies related to motives to tree burial as follows: develop various types of tree burial sites, develop a funeral ceremony suitable for tree burial, come into wide use of tree burial as a social welfare service, develop tree burial methods capable of many burials, and improve professionalism to manage tree burial system. In addition, this study proposed related choice conditions to tree burial sites as follows: establish natural forest scenery, convert existing graveyards into tree burial sites, select easily accessible places for tree burial sites, form tree burial sites as places for both rest and memory, and reduce using fee of tree burial site.

A Study on the Planting Improvement and Original Landscape of Gyeonghoeru Area in Gyongbokkung Palace (경복궁 경회루 권역의 식생경관원형과 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choong-sik;Jeong, Seul-ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to calculate the optimum height of trees, estimating a model for the prediction of tree growth for the landscape improvement of the Gyeonghoeru area. For the verification of measures for management, this study conducted a photographic survey of the Gyeonghoeru area and used the Pressler's formula to examine the growth rate of the pine forest of Mansesan. The results of the study are as follows. First, as a result of a field survey and landscape analysis, trees in the Gyeonghoeru area are large ones with more than a diameter at breast height of 30cm, except for weeping cherry trees and persimmon trees, and especially, it is necessary to manage them or replace with small trees through the landscape of Mansesan, which screens the landscape and pruning the trees in the terraced flower garden in the north. Second, as a result of a measurement of the growth rate of trees, for 10 years on average, they grew up by 14% in source diameter and 5% in tree height 5% in south of Mansesan and by 7% in source diameter and 2.4% in tree height in the north of Mansesan. Furthermore, when a simulation was prepared based on the measured growth rate of trees, it was found out that 20 years later, on the landscape on the second floor of Gyeonghoeru, the pine forest of Mansesan would cut off the skyline of Mt. Inwang-san. Third, this study analyzed a landscape improvement simulation and proposed a plan for tree management to take a view of the landscape of the Gyeonghoeru area. This study has a significance that it drew an efficient planting maintenance policy, considering the landscape characteristics of the Gyeonghoeru area.

3D Measurement Method Based on Point Cloud and Solid Model for Urban SingleTrees (Point cloud와 solid model을 기반으로 한 단일수목 입체적 정량화기법 연구)

  • Park, Haekyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_2
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    • pp.1139-1149
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    • 2017
  • Measuring tree's volume is very important input data of various environmental analysis modeling However, It's difficult to use economical and equipment to measure a fragmented small green space in the city. In addition, Trees are sensitive to seasons, so we need new and easier equipment and quantification methods for measuring trees than lidar for high frequency monitoring. In particular, the tree's size in a city affect management costs, ecosystem services, safety, and so need to be managed and informed on the individual tree-based. In this study, we aim to acquire image data with UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), which can be operated at low cost and frequently, and quickly and easily quantify a single tree using SfM-MVS(Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo), and we evaluate the impact of reducing number of images on the point density of point clouds generated from SfM-MVS and the quantification of single trees. Also, We used the Watertight model to estimate the volume of a single tree and to shape it into a 3D structure and compare it with the quantification results of 3 different type of 3D models. The results of the analysis show that UAV, SfM-MVS and solid model can quantify and shape a single tree with low cost and high time resolution easily. This study is only for a single tree, Therefore, in order to apply it to a larger scale, it is necessary to follow up research to develop it, such as convergence with various spatial information data, improvement of quantification technique and flight plan for enlarging green space.

Development of a Method for Uncertainty Analysis in the Top Event Unavailability (고장수목 정점사상 이용 불능도의 불확실성 분석용 방법 개발)

  • Sang Hoon Han;Chang Hyun Chung;Kun Joong Yoo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 1984
  • A method and computer code for the uncertainty analysis in the top event unavailability are developed and tested by combining Monte Carlo Method and Moments method with fault tree reduction technique. Using system fault trees and unavailability data selected in WASH-1400, the efficiency of the proposed method is tested and these results are compared with those obtained by Monte Carlo method. It is shown that the results are sufficiently good in accuracy and computation time is considerably reduced compared with those by Monte Carlo method.

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