• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개인추적

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Recognition of Passport Image Using Removing Noise Branches and Enhanced Fuzzy ART (잡영 가지 제거 알고리즘과 개선된 퍼지 ART를 이용한 여권 코드 인식)

  • Lee, Sang-Soo;Jang, Do-Won;Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.377-382
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 출입국자 관리의 효율성과 체계적인 출입국 관리를 위하여 여권 코드를 자동으로 인식하는 방법을 제안한다. 여권 이미지는 기울어진 상태로 스캔 되어 획득되어질 수도 있으므로 기울기 보정은 문자 분할 및 인식에 있어 매우 중요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 여권 영상을 스미어링한 후, 추출된 문자열 중에서 가장 긴 문자열을 선택하고 이 문자열의 좌측과 우측 부분의 두께 중심을 연결하는 직선과 수평선과의 기울기를 이용하여 여권 영상에 대한 각도 보정을 수행한다. 여권 코드 추출은 소벨 연산자와 수평 스미어링, 8방향 윤관선 추적 알고리즘을 적용하여 여권 코드의 문자열 영역을 추출하고, 추출된 여권 코드 문자열 영역에 대해 반복 이진화 방법을 적용하여 코드의 문자열 영역을 이진화 한다, 이진화된 문자열 영역에 대해 여권 코드의 인식율을 높이기 위하여 잡영 가지 제거 알고리즘을 적용하여 개별 문자의 잡영을 제거한 후에 개별 코드를 추출하며, CDM 마스크를 적용하여 추출된 개별코드를 복원한다. 추출된 개별코드는 개선된 퍼지 ART 알고리즘을 제안하여 인식에 적용한다. 실제 여권 영상을 대상으로 실험한 결과, CDM 마스크를 이용하여 추출된 개별 코드를 개선된 퍼지 ART 알고리즘을 적용하여 인식한 방법보다 잡영 제거 알고리즘과 CDM 마스크를 적용하여 개선된 퍼지 ART 알고리즘으로 개별 코드를 인식하는 것이 효율적인 것을 확인하였다. 그리고 기존의 퍼지 ART 알고리즘을 이용하여 개별 코드를 인식하는 경우보다 본 논문에서 제안한 개선된 퍼지 ART 알고리즘을 이용하여 개별 코드를 인식하는 경우가 서로 다른 패턴들이 같은 클러스터로 분류되지 않아 인식 성능이 개선되었다.생산하고 있다. 또한 이러한 자료를 바탕으로 지역통계 수요에 즉각 대처할 수 있다. 더 나아가 이와 같은 통계는 전 국민에 대한 패널자료이기 때문에 통계적 활용의 범위가 방대하다. 특히 개인, 가구, 사업체 등 사회 활동의 주체들이 어떻게 변화하는지를 추적할 수 있는 자료를 생산함으로써 다양한 인과적 통계분석을 할 수 있다. 행정자료를 활용한 인구센서스의 이러한 특징은 국가의 교육정책, 노동정책, 복지정책 등 다양한 정책을 정확한 자료를 근거로 수립할 수 있는 기반을 제공한다(Gaasemyr, 1999). 이와 더불어 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스는 비용이 적게 드는 장점이 있다. 예를 들어 덴마크나 핀란드에서는 조사로 자료를 생산하던 때의 1/20 정도 비용으로 행정자료로 인구센서스의 모든 자료를 생산하고 있다. 특히, 최근 모든 행정자료들이 정보통신기술에 의해 데이터베이스 형태로 바뀌고, 인터넷을 근간으로 한 컴퓨터네트워크가 발달함에 따라 각 부처별로 행정을 위해 축적한 자료를 정보통신기술로 연계${cdot}$통합하면 막대한 조사비용을 들이지 않더라도 인구센서스자료를 적은 비용으로 생산할 수 있는 근간이 마련되었다. 이렇듯 행정자료 기반의 인구센서스가 많은 장점을 가졌지만, 그렇다고 모든 국가가 당장 행정자료로 인구센서스를 대체할 수 있는 것은 아니다. 행정자료로 인구센서스통계를 생산하기 위해서는 각 행정부서별로 사용하는 행정자료들을 연계${cdot}$통합할 수 있도록 국가사회전반에 걸쳐 행정 체제가 갖추어져야 하기 때문이다. 특히 모든 국민 개개인에 관한 기본정보, 개인들이 거주하며 생활하는 단위인 개별 주거단위에 관한 정보가 행정부에 등록되어

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Multi User-Authentication System using One Time-Pseudo Random Number and Personal DNA STR Information in RFID Smart Card (RFID 스마트카드내 DNA STR Information과 일회용 의사난수를 사용한 다중 사용자 인증시스템)

  • Sung, Soon-Hwa;Kong, Eun-Bae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.6
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    • pp.747-754
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    • 2003
  • Thia paper suggests a milti user-authentication system comprises that DNA biometric informatiom, owner's RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) smartcard of hardware token, and PKI digital signqture of software. This system improved items proposed in [1] as follows : this mechanism provides one RFID smartcard instead of two user-authentication smartcard(the biometric registered seal card and the DNA personal ID card), and solbers user information exposure as RFID of low proce when the card is lost. In addition, this can be perfect multi user-autentication system to enable identification even in cases such as identical twins, the DNA collected from the blood of patient who has undergone a medical procedure involving blood replacement and the DNA of the blood donor, mutation in the DNA base of cancer cells and other cells. Therefore, the proposed system is applied to terminal log-on with RFID smart card that stores accurate digital DNA biometric information instead of present biometric user-authentication system with the card is lost, which doesn't expose any personal DNA information. The security of PKI digital signature private key can be improved because secure pseudo random number generator can generate infinite one-time pseudo randon number corresponding to a user ID to keep private key of PKI digital signature securely whenever authenticated users access a system. Un addition, this user-authentication system can be used in credit card, resident card, passport, etc. acceletating the use of biometric RFID smart' card. The security of proposed system is shown by statistical anaysis.

Analysis of Privacy threats and Security mechanisms on Location-based Service (위치기반 서비스의 프라이버시 위협 요소 분석 및 보안 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Soo-Hyun;Kwak, Jin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2009
  • A location information used in LBS provides convenience to the user, but service provider can be exploited depending on how much risk you have. Location information can be exploited to track the location of the personal privacy of individuals because of the misuse of location information may violate the user can import a lot of damage. In this paper, we classify the life cycle of location information as collection, use, delivery, storage and destroy and analyze the factors the privacy is violated. Furthermore, we analyze information security mechanism is classified as operation mechanism and policy/management mechanism and propose a security solutions of all phase in life cycle.

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An Experimental Study of Private Key and Secret Key Disclosure Vulnerability in Cryptographic Service Provider(CSP) Module (Cryptographic Service Provider(CSP) 모듈의 개인키/비밀키 노출 취약점에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Cho, Jae-Ik;Im, Eul-Gyu
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2007
  • In Windows operating system, CSPs(Cryptographic Service Providers) are provided for offering a easy and convenient way of using an various cryptographic algorithms to applications. The applications selectively communicate with various CSPs through a set of functions known as the Crypto API(Cryptographic Application Program Interface). During this process, a secure method, accessing data using a handle, is used in order to prevent analysis of the passing parameters to function between CryptoAPI and CSPs. In this paper, our experiment which is using a novel memory traceback method proves that still there is a vulnerability of private key and secret key disclosure in spite of the secure method above-mentioned.

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Development of Personal Hand-held Electronic Devices for Marine Leisure Safety (해양레저 안전을 위한 개인 휴대용 전자장치 개발)

  • Yim Jeong-Bin;Nam Taek-Keun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.5 s.111
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    • pp.357-362
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes two kinds of personal hand-held electronic devices to enhance marine leisure safety. The one is Radar response-type safety device triggering by the pulse signal from a commercial 9GHz-band Radar to provide quick search and rescue with combined civilian-government-military fleets. The other one is M-RFID (Marine Radio Frequency IDentification) based safety electronic device using 900MHz Tx/Rx with spread spectrum frequency hopping and GPS. Through the field tests at sea using Korea Coast Guard's warship the operating performances are verified. Further plan for practical use of each device was also discussed.

Personal Information Protection Using Digital Twins in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대의 디지털트윈을 활용한 개인정보보호)

  • Kim, Yong-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2020
  • In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there are many sensors around. People and things are connected to these sensors to the internet. Numerous connected sensors produce the latest data in seconds, and these data are stacked with big data of unimaginable size. Because personal information can be contained in any place of data produced, device and system protection are needed. Digital twins are virtual models that accurately reflect the status information of physical assets and systems that utilize them. The characteristic of digital twin is that digital twin itself has temporal and structural identity enough to represent the object of reality. In the virtual environment the reproduced reality, it continuously simulates and it virtuals of the point of time or the future, the replica can be created. Therefore, this study cited factors threatening personal information in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And proposed using digital twin technology that can simulate in real-time to overcome the risk of personal information hacking.

An Improved Personalized Recommendation Technique for E-Commerce Portal (E-Commerce 포탈에서 향상된 개인화 추천 기법)

  • Ko, Pyung-Kwan;Ahmed, Shekel;Kim, Young-Kuk;Kamg, Sang-Gil
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.835-840
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes an enhanced recommendation technique for personalized e-commerce portal analyzing various attitudes of customer. The attitudes are classifies into three types such as "purchasing product", "adding product to shopping cart", and "viewing the product information". We implicitly track customer attitude to estimate the rating of products for recommending products. We classified user groups which have similar preference for each item using implicit user behavior. The preference similarity is estimated using the Cross Correlation Coefficient. Our recommendation technique shows a high degree of accuracy as we use age and gender to group the customers with similar preference. In the experimental section, we show that our method can provide better performance than other traditional recommender system in terms of accuracy.

Enhanced Recommendation Algorithm using Semantic Collaborative Filtering: E-commerce Portal (전자상거래 포탈을 위한 시맨틱 협업 필터링을 이용한 확장된 추천 알고리즘)

  • Ahmed, Shohel;Kim, Jong-Woo;Kang, Sang-Gil
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.79-98
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a semantic recommendation technique for a personalized e-commerce portal. Semantic recommendation is achieved by utilizing the attributes of products. The semantic similarity of the products is merged with the rating information of the products to provide an accurate recommendation. The recommendation technique also analyzes various attitudes of the customer to evaluate the implicit rating of products. Attitudes are classifies into three types such as "purchasing product", "adding product to shopping cart", and "viewing the product information." We implicitly track customer attitude to estimate the rating of products for recommending products. Also we implement a session validation process to identify the valid sessions that are highly important for giving an accurate recommendation. Our recommendation technique shows a high degree of accuracy as we use age groupings of customers with similar preferences. The experimental section shows that our proposed recommendation method outperforms well known collaborative filtering methods not only for the existing customer, but also for the new user with no previous purchase record.

Big data, how to balance privacy and social values (빅데이터, 프라이버시와 사회적 가치의 조화방안)

  • Hwang, Joo-Seong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2013
  • Big data is expected to bring forth enormous public good as well as economic opportunity. However there is ongoing concern about privacy not only from public authorities but also from private enterprises. Big data is suspected to aggravate the existing privacy battle ground by introducing new types of privacy risks such as privacy risk of behavioral pattern. On the other hand, big data is asserted to become a new way to by-pass tradition behavioral tracking such as cookies, DPIs, finger printing${\cdots}$ and etc. For it is not based on a targeted person. This paper is to find out if big data could contribute to catching out behavioral patterns of consumers without threatening or damaging their privacy. The difference between traditional behavioral tracking and big data analysis from the perspective of privacy will be discerned.

Low Data-Rate Location Awareness UWB Technology for Ubiquitous Home (유비쿼터스 홈 구축을 위한 저속 위치인식 UWB 기술)

  • Oh, M.K.;Kim, M.J.;Kim, J.Y.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.21 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2006
  • 유비쿼터스 네트워크 시대가 도래함에 따라 위치인식 기반 응용 서비스 요구 증대에 따른 위치인식 무선 개인영역 네트워크(WPAN) 시스템이 주목을 받고 있다. 특히 초광대역(UWB) 기술은 저비용, 저소비 전력으로 통신뿐만 아니라 실내나 음영지역에서 수십 cm급 이내의 정밀한 위치인식/추적 기능을 줄 수 있어, 유비쿼터스 홈을 구축하기위한 핵심 기술로 인식되고 있으며, 저속 위치인식 WPAN 표준인 IEEE 802.15.4a의 물리계층(PHY)으로 채택되었다. 본 원고에서는 위치인식 UWB 기술과 관련한 IEEE802.15.4a 표준화 현황과 기술 동향에 대해서 살펴보고자 한다.