• Title/Summary/Keyword: 개인정보침해

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Internet ID Management System based on ID Federation: e-IDMS (ID 연계 기반의 인터넷 ID Management System: e-IDMS)

  • Cho Yeong-Sub;Jin Seung-Hun;Moon Phil-Joo;Chung Kyo-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.43 no.7 s.349
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2006
  • In order to use an Internet service, it is a general procedure that user subscribes to the service and then registers her or his id(identifier). As Internet has been more widely used, however, user has more and more ids than ever before. In this environments, whenever user uses an Internet service, she or he must authenticate to the service provider, which makes her or him inconvenient. As user's data is scattered and unmanaged on various web sites, user privacy has been revealed more often. This paper specifies e-IDMS which ETRI has been developing to solve such problems. e-IDMS is an Internet ID(IDentity) management system based on ID Federation Mechanism e-IDMS provides ID Federation-based facilities such as composite authentication, Internet SSG, ID information management, privacy protection and interactive query. e-IDMS is used in establishing integrated ill management system for public institutions.

CNN Based Face Tracking and Re-identification for Privacy Protection in Video Contents (비디오 컨텐츠의 프라이버시 보호를 위한 CNN 기반 얼굴 추적 및 재식별 기술)

  • Park, TaeMi;Phu, Ninh Phung;Kim, HyungWon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2021
  • Recently there is sharply increasing interest in watching and creating video contents such as YouTube. However, creating such video contents without privacy protection technique can expose other people in the background in public, which is consequently violating their privacy rights. This paper seeks to remedy these problems and proposes a technique that identifies faces and protecting portrait rights by blurring the face. The key contribution of this paper lies on our deep-learning technique with low detection error and high computation that allow to protect portrait rights in real-time videos. To reduce errors, an efficient tracking algorithm was used in this system with face detection and face recognition algorithm. This paper compares the performance of the proposed system with and without the tracking algorithm. We believe this system can be used wherever the video is used.

A Method of Generating Changeable Face Template for Statistical Appearance-Based Face Recognition (통계적 형상 기반의 얼굴인식을 위한 가변얼굴템플릿 생성방법)

  • Lee, Chul-Han;Jung, Min-Yi;Kim, Jong-Sun;Choi, Jeung-Yoon;Kim, Jai-Hie
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.2 s.314
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2007
  • Changeable biometrics identify a person using transformed biometric data instead of original biometric data in order to enhance privacy and security in biometrics when biometric data is compromised. In this paper, a novel scheme which generates changeable face templates for statistical appearance-based face recognition is proposed. Two different original face feature vectors are extracted from two different appearance-based approaches, respectively, each original feature vector is normalized, and its elements are re-ordered. Finally a changeable face template is generated by weighted addition between two normalized and scrambled feature vectors. Since the two feature vectors are combined into one by a two to one mapping, the original two feature vectors are not easily recovered from the changeable face template even if the combining rule is known. Also, when we need to make new changeable face template for a person, we change the re-ordering rule for the person and make a new feature vector for the person. Therefore, the security and privacy in biometric system can be enhanced by using the proposed changeable face templates. In our experiments, we analyze the proposed method with respect to performance and security using an AR-face database.

A Study on the Freedom of the Press and the Remedy for Defamation (언론의 자유와 명예훼손 구제방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Chan-Hui;Ji, Yong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2012
  • Freedom of speech is indispensable in Democracy. It is a rink among government agencies. Mass media as institutionalized means which forms public opinion impacts quite a few to a society. Mass media as a life media in our daily lives has characteristics of speed and prompt report. It is difficult to measure the effect on a society. Mass media is a lifeline in democracy because it has freedom of opinion for seeing, listening, speaking, and criticizing about the people's right to know in an information society. Our Constitution also guarantees freedom of the press, information(peoples's right to know), report, the collection of news, and edition. Because an unnecessary thing about a privacy is reported by mass media, it can violate defamation. This study seeks to be unbiased in reporting and what the principles of the Constitution for minimizing an invasion of a person's privacy is. This study also seeks freedom of speech and the right to know. In case that a personal honor is invaded by a mass media and a publication, this study provides the Constitution basis, Criminal Law basis, and Civic Law basis for remedy violation. A report for apology on newspaper and by television was widely used as "a proper punishment for honor recovery in the past". The constitutional court had decided that including the report of apology for "a proper punishment of honor recovery" in the article 764 of the Civic Law as a reason of freedom of conscience and the violation of personal rights was against the Constitution. Therefore, this study examples what is a legal remedy in practical?, where is legal basis of special remedy in the Civic Law, and what is a method by the Press Arbitration Law compared with the examples of other countries. On the other hand, because a mass media may injure a person's honor and infringe a person's privacy, if the report is categorized as a malicious press, the true role which mass media has to do may not demonstrated. In conclusion, this study was to minimalize infringement of mass media to a person and to seek a realistic alternative of a legal remedy.

Smart IoT Service Users' Compliance with Personal Information Protection Behavior: An Empirical Study on the Message Design Features to Induce Installation of Software Updates (스마트 IoT 서비스 사용자의 개인정보 보호 행동 준수: 소프트웨어 업데이트 유도를 위한 메세지 디자인 특성에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Kim, Hyung-Jin;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.82-104
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    • 2024
  • Smart home services are growing rapidly as the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) opens the era of the so-called "Connected Living." Although personal information leaks through smart home cameras are increasing, however, users-while concerned-tend to take passive measures to protect their personal information. This study theoretically explained and verified how to design effective software update notification messages for smart home cameras to ensure that users comply with the recommended security behavior (i.e., update installation). In a survey experiment participated in by 120 actual users, the effectiveness of both emotional appeals (i.e., security breach warning images for fear appeals) and rational appeals (i.e., loss-framed messages emphasizing the negative consequences of not installing the updates) were confirmed. The results of this study provide theoretical interpretations and practical guidelines on the message design features that are effective for threat appraisals (i.e., severity, vulnerability) of smart home camera users and their protection motivation.

A Study on the Private Investigator System in U.S.A. (미국의 탐정제도에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Young-Sook;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.25-50
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    • 2006
  • Private detectives and investigators offer many services, including executive, corporate, and celebrity protection; pre-employment verification; and individual background profiles. They also investigate computer crimes, personal injury cases, insurance claims and fraud, child custody and protection cases, missing persons cases, and premarital screening. This paper focuses on a private detective or investigator system in most developed U.S.A, but it is not easy to describe that system. Licensing requirements vary in U.S.A. Some States have few requirements, and many other States have stringent regulations. A growing number of States are enacting mandatory training programs for private detectives and investigators. Employment and need of private detectives and investigators is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations. Thus, it is reasonable that korean government should permit private investigation service find the way to minimize the side effects of private investigation service instead of banning the service totally.

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발명하는 사람들-제46호

  • Han, Mi-Yeong
    • The Inventors News
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    • no.46
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • '2006 대한민국 여성 발명품 박람회' 개최/'발명의 달 5월' 행사 풍성히 열려/'제12회 여성발명 우수사례 발표회' 열려/;꽃꽃이 용기' 출원동향 급격히 늘어나/특허청 '소멸특허정보 서비스' 제공한다/김열 특허청 차장 승진 임명/BM 특허 출원, 개인은 줄고 기업은 늘고/5월부터 특허료, 우선심사신청료 인하/현장 스케치/특허청과 한국전력 기술.특허정보 공유 양해각서 체결/독일과 '장미전쟁', 한국 승리/'제34회 제네바 국제발명전'에서 전원 수상 기록/국제 특허 전문가 한 자리에 모였다/특허청, 해외지재권 침해 소송비용 지원/국가연구 개발사업 지원하는 'R&D 특허센터' 출범/'특허 고객 고층 해결 안방 서비스' 개시/한국특허정보원, 다양한 캠페인 통해 사회공헌 활동/특허청, 과학기술 전문인력 50명 특별채용/'특허기술이전 박람회' 개최/취업 위해 일본 기업에 IT특허 기술 유출/부조리 신고자에 포상금 지급/역사 속의 발명품/하루 10분 발명교실/특허Q&A/'주부에서 발명가로, 필요에 의해 발병이 시작됐습니다'/여주초등학교 발명교실/아이디어 착상 및 발명 기법/여성 발명 활동 더욱 장려해야/무리에의 마가린/세계 상표제도 더욱 가까워져/특허청,'아시아 특허정보 허브'로 급부상/'2006 발명 특허 페스티벌' 개최/지리적 명칭, 신문제호 상표등록 안된다/리빙 아이디어/특허기술사업화에 3천89척원 지원/'찾아가는 심사 서비스' 대리인 사무소까지 확대/문화콘텐츠 식별체계 첫 선 보여/한국여성발명협회 회원사 발명품 가이드/

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Client Authentication Scheme based on Infinitely Overlapped Hashchains on Hyperledger Fabric (Hyperledger Fabric을 이용한 중첩형 무한 해시체인 기반의 클라이언트 인증기법)

  • Shin, Dong Jin;Park, Chang Seop
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2018
  • Each online user should perform a separate registration and manage his ID and password for each online commerce or SNS service. Since a common secret is shared between the user and the SNS server, the server compromise induces the user privacy breach and financial loss. In this paper, it is considered that the user's authentication material is shared between multiple SNS servers for user authentication. A blockchain service architecture based on Hyperledger Fabric is proposed for each user to utilize an identical ID and OTP using the enhanced hash-chain-based OTP.

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A Study on the Risk and Countermeasures of Hacking Cable

  • Hea-Jun Kim;Young-Bok Cho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2023
  • Since the introduction of smartphones, the introduction of charging cable infrastructure that can be used for public use is underway. Thanks to this, people use public cables comfortably without doubt, but most people are not aware of the dangers of public cables. These public cables can lead to infringement accidents such as personal information exposure due to the development of hacking cables, and in the worst case, hackers can take control of smartphones and laptops. This study analyzed the operating principles and attack principles of hacking cables that seem like these general charging cables, but contain malicious scripts or hardware inside. In addition, physical and logical countermeasures were considered based on the analysis.

A Study on the Objective Opinion of Private Investigation Service (민간조사제도 도입 반대 의견에 대한 고찰)

  • Jeng, Il-Seok;Park, Jun-Seok;Suh, Sang-Yul
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.465-484
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    • 2007
  • Our society's modernization created many opportunities for us to need a private investigation service system. Variation of international environment due to joining in the OECD, opportunity of individual legal, collect evidence during judgement, prevention of damage criminal, security of business in company, free trade economy's system etc and don't need to enumerate how important of introduction of private investigation service system. In addition to there are lots of objection opinions, such as possibility of person's private life, invade of lawyer's area, confliction with investigation team, gap of wealth and poverty that make preponderance of information. So this research can be considerate from objective opinion, and can obtain conclusion just like below. First, private detective agencies that encroach on the individual rights will naturally deteriorate after the implementation of private investigation service system. Through this, the probability of civil rights encroachment will be lower, and for this to happen there needs to be a thorough maintenance of the system. Secondly, mutually beneficial solution should be found not by a conflict between two sides. Detective business sector should not cause social confusion from conflicts with other investigation organization such as police, or investigators, rather, it must get on the demand of the diversified citizen and maintain the diverse sector inter-cooperate right, and to do that law and institution must be made for the base. Thirdly, investigation used depending on the gap between wealth and poverty does not mean the actualization of the rights and interests of the citizen. If the duty of investigation sector is to find the evidence and collect or manufacture of the evidence, then the problems which the nation can't handle will be more enlarged and then finally end up with strengthening the capability of national public security demand.

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