• Title/Summary/Keyword: 강제효과

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Optimization of Intentional Mistuning for Bladed Disk : Damping and Coupling Effect (블레이드 디스크의 International Mistuning 최적화 : 감쇠와 커플링효과)

  • Choi, ByeongKeun;Kim, WonChul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4 s.97
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2005
  • In turbomachinery rotor, there are small differences in the structural and/or geometrical properties of individual blades, which are referred to as blade mistuning. Mistuning effect of the forced response of bladed disks can be extremely large as often reported in many studies. In this paper, the pattern optimization of intentional mistuning for bladed disks considering with damping and coupling effect is the focus of the present investigation. More specifically, the class of intentionally mistuned disks considered here is limited, for cost reasons, to arrangements of two types of blades (A and B, say) and Genetic Algorithm and steepest descent method are used to optimize the arrangement of these blades around the disk to reduce the forced response of blade with different damping and coupling stiffness. Examples of application involving both simple bladed disk models and a 17-blade industrial rotor clearly demonstrate the significant benefits of using this class of intentionally mistuned disks.

Forced Vibration Modeling of Rail Considering Shear Deformation and Moving Magnetic Load (전단변형과 시간변화 이동자기력을 고려한 레일의 강제진동모델링)

  • Kim, Jun Soo;Kim, Seong Jong;Lee, Hyuk;Ha, Sung Kyu;Lee, Young-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1547-1557
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    • 2013
  • A forced vibration model of a rail system was established using the Timoshenko beam theory to determine the dynamic response of a rail under time-varying load considering the damping effect and stiffness of the elastic foundation. By using a Fourier series and a numerical method, the critical velocity and dynamic response of the rail were obtained. The forced vibration model was verified by using FEM and Euler beam theory. The permanent deformation of the rail was predicted based on the forced vibration model. The permanent deformation and wear were observed through the experiment. Parametric studies were then conducted to investigate the effect of five design factors, i.e., rail cross-section shape, rail material density, rail material stiffness, containment stiffness, and damping coefficient between rail and containment, on four performance indices of the rail, i.e., critical velocity, maximum deflection, maximum longitudinal stress, and maximum shear stress.

Numerical Analysis of the Beach Stabilization Effect of an Asymmetric Ripple Mat (왜도 된 연흔모양 매트의 해빈 안정화 효과 수치해석)

  • Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2019
  • Even though the scale of hard structures for beach stabilization should carefully be determined such that these structures do not interrupt the great yearly circulation process of beach sediment in which the self-healing ability of natural beach takes places, massive hard structures such as the submerged breakwater of wide-width are frequently deployed as the beach stabilization measures. On this rationale, asymmetric ripple mat by Irie et al. (1994) can be the alternatives for beach stabilization due to its small scale to replace the preferred submerged breaker of wide-width. The effectiveness of asymmetric ripple mat is determined by how effectively the vortices enforced at the contraction part of flow area over the mat traps the sediment moving toward the offshore by the run-down. In order to verify this hypothesis, we carry out the numerical simulations based on the Navier-Stokes equation and the physically-based morphology model. Numerical results show that the asymmetric ripple mat effectively capture the sediment by forced vortex enforced at the apex of asymmetric ripple mat, and bring these trapped sediments back to the beach, which has been regarded to be the driving mechanism of beach stabilization effect of asymmetric ripple mat.

Forced Oscillation Wind Tunnel Test of a 50m Length Airship (50M급 비행선의 강제진동 풍동시험)

  • Chang,Byeong-Hee;Lee,Yung-Gyo;Ok,Ho-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2003
  • An airship is statically unstable, because it has no wing, relatively small tails and a large hull. Hence, an accurate prediction of dynamic stability is critical. In this study, dynamic stability data of the 50m Length Airship were acquired through forced oscillation wind tunnel tests. The tests were done in Birhle Applied Research Inc's Lange Amplitude Multi-Purpose(BAR LAMP) Facility located in Germany. The tests were composed with 16 static runs and 26 dynamic runs. As results, it is obtained that dynamic characteristics of the airship depend on the sideslip angle, the angular rate and its direction as well as the angle of attack. Generally, three directional moments have damping, but the normal force, the side force, and the cross-derivatives are unstable. The dynamic derivatives are not sensitive to the control surfaces, but nonlinear to the sideslip angle.

Control of Spinach Downy Mildew by Forced Ventilation in Greenhouse Cultivation (강제환기처리에 의한 비닐하우스재배 시금치의 노균병 발생 억제)

  • Park, Seok-Hee;Lee, Joong-Hwan;Woo, Jin-Ha;Choi, Seong-Yong;Park, So-Deuk;Moon, Yong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2014
  • Spinach downy mildew caused by Peronospora spinaciae is the main reason of yield reduction in Korea as well as in worldwide. After forced ventilation or horizontal air circulation fans were installed to control growth conditions in green house, the changes of temperature, relative humidity (RH), growth and yield, and occurrence of downy mildew were examined. Althought here was no significant difference of temperature between the treatments, RH as 9.2% lower at nighttime by forced ventilation. In addition, final fresh weight was increased to 17.8g compared to control (10.1g), which as 7.7g enhancement. Downy mildew s tarted to show 20 days after sowing (DAS) and increased to 34.7% at 60 DAS on harvest time in control. In contrast downy mildew was occurred 40 DAS with 0.7% incidence rate and 4% at harvest by forced ventilation. The results indicated that reduction of only 9.2% of RH at nighttime by forced ventilation in greenhouse spinach growth was dramatically thrived over 76.2%. Additionally spinach downy mildew occurred 20 days later with extremely lower incident rate, which meant 88.5% reduction of downy mildew.

Prevention of Urban Inundation using Descending Placement of Sewer (내림차순 우수관거 배치를 이용한 도시침수 방지)

  • Song Joonggeun;Jung Kwansue
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.368-368
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    • 2023
  • 도심지에 위치하는 저지대의 경우 강우 발생 시 우수의 집중으로 인한 침수발생으로 매년 인명 및 재산피해가 발생하고 있다. 이를 개선하기 위해 현재 시행하고 있는 사업은 크게 두 가지로 구분할 수 있는데 이는 배수시설의 개선과 우수유출저감시설 설치사업이다. 첫 번째 배수시설의 개선은 배수유역의 우수를 하류하천 방류부까지 우수관거와 방수로, 대심도 터널 등을 통해 자연배수하거나 배수펌프를 통해 강제배수하여 내수배제가 원활하게 하는 방법이며, 우수유출저감시설은 저류시설을 설치하여 우수가 집중되는 시간을 지체시켜 첨두유출량을 저감하거나 침투시설을 설치하여 유출총량을 저감하여 우수유출량을 조절하는 방법이다. 다만 이 두 가지 방법은 토지이용이 고도화된 도심지에서는 기존 건축물 및 지하구조물 등으로 인해 부지의 확보가 어렵고 시공의 난이도가 높아 사업에 대한 시간과 비용이 크게 소요되는 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 상류에서 하류로 갈수록 단계적으로 크게 설치되어 있는 기존의 우수관거를 상류 우수관거의 관경을 하류보다 크게 설계하여 배수유역 상류부 관거의 개선만으로 도시침수를 방지할 수 있는 방법을 연구하였으며 이를 통해 기존 시설물과 토지이용의 변경을 최소화할 수 있도록 하였다. 도시침수가 발생하는 연구대상 배수유역에 도시유출 해석모형인 SWMM을 이용하여 내림차순식 우수관망 배치의 침수방지 효과를 검토한 결과 배수유역 상류관거의 확장으로 유속의 저감과 우수관거 내 저류효과를 통해 하류부의 우수 집중시간을 지체시켜 하류부의 침수발생을 저감할 수 있을 것으로 검토되었다. 이를 통해 토지이용이 고도화되어 저류시설이나 자연 및 강제 배수시설의 설치가 어려운 하천변 저지대 도심지 지역의 침수피해 방지대책이 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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Single Frequency Analysis of Flexural Vibration of Thin Plate by Using the Ray Tracing Method (레이추적기법을 이용한 평판 횡진동의 단일주파수 해석)

  • Chae Ki-Sang;Ih Jeong-Guon
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • spring
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    • pp.267-270
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    • 2000
  • 강제가진을 받는 진동장은 직접장과 반사장으로 이루어진다. 직접장은 무한구조요소가 점입력을 받을 때의 해와 같으며, 반사장은 직접장에 의해 발생되는 1차 반사파 및 추가로 발생하는 무수한 반사파들의 합으로 나타낼 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 점가진을 받는 유한한 평판의 단일 주파수 해석을 수행하기 위한 레이추적기법을 연구하였다. 이를 위해, 직접장은 고주파수 가정을 이용하여 원형전달파로 근사화하고. 이 원헝전달파를 다수의 파동관 (wave tube)으로 이산화하였다. 균일한 경계조건과 무시할 만큼의 미약한 굴절효과를 가정하고 경계에서의 정반사 (specular reflection)만을 고려하여, 경계에서의 입사파동관. 전달 및 반사파동관의 기하학적 관계를 제안하였다. 이들 파동관이 평판 내부를 진행하면서 관측점에 미치는 영향들을 합성하여 비교적 정확한 강제진동응답을 얻을 수 있음을 단일 평판의 예제를 통하여 확인할 수 있었다 그러나, 연성된 평판의 경우에는 다소 부정확한 결과를 얻었다.

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Fatigue Life Estimation of Solid-state Drive due to the Effect of Dummy Solder Ball under Forced Vibration (Solid-state drive 강제진동시 dummy solder ball 효과에 의한 피로수명 예측)

  • Lee, Juyub;Jang, Gunhee;Jang, Jinwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.978-983
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    • 2014
  • This research proposes a method to estimate the fatigue life of solid-state drive(SSD) due to the effect of dummy solder ball under forced vibration. Mechanical jig is developed to describe the SSD in laptop computer. The jig with SSD is mounted on a shaker, and excited by a sinusoidal sweep vibration within the narrow frequency band around the first resonant frequency until the SSD fails. A finite element model of SSD is also developed to simulate the forced vibration. It shows that the solder joints at the corners of controller package are most vulnerable components and that placing dummy solder balls at those area is effective method to increase fatigue life of SSD.

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Experimental Study on the Effect of Ventilation System on Indoor Air Quality in New Apartment Buildings (신축 공동주택에서의 강제환기장치 사용에 따른 실내공기질 개선효과 실증연구)

  • Lee, Gyu-Dong;Park, Young-Sok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.143-146
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    • 2006
  • There has been growing concern regarding IAQ(Indoor Air Quality) recently, and IAQ problems from the air-tightness and use of chemical materials addition to the building materials have become increasingly important factors in the built environment. Ventilation is supposed as the solution of healthy indoor quality, and Korea government requests that all new apartment buildings must have a ventilation system as a matter of duty since January, 2006. The purpose of this study is to investigate the indoor concentration change of VOCs include the Formaldehyde according to many different ventilation supply types. Results showed that the reduction effect of target pollutants by the ventilation system was very slight. The cause of these results was attribute to increase the emission rate of building materials by increasing the ventilation rate.

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