• Title/Summary/Keyword: 감작

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Leptomycin B Increases Radiosensitization by Trichostain A in HeLa Cells (HeLa세포주에서 Leptomicin B에 의한 Trichostain A의 방사선 감작효과의 증가)

  • Kim, In-An;Kim, Jin-Ho;Shin, Jin-Hee;Kim, Il-Han;Kim, Jae-Sung;Wu-Hong, Gyun;Chie, Eui-Kyu;Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Hong, Se-Mie;Ha, Sung-Whan;Park, Chan-Il
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) are emerging as potentially useful components of anticancer therapy and their radiosensitizing effects have become evident. Specific HDAS are now available that preferentially inhibit specific HDAC classes; TSA inhibits Class I and II HDACs, and SK7041 inhibits Class I HDACs. Materials and methods: We tested the differential radiosensitization induced by two different classes of HDIs in HeLa cells. We next tested the hypothesis that p53 expression in cancer cells may influence the susceptibility to HDIs by using pharmacologic modification of the p53 status under an isogenic background. Results: It is interesting that p53 expression in the HeLa cells clearly increased the degree of radio-sensitization by TSA compared to that of the class I specific inhibitor SK7041. This suggests that p53 may, in part, be responsible for the mechanistic role for the greater radiosensitization induced by Class I & II inhibitors compared to that of the class I specific inhibitors. Thus, these studies are useful in distinguishing between events mediated solely by the Class I HDACS versus those events involving the other classes of HDACS as well. Conclusion: The anticancer efficacy of targeting Class I and II HDACS, in conjunction with radiation therapy, may be further enhanced by the restoration of p53 expression.

Histopathology of Lesion Produced by Haemaphysalis longicornis Neumann (Acarina:ixodidae) with Reference to Acquired Immunity (실험용(實驗用) 가토(家兎)에 있어서의 Haemaphysalis longicornis 진드기 교상(咬傷)에 대한 획득면역(獲得免疫)에 관련(關聯)된 조직병리학적(組織病理學的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Kang, Yung-Bai
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 1981
  • 진드기의 흡혈(吸血)에 대對하여 경험(經驗)이 없는 가토(家兎)를 실험숙주(實驗宿主)로하여 Haemaphysalis longicornis 진드기를 부착(附着) 흡혈(吸血)시켰을때 형성(形成)된 교상(咬傷)에 대(對)한 조직병리학적(組織病理學的) 변화(變化)를 관찰(觀察)하고, 진드기의 흡혈(吸血)에 경험(經驗)이 있는 감작(感作)된 가토(家兎)에 1개월(個月) 간격(間隔)으로 제2차(第二次) 흡혈(吸血)까지 시도(試圖)하여 가토체내(家兎體內)의 획득면역(獲得免疫)의 형성(形成)과 그에 따른 조직병리학적(組織病理學的) 변화(變化)를 비교관찰(比較觀察)하여 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. H. longicornis 진드기는 구기(口器)를 사용(使用)하여 가토(家兎) 이부위(耳部位)의 피용(皮庸)를 천자(穿刺)하므로서 교상(咬傷)을 일으키며, 흔히 진드기의 구기주변(口器週邊)에는 진드기의 안전(安全)한 부착(附着)을 기도(企圖)하는 편평원추상(扁平圓錐狀)의 시멘트 물질(物質)이 형성(形成)되었다. 2. 진드기 교상(咬傷)에 대(對)한 주요(主要)한 조직병리학적(組織病理學的) 변화(變化)는 국소부위(局所部位)의 출혈성(出血性) 염증성(炎症性) 반응(反應), 광범위(廣範圍)한 부종(浮腫), 백혈구(白血球) 침윤(浸潤), 그리고 세포조직(細胞組織)의 괴사(壞死)로 대징(待徵)지워졌다. 3. 진드기 기생(寄生)의 초기(初期)에 형성(形成)된 병변(病變) 또는 진드기 흡혈(吸血)에 대(對)하여 경험(經驗)이 없는 가토(家兎)의 병변(病變)에서는 호중구(好中球)를 흔히 볼 수 있었으며, 진드기 기생말기(寄生末期) 또는 진드기 흡혈(吸血)에 대(對)하여 경험(經驗)이 있는 감작(感作)된 가토(家兎)의 병변(病變)에서는 호산구(好酸球)가 많이 관찰(觀察)되었다. 4. 진드기의 구기(口器)가 창상내(創傷內)에 잔존(殘存)하는 한, 치유(治癒)은 단시일내(短時日內)에 이루어 지지 않았으며, 증상(症狀)이 진행(進行)됨에 따라 괴사성(壞死性) 염증성(炎症性) 반응(反應)은 더욱 확대(擴大) 되었는데, 이러한 소견(所見)은 감작(感作)되어 있는 숙주(宿主)에서 더욱 확실(確實)히 관찰(觀察)되었다. 5. 최초(最初)(1차(一次)) 흡혈(吸血) 시도후(試圖後) 감작(感作)된 가토(家兎)에 2차적(二次的)으로 부가흡혈(附加吸血)을 시도(試圖)하였을때 볼수 있는 진드기의 흡혈성취도(吸血成就度)의 저하현상(低下現象)은 숙주체내(宿主體內)의 교상병변(咬傷病變)에서 일어나는 조직병리학적(組織病理學的) 소견(所見)과 획득면역(獲得免役)에 깊이 관련(關聯)되어 있는 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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Purification of Recombinant CTP-Conjugated Human prostatic acid phosphatase for activation of Dendritic Cell (수지상세포 활성화를 위한 세포투과 펩타이드가 결합된 재조합 전립성 산성 인산분해효소의 정제)

  • Yi, Ki-Wan;Ryu, Kang
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2009
  • Human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), with comprehensive homology to glandular kallikrein, are representative serum biomarkers of prostate cancer. Dendritic cell (DC), which is the potent antigen-presenting cells(APC) in the immune system, can induce strong T cell responses against viruses, microbial pathogens, and tumors. Therefore, the immunization using DC loaded with tumor-associated antigens is a powerful method for inducing anti-tumor immunity. The CTP (Cytoplasmic Transduction Peptide) technology developed by Creagene which can transport attached bio-polymers like nucleic acids or proteins into the cell with high permeation efficiency. As the active forms of PAP can mediate apoptotic processing, we used multimer forms of PAP as an inactive form for antigen pulsing of DCs. In this study, multimeric forms of CTP-rhPAP was obtained according to the advanced purification process and subsequently confirmed by gel filtration chromatography, western blot and Dynamic Light Scattering. Therefore, CTP-conjugated PA multimers transduced into the cytoplasm were efficiently presented on the cell surface without any harm effect on cells via MHC class I molecules and result in induction of a large number of effector cell.

The Sensitization Rates for Inhaled Allergens by Skin Prick Test among Some Farmers in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea (피부 단자 검사로 평가한 경기도 일부 농업인의 흡입 알레르겐 감작률)

  • Kim, Hogil;Lee, Ji-Hoon;Roh, Soo-Yong;Lee, HyangSeok;Kwon, Soon-Chan;Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: Farmers are known to be exposed to a variety of allergens related to the work environment. This study was conducted to determine the sensitization rates as well as South Korea that they are sensitized to certain allergens farmers through the skin prick test. Methods: By targeting a total of 1143 people living in the rural town of Gyeonggi Province, it was conducted a questionnaire containing demographic and occupational risk factors and underwent skin prick tests with 15 types of allergens(including positive and negative controls). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association between occupational risk factors and skin prick test positivity. Results: Except for the 30 people whose result is invalid, positive rate of the skin prick test was 18.6% in 1,113 people. The species of house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae was the highest at 8.7% and 8.6%. After adjusted by age, gender, smoking and education level, odds ratio of flower plant farmers is 4.467(95% CI: 2.094-9.527) and fruit farmer is 2.275(95% CI: 1.096-4.721). In addition, the rate of sensitization to grass pollen mixture of the flower plant farmers is significantly higher(15.9%, p<0.001) than other allergens. Conclusions: Even farmers, the rate of sensitization to allergens related to the general environment, such as house dust mite is relatively dominant. However, given the presence of potential cross-reactivity between the allergens or distribution showed that the unique aspects of allergen sensitization in the flower growers, occupational cause is not be completely ruled out.

Safety Evaluation of Black Garlic Extract for Development of Cosmeceutical Ingredients -Skin irritation and Sensitization Studies- (화장품 소재로서의 흑마늘 추출물에 대한 안전성 평가 -1차 피부자극 실험 및 감작성 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sun;Kim, Seon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.1213-1219
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    • 2010
  • We evaluated the anti-aging potential and safety of black garlic extract for cosmeceutical ingredient. Black garlic was made by spontaneous fermentation for 40 days at $60{\sim}70^{\circ}C$, 85~95% RH without any additives. The 10% black garlic extract had sweet odor, antioxidant activities and inhibitory activities of skin againg enzymes such as tyrosinase and elastase. The skin safety was performed to evaluate of potential toxicity using the primary irritation test and skin sensitization test. The black garlic extract did not show any adverse reactions such as erythema and edema on intact skin sites at primary irritation test, but on abraded sites, some experimental animals showed very slight erythema. So, the black garlic extract was classified as a practically non-irritating material based on the score 0.23 of primary irritation index. The skin sensitization study was tested by the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) and Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) with intradermal injection of 10% black garlic extract. The skin sensitization test showed no skin sensitization. The allergic sensitization depends on tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF-$\alpha$) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). The concentration of IL-6 on challenged tissue of treated with black garlic extract was not significantly different with negative control group (saline treated group). Based on this study, the potential for black garlic as a cosmeceutical ingredient was proven.

Passive Transfer of Immunity against Clonoychis sinensis by Peritoneal Exudate Cells in Mice (복강삼출세포를 이입받은 마우스에서의 간흡충에 대한 면증응답)

  • Gwon, Tae-Chan;Gang, Jin-Mu;Choe, Dong-Ik
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 1987
  • This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of peritoneal exudate cells in the transfer of immunity against the liver cuke, Clonorchis sinensis in the inbred BALB/c mice. Ten donor mice were divided into 2 groups. One group consisted of 5 mice was infected orally with 20 metacercariae of C. siitensis, and the other group was injected intraperitoneally with 20 excysted larvae. Thirty days after immunization, the peritoneal exudate cells tore obtained from the donor mice. Twenty recipient mice were divided into 4 equal groups for the purpose of primary immunization. The mice of Group I were injected intraperitoneally with $2{\times}10^6$ peritoneal exudate cells of the donor mice infected orally, those of Group II were injected intraperitoneally with $2{\times}10^6$ peritoneal exudate cells of the donor mice injected intraperitoneally. Those of Group III were injected orally with 20 metacercariae of C. sinensis. The group IV mice served as controls. Four days after the primary iMmunization all recipient mice were challenged orally with 20 metacercariae of C. sinensis, and then killed 30 days after the challenging infection. When the peritoneal exudate cells were injected into the recipient mice, pronounced reduction in eggs per gram of the feces was found in the mice o( Group I and Group II, but no reduction in those of Group III. In the worm burdens of C. sinensis, the number of flukes found in the mice of Group II was only significantly less than those in the control group (IV). In addition the number of plaque forming cells per spleen in the mice of Group II was found larger than those in Group I. It is likely that donor peritoneal exudate cells transferred to the recipients might result in the production of relative immunity.

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직업환경을 위한 TLV의 근거 - PHENOTHIAZINE

  • Kim, Chi-Nyeon
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.295
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 2012
  • Phenothiazine의 직업적 노출기준(TLV-TWA)은 $5mg/m^3$으로 권고되었다. TLV-TWA의 수준은 피부자극과 변색, 각막염 그리고 태양광에 직접 노출되었을 때 나타나는 광감작반응의 가능성을 최소화하기 위해 설정되었다. 고용량의 phenothiazine을 경구 투여하면 간과 신장이 손상되며 용혈성의 빈혈이 발생한다. Phenothiazine의 피부흡수에 의한 전신 독성이 증명되어 피부흡수 "Skin" 경고주석을 권고하였다. 감작제(SEN)와 발암성 경고주석 그리고 TLV-STEL을 설정하기에는 유용한 자료가 부족하다.

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  • Kim, Chi-Nyeon
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.257
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2009
  • 펜타클로로나프탈렌(Pentachloronaphthalene)의 직업적 노출기준은 0.5 $mg/m^3$으로 권고하였으며 이 수준은 염화물 형태의 간 손상과 피부염의 가능성을 최소화하기 위한 것이다. 피부 흡수 경고는 동물실험에서 pentachloronaphthalene이 피부접촉 시 흡수가 용이하다는 자료를 근거로 권고하였다. 두 종류 이상의 염화나프탈렌에 노출되는 경우는 상가작용을 적용하여야 하며 감작제, 발암성, TLV-STEL에 대한 권고는 충분한 자료가 확보되지 않아 아직은 설정하지 않고 있다.

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작업환경을 위한 TLV의 근거 -VINYL CHLORIDE(1)

  • Kim, Chi-Nyeon
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.280
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2011
  • Vinyl chloride(염화비닐)에 대한 직업적 노출기준인 TLV-TWA를 1 ppm (2. 6 mg/$m^3$)으로 권고한 것은 간암의 가능성과 특히 간혈관육종을 최소화하기 위한 것이다. 염화비닐과 간암에 대한 명확한 사람들의 사례와 역학조사 결과를 근거로 사람에서의 확실한 발암성물질인 Al으로 분류하였다. 피부 (Skin), 감작제(SEN)의 경고주석과 TLV-STEL.을 권고하기에는 자료가 불충분하다.

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노출평가를 위한 BEI 근거 - SODIUM HYDROXIDE(1)

  • Kim, Chi-Nyeon
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.353
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2017
  • 수산화나트륨(Sodium hydroxide)의 직업적 노출에 대한 TLV-Ceiling은 $2mg/m^3$으로 권고하였다. 권고수준은 수산화나트륨 에어로졸이 눈, 점막, 피부에 심한 자극을 유발하고 수산화나트륨 분진이 상기도 기관에 자극을 유발하는 농도에 근거하였다. 노출기준은 눈과 상기도 기관에 자극을 최소화하기 위하여 권고하였다. 고농도의 수산화나트륨에 장기간 노출되면 비강 궤양과 눈과 피부에 심한 손상을 유발할 수 있다. "피부", "감작제(SEN)", "발암성"의 경고주석을 권고하기에는 유용한 자료가 충분하지 않다.

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