• Title/Summary/Keyword: 갈등요소

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Analysis of the Factors for the Box Office Success in Korean, Chinese and Japanese Film Market Approach to the Storytelling (스토리텔링의 관점에서 본 영화흥행요소분석 - 한국·중국·일본영화를 중심으로)

  • Park, Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2013
  • This Paper aims to explore the key factors that drive box-office success in Korean, Chinese and Japanese film market regarding to the storytelling of the movies. At first, I researched the top 20 movies at the box office of Korean, Chinese and Japanese film market from 2007 to 2011.And then I tried to figure out the key factors for the success and the differences among those countries. Usually the purpose of the movie planning in Korea is for the domestic market. In the profit structure of Korean film industry, it is really hard to focus on the overseas film market. In Chinese film market, recently it has been changed a lot especially film genre. The movie liked to watch is melodrama, romantic comedy movie It is being changed to the comedy genre from the war and martial arts movie. And it is emphasized the importance of the scenario in the film production. They want to watch their lives like a real and dreams at the movie and the movie tries to show this trend. In Japanese film market, they made movies in which TV drama, animation and cartoon according to the O.S.M.U. strategy. The movies like to watch are the blockbuster movies, horror movies, thriller movies and melodrama. Comparing with Korea and China, they like movies which show more fantastic and fairy tale imagination.

The Effects of Technological Progress on Growth, Employment and Distribution (성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과)

  • Im, Yang-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2005.02a
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    • pp.220-267
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구의 분석목표는 순요소증가형 CES 생산함수를 실증적으로 추정함으로써 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형을 규명하고 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배에 대한 기술진보의 파급효과를 분석하는 것이다. 이 분석결과를 토대로 하여, 본 연구는 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구할 수 있는 정책방향을 기술경제 패러다임의 시각에서 제시하였다. 본 연구의 실증적 분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다 : 한국 제조업부문의 기술변화의 유형은 Hicks형 비(非)중립적인 자본사용적(B(t)>0) 즉 노동절약적 기술진보인 것으로 추정되었다. 이 결과, 잠재적 고용수준은 감소될 수밖에 없었다. 또한, Hicks형 중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 총요소생산성 증가율(${\gamma}$)은 감소하였던 반면에, 비(非)중립적 기술진보를 나타내는 요소간 대체탄력도(${\sigma}$)와 자본집약도(${\delta}$)는 증가하였다. 이에 따라 노동(L)이 자본(K)으로 광범위하게 대체되었을 뿐만 아니라, 자본투입(K)이 노동투입(L)보다 상대적으로 더 빠르게 증가 (K/K > L/L 즉 k/k > 0)되었다. 이 결과, 소득분배구조가 악화 (S/S< 0)된 것으로 추정되었다. 그러므로, 오늘날 경제성장의 한계 봉착, 대량실업의 폭발, 계층간 갈등의 심화를 초래한 요인은, 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 동시적으로 추구하는 산업 ${\cdot}$ 기술경제정책을 일관성있게, 또한 과감히 추진하지 않았던 결과, 노동사용적 중소기업의 몰락, 노동의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 인적자본 투자의 미흡, 자본의 생산효율성 증진을 위한 자본절약적 기술진보의 저조, 총요소 생산성 증가의 부진, 만성적인 인플레이션에 의한 실질 임금수준의 하락 및 실물 자산가치의 상승 등이라고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배의 조화는 바로 노동효율 증가형 기순혁신이며, 이를 위한 인적자본에의 투자라고 말할 수 있다. 본 연구가 기술경제 패러다임(techno-economic paradigm)의 시각에서 제시하는 한국경제의 성장 ${\cdot}$ 고용 ${\cdot}$ 분배를 위한 정책방향은 다음과 같은 동태적발전과정으로 요약할 수 있다 : 기초과학연구능력 확충 ${\rightarrow}$ 소화 ${\cdot}$ 흡수 ${\cdot}$ 개량 ${\rightarrow}$ 토착화 능력의 배양 ${\rightarrow}$ 자체기술개발, 선진기술 도입, 산업간 및 산업내 기술확산, 국제기술협력 ${\rightarrow}$ 기술혁신의 촉진 ${\rightarrow}$ 총요소생산성과 기업경쟁력(자원 및 역량, 프로세스 경쟁력, 품질경쟁력, 시장경쟁력, 고객성과, 시장성과, 재무성과)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 가격경쟁력(임금, 금리, 물류비용, 환율 등)과 비(非)가격경쟁력(디자인, 에프터서비스, 품질, 운송 등)의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국가경쟁력의 제고 ${\rightarrow}$ 국제수지 흑자 ${\rightarrow}$ 성장 ${\rightarrow}$ 물가 및 고용 안정 ${\rightarrow}$ 분배 ${\rightarrow}$ 최대다수의 최대행복이다.

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Sources of Innovation: Stakeholder Theory Perspective (혁신의 원천 : 이해관계자 관점에서)

  • Lee, Joo-Heon;Bae, B.Y.
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 2008
  • Innovation has become a key distinct feature of modern industrial society. It is generally recognized that new knowledge and technology are one of the most important sources of innovation. However, because of their limited resources, firms can not pursue all the promising new knowledge and technology that have possibilities to be developed into critical innovation. In this article, using the stakeholder theory, we try to establish a new conceptual model that can be used for understanding knowledge creation and innovation in society. In a society, there exist diverse socio-economic groups that have conflicting values and interests. Our stakeholder theory perspective on innovation claims that innovation can occur only when new solutions can satisfy their idiosyncratic stakeholders' values and interests better than current existing solutions. From the viewpoint of stakeholder innovation theory, there could be three different types of innovation: value improvement innovation, non -traditional value Innovation, and innovation for non-traditional stakeholders.

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Continuity and Transformation of the Cartoon Strip for the Musical Performance (만화 소재 뮤지컬에 있어서 만화특성의 지속성과 변형에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Yim, Hak-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.12
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2007
  • The article concerns the continuity and transformation of the cartoon strip for the musical performance. Recently, the cartoon strip has been considered as a resource for creating the musical performance. However, There are a few articles on the relationship of the cartoon strip and the musical performance. In this respect, the article seeks to examine the characteristics of the cartoon strip and the musical performance in terms of planning system, storytelling structure, character formation and marketing strategies. The case on the musical entitled 'The Great Catsby', which is rooted in the cartoon strip entitled 'The Great Catsby', is examined. As a result, on the one hand, the characteristics of the cartoon strip has continuously affected the process of creating the musical performance in terms of storytelling, character formation, stage management and the marketing activities. On the other hand, the musical performance considers the music and sound, the moving image and stage management, performance of the actors as an essential part in comparison with the cartoon strip. In addition, the musical performance simplifies and recontructs the cartoon strip according to the principles of the musical performance.

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A New Model for Codes of Ethics for Librarians of South Korea (한국의 사서직 윤리규정 방향 제안)

  • Kim, Hae-Kyoung;Nam, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.21 no.4 s.54
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    • pp.329-352
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    • 2004
  • In this knowledge-based society of this age, librarianship takes a professional position and requires essential principles of ethics that has to be observed. Therefore, library associations and professional communities all over the world have released criteria and code of ethics to make their professional positions to keep. This research investigated and analyzed the codes of ethics for librarians in United States, Great Britain, Japan, and South Korea which are based on the mission of each library of each country. Based on these analysis and comparison, this research proposed more advanced codes of ethics for South Korea. The proposed model of codes of ethics consists of two parts: ethics for information and ethics for professional positions. The ethics for information contains six essential elements: equal access and services for information, denial of inspection, protection of privacy, neutralization of librarian, and security of intellectual freedom. The ethics for professional positions consists of 8 essential aspects: exclusion of personal benefit, continuous efforts for developing knowledge, keep the professional position, conflicts between professional task and organization, relationship with co-workers, ensure the conditions of rights and welfare for employees, cooperations among libraries, and contribution for creation of new culture.

The Effect of Inquiry Teaching Strategy Enhancing the Logical Thinking Skill through the Science Teaching about the 1st Year Students of the Junior High School (과학 수업에서 논리적 사고력 강화 탐구 교수 전략이 중학교 1학년 학생들의 논리적 사고력에 미치는 효과)

  • Hong, Hyein;Kang, Soonhee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.667-680
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to develop teaching stratege focused on Conservational reasoning, Proportional reasoning, Variable-controlling reasoning, Probabilitic reasoning, Correlational reasoning, Combinational reasoning and investigate its effects on enhancing students' logical thinking skills through the science teaching on common education. And the teaching materials was implemented to 110 students in middle school over about six months. The results indicated that the experimental group presented statistically meaningful improvement in logical thinking skills (p<05). Especially, this teaching stratege was effective on Conservational reasoning, Variable-controlling reasoning, Combinational reasoning but was not effective on Proportional reasoning, Probabilitic reasoning, Correlational reasoning (p<.05). Logical thinking according to the teaching strategy skill was not affected by gender, cognitive level, academic achievement (p<.05).

Development of the Scope of Practice for Palliative Care Aides with Delphi Method (델파이 방법을 이용한 완화의료 도우미 직무범위 개발)

  • Kwon, So-Hi;Yang, Ah Ruem
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.242-252
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Given the emergence of a new profession called a palliative care aide, this study aims to develop the scope of its practice using the Delphi consensus method. Methods: This study was participated by a panel of experts comprising 36 members who were involved in either hospice palliative care practice or making relevant policies. Through a four-step Delphi study, the feasibility of the duty, task and task element was examined. Among the results, items that scored over 4.0 out of 5.0 were selected. Results: The analysis of the Delphi study suggested four job duties, 15 tasks and 46 task elements to be included in the practice scope for palliative care aides. Conclusion: This study defined the scope of practice for palliative care aides, which is expected to prevent any conflict or confusion regarding their job and to promote the quality of their service.

Implementation of Microbial Identification Query System for Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학을 위한 세균동정 쿼리시스템의 구현)

  • Koo Bong Oh;Shin Yong Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.1 s.33
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2005
  • The work of investigation in the laboratory medicine includes various kinds of investigations and microbes and it is too complicated to draw needed results in time. So, we aim to improve work performance of the laboratory medicine. For this study, we implemented the scheduling system in microbe investigation using agent environment and the workflow management system to manage the schedule of investigation, and the query system to check the schedule. And preliminary report and final report of microbe investigation can be announced automatically using agent. The scheduling system implemented could identify the lack or waste of resources and thus enable efficient management and distribution of resources. The query system could check the schedule and retrieve the Processing status in short time, enabled the automated report, and reduced possible interrupts and the delay of work that can be occurred in confirming process. It also enables users to access from local and remote sites. Also, this system can reduce the conflicts among People that may occur in unexpected situations because it enables doctors to confirm those situations such as the malfunction of instrument and the lack of agar or reagent, and the efficiency of work process can be expected.

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Visual Attention on Subtitles of CATV Entertainment Program : Focused on tvN (케이블방송 예능프로그램 자막의 시각적 주의 : tvN <꽃보다 할배>를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Mi-Young;Kang, Seung-Mook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2014
  • This study has attempted to explore the audience's visual attention about the subtitles types of CATV entertainment program. To achieve this, this research has measured the dwell time and average fixation data through the eye-tracking test and analysed the reason of particular visual attention by in-depth interview. According to the eye-tracking research findings, four types of subtitles(character metaphor, character metonymy, event metaphor, event metonymy) were measured the highest dwell time and average fixation time. Also, according to in-depth interview, visual attention was clearly turned up that event metonymy constructs the conflicts between characters and overstates the trip place romantically. This results means that staffs of intensify the reality and visual pleasure through event metonymic subtitles.

A Phenomenological Study of Lives of Immigrant Single Mothers - Focused on the Parenting Experiences - (한부모 이주여성의 삶에 관한 현상학적 연구: 자녀양육 경험을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Hye Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.57
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    • pp.39-67
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to gain a deep understanding of immigrant single mothers' parenting experiences. Seven immigrant single mothers were recruited as research participants. Data were collected by in-depth interviews which were conducted once or twice for each participant and analyzed by using a Giorgi's phenomenological method to delineate about participants' individual and unique experiences. Participants' statements were divided into 201 meaning units, which were analyzed into 29 sub-elements, 13 elements, and then structuralized with 5 intrinsic themes of 'marriage with unexpected hardships', 'troubled relationship with children due to emotional trauma', 'double whammy of being an immigrant woman and a single mother', 'struggles in becoming a head of household' and 'power of mothers' love for children'. Based on the above results, this study suggested some implications for social welfare policies and social work practices.