• Title/Summary/Keyword: 간이 설계법

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Development of Carbon-based Adsorbent for Acetylene Separation Using Response Surface Method (반응 표면 분석법을 활용한 Acetylene 분리용 탄소기반 흡착제 개발)

  • Choi, Minjung;Yoo, Kye Sang
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 2019
  • Carbon nanotubes, nanofibers and powders were used for acetylene adsorption experiments. A total of 15 different experiments were designed by 3-level of Box-Behnken Design (BBD) with 3 factors including the Pd concentration of 0 to 5%, adsorption temperature of 30 to $80^{\circ}C$ and $C_2H_2/CO_2$ of 3 to 10. Based on those data, a second order polynomial regression analysis was used to derive the adsorption amount prediction equation according to operating conditions. The adsorption temperature showed the greatest influence index while the $C_2H_2/CO_2$ ratio showed the smallest according to the F-value measurement of the ANOVA analysis. However, there was little interaction between major factors. In the adsorption optimization analysis, a 22.0 mmol/g was adsorbed under the conditions of Pd concentration of 3.0%, adsorption temperature of $47^{\circ}C$ and $C_2H_2/CO_2$ of 10 with 95.9% accuracy.

Simulation based Target Geometry Determination Method for Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple 2D Laser Scanning System (다중 2D 레이저 스캐너 시스템의 외부 표정요소 캘리브레이션을 위한 시뮬레이션 기반 표적 배치 결정 기법)

  • Ju, Sungha;Yoon, Sanghyun;Park, Sangyoon;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.443-449
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    • 2018
  • Acquiring indoor point cloud, using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) based mobile mapping system, is an element progress for development of as-build BIM (Building Information Model) for the maintenance of the building. In this research we proposed a simulation-based target geometry determination for extrinsic calibration of multiple 2D laser scanning mobile system. Four different types of calibration sites were designed: (1) circle type; (2) rectangle type; (3) double circle type; and (4) double rectangle type. Based on the measurement values obtained from each simulated calibration site geometry, least squares solution based extrinsic calibration was derived. As a result, the rectangle type geometry is most suitable for extrinsic calibration of this system. Also, correlation values between extrinsic calibration parameters were high, and calibration results were distinct according to the calibration sites.

A study on the excavation rate of directional drilling using finite element method (유한요소법을 이용한 방향성 시추의 굴진율 연구)

  • Jung, Tae Joon;Shin, Younggy
    • Plant Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.42-46
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    • 2021
  • The equation of motion of the drill string along the excavation trajectory was analyzed using the Lagrangian approach together with the finite element method (FEM). A drill string of circular cross section is constructed by combining a plurality of circular axes each having 12 degrees of freedom (DOF). FEM analysis can observe the vibration and dynamic changes of the entire drill string, and it is easy to apply comprehensive boundary conditions to reproduce the simulation of a realistic drill string. In this study, the constructed FEM motel was simulated. In order to apply the FEM program to the actual drill trajectory, the dynamic analysis of the curved beam was verified by comparison with the actual values. The dynamic change over time was observed.

A Multi-step Time Series Forecasting Model for Mid-to-Long Term Agricultural Price Prediction

  • Jonghyun, Park;Yeong-Woo, Lim;Do Hyun, Lim;Yunsung, Choi;Hyunchul, Ahn
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose an optimal model for mid to long-term price prediction of agricultural products using LGBM, MLP, LSTM, and GRU to compare and analyze the three strategies of the Multi-Step Time Series. The proposed model is designed to find the optimal combination between the models by selecting methods from various angles. Prior agricultural product price prediction studies have mainly adopted traditional econometric models such as ARIMA and LSTM-type models. In contrast, agricultural product price prediction studies related to Multi-Step Time Series were minimal. In this study, the experiment was conducted by dividing it into two periods according to the degree of volatility of agricultural product prices. As a result of the mid-to-long-term price prediction of three strategies, namely direct, hybrid, and multiple outputs, the hybrid approach showed relatively superior performance. This study academically and practically contributes to mid-to-long term daily price prediction by proposing an effective alternative.

Smart Safety Management System based on ICT Sensor (ICT 센서를 기반한 스마트 안전관리 시스템)

  • Lee, Seung-Chul;Joung, Young-Su;Cho, Min-Jun;Jeon, Dong-Ju;Baek, Uk-Jin;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.542-545
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters has drawn attention to the construction environment. A common way to check the safety management of the construction site is for workers to check the site with their own eyes. However, this method is inevitably affected by the limitations of workers' abilities, resulting in fatigue and reduced work efficiency. For this reason, it cannot be an efficient method. Thus, we intend to help the working environment and construction site safety through this study, by proposing an efficient ICT safety management system that can supplement the above methods. In this paper explain the design of the access management system using RFID and the field information monitoring method through noise sensors and fine dust sensors. In addition, we propose a system that can prevent accidents between heavy equipment and people with a PIR sensor, and prevent safety accidents by grasping the slope of the building being worked through a gyro sensor.

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Principles and Considerations of Bender Element Tests (벤더엘리먼트 시험의 원리와 고려사항)

  • Lee Jong-Sub;Lee Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2006
  • The shear wave velocity is related with the stiffness of granular skeleton and mass density. The shear stiffness of the granular skeleton remains unaffected by the presence of the fluid. Bender elements are convenient shear wave transducers for instrumenting soil cells due to optimal soil-transducer coupling. This study addresses the principles of the shear wave, the design and implementation of bender elements including electromagnetic coupling prevention, directivity, resonant frequency, detection of first arrival, and near field effects. It is shown that electromagnetic coupling effects can be minimized using parallel-type bender elements. Thus, the in-plane S-wave directivity is quasi-circular. The resonant frequency of bender element installations depends on the geometry of the bender element, the anchor efficiency and the soil stiffness. One of the most cumbersome parts in the bender element test is near field effects, which affect the selection of arrival time. The selection of the first arrival within the near field Is effectively solved by the multiple reflection technique and signal matching technique. Bender elements, which requires several considerations, may be effective tools for the subsurface characterization by using S-wave.

An Analysis of Flat DMT Penetration Based on a Large strain Formulation (대변형을 고려한 flat DMT의 3차원 관입 해석)

  • Byeon, Wi-Yong;Lee, Seung-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2007
  • Flat DMT penetration was analyzed using a finite element model based on a large strain formulation. The ABAQUS/Explicit, a commercial finite element method, was used to study the flat DMT penetration in soils. Then, because the very large mesh distortion occurred due to the penetration of flat DMT, the adaptive meshing technique was utilized to maintain a high quality mesh configuration. The undrained shear strength obtained from the flat DMT is estimated using only the horizontal stress index ($K_{D}$) and so it became necessary to examine using the analysis results obtained from the penetration of the flat DMT. Analysis results show that in normally consolidated region of $K_{D}=2$, the results obtained from the correlations proposed by Marchetti show good agreement with those estimated from the finite element method. The present analysis also shows that in overconsolidated region of $K_{D}>2$, the results obtained from the relationships proposed by Kamei and Iwasaki show good agreement with those provided by the penetration analysis.

Development of Comprehensive Diagnostic System for Disaster in Decline Areas (쇠퇴지역 재난재해 종합진단 시스템 프로토타입 개발)

  • Shin, Yonghyeon;Lee, Sangmin;Yang, Dongmin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.479-479
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    • 2021
  • 최근 기상이변으로 인한 자연재해 발생이 증가하고 있고, 그에 따라 도시의 재난 대응력 강화가 국내에서는 물론 국제적으로도 중요한 이슈가 되고 있다. 특히 쇠퇴지역은 재난재해 발생 시 인적·물적 피해가 일반 지역 보다 상대적으로 크며, 복구에도 많은 시간과 예산이 소요되므로 대응책 마련을 위한 도시재생지역의 정밀한 재난재해의 위험성 분석 기술이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 도시재생사업 대상지(311개)에 대한 재난재해 유형별 위험성 및 회복성을 종합적으로 분석하는 종합진단 기법을 개발하고, 이를 적용한 프로토타입 시스템을 개발하였다. 재난재해의 범위는 「재난 및 안전관리 기본법」을 준용하여 이에 도시재생사업 시행에 영향을 받아 재난재해 발생에 따른 위험정도가 변화할 가능성이 높은 자연재해 (폭우, 폭염, 폭설, 강풍, 지진)5종과 사회재난 (화재, 붕괴, 폭발) 3종 총 8종으로 정의하였다. 종합진단 기법은 기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체(IPCC) 위험도 평가 방법을 준용하여 위험요소 (위해성·취약성·노출성)와 대비·대응요소 (회복성)로 구분하고, 전문가 자문회의를 거쳐 재난재해에 특히 취약한 쇠퇴지역의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 종합진단지수 산정식을 개발하였다. 또한 쇠퇴지역 재난재해 종합진단 시스템은 도시재생 업무를 수행하는 사용자가 신속히 정보를 분석하고 활용에 용이하도록 Web-GIS 기반으로 설계하였으며, 종합진단 기법에 의해 산정된 분석결과를 100m × 100m 격자 단위의 등급으로 가시화한다. 분석 결과는 지속적인 연구 개발을 통해 최적의 도시재생사업 의사결정 지원 서비스를 위한 기초 분석 자료로 연계하여 활용되며, 분석 DB는 클라우드 서비스 기반의 도시재생 데이터 플랫폼을 통해 공유된다.

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Development of high-order method of porous shallow water equations for urban inundation modeling (도시범람모의를 위한 다공성천수방정식의 고차 정확도 기법 개발)

  • Jung, Jaeyoung;Hwang, Jin Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.100-100
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    • 2022
  • 일반적으로 유체와 구조물간 상호작용의 수리동역학적 모의에서는 벽경계조건을 통하여 유동에 대한 구조물의 영향이 반영된다. 하지만 도심지에서 발생한 홍수를 예측하려는 경우 이러한 방법으로는 밀집한 구조물들 사이에 형성된 좁은 길들로 인하여 세밀한 격자망을 요하여 큰 계산량을 유발하고 빠른 예측 속도를 기대할 수 없게 한다. 최근 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해 성긴 격자망에서도 구조물의 유체에 대한 영향을 반영할 수 있도록 하는 방법들이 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 그 중에서도 다공성 천수방정식은 벽경계조건 대신 다공도(posority)의 개념을 이용한 모형으로 도시범람모의에 있어 계산량과 정확도를 가장 적절하게 타협한 모형으로 보고되고 있다. 이러한 흐름에 맞추어 본 연구는 다공도 천수방정식을 해석하는 수치 기법을 개발하였고, 여기에 최근 쌍곡선계 방정식의 수치적 연구들에서 소개된 주요 특징들이 반영되도록 설계하였다. 우선, WENO 기법과 Runge-Kutaa 기법을 통하여 공간과 시간에 대한 고차 정확도를 만족시켰다. 이 때, 재구성 변수와 알고리즘를 새롭게 제시하여 정상흐름조건에 대한 플럭스항과 생성·소멸항간 절단오차에 의한 비물리적인 흐름생성을 억제하였다. 또한, 수치모의 중 음수심의 발생으로 인하여 수치모형이 불안정해지는 현상을 막기 위해, 양-보존성 제한자를 구축하였다. 마지막으로 도심지에서 즐비한 인위적인 구조물에 의해 나타나는 지형적인 불연속의 효과를 적절하게 반영할수 있도록 정상파 재구축의 단계를 구축하여 수치 기법에 반영하였다. 이렇게 구성된 수치기법은 리만문제의 해석해에 기반하여 기존의 주요 연구들의 결과와 비교되었고, 그 결과 본 연구의 방법이 정확성, 수렴성, 안전성의 측면에서 가장 우수함을 수치적으로 증명하였다.

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Nursing Students' Experiences of Participating in Habruta Teaching Method: A Phenomenological Study (간호대학생의 하브루타 수업 참여 경험: 현상학적 연구)

  • Jeongha Yang;Yunju Lee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2023
  • This study was attempted to identify the essence by confirming the experiences of students who participated in Habuta classes in their major subjects. From November 22, 2022 to December 6, 2022, eight nursing students were individually interviewed to collect data, and the data were analyzed by applying Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis methodology. The study's finding derived 6 categories. The specific categories were 'Coexistence of anxiety and expectation', 'Process of understanding and acquisition', 'Constant burden and discomfort', 'Progress and regression under pressure', 'Sense of security that is being recognized', 'Shift of thought to positivity'. In order for nursing students to participate in Havruta classes positively in the future, appropriate class design, active communication channels between professors and students, and strengthening of instructors' competence are required.