• Title/Summary/Keyword: 가상시험환경

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A Study on the Effect of Virtual Reality Intervention on Cognitive Function in Individuals With Stroke Through Meta-analysis (메타분석을 통한 뇌졸중 환자의 인지기능에 대한 가상현실 중재 효과 연구)

  • Kwon, Jae Sung
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2021
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of virtual reality interventions (VRIs) on cognitive function in individuals with stroke through a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Methods : We reviewed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) the last 10 years using academic databases. PubMed, MEDLINE, and CINAHL were used for international studies, and DBpia, KISS, Kyoboscholar, and e-article were used for Korean studies. For the quantitative meta-analysis, subgroups of outcomes were classified into general cognitive function (G-CF), attention and memory (A&M), and executive function (EF). Results : Nine RCTs were analyzed. The total number of participants was 271 (140 in the experimental group). The effect size (Cohen's d) was estimated using a random effects model. The effect sizes of the outcome subgroups of were as follows: small to medium for G-CF (d=0.422; 95% CI: 0.101~0.742; p=0.010), small for A&M (d=0.249; 95% CI: -0.107~0.605; p=0.170), and medium for EF (d=0.666; 95% CI: 0.136~1.195; p=0.014). Conclusion : Considering the various stimuli provided by the virtual environment and the results from available research, virtual reality should be applied to interventions for integrated cognitive functions. In addition, it would be appropriate to be used as an additional intervention to traditional cognitive rehabilitation for stroke.

Design of a virtual dismantling facility for research reactor (연구로 가상 해체 시설 설계)

  • Park Hui-Seong;Kim Seong-Gyun;Lee Geun-U;O Won-Jin;Park Jin-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2005
  • A design of a dismantling mock-up system have been established based on the result that analyzed a characteristic of modules which need to design a virtual dismantling facility. A unit program composed of a various module such as a decommissioning database system. 3D dosimetric mapping that represents a distribution of a radionuclide contamination, a evaluation module for a dismantling schedule and cost A research of software architecture was carried out in order to Integrate these components that have been independently operated. The result was established an architecture that consis of a visualization module which could be visualized D&D activities and a simulation module which tan he evaluated a dismantling schedule and decommissioning cost.

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Virtual-Constructive Simulation Interoperation for Aircombat Battle Experiment (Virtual-Constructive 시뮬레이션 연동을 활용한 공중전 전투 실험)

  • Kim, Dongjun;Shin, Yongjin;An, Kyeong-Soo;Kim, Young-Gon;Moon, Il-Chul;Bae, Jang Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2021
  • Simulations enable virtually experiencing rare events as well as analytically analyzing such events. Defense modeling and simulation research and develops the virtual and the constructive simulations to support these utilizations. These virtual and constructive(VC) simulations can interoperate to simultaneously virtual combat experience as well as evaluations on tactics and intelligence of combat entities. Moreover, recently, for artificial intelligence researches, it is necessary to retrieve human behavior data to proceed the imitation learning and the inverse reinforcement learning. The presented work illustrates a case study of VC interoperations in the aircombat scenario, and the work analyze the collected human behavior data from the VC interoperations. Through this case study, we discuss how to build the VC simulation in the aircombat area and how to utilize the collected human behavior data.

Fuzzy Approach of Learning Evaluation Model in Intelligent E-Learning Systems (지능형 가상 학습 시스템에서 학습 평가 모델의 퍼지적 접근)

  • Weon, Sung Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2005
  • Recently, web-based E-learning systems have entered the spotlight by providing new learning environments that break down spatial and temporal limitations. The key to building the web-based E-learning system is in determining how to effectively use the system and to evaluate the degree of learning achieved by the students that use it. In traditional off-line learning systems, we can evaluate students by counting how many questions, designed to evaluate their learning achievement, he or she answers correctly within a predetermined time limit. But this method would make individualized learning, a strong point of E-learning systems, impossible because these systems provide same learning strategy to all students even though they achieve a different level of learning. Therefore, in this paper, I will find any relationships between given test answers using fuzzy implication theory, I call these fuzzy correlations, and then generate evaluation results that are reflected in those relationships. I will compare the differences between this evaluation method and a traditional evaluation method where a student takes a test to evaluate his or her learning achievement after some learning period. Finally, I will discuss how we can use these results in individualized learning.

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Numerical Simulation of Triaxial Compression Test Using the GREAT Cell: Preliminary Study (GREAT 셀을 이용한 삼축압축시험의 수치모사: 예비연구)

  • Park, Dohyun;Park, Chan-Hee
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2022
  • The Geo-Reservoir Experimental Analogue Technology (GREAT) cell was designed to recreate the thermal-hydro-mechanical conditions of deep subsurface in the laboratory. This apparatus can generate a polyaxial stress field using lateral loading elements, which rotate around the longitudinal axis of a sample and is capable of performing a fluid flow test for samples containing fractures. In the present study, numerical simulations were carried out for triaxial compression tests using the GREAT cell and the mechanical behavior of samples under different conditions of lateral loading was investigated. We simulated an actual case, in which triaxial compression tests were conducted for a polymer sample without fractures, and compared the results between the numerical analysis and experiment. The surface strain (circumferential strain) of the sample was analyzed for equal and non-equal horizontal confining pressures. The results of the comparison showed a good consistency. Additionally, for synthetic cases with a fracture, we investigated the effect of the friction and type of fracture surface on the deformation behavior.

Prediction of Ultimate Load of Drilled Shafts Embedded in Weathered Rock by Extrapolation Method (외삽법을 이용한 풍화암에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 극한하중 예측)

  • Jung, Sung Jun;Lee, Sang In;Jeon, Jong Woo;Kim, Myoung Mo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.4C
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2009
  • In general, a drilled shaft embedded in weathered rock has a large load bearing capacity. Therefore, most of the load tests are performed only up to the load level that confirms the pile design load capacity, and stopped much before the ultimate load of the pile is attained. If a reliable ultimate load value can be extracted from the premature load test data, it will be possible to greatly improve economic efficiency as well as pile design quality. The main purpose of this study is to propose a method for judging the reliability of the ultimate load of piles that is obtained from extrapolated load test data. To this aim, ten static load test data of load-displacement curves were obtained from testing of piles to their failures from 3 different field sites. For each load-displacement curve, loading was assumed as 25%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of the actual pile bearing capacity. The limited known data were then extrapolated using the hyperbolic function, and the ultimate capacity was re-determined for each extrapolated data by the Davisson method (1972). Statistical analysis was performed on the reliability of the re-evaluated ultimate loads. The results showed that if the ratio of the maximum-available displacement to the predicted displacement exceeds 0.6, the extrapolated ultimate load may be regarded as reliable, having less than a conservative 20% error on average. The applicability of the proposed method of judgment was also verified with static load test data of driven piles.

Implementation of a DB-Based Virtual File System for Lightweight IoT Clouds (경량 사물 인터넷 클라우드를 위한 DB 기반 가상 파일 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Hyung-Bong;Kwon, Ki-Hyeon
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.10
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    • pp.311-322
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    • 2014
  • IoT(Internet of Things) is a concept of connected internet pursuing direct access to devices or sensors in fused environment of personal, industrial and public area. In IoT environment, it is possible to access realtime data, and the data format and topology of devices are diverse. Also, there are bidirectional communications between users and devices to control actuators in IoT. In this point, IoT is different from the conventional internet in which data are produced by human desktops and gathered in server systems by way of one-sided simple internet communications. For the cloud or portal service of IoT, there should be a file management framework supporting systematic naming service and unified data access interface encompassing the variety of IoT things. This paper implements a DB-based virtual file system maintaining attributes of IoT things in a UNIX-styled file system view. Users who logged in the virtual shell are able to explore IoT things by navigating the virtual file system, and able to access IoT things directly via UNIX-styled file I O APIs. The implemented virtual file system is lightweight and flexible because it maintains only directory structure and descriptors for the distributed IoT things. The result of a test for the virtual shell primitives such as mkdir() or chdir() shows the smooth functionality of the virtual file system, Also, the exploring performance of the file system is better than that of Window file system in case of adopting a simple directory cache mechanism.

A Study for Method of Curved Approach Using the GPS to Apply VFR Airport (GPS를 이용한 VFR 공항에서의 곡선접근 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Ju, Yo-Han;Jun, Hyang-Sig;Jeong, Myeong-Sook;Park, Soo-Bog;Hong, Seung-Beom;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2014
  • Recently a system is being required to replace ILS due to increasing air traffic. In this paper, Curved approach is applied to an airport where ILS approach cannot be applied due to its geographical condition and restricted aerospace condition, and verified by flight test. After analysing conditions of Tae-an airfield of Hanseo University with virtual ILS approach, airfield applicability was evaluated by Curved approach using by GPS. Normally simulation is performed after establishing approach procedure using electric map, but recently verification is being performed by flight test without simulation because accuracy and reliability are increased. In this paper, established procedure is verified modified by flight test with Pilot Test and Auto Pilot test and controllability and passenger's stability were also checked.

Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation of ECU using Reverse Engineering (역공학을 이용한 ECU의 Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation)

  • Park, Ji-Myoung;Ham, Won-Kyung;Ko, Min-Suk;Park, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2016
  • Increasing the proportion of an embedded system in automotive industry, test methods for evaluation and fault detection of the embedded system have been researched. HILS is a test method that is used in the development and test of complex real-time embedded systems. In this study, we defined the HILS method of the ECU, one of the embedded systems used in automobiles. Our method is to create a test model that can provide a virtual vehicle environment to the ECU on the basis of the actual vehicle data. The test model has reference information that can transmit the sensor signal and CAN Message into the ECU from HILS tester. In this study, the HILS can detect faults of the target ECU.

A Study of a Composite Sensor and Control Network and Its Test-bed for the Intelligent and Digital Home (지능형 디지탈홈을 위한 콤퍼짓 센서제어네트워크 및 테스트베드의 연구)

  • Lee, Kyou-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.1687-1693
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    • 2007
  • Advances in technologies of networking, chip integration, and embedded system have enabled sensor networks applicable to a wide range of areas. Sharing some common characteristics, sensor networks are thus diversified in features depending on their applications. An intelligent and digital home can be one area to establish a particular feature of sensor network. This paper proposes a composite sensor and control network, and discusses its applying to the next generation intelligent and digital home. Development results of the network and a test-bed as a virtual test environment are also presented. The proposed network can not only be efficiently applying to achieve new home intelligences but also provide a sound solution to maintenance and operations of home network or devices.